Google AdWords Invalid HTTP Response Codes - iframe

Trying to advertise a website on Google Adwords, I got "disapproved" due to 'Invalid HTTP Response Codes'.
The website runs fine as far as I can see. I suspect this may happen due to using iframes, which contain "3rd party" websites, which may produce errors over which the advertised parent website has no control (you can examine the actual website
Can this be the case? And if so, do I have any quick method for solving this without compromising the website's functionality?

You Can use individual landing page for the Adwords.
Because I saw your website and it have 4 different section like Animal, Cultur & Art, Food and Fashion.
And according to Google Adwords Policy
They will not approved your page if your page have hatred; violence; harassment; racism; sexual, religious, or political intolerance, or organizations with such views content that's likely to shock or disgust, content that's exploitative or appears to unfairly capitalize at the expense of others.
Then It will not approved and as far I can see that your website have many pictures within the iframe which inappropriate.
For More detail please check it
If still you have any issue let me know.


Google Analytics not tracking Google Ads and UTMs clicks correctly

I've identified a discrepancy between Google Ads clicks and Analytics sessions in Paid Search (about twice more clicks than sessions). So I contacted Google Ads support and after a long conversation, they send me an email saying that my website structure uses redirections and it's making it lose parameters, and that I had to contact a developer to solve that problem because they don't give assistance on it. What exactly they told me to tell the developer was that:
Loss of parameters by redirection
The website is not holding navigation parameters
because of the structure in which it was developed.
To verify this redirection, simply replicate the following steps: I
accessed the link
After full site loading, I added the & gclid = Tester123 parameter to
the URL (in the browser, so the final URL was
and hit Enter To understand if there is a redirect, the normal
behavior would be for the URL to remain the same (with & gclid =
Tester123 at the end), but in this case, the parameter disappears (and
hence the assignment) This link was just an example, which can be
verified in several other products of the site.
They also said I can't use manual tagging (UTMs) instead of automatic tagging in Google Ads because those redirections are also going to spoil the UTMs.
I don't use any redirections in my website and I have also tested with UTMs and there's also a discrepancy in google analytics data for that.
But before I contact a developer and invest on this fix, I would like to know if anyone had experienced that? If Googles answer fits this problem? And even if is there a way to fix it without being an expert.
Thanks in advance.
The issue here isn't really that there's a redirect (301), but a state change. There is javascript on the page that essentially rewrites the URL before the GA code can parse it.
Are you able to change to a different theme and test if this happens with that theme?

Google DFP safeframe/friendlyframe Issue

Recently ran into some trouble with Google DFP that I'm hoping others have had.
We have a site that's served via SSL and it contains some Google DFP ad tags. Google DFP's debugging console shows no errors in the tags or our implementation of them. (i.e. the tags themselves are fine)
However, the ads are getting served via different methods. Some of the iframes get served as FriendlyFrames and some get served as SafeFrames. The SafeFrame ads appear correctly. The FriendlyFrame ads don't show up.
It appears that the FriendlyFrame ads are running afoul of some sort of browser security measure (likely because the pages are served via SSL).
I looked into this in the DFP docs but haven't found anything that explains how to solve the issue. There is a setForceSafeFrame method available that I've tried to use but it doesn't actually seem to do anything when I try to use it:
I've setup a test page demonstrating the issue here:
There should be 5 separate ads on the page. If you get all of them refresh the page until you get at least one ad that doesn't show. The broken ads are being served as a FriendlyFrames.
Really hoping someone knows what the heck is going on.
FYI and possibly helpful for anyone else who might run into this at a later date:
Turns out the Ad Ops person hadn't set things up on their end to have enough inventory to fill all of the slots and there was nothing wrong with the tagging at all. The empty FriendlyFrames are apparently what DFP serves up when it decides it doesn't have anything to fill a given slot.
Try to force render all ads in SafeFrame
More about it here

Issue with (not set) fields inside Google Analytics on various reports

One month ago on web site, I noticed an issue related to Google Analytics, which is representing as large amount (over 80% of our traffic) viewed by Google as (not set).
This is causing different issues, such as:
If we want to see what pages users mostly visit, biggest percentage is (not set)
If we want to see default languages, biggest percentage is (not set)
If we want to see traffic sources, mostly it's viewed as Direct traffic, but this is not true, since most of our traffic is Social networks.
I tried to resolve issue:
Installed Google Tag Assistant, but it reports all is good.
Examined <head> section and found out that web site has several <title> instances, could this cause issues?
Found this from Google Support
Fount this, but couldn't find solution
Any ideas how to handle this (and issues like this one) ?
There is always a possibility to turn of all plugins and switch back to default theme (since it's WordPress web site), but I would like to test this on live site, and make it work live, so switching off plugins and changing theme is actually not a good idea.
All best,
I noticed your GA code is outside of head tag.
I'd consider fixing the location GA code (inside head tag)
you have 2 same GA codes installed (bad practice)
Images attached.enter image description here

Google Analytics says the source of most of my visitors is How are these visitors finding my site?

