How to write this nginx rewrite rule - nginx

I have a nginx rewrite rule like this
location ~* /question\-(.*)\.html$ {
rewrite "^/question-([0-9]+).html$" "/question/$1.html";
rewrite "^/question-([0-9]+).html$" /question.php?id=$1&lm=&pn= break;
This rule mean is:
if URI is /question-123456.html so rewrite to /question/123456.html
/question/123456.html is static file, and via question.php to create.
So when I visit HTTP rewrite to if not exist, I want to execute next rewrite rewrite "^/question-([0-9]+).html$" /question.php?id=$1&lm=&pn= break;
Other than return 404 to user.

I would write it this way:
location ~ /question-(.*)\.html$ {
try_files /question/$1.html /question.php?id=$1;


nginx rewrite not working - returning 404

I'm trying to rewrite :
http://example/test/ -> http://example/new/
http://example/test/check -> http://example/new/check
location ~/test/(.*)$ {
rewrite ^/new/$1?$args permanent;
What am I doing wrong?
Your rewrite statement is incorrect. See this document for more.
To use rewrite to capture the latter part of the URI, try:
rewrite ^/test/(.*)$ /new/$1 permanent;
Alternatively, to use location to capture the latter part of the URI, try:
location ~ ^/test/(.*)$ {
return 301 /new/$1?$args;

nginx rewrite rule with query parameter

My URL looks like:
I want to serve a page with name: T0r-uCXvDzQ.html (videoID.html) which is present in server's file system.
I am trying to write the rewrite rule as follows:-
location / {
rewrite ^/video-detail?videoID=(.*) /$1.html;
Also tried:
location / {
rewrite ^/video-detail?videoID=(.*) /$arg_videoID.html;
But they are giving 404 error.
How can I use the query parameters in the output rewrite rule.
The following worked for me:-
if ($args ~* "videoID=(.*)") {
set $key1 $1;
rewrite ^(/video-detail)$ /$key1.html;

nginx rewrite with the value of the query string only

I want to redirect from
this is my nginx redirect
location ^~ view.php {
if ($query_string ~ "^id=([0-9-]+)$"){
rewrite ^/view.php$ http://$server_name/%1? break;
For some reason it appends
?id= to the url
so it becomes
how can I remove
?id= from the url?
Use :
location / {
rewrite ^/view.php$ /$arg_id? redirect;

how do I rewrite a URL in nginx to an updated location?

I have the following URLs:
These URLs need to be redirected rewritten to the following:
2 & 3 & etc)
I'm currently trying the following nginx code:
location ~* ^/downloads/ {
rewrite ^/downloads/$ /products break;
rewrite ^/downloads/(.*)$ /products/thingies break;
It's almost working, however my site's document root is /var/www/ So after processing the rewrite rules, nginx tries to literally serve /var/www/, whereas I want it to just rewrite to (which then proxies to PHP and so on).
Where am I failing? Is there a different, better way to accomplish this?
Thank you for any help.
-- UPDATE --
I got it to work by using the following rules:
rewrite ^/downloads/?$ $scheme://$host/tools last;
location ~* ^/downloads/ {
rewrite ^/downloads/?$ $scheme://$host/products last;
rewrite ^/downloads/(.*)$ $scheme://$host/products/thingies last;
IS this the proper way of doing it in nginx? I haven't seen this rewrite rule format anywhere while researching this. It somehow seems odd.
Your update redirects, not rewrites.
Here is how I would do:
location /downloads/ {
rewrite ^ /products/thingies;
location = /downloads/ {
rewrite ^ /products/;
# uncomment if you need '/downloads' (without trailing slash) act as '/downloads/'
#location = /downloads {
# rewrite ^ /products/;
The correct syntax appears to be:
location ~* ^/downloads/ {
rewrite ^/downloads/?$ /products permanent;
rewrite ^/downloads/(.*)$ /products/thingies permanent;

nginx url rewrite rule

I have URL like this
I want to rewrite this part PROD_SHEP_PDF_Downloader to this SHEP_PDF_Downloader so the result will be
This rule doesn't work
location /PROD_SHEP_PDF_Downloader/ {
rewrite ^/PROD_SHEP_PDF_Downloader/(.*) SHEP_PDF_Downloader/$1 break;
proxy_pass http://localhost:85;
Docs say that if you just want to change the URI prefix, you can use this:
location /name/ {
