How to use CSS :hover on a toolbar button in Addon SDK - css

My addon was originally built in XUL and I am trying to redesign it using the addons SDK, and am having troubles getting icons to change/highlight when I hover the mouse over them.
I know how to apply a css stylesheet to an Addon SDK toolbar and its elements (and how to fetch the right #id to use). This allows me to change the background-color on a button, but I can't seem to make :hover work to change the button image.
It works if I assign a javascript listener for a mouseover event to the button, but if I have lots of buttons or menu items then this is way overkill compared to css.
One problem is that the button image is set on the sdk button element and it is an attribute of the button.
Now, I have tried using a transparent image for the button element's attribute and then using css to supply the image. Using XUL I would apply the image for the button or menu item with list-style-image.
So, my question is: How do I get :hover working in my css for an SDK toolbar button?

Here is the toolbarbutton-icon XUL binding:
<binding id="toolbarbutton-image"
<xul:image class="toolbarbutton-icon" xbl:inherits="src=image"/>
xbl:inherits="src=image" means that the image inherits its src attribute from the image attribute of the <toolbarbutton> thus list-style-image CSS is ignored.
The image property is set when you create the button with SDK APIs. While it is true that you cannot create an SDK button without an image, you can cheat the system either by removing the image attribute afterwards or by using a transparent image and then styling it with background-image just like in the normal web:
const { browserWindows: windows } = require("sdk/windows");
const { viewFor } = require("sdk/view/core");
const { attachTo } = require("sdk/content/mod");
const { Style } = require("sdk/stylesheet/style");
const { ActionButton } = require("sdk/ui/button/action");
var myButton = ActionButton({
id: "my-button",
label: "My Button",
icon: { "24": "./transparent24.png" },
let self = require("sdk/self");
let path =; // alternatively use chrome.manifest to register resource or chrome path
let widgetId = "action-button--toolkitrequire-my-button"; // get this from the Browser Toolbox
let css = `
#${widgetId} .toolbarbutton-icon {
background-image: url(${path}/icon24.png);
max-width: 24px;
#${widgetId}:hover .toolbarbutton-icon {
background-image: url(${path}/icon24-hover.png);
let style = Style({ source: css }); // or { uri: `${path}/style.css` }
for (let w of windows)
attachTo(style, viewFor(w));
Keep in mind that other styling may apply to the image so you better use Browser Toolbox to inspect the DOM. I am overriding max-width in this example.


Setting icon className in leaflet when using Svelte doesn't have any effect

I'm using leaflet maps in conjunction with Svelte and have the problem that setting the className property of an Icon (L.Icon) that is used for a Marker (L.marker) doesn't have any effect. My code works fine without Svelte, so I assume that the source of the problem is the dynamic generation of a css class. My (abbreviated) code looks like this:
var myIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: "./svg/My-Icon.svg",
iconSize: [48, 48],
iconAnchor: [24, 32],
className: "svgShadow",
marker = L.marker(
icon: myIcon ,
name: "Here is some text"
<!-- Styles go at the bottom of the file with Svelte -->
<style type="text/css">
.svgShadow {
filter: drop-shadow(5px 5px 5px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.5));
Inspecting the element in the browser even shows that the class name is set for the img element contained in the marker, but it doesn't have any effect. Again, this works without Svelte in a static HTML page. With Svelte I can only find a dynamically generated css class containing the style definition for .svgShadow that isn't applied, but how can I make this work with leaflet and Svelte? Unfortunately I also can't set styles directly with the leaflet icon as only className is exposed.
Styles are scoped by default. If the elements are not created directly as part of the markup, they will not have the necessary classes that are added to the styles.
You can e.g. use :global(.svgShadow) { ... to circumvent this.
(Note that this of course will apply the the styles everywhere, even outside the current component.)

Ionic 4 - How to change font-size of button inside a Toast

I'm building an app with Ionic 4 + React.
Using a toast component when the user delete an element to show the message "deleted successfully", but adding a button inside to give the possibility to undo the action.
I need to change the font-size of that button, but almost all the toast DOM is inside a shadow-root:
Reading articles like this, I understand that everything inside shadow-root it can't be styled by css selectors and must be styled using CSS4 Ionic variables.
But I can't find a css variable to change de font-size of the button, this is what Ionic does (not with variables):
Read some people that said that could work with a custom class, I already tried that but without any luck:
Toast component:
onDidDismiss={() => setShowToastDeshacer(false)}
message="Deleted successfully"
text: 'Undo',
role: 'cancel',
handler: () => {
console.log('Undo clicked');
.e7-toast .toast-button-inner {
font-size: 44px!important;
Anyone with more experience in Ionic 4 knows a way to change the font-size of that button?
you can change the shadow dom by using ::part.
There is the article for your reference:

