How do I stop visual studio 2015 for web iis service -

When launching my MVC app built using this tutorial, it uses IIS Express as server. When I want to go back to edit my application the IIS Express server doesn't stop the page, so next time I launch my MVC app it has not changed.
I can not stop the service using the IIS Express manager or windows service manager because Visual Studio Express 2015 for Web is the service owner.
Under my project properties, I can find settings for Servers under the Web tab, but nothing useful. Where / how can I make Visual Studio stop the service when I stop debugging my project?

I solved the issue by opening my project properties Web tab and clicking on the button Create Virtual Directory. Now I can stop the IIS Express service using IIS Express manager from the status bar.


How can Visual Studio single step debug an ASP.NET web app on IIS when a user from the Internet opens the web page?

I want to do single step debugging when an Internet user opens my ASP.NET web app, which is running on IIS 10 on Windows Server 2019. I want to initiate single step debug with a breakpoint.
( I tried following the instructions "Debug ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core apps in Visual Studio" on but since it's from a very long time ago (9/20/2018) it is too out of date: it specifies "the Properties pane, under Servers" which doesn't exist in my Visual Studio 2019 Pro. )
How wonderful it would be to do step by step debugging of an actual external Internet user initiated session!
to debug iis project using visual studio you could follow the below steps:
open iis manager browse your site.
Launch Visual Studio as Administrator mode and select your iis site folder.
go to debug and select attach to process.
In Attach to a Process dialog box, check the option Show processes from all users.
Search for the process w3wp.exe, and click on the Attach button.
you could also check your process id in iis worker process.
Accept the warning messages. That’s is you are done. Visual Studio is now attached to IIS for debugging.

TFS 2017 Release definition. WinRM - IIS Web App Management task. Create application under "Default web site"

I am working on a release definition which will deploy a website to a test IIS server (Windows server 2012, IIS 8).
I would like to use the IIS Web App Management task to create and configure an application or virtual directory under "Default Web Site/Scott"
When I specify "Default Web Site/Scott" or "Default Web Site\Scott" as the Website, the task fails due to the name attribute.
The Scott application will be created alongside many existing applications underneath the Default Web Site parent. I don't mind if it shares the app pool.
Can I use the WinRM task? If not, are there any alternatives apart from writing Powershell?
In the WinRM - IIS Web App Management task, there is also a Parameters for IIS Application configuration you could simply configure to deploy the IIS Web Applications. However this is not available wit TFS for now:
The Visual Studio Team Services accounts that are using the
preview tasks wiz. IIS Web Application Deployment or SQL Server Database Deployment, should move to this extension. All
future enhancements to the IIS Web App Deployment task or to the SQL Server Database Deployment task will be provided in this
Source Link
For now you have to directly deploy a Web Application to the IIS Server with IIS Web App Deploy task which using Web Deploy. You could add a environment variable IIS Web Application Name and use this as the website name, such as:
The “IIS Web Application Name” parameter is the IIS path where you want to deploy your web application. This can include a value such as Default Web Site/Contoso.web_deploy, this is specified in the Deploy IIS App task under Deployment | Website Name.
For more detail steps, you could take a look at below two nice blogs:
Working with Web Deploy and Release Management
End to End Walkthrough: Deploying Web Applications Using Team Build
and Release Management

Unable to run migrated web application in VS2013

I have an ASP.Net web application developed in Visual Studio 2008 (.Net 3.5). I have copied this solution to another root folder (both on my Win7 64b machine) and upgraded the copy to VS2013 (Professional) and .Net451, but when I try to debug the web app in VS2013 I get an Access Denied error ("Unauthorized: Logon failed due to server configuration. Verify that you have permission to view this directory or page based on the credentials you supplied and the authentication methods enabled on the Web server"). I don't have this issue runing the original from VS2008 on the same machine.
Apart from the changes mentioned above the two are a straight code copy.
In VS2008 the project Web properties are: Use Visual Studio Development Server, auto-assign port, Virtual path = /
In VS2013 the project Web properties are: Server=IIS Express, Project URL=http://localhost:63064/ (and I have clicked on Create Virtual Directory)
I can see this must be some sort of security issue, but what extra needs to be done to get a VS2008 web app, upgraded to VS2013, to run within the VS2013 IDE?
Postscript: If I start the web app without debugging (ctrl-F5) I get "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable."
It turns out that the simple solution is configure the web app properties in VS2013 to use the local webserver (IIS) instead of IISExpress, and also to run VS2013 as administrator (but this is not necessary for VS2008). So obviously it is an IIS permissions thing but IIS is common and hasn't been changed - so what has changed in VS2013 to make this necessary? I don't really want to run VS2013 as administrator if I can avoid that.

Publishing my mvc web application using VS 2012 on IIS is not working, unless I run the web application inside the VS

I have an mvc 4 web application , and I use the visual studio publish feature, to publish my web application to the localhost iis. But currently if I type the web application URL it will not work unless I open the VS and run the application. so can anyone adive how I can publish my web application on IIS so users can access the web application event if the VS is not running .
Publishing a website to your Inetpub\wwwroot is not recommended on a standard computer, you will need to host your application on a server. Windows server has no limit on the amount of connections allowed to your webpage, whereas your computer can only handle a maximum of 10 connections.
if you want your solution to work outside of VS but still on your computer, you will have to create a virtual directory within IIS or within VS (then VS will do it in IIS for you).
Right click on your project, go to the "web" tab, there is an option there to host it within IIS and a button that creates the virtual directory for you.
Also check that you then have an application pool set up and running the correct version of .NET (depending on the framework you created the application in)

Configuring ASP.NET to run under IIS in Windows 7

How do I configure an ASP.NET application to run under IIS in windows 7? I am using Visual Studio 2010 and when I run my web app I am getting an error message that you do not have permission to access the web server.
you have a couple of options.
1) copy the files to your inetpub\wwwroot folder then open iis manager and create an application in the Default Web Site of the folder you just created.
2) in Visual Studio, you can publish
3) in Visual Studio, you could open the properties page of the web application, click on the web tab and in there, an option for creating the virtual directory exists. Press it - it creates the virtual directory and you can then run the website using that url. VS will automatically launch the site pointing to IIS when you run the app
remember, be sure you are running in Administrator mode (if using UAC).
one more thing - be sure you have installed IIS (Programs and features > Internet Information Services)
