Displaying dynamic content in Meteor using Dynamic Templates - meteor

I've read through the (somewhat sparse) documentation on Dynamic Templates but am still having trouble displaying dynamic content on a user dashboard based on a particular field.
My Meteor.users collection includes a status field and I want to return different content based on this status.
So, for example , if the user has a status of ‘current’, they would see the 'currentUser' template.
I’ve been using a dynamic template helper (but have also considered using template helper arguments which may still be the way to go) but it isn’t showing a different template for users with different statuses.
{{> Template.dynamic template=userStatus}}
And the helper returns a string to align with the required template as required
userStatus: function () {
if (Meteor.users.find({_id:Meteor.userId(), status: 'active'})){
return 'isCurrent'
else if (Meteor.users.find({_id:Meteor.userId(), status: ‘isIdle'})) {
return 'isIdle'
} else {
return ‘genericContent'
There may be much better ways to go about this but it seems a pretty common use case.
The few examples I've seen use Sessions or a click event but I’d rather use the cursor if possible. Does this mean what I’m missing is the re-computation to make it properly reactive? Or something else incredibly obvious that I’ve overlooked.

There is a shortcut for getting the current user object, Meteor.user(). I suggest you get this object and then check the value of the status.
userStatus: function () {
if(Meteor.user()) {
if (Meteor.user().status === 'active') {
return 'currentUserTemplate'; // this should be the template name
} else if (Meteor.user().status === 'isIdle') {
return 'idleUserTemplate'; // this should be the template name
} else {
return ‘notLoggedInTemplate'; // this should be the template name

Ended up using this approach discussed on the Meteor forums which seems a bit cleaner.
{{> Template.dynamic template=getTemplateName}}
And the helper then becomes:
getTemplateName: function() {
return "statusTemplate" + Meteor.user().status;
Which means you can then use template names based on the status:
<template name="statusTemplateActive">
Content for active users
(though keep in mind that Template helpers don't like hyphens and the data context needs to be set correctly)


Meteor: Using If condition to conditionally display templates when user clicks a navigation link

I have some templates corresponding to different places. I am using a navigation bar which has links to different places(Manali). I want the corresponding template to be displayed when a particular link is being clicked. I tried assigning id to each anchor link and use it inside the #if loop of the main file. Like below.
{{#if equals id 'badrinath'}}
{{> Manali}}
I created a helper function also for the comparison purpose.
UI.registerHelper('equals', function(a, b) {
return a == b;
But it isn't working. Can anyone suggest a solution. What property of the link can I capture and use it to display the template accordingly.
You sound to be looking for "routing" functionality.
You might be interested in Iron Router or Flow Router.
You can still implement your functionality without router, as it sounds still a simple situation as described. You are probably just lacking some event listeners to set your id variable to the correct value.
Probably something like:
<a data-role="changetemplate" href="targetTemplate">To Target Template</a>
var id = new ReactiveVar(); // add the reactive-var package
id: function () {
return id.get();
"click a[data-role='changetemplate']": function (event) {

Telescope form labels - where do they come from?

I can't find anything obvious that points to where the auto form labels come from in Telescope. The are no labels in the schemas that I can see (at least not for Posts), there is nothing obvious in at least in the Posts autoform call...
{{> quickForm collection="Posts" id="submitPostForm" template="bootstrap3-horizontal" input-col-class="controls" type="method" meteormethod="submitPost" fields=postFields}}
... I can't locate any fieldsets or other obvious ways to pass labels to auto forms. So, as an example, 'createdAt' from the Posts schema ends up having a display label of 'Created At' when displayed in the forms - where and how does that 'conversion' happen?
Form labels are internationalized using the tap:i18n package. So you can find their translations in the respective *.i18n.json file for your current language, in each package's /i18n directory.
Nevermind... I found the answer after digging a bit more... there is an internationalize method extending SimpleSchema and called before attaching the schema that handles this:
SimpleSchema.prototype.internationalize = function () {
var schema = this._schema;
_.each(schema, function (property, key) {
if (!property.label) {
schema[key].label = function () {
// if property is nested ("telescope.email"), only consider the last part ("email")
if (key.indexOf(".") !== -1) {
key = _.last(key.split("."));
return i18n.t(key);
return this;

Is there any way to insert a callback before/after a templates context is updated?

