Weighted Portmanteau Test for Fitted GARCH process - r

I have fitted a GARCH process to a time series and analyzed the ACF for squared and absolute residuals to check the model goodness of fit. But I also want to do a formal test and after searching the internet, The Weighted Portmanteau Test (originally by Li and Mak) seems to be the one.
It's from the WeightedPortTest package and is one of the few (perhaps the only one?) that properly tests the GARCH residuals.
While going through the instructions in various documents I can't wrap my head around what the "h.t" argument wants. It says in the info in R that I need to assign "a numeric vector of the conditional variances". This may be simple to an experienced user, though I'm struggling to understand. What is it that I need to do and preferably how would I code it in R?
Thankful for any kind of help

Taken directly from the documentation:
h.t: a numeric vector of the conditional variances
A little toy example using the fGarch package follows:
spec <- garchSpec(model = list(alpha = 0.6, beta = 0))
simGarch11 <- garchSim(spec, n = 300)
fit <- garchFit(formula = ~ garch(1, 0), data = simGarch11)
Weighted.LM.test(fit#residuals, fit#h.t, lag = 10)
And using garch() from the tseries package:
fit2 <- garch(as.numeric(simGarch11), order = c(0, 1))
# comparison of fitted values:
# comparison of residuals after unstandardizing:
unstd <- fit2$residuals*fit2$fitted.values[,1]
Weighted.LM.test(unstd, fit2$fitted.values[,1]^2, lag = 10)


How to normalize a Lmer model?

mixed.lmer6 <- lmer(Size ~ (Time+I(Time^2))*Country*STemperature +
(1|Country:Locality)+ (1|Locality:Individual)+(1|Batch)+
(1|Egg_masses), REML = FALSE, data = data_NoNA)
plot_model(mixed.lmer6, type = "diag")
Tried manual log,power, sqrt transformations in my formula but no improvement and I also can not find a suitable automatic transformation R function such as BoxCox (which does not work for LMER's)
Any help or tips would be appreciated
This might be better suited for CrossValidated ("what should I do?" is appropriate for CV; "how should I do it?" is best for Stack Overflow), but I'll take a crack.
The Q-Q plot is generally the last/least important diagnostic you should look at (the order should be approximately (1) check for significant bias/missed patterns in the mean [fitted vs. residual, residual vs. covariates]; (2) check for outliers/influential points [leverage, Cook's distance]; (3) check for heteroscedasticity [scale-location plot]; (4) check distributional assumptions [Q-Q plot]). The reason is that any of the "upstream" failures (e.g. missed patterns) will show up in the Q-Q plot as well; resolving them will often resolve the apparent non-Normality.
If you can fix the distributional assumptions by fixing something else about the model (adding covariates/adding interactions/adding polynomial or spline terms/removing outliers), then do that.
you could code your own brute-force Box-Cox, something like
fitted_model <- lmer(..., data = mydata)
bcfun <- function(lambda, resp = "y") {
y <- mydata[[resp]]
mydata$newy <- if (lambda==0) log(y) else (y^lambda -1)/lambda
## https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/261380/how-do-i-get-the-box-cox-log-likelihood-using-the-jacobian
log_jac <- sum((lambda-1)*log(y))
newfit <- update(fitted_model, newy ~ ., data = mydata)
return(-2*(c(logLik(newfit))+ log_jac))
lambdavec <- seq(-2, 2, by = 0.2)
boxcox <- vapply(lambdavec, bcfun, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
plot(lambdavec, boxcox - min(boxcox))
(lightly tested! but feel free to let me know if it doesn't work)
if you do need to fit a mixed model with a heavy-tailed residual distribution (e.g. Student t), the options are fairly limited. The brms package can fit such models (but takes you down the Bayesian/MCMC rabbit hole), and the heavy package (currently archived on CRAN) will work, but doesn't appear to handle crossed random effects.

R is only returning non-zero coefficient estimates when using the "poly" function to generate predictors. How do I get the zero values into a vector?

I'm using regsubsets from the leaps library to perform the best subset selection. I need to compare the coefficients it generates to the "true" coefficients I specified when simulating the data (by comparison, meaning, the difference between them squared, and the square root taken of the sum), for each number of predictors.
Since there are 16 different models that regsubsets generated, I use a loop to do this automatically. It would work except that when I extract the coefficients from the best model fit with x predictors, it only gives me the non-zero coefficients of the polynomial fit. This messes up the size of the coefi vector causing it to be smaller in size than the truecoef true coefficients vector.
If I could somehow force all coefficients to be spat out from the model, I wouldn't have an issue. But after looking extensively, I don't know how to do that.
Alternative ways of solving this problem would also be appreciated.
regfit.train=regsubsets(y ~ poly(x,25, raw = TRUE), data=mydata[train,], nvmax=25)
truecoef = c(3,0,-7,4,-2,8,0,-5,0,2,0,4,5,6,3,2,2,0,3,1,1)
coef.errors = rep(NA, 16)
for (i in 1:16) {
coefi = coef(regfit.train, id=i)
coef.errors[i] = mean((truecoef-coefi)^2)
The equation I'm trying to estimate, where j is the coefficient and r refers to the best model containing "r" coefficients:
This is how I ended up solving it (with some help):
The loop indexes which coefficients are available and performs the subtraction, for those unavailable, it assumes they are zero.
truecoef = c(3,0,-7,4,-2,8,0,-5,0,2,0,4,5,6,3,2,2,0,3,1,1)
val.errors = rep(NA, 16)
x_cols = colnames(x, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "x.")
for (i in 1:16) {
coefis = coef(regfit.train, id = i)
val.errors[i] = sqrt(sum((truecoef[x_cols %in% names(coefis)] -
coefis[names(coefis) %in% x_cols])^2) + sum(truecoef[!(x_cols %in% names(coefis))])^2)

Is it possible to adapt standard prediction interval code for dlm in R with other distribution?