JQuery Mobile 1.4 How to Disable Hover Effect on Mobile Devices

I'm having a similar problem as described in this question, but with JQuery Mobile 1.4, particularly with the list views. A slight tap that is not enough to be considered a click causes list elements to highlight and stay highlighted:
Can anyone tell me how I can prevent any hover highlighting in my application? I would rather not have to modify any of the JQM theming CSS to do this, but I will if that is what it takes.
It looks like maybe there is a jquery hover event or mouseover being triggered to set the interaction state to something like ".ui-state-hover" or ".state-hover"
jQueryUI - removing class on hover
function overPrevent(e){
return false;
$(".options li").hover(overPrevent,outOption);
// alternative to above but still using JavaScript
$(".options li").click(function() {
$(this).removeClass("ui-state-focus ui-state-hover");
// alternative to above but still using JavaScript
$(".options li").hover(function(e){
OR maybe unbind to the mouseenter and mouseleave?
$('.options li').click(function(){
$(this).unbind("mouseenter mouseleave");
OR try a pure css override
.theme-group-header .state-default .corner-all .state-hover:hover{
also detecting mobile up front with something like this small library -
then you can name space your css and override the jquery ui library with something roughly like this:
.theme-group-header .state-default .corner-all .state-hover:hover{
see also references:
jQueryUI - removing class on hover
The issue with the "ui-state-hover" effect
Jquery hover function and click through on tablet
jQuery UI button not "unclicking"
mobile safari links retains focus after touch
To prevent any hover highlighting in a jQuery Mobile 1.4 Listview you can overwrite the appropriate CSS according to the swatch you're using:
/* Button hover */
#yourList.ui-group-theme-a .ui-btn:hover {
background-color: #f6f6f6 /*{a-bhover-background-color}*/;
/* Button down */
#yourList.ui-group-theme-a .ui-btn:active {
background-color: #e8e8e8 /*{a-bdown-background-color}*/;

What is the syntax for smoothing an embedded image with CSS?

If I want to embed an image with smoothing I might do something like this:
public class EmbeddedImages
[Embed(source="/assets/image1.png", smoothing="true")]
public static const Image1:Class;
However, if I have a bunch of buttons with different icons, I want to control which icon to display using CSS, like this:
#namespace s "library://";
icon: Embed('/assets/image1.png');
I want the icon to be smooth. So what is the syntax for adding smoothing when embedding with CSS?
I don't have a project to test on, but see the smoothingQuality style of Image. This obviously won't work if the button uses BitmapImage to display the icon since the style is only available for Image. Odds are, it does use BitmapImage, though.
icon: Embed('/assets/image1.png');
smoothingQuality: "high";
Again, I have no way to test this so that is a complete shot in the dark. Worth a try, though
Since it's a mobile project, then the Button icon is a BitmapImage and you could try setting its members
smooth = true;
smoothingQuality = BitmapSmoothingQuality.BEST;
or maybe do that via CSS:
s|ButtonImage {
smoothingQuality: "best";

jQuery UI Button ignores styles in Firefox

I have a jQuery UI Button that I am trying to style using CSS. Basically all I want is a dark-green background, and a light-green hover color. I noticed that for whatever reason, specifying the desired styles in my CSS file didn't work, so I added some code to apply them programmatically when the button is created:
//initialize the jQuery button with the correct styles
$( "button", ".buttonContainer" ).button();
//add a class that we can apply our styles to (jQuery likes to override styles applied to .ui-button)
$(".buttonContainer .ui-button").addClass("greenButton");
//override button styles (doesn't work when done through stylesheet)
$(".greenButton").css("background", "none !important");
$(".greenButton").css("background-color", "#006600 !important");
$(".greenButton").css("border", "1px solid darkGray !important");
//mouseover handler to change the background color (same reason as above)
$(".greenButton").hover(function() {
//mouse-over handler
$(this).css("background-color", "green !important");
}, function() {
//mouse-out handler
$(this).css("background-color", "#006600 !important");
This works fine in Chrome, IE, and Safari, but for some reason Firefox continues showing the default gray button styles (no scripting errors are reported). Interestingly, if I open the web-developer CSS editor, the button gets the correct styles instantly. I have the following in my CSS from back before I realized that the styles would only take if applied programmatically:
.greenButton {
background-color: #006600 ! important;
.greenButton:hover {
background-color: green ! important;
Anyways, what I see in Firefox by default looks like this:
...when it should look like this (as seen in any other browser):
Any ideas?
In your CSS you are only setting the background-color attribute, while jQuery UI buttons are built with background image, which covers the color. You were correct to set 'background:none' via JS, but adding it to the element's style multiple times via css() messes things up a bit - just inspect the style attribute of your button when active in, e.g. FireBug. It might well be that you hit a minor bug in FireFox. It works for me. In any case, here is working jsFiddle
.greenButton {
background: #006600 none ! important;
.greenButtonHover {
background: #009900 none ! important;
<button>Should be green on hover</button>
$(".greenButton").hover(function() {
}, function() {
