Rmarkdown - Run code and display errors in document - r

I get an error message when running the code below which is expected - I would like this to be ran and displayed in the pdf, however the error is returned in r and the code doesn't run.
{r, warning=TRUE}
I have tried warning=TRUE but this doesn't work.
How can I get the error displayed in the document?

Add error=TRUE to the chunk options. That will result in the script running to completion with the error appearing in the output.


Rmarkdown knitting error: Error in dirname(name) : path too long

When I run my Rmarkdown program interactively chunk-by-chunk, the program runs successfully without errors, however, when I try to knit it, I get this error message:
Error in dirname(name) : path too long
Any ideas what could be causing this?
If you get this error message, check the length of your code chunks in your Rmarkdown code. I was getting the above error because one of my chunks were named as follows:
```{r additional descriptives and other statistical tests tests,echo=FALSE,message=FALSE,warning=FALSE}
Through trial and error, I found out the maximum length for the code chunk description is 48 characters. As long as the description has 48 or fewer characters, this error will not get triggered.

Blank output in R with Warning message: [WARNING] This document format requires a nonempty <title> element

I've encountered a problem in Rstudio (R-Markdown), whenever I knit my file it would just load a blank page. I've been using Rstudio and it has been working fine until last night.
The error/warning message is shown in the pic below. I'm kinda new so I'm hoping you could guide me to what I did wrong and what I need to do.
Rmd with Warning message and the HTML Output

Sweave2Knitr Code

I keep getting an error message when attempting to compile a pdf that reads:
It seems you are using the Sweave-specific syntax in line(s) 85; you may
need Sweave2knitr("Filename.Rnw") to convert it to knitr. Running
pdflatex.exe on File_Name_Update_FINAL.tex ...Running pdflatex.exe on
File_Name_Update_FINAL.tex ...failed
I have checked my settings in tools>global options>sweave and they are set to
Weave rnw files using: knitr
And checked box in always enable Rnw concordance.
I have also unchecked and checked the enable concordance box.
I have attached the code below. It starts on line 85, the line of code with the error.
Any help would be great. Thanks!

'object not found' error when knitting to HTML in RMarkdown

I am testing RMarkdown for the first time and am running into an issue when trying to knit anything to HTML. For example: I attempt to knit the following to HTML
# Say Hello to markdown
Markdown is an **easy to use** format for writing reports. It resembles what you naturally write every time you compose an email. In fact, you may have already used markdown *without realizing it*. These websites all rely on markdown formatting
* [Github](www.github.com)
* [StackOverflow](www.stackoverflow.com)
* [Reddit](www.reddit.com)
The above is taken directly from an example on this page: http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/articles_intro.html
However, when I use the Knit to HTML button I receive this error:
Error: object 'a' not found
Execution halted
Maybe this is a simple question that I am not seeing the answer to, but I do not know how to interpret and correct this error message, as nowhere in my Markdown file am I calling any sort of object 'a'. Thank you for your assistance!

Markdown with Shiny not working on Mac. Error: path for html_dependency not provided Execution halted

I'm new to Shiny and I was just trying to see what's the result gonna look like and test out different data sets. I entered the code provided by Diego Lescano, you can find the full script here, http://datascienceplus.com/how-to-create-a-twitter-sentiment-analysis-using-r-and-shiny/
Everything ran through smoothly, however I wasn't able to see the final graph when I tried to knit. Instead, I received the following warning
output file: Final_Project.knit.md
Error: path for html_dependency not provided
Execution halted
I tried to knit to pdf and word as well, it all failed. Here's what my output looked like
html_document: default
