Spring Data Neo4j 4: Bug when updating property to null? - spring-mvc

I use Spring Data Neo4j 4 GraphRepository to save and retrieve data. Using GraphRepository save() and findAll() methods.
When I update an existing entity property to null, it seems that changes are not reflected in the returned data.
If I update the property to any other non-null value, the changes are reflected correctly.
I can see that the null property update is performed on the DB server. But the findAll() method doesn't reflect the change and keeps the old value.
Is this a known bug? Any workaround? Or is it some kind of caching problem?
After trying to understand what happens, I found that this problem will occur when you have two different Java objects for the same entity. The null property will never be updated (but other properties with non-null values will).
Example code:
MovieRepository repository;
public void test() {
Movie movie1 = new Movie();
movie1.setName("Pulp Fiction");
movie1.setDirector("Quentin Tarantino");
movie1 = repository.save(movie1);
System.out.println("Movie1: " + movie1);
Movie movie2 = new Movie();
movie2.setDirector(null); // implicit...
movie2 = repository.save(movie2);
System.out.println("Movie2: " + movie2);
Movie movie3 = repository.findOne(movie1.getId());
System.out.println("Movie3: " + movie3);
Real life case: when using SDN with a Spring MVC form, it looks like entities are created from Model attributes. When a value is set to null in a form, the update is performed correctly in Neo4j, but the values are not returned correctly when using any find...() methods. Therefore it leads to stale data.
Side note: this problem happens when the Neo4J session scope is per "session" and doesn't happen when the session scope is per "request".
#Scope(value = "session", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public Session getSession() throws Exception {
return super.getSession();

If you are using HttpSession-scoped persistence in SDN, you should ensure the the objects bound to your Controller via #ModelAttribute have the same scope as the persistence layer. Use the #SessionAttribute annotation on the Controller to achieve this.
If you use HttpRequest-scoped objects in your Controller and HttpSession-scoped persistence, you will get different objects representing the same graph entity at the web layer, and this will confuse the persistence mechanism.

Should not be a problem at all. I just tried
public void shouldPersistNulls() {
TempMovie movie = new TempMovie( "Pulp Fiction" );
tempMovieRepository.save( movie );
assertSameGraph( getDatabase(), "CREATE (m:Movie {name:'Pulp Fiction'})");
TempMovie loadedMovie = tempMovieRepository.findAll().iterator().next();
assertSameGraph( getDatabase(), "CREATE (m:Movie)");
TempMovie loadedAgainMovie = tempMovieRepository.findAll().iterator().next();
and it passed.
Update based on edited question
The property representing the #GraphId must never be set manually i.e. via your code. You should load the entity by id when you require to update it. This ensures that the entity is known to the mapping context of the OGM and is managed correctly.


Entity Framework: I set the foreign key, SaveChanges then access the navigation property, but it doesn't load the related entity. Why not?