I'm aware of Template.onRendered, however I have the need to destroy and setup some plugins that act on the dom when the actual context is updated.
So saying I have content template, I'd need something similar to the following:
Template.content.onBeforeChange(function () {
Template.content.onAfterChange(function () {
Is there any current way I can achieve this with the existing Template api?
You should be able to detect a context change within a template autorun by looking at currentData like this:
Template.content.onRendered(function() {
this.autorun(function() {
if (Template.currentData()) {
// the context just changed - insert code here
I'm unclear if that works for your particular case because this technique only gets you the equivalent of onAfterChange.

Template empty initially but renders properly on changing and coming back to route

I have a template named profile which contains three other templates. One of these templates is {{> postlist}}
and the helper function for this template is
posts: function() {
return Posts.find({rph: {$in : postsArr}});
The problem is on going to the route, postlist template is empty, since postsArr is calculated later after the dom has loaded on the basis of other two templates. But, if I click on other route and come back to this route, the template renders properly.
What should I do that template renders properly initially itself?
The easiest way would be to us Session, though it's probably the worst option:
posts: function() {
return Posts.find({rph: {$in : Session.get('postsArr') }});
If you now call Session.set('postArr', ...) anywhere in your code the posts helper will update automatically. The second option is to use a shared reactive variable:
var postsArr = new ReactiveVar();
and then inside your helper:
return Posts.find({rph: {$in : posts.Arr.get() }});
Now you can do postsArr.set(...) and everything should work fine. Just remember to meteor add reactive-var do your project.
One last doubt is: where to put that reactive variable declaration? In most cases you can do away with putting in a single "controller" file. It will work as long as:
- you only have one instance of your template a time
- the code which sets ad gets the value of you reactive variable may be put in the same file
If one of the above conditions does not hold, then the only option to go, which is BTW the best possible, is to put your state variable in your template's scope. This is how you do it:
Template.postsList.created = function () {
this.postsArr = new ReactiveVar();
posts: function() {
return Posts.find({rph: {$in : Template.instance().postsArr.get() }});
From helpers you can always access postsArr using the Template.instance() routine which always return the current template instance, for which the helper was called. From event handlers, note that the second argument of your handler is always the template instance, which you're interested in.
If you need to access it from another templates, then you should probably put your state variable on the corresponding route controller. Assuming you're using iron-router, that would be:
The Iron.controller routine grants you access to the current route controller. Read this for more details.

How to change the value of a variable on click in meteor

In my meteor app I need to load an array of items corresponding to the item clicked.As I'm new to meteor, I'm held up here.Here is my code.
'click .showdiv' : function()
Template.templatename.vname = function () {
return Db.find();
Can I set the variable vname dynamically by this code ? This is not working for me.
I think you're misunderstanding the notion of reactivity. A reactive data source will cause any functions which depend on it (including helpers) to rerun when its value is changed, which seems to be the behavior you're looking for here. Instead, you're rewriting the helper function itself every time an item is clicked, which kind of defeats the object of Meteor's reactive data model. Session variables could help:
'click .showdiv' : function() {
Session.set('vname', Db.find());
Template.templatename.vname = function () {
return Session.get('vname');
If you use an {{#each vname}} block in the templatename template, it will automatically update with the results of the Db.find() query when a .showdiv is clicked. If all you want to do is show the result of that query regardless of whether a click has been registered it would be as simple as:
Template.templatename.vname = function () {
return Db.find();
Note that it's still not clear exactly what data you're trying to populate here since the query will return a cursor (which is fine, but you need to loop through it using {{#each ...}} - use findOne if you only want one item), and its contents aren't going to depend on anything intrinsic to the click event (like which .showdiv you clicked). In the former example it will however fail to show anything until the first click (after which you would have to reset with Session.set('vname', null) to stop it showing anything again).