Using the dlm package in R I fit a dynamic linear model to a time series data set, consisting of 20 observations. I then use the dlmForecast function to predict future values (which I can validate against the genuine data for said period).
I use the following code to create a prediction interval;
ciTheory <- (outer(sapply(fut1$Q, FUN=function(x) sqrt(diag(x))), qnorm(c(0.05,0.95))) +
However my data does not follow a normal distribution and I wondered whether it would be possible to
adapt the qnorm function for other distributions. I have tried qt, but am unable to apply qgamma.......
Just wondered if anyone knew how you would go about sorting this.....
Below is a reproduced version of my code...
data <- c(20.68502, 17.28549, 12.18363, 13.53479, 15.38779, 16.14770, 20.17536, 43.39321, 42.91027, 49.41402, 59.22262, 55.42043)
mod.build <- function(par) {
dlmModPoly(1, dV = exp(par[1]), dW = exp(par[2]))
# Returns most likely estimate of relevant values for parameters
mle <- dlmMLE(a2, rep(0,2), mod.build); #nileMLE$conv
if(mle$convergence==0) print("converged") else print("did not converge")
mod1 <- dlmModPoly(dV = v, dW = c(0, w))
mod1Filt <- dlmFilter(a1, mod1)
fut1 <- dlmForecast(mod1Filt, n = 7)

How to obtain coefficients' p-values from a nested random effect model using lmeresampler

I estimated a mixed effect model with a nested random effect structure (participants were in different groups) with the lmer command of the lme4 package.
mixed.model <- lmer(ln.v ~ treatment*level+age+income+(1 | group/participant),data=data)
Then I bootstrapped the bootstrap command from the lmeresampler package because of the nested structure. I used the semi-parametric bootstrap.
boot.mixed.model <- bootstrap(model = mixed.model, type = "cgr", fn = extractor, B = 10000, resample=c(data$group,data$participant))
I can obtain bootsrapped confidence intervals via boot.ci (package boot) but in addition I want to report the coefficients' p-values. The output of the bootstrapped model boot.mixed.model provides only the bias and the standard error:
Bootstrap Statistics :
original bias std. error
t1* 0.658442415 -7.060056e-02 2.34685668
t2* -0.452128438 -2.755208e-03 0.17041300
What is the best way to calculate the p-values based on these values?
I am unaware of the package called lmeresampler, and it seems to have been removed from cran due to compatibility issues (failed cran checks).
Also, the question does not include data and extractor is not defined, so the example is not reproducible. However the output is the same as you would get by using the bootMer function from lme4 so produce and example using the inbuilt function.
Basically this follows the example from the help(bootMer) page, but expanded for the specific problem. If the object returend by the lmeresampler package is similar, it will contain the objects used.
Reproducible example
data(Dyestuff, package = "lme4")
fm01ML <- lmer(Yield ~ 1|Batch, Dyestuff, REML = FALSE)
Now the bootMer function simply requires a function, which outputs a vector of interesting parameters.
StatFun <- function(merMod){
pars <- getME(merMod, c("fixef", "theta", "sigma"))
c(beta = pars$fixef, theta = unname(pars$theta * pars$sigma), sigma = pars$sigma) ### <<== Error corrected
We can perform our bootstrapping by using the bootMer, which also contains parametric options in type (i suggest reading the details in the help(bootMer) page for more information)
boo01 <- bootMer(fm01ML, StatFun, nsim = 100, seed = 101)
Now for more precise p-values, I'd advice p-values greater closer to 1000 but for time reasons it might not be feasible in every circumstance.
Regardless the output is stored in a matrix t, which we can use to perform a simple Kolmogorov-supremum test:
H0 <- c(0, 0, 0)
Test <- sweep(abs(boo01$t), 2, H0, "-") <= H0 ###<<=== Error corrected
pVals <- colSums(Test)/nrow(Test)
beta.(Intercept) theta sigma
0.00 0.12 0.00

Using the caret::train package for calculating prediction error (MdAE) of glmms with beta-binomial errors

The question is more or less as the title indicates. I would like to use the caret::train function with beta-binomial models made with glmmTMB package (although I am not opposed to other functions capable of fitting beta-binomial models) to calculate median absolute error (MdAE) estimates through jack-knife (leave-one-out) cross-validation. The glmmTMBControl function is already capable of estimating the optimal dispersion parameter but I was hoping to retain this information somehow as well... or having caret do the calculation possibly?
The dataset I am working with looks like this:
df <- data.frame(Effect = rep(seq(from = 0.05, to = 1, by = 0.05), each = 5), Time = rep(seq(1:20), each = 5))
Ideally I would be able to pass the glmmTMB function to trainControl like so:
BB.glmm1 <- train(Time ~ Effect,
data = df, method = "glmmTMB",
method = "", metric = "MAD")
The output would be as per the examples contained in train, although possibly with estimates for the dispersion parameter.
Although I am in no way opposed to work arounds - Thank you in advance!
I am unsure how to perform the required operation with caret without creating a custom method but I trust it is fairly easy to implement it with a for (lapply) loop.
In the example I will use the sleepstudy data set since your example data throws a bunch of warnings.
to perform LOOCV - for every row, create a model without that row and predict on that row:
LOOCV <- lapply(1:nrow(sleepstudy), function(x){
m1 <- glmmTMB(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject),
data = sleepstudy[-x,])
return(predict(m1, sleepstudy[x,], type = "response"))
get the median of the residuals (I think this is MdAE? if not post a comment on how its calculated):
median(abs(unlist(LOOCV) - sleepstudy$Reaction))