I'm not a really advanced Analytics user, so I've been trying to Google this, but haven't come up with a great answer. My analytics says 95% of my site visits to my blog today have come from and yesterday it was another subdomain of the same site. I visited, but am unfamiliar with it, and have never deliberately put that code into my Wordpress site. I do have some plug-ins installed, which are "Subscribe / Connect / Follow Widget", which displays my social media links, and also "Really simple Facebook Twitter share buttons", which puts the like links on my posts.
My questions are, how are people finding my site through And are these quality hits?
Thanks, I appreciate any info!
This kind of visits are called Ghost Referrer Spam since they never reach your site. They use a GA weakness to make a fake visit and get a record in your data.
They do it to get traffic, people get curious to see who is visiting them and click on the link.
This specific Referrer Spam is nasty because it make multiple visits at the same time, is related to the number of the subdomain so if it says site38... it hits with 38 visits, I've also have many of these, here is a screenshot I took:
In my case is a different but is the same thing.
The easiest way to stop it is by making a filter for each spammer in your GA. Check this article to find more detailed information
As an alternative, you can make a more general filter to take care once and for all of all the Spammers by making a list of Valid Hostnames, this is more advanced and you have to be more careful. You can find more information about this solution here
It's actually referral spam. Take a look at this
So unfortunately they are not good quality hits.

Web crawlers and IFrames

Hypothetical Situation: I have a small obscure website called "" which provides content about the miniature bolts which hold a carburetor together as well as some general related automotive information. My site also has a single page which allows someone to find the missing bolt in their carburetor, and while no one will access this page directly from my website, one billion other popular automotive sites have embedded this single page in their website using an iframe, yet not included a link back to my site.
I recognize that this question is related to SEO which is considered off topic, however, all of the many SEO related forums discuss the marketing steps one could take, and not the programming steps or strategies, and hope others will allow this question to be answered here.
I wish my site "" to be ranked high for general automotive searches. What could I do to allow the 3rd party sites which include an iframe back to my site to improve my ranking? Could using JavaScript in the iframe to create a link on the parent page provide any value? What about when my server renders the page, use PHP to get the referring URL from $_SERVER, and include it in the content?
I am providing a solution here. Not sure if this is what you want though.
In your page which is used by other websites in iframe you can put below Javascript. This javascript checks if the webpage is opened inside an iframe or directly in browser.
So using this check when you see it is opened in an iframe. On click on something navigate to your website.
// This works in all browsers
function inIframe () {
try {
return window.self !==;
} catch () {
return true;
Also for your reference you can check the below URL.
How to prevent my site page to be loaded via 3rd party site frame of iFrame
Hope it helps.
Iframes are seen seperate pages by Google. Your approach may end up being penalized due to being sourced from untrusted site. According to Google Webmaster Support
Frames can cause problems for search engines because they don't
correspond to the conceptual model of the web. Google tries to
associate framed content with the page containing the frames, but we
don't guarantee that we will.
One of the best approaches to rank higher for a specific keyword is, make multiple related sites. In your case a 3-4 paged site about carburetors, bolts, other things your primary site contain would do it. These mini sites will be more intense about the subject due to less page count. Of course they should contain unique articles on each page. Then link from mini websites to primary websites and you can see the dramatic change.
In fact, the thing you are trying to do was a tactic to rank competitors down worked occasionally a few years ago. Now, it is still a risk.
I see. You don't want to mess up the page for your own site, but you want to do something with all the uncredited embeddings.
The solution is fairly simple:
Create a copy of the page.
Switch your site to use the copy.
Amend the version that countless other sites are embedding, so that there is a small link back to you. Or, add an iframe blocker script that will load your site.
If the page is active (ie user interacts with it to find the missing bolt) you could include a sales message with the response encouraging the user to visit your site.
I think that your goal is getting your link onto these other sites long enough to get indexed by Google before it is noticed by the people doing the embedding, so it's a bit of a balancing act.
I see conflicting advice about how Google indexes iframes. You should use a PageRank checker to see if the existing iframe page url has PageRank, and compare it to the page that you embed it on.
I dont Think you need to worry ,.
Google bot does seem to crawl through Iframes ,but the Web-Page Containing that Iframe is not Credited for that Content .. In other Words,, Page-Ranking of that particular Web-Page do not Change due to Contents from Iframe .
is IFrame crawled by Google?
Do robots crawl iframes?