I am using this Entity class with Entity Framework 5 Code First:
public class Survey
public int ID { get; set; }
public string SurveyName { get; set; }
public int ClientID { get; set; }
public virtual Client Client { get; set; }
And in my Controller's Create method I do this:
Survey entity = new Survey()
SurveyName = "Test Name",
ClientID = 4
Client c1 = entity.Client; //Why is this null?
Client c2 = db.Clients.Find(entity.ClientID); //But this isn't?
string s2 = c2.ClientName;
string s1 = c1.ClientName; //null reference thrown here
The Client navigation property remains null after SaveChanges. I expected the call to load the Client from the database because the foreign key exists. Why didn't it do that?
The code here comes from when my controllers were dependent on DbContext. Not long after I got this working I re-factored the code to use repositories and a unit of work. Part of that move was driven by the fact that it just felt wrong to use Create when I wanted to use new. What happened then was that I hit a problem with how to ensure proxies are created when using the repository pattern.
To ensure that lazy loading of a navigation property will work after you've created the parent you must not create the Survey with the new operator but create it by means of the context instance because it will instantiate a dynamic proxy that is capable to lazily load the related Client. That's what the DbSet<T>.Create() method is for:
Survey entity = db.Surveys.Create();
entity.SurveyName = "Test Name";
entity.ClientID = 4;
Client c1 = entity.Client;
string s1 = c1.ClientName;
// will work now if a Client with ID 4 exists in the DB
Just to emphasize: It's not the line entity.ClientID = 4; or db.Surveys.Add(entity); or db.SaveChanges that loads the client from the DB, but the line Client c1 = entity.Client; (lazy loading).
Like #NicholasButler said, calling SaveChanges does what it says on the tin - you can see this if you debug your code: the Intellitrace output will show the SQL it has generated for the insert/update you are persisting, but there will be no subsequent select.
Keep in mind that unless you are eager loading (using the Include method), related entities are not loaded when performing a retrieval, so it stands to reason that creating/updating them wouldn't either.
The Entity Framework (from I think versions 4.1 and up) supports lazy loading. What this means is that if it's enabled, code like Client c1 = entity.Client; should load up that Client object. To be clear, this operation is not directly related to the SaveChanges call.
It would pay to check whether db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled is set to true. If not, try setting it to be true and see if Client c1 = entity.Client; is still null.
In short, calling SaveChanges does not trigger a load, but if lazy loading is enabled, accessing entity.Client should trigger a load of the entity if it hasn't already been loaded.
I should've though of this earlier, but you aren't going to be getting lazy loading on your Survey entity object. The reason is that EF works its lazy loading magic by creating a class derived from your one but overriding the properties marked as virtual to support lazy loading. It does this when you perform a retrieval, so your entity object will not lazy load anything as it stands.
Try this just after your call to SaveChanges:
Survey entity2 = db.Surveys.Find(entity.ID);
Client c1 = entity2.Client;
This should exhibit the behaviour you are after.
You need to define all the properties on the Survey class as virtual to enable lazy-loading.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/dd468057(v=vs.100).aspx for more information.
I expected the call to load the Client from the database because the foreign key exists. Why didn't it do that?
It didn't do that because you haven't asked it to. After the call to SaveChanges(), EF doesn't have the data in the referenced row and it won't make a potentially redundant database call to get it.
Calling db.Clients.Find(... tells EF to go and fetch the row from the database, which is why it returns the object.

EF 5.0 Trouble updating entity which is already tracked

I'll preface this question with the following: I know there are a million posts on the internet about the old "An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager" issue. My scenario is a bit more complicated, I think.
I have a UnitOfWork class which creates a DbContext and passes it to any repository which is called. The pattern I'm using closely follows the Unit of Work tutorial on the ASP.NET site. Unlike the tutorial, my repositories take in Business entities, map them to data entities, and perform some CRUD action. My Business logic only works with Business entities. Here is what I'm trying to do in a sample Business Manager class:
_unitOfWork.Save(); // context.SaveChanges() under the hood
...Perform some operations on the model...
Here is a sample Update method from the repository:
public virtual void Update(entity)
var dataEntity = // map from business entity to data;
_context.Entry(dataEntity).State = EntityState.Modified;
It obviously fails on the last line. Here is where my confusion sets in:
The entity's State is Detached
When I attempt to change the State to Modified or Unchanged, it gives me the ObjectStateManager exception above.
When I attempt to detach the entity from the context (((IObjectContextAdapter)_context).ObjectContext.Detach(entity);) I get an exception about how the entity is not attached to the context, therefore, it cannot detach it. Very confusing (something fundamental I'm missing, for sure).
Many other posts suggest I make a database call, update that entity in the repository, then _unitOfWork.Save(). I don't like this approach. I shouldn't need to make an unnecessary network call to update an entity.
The Update method in the repository needs to handle two scenarios: 1) updating an entity which is not currently tracked by the context, and 2) updating an entity which IS currently tracked by the context. The second piece is what I'm struggling with.
Any help or insight is appreciated.
This means that there already is an object attached to the context with the same key as the new dataEntity. The existing object and the new entity both represent the same entry in the database but they are two different objects.
This may indicate that the lifespan of your _context is too long, but that's hard to judge from your code. It is certain though that the context was previously used to fetch an entity from the database that is subsequently duplicated by var dataEntity = ....
You may have to shorten the lifespan of the context, I can't tell. If you think it's OK you may want to use the Local collection to check whether the entity is already there. That will save the database round trip that Find may still make.
I found a hybrid solution which appears to work:
public virtual void Update(TB entity)
var dataEntity = Mapper.Map<TB, TD>(entity);
var pkey = _dbSet.Create().GetType().GetProperty("Id").GetValue(dataEntity);
var entry = _context.Entry(dataEntity);
if (entry.State == EntityState.Detached)
var attachedEntity = _dbSet.Find(pkey);
if (attachedEntity != null)
var attachedEntry = _context.Entry(attachedEntity);
entry.State = EntityState.Modified;
entry.State = EntityState.Modified;

Breeze: How can I create a GUID key for new entities on the client?

Using Breeze, what is the simplest way to populate a GUID key when an entity is created?
I'll assume that your entity is configured such that the client is responsible for setting the Guid key for new entities. That's the default for the Guid key of an Entity Framework Code First entity; it is as if the key property were adorned with [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.None)]
The obvious approach is to set the key after creating the entity and before adding it to the manager, e.g.:
function createFoo() {
var foo = fooType.createEntity();
foo.id(breeze.core.getUuid()); // Knockout implementation
This may be all you ever need.
On the other hand, you may find that you're creating new Foos in many places and for some strange reason you can't use the createFoo function. You certainly don't want to repeat that code.
You can extend the Foo entity type with id-setting behavior after which you'd be able to write:
function createFoo() {
var foo = fooType.createEntity(); // foo.id is set for you
There are two approaches to consider - custom constructor and type initializer; both are described in "Extending Entities"
You can initialize the key inside a custom constructor. Breeze calls the constructor both when you create the entity and when it materializes a queried entity. Breeze will replace the initial key value when materializing.
Here's an example that assumes the Knockout model library.
function Foo() {
foo.id(breeze.core.getUuid()); // using KO
// one way to get the MetadataStore
var store = manager.metadataStore;
// register the ctor with the Foo type
store.registerEntityTypeCtor("Foo", Foo);
Pretty simple. The only downside is that Breeze will generate a Guid every time it makes an entity, whether creating a new one or materializing one from a query. It's wasted effort during materialization but so what? Well, I suppose that might become a performance issue although I wouldn't assume so until I had measured it.
Suppose you measured and the repeated Guid generation is a serious problem (really?). You could set the key in a type initializer instead and only call the Guid generator when creating a new entity.
Breeze calls a type initializer after the entity has been created or materialized from query just before returning that entity to the application. Clearly you don't want to overwrite a materialized key from the database so you'll test the key value to make sure it's not real (i.e. to make sure you're fixing a created entity) before assigning it. Here's an example.
function fooInitializer(foo) {
var emptyGuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
if (foo.id() !=== emptyGuid) {
var store = manager.metadataStore;
// register the initializer; no ctor in this example
store.registerEntityTypeCtor("Foo", function(){}, fooInitializer);
Assuming you have a Guid surrogate Key on all your entities like we have in our case, you could code a createInstance factory that does the following in a very generic approach:
function createInstance(breezeEntityManager, typeName) {
var keyProperty = breezeEntityManager.metadataStore.getEntityType(typeName, false).dataProperties.filter(function (p) {
return p.isPartOfKey;
var config = {};
config[keyProperty.name] = breeze.core.getUuid();
return breezeEntityManager.createEntity(typeName, config);
This way, you won't have to create an initializer for all your entities.

Updating object with related entities from detached state

When I query from the entity framework I always query in a detached state so that the records retrieved can be stored in cache for subsequent requests.
Right now I have a form that the user can edit which contains a parent record, and then two lists of parent records.
When the data is POSTed to the server, I take my view models and map them into the entity framework objects using AutoMapper. The data looks fine; AutoMapper is mapping the data correctly.
When I attach the object so that I can update it, an exception is thrown: A referential integrity constraint violation occurred: The property values that define the referential constraints are not consistent between principal and dependent objects in the relationship.
public static void UpdateOrder(ShippingOrder shippingOrder) {
using (OrderEntity orderContext = new OrderEntity()) {
//Exception happens here
//Update the order itself; mark the order has being modified so the EF will update it.
orderContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(shippingOrder, System.Data.EntityState.Modified);
//Perform the update.
The EntityFramework (EF) seems to think that my keys aren't lining up, but I'm not sure what isn't correct. The foreign key property does have the correct value, so I'm not sure what it's checking. Does anyone have any ideas?
You might try something like this:
ShippingOrder existingShippingOrder = orderContext.ShippingOrders.Find(shippingOrder.ID);
orderContext.Entry(existingShippingOrder ).CurrentValues.SetValues(shippingOrder);
Instead of
orderContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(shippingOrder, System.Data.EntityState.Modified);
try this
orderContext.Entry(ShippingOrder).State = EntityState.Modified;
as explained here
Insert or update pattern A common pattern for some applications is to
either Add an entity as new (resulting in a database insert) or Attach
an entity as existing and mark it as modified (resulting in a database
update) depending on the value of the primary key. For example, when
using database generated integer primary keys it is common to treat an
entity with a zero key as new and an entity with a non-zero key as
existing. This pattern can be achieved by setting the entity state
based on a check of the primary key value. For example:
public void InsertOrUpdate(DbContext context, Unicorn unicorn)
context.Entry(unicorn).State = unicorn.Id == 0 ?
EntityState.Added :
you can try
public static void UpdateOrder(ShippingOrder shippingOrder) {
using (OrderEntity orderContext = new OrderEntity()) {
orderContext.Entry(shippingOrder).State = shippingOrder.Id==0?
EntityState.Added :
for ObjectContext class you can try
public static void UpdateOrder(ShippingOrder shippingOrder) {
using (OrderEntity orderContext = new OrderEntity()) {
orderContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(shippingOrder, EntityState.Modified);

ASP.Net Entity Framework Repository & Linq

My scenario:
This is an ASP.NET 4.0 web app programmed via C#
I implement a repository pattern. My repositorys all share the same ObjectContext, which is stored in httpContext.Items. Each repository creates a new ObjectSet of type E. Heres some code from my repository:
public class Repository<E> : IRepository<E>, IDisposable
where E : class
private DataModelContainer _context = ContextHelper<DataModelContainer>.GetCurrentContext();
private IObjectSet<E> _objectSet;
private IObjectSet<E> objectSet
if (_objectSet == null)
_objectSet = this._context.CreateObjectSet<E>();
return _objectSet;
public IQueryable<E> GetQuery()
return objectSet;
Lets say I have 2 repositorys, 1 for states and 1 for countrys and want to create a linq query against both. Note that I use POCO classes with the entity framework. State and Country are 2 of these POCO classes.
Repository stateRepo = new Repository<State>();
Repository countryRepo = new Repository<Country>();
IEnumerable<State> states = (from s in _stateRepo.GetQuery()
join c in _countryRepo.GetQuery() on s.countryID equals c.countryID
select s).ToList();
essentially, I want to retrieve the state and the related country entity. The query only returns the state data... and I get a null argument exception on the Debug.WriteLine
LazyLoading is disabled in my .edmx... thats the way I want it.
You're doing a join without retrieving anything from it. There are multiple solutions to your problem:
Use Include to load the dependent entities: from s in ((ObjectSet<State>) _stateRepo.GetQuery).Include("Country"). The problem with this approach is that you should expose the ObjectSet directly rather than as a IQueryable if you want to avoid casting.
Use context.LoadProperty(states.First(), s => s.Country) to explicitly load the Country from the database for a given state.
Select both entities in the query: from s in ... join c ... select new { s, c }. You won't be able to access directly the state's Country property but you have it in the anonymous type.
Enable lazy loading.
Your repository implementation is very similar to mine, especially the way you are storing the ObjectContext. It works fine for me, so I don't think it's a conceptual problem.
Try using a static objectcontext (no wrapper) just to see if that fixes the problem. Perhaps there is a bug in your ContextHelper which causes your context to get disposed and recreated.
