Extracting String in R - r

I am wanting to extract strings from elements in a data frame. Having gone through numerous previous questions, I am still unable to understand what to do! This is what I have tried to do so far:
I get the following error:
Error in strsplit(pcode2$Postcode, "'") : non-character argument
which I understand because I am trying to reference the data rather than putting the text in the code itself. I have 16,000 cases in a dataframe so also not sure how to vectorise the operation.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Postcode Locality State Latitude Longitude
1 ('200', Australian National University ACT -35.280, 149.120),
2 ('221', Barton ACT -35.200, 149.100),
3 ('3030', Werribee VIC -12.800, 130.960),
4 ('3030', Point Cook VIC -12.800, 130.960),
I want to get rid of the commas and braces etc so that I am left with the numeric part of Column 1 which is Postcode, numeric part of Latitude andLongitude. This is how the I am hoping the final result will look like:
Postcode Locality State Latitude Longitude
1 200 Australian National University ACT -35.280 149.120
2 221 Barton ACT -35.200 149.100
3 3030 Werribee VIC -12.800 130.960
4 3030 Point Cook VIC -12.800 130.960
Lastly, I would also like to understand how to nicely format the data in the questions.


How to find duplicate using Lat Long data and make it a Unique Identifier in big dataset

My Dataset looks something like this. Note below is hypothetical dataset.
Objective: Sales employee has to go to a particular location and verify the houses/Stores/buildings and device captures below mentioned information
ABC Stores
Bay Area
Wuhan Masks
Santa Fe
Twitter Cafe
Middle East
Santa Cruz
Silver Gym
Worli Sea Link
56.564311, 78.909087
CK Clothings
90 th Street
34.445887, 12.887654
#1 Unique Identifier for finding Duplicates – ** Check Sr.No 1 & 4 basically same
In this dummy dataset all the columns can be manipulated i.e. for same store/house/building-outlet
a) Since Name is entered manually for same house/store names can be changed and entered in the system -
multiple visits can happen
b) Mobile number can also be manipulated, different number can be associated with same outlet
c) Device with Agent capturing lat-long info also can be fudged - by moving closer or near to the building
How to make Lat-Long Data as the Unique Identifier keeping in mind point - c), above for finding duplicates in the huge dataset.
Deploying QR is not also very helpful as this can also be tweaked.
Hereby stopping the fraudulent practice by an employee ( Same emp can visit same store/outlet or a different emp can also again visit the same store outlet to increase visit count)
Right now I can only think of Lat-Long Column to make UID please feel free to suggest if anything else can be made

Make only numeric entries blank

I have a dataframe with UK postcodes in it. Unfortunately some of the postcode data is incorrect - ie, they are only numeric (all UK postcodes should start with a alphabet character)
I have done some research and found the grepl command that I've used to generate a TRUE/FALSE vector if the entry is only numeric,
Data$NewPostCode <- grepl("^.*[0-9]+[A-Za-z]+.*$|.*[A-Za-z]+[0-9]+.*$",Data$PostCode)
however, what I really want to do is where the instance starts with a number to make the postcode blank.
Note, I don't want remove the rows with an incorrect postcode as I will lose information from the other variables. I simply want to remove that postcode
Example data
Area Postcode
Birmingham B1 1AA
Manchester M1 2BB
Bristol BS1 1LM
Southampton 1254
London 1290C
Newcastle N1 3DC
Desired output
Area Postcode
Birmingham B1 1AA
Manchester M1 2BB
Bristol BS1 1LM
Newcastle N1 3DC
There are a few ways to go between TRUE/FALSE vectors and the kind of task you want, but I prefer ifelse. A simpler way to generate the type of logical vector you're looking for is
grepl("^[0-9]", Data$PostCode)
which will be TRUE whenever PostCode starts with a number, and FALSE otherwise. You may need to adjust the regex if your needs are more complex.
You can then define a new column which is blank whenever the vector is TRUE and the old value whenever the vector is FALSE, as follows:
Data$NewPostCode <- ifelse(grepl("^[0-9]", Data$PostCode), "", Data$PostCode)
(May I suggest using NA instead of blank?)

How do I convert city names to time zones?

Sorry if this is repetitive, but I've looked everywhere and can't seem to find anything that addresses my specific problem in R. I have a column with city names:
cities <-data.frame(c("Sydney", "Dusseldorf", "LidCombe", "Portland"))
Ideally I'd like to attach a column with either the lat/long for each city or the time zone. I have tried using the "ggmap" package in R, but my request exceeds the maximum number of requests they allow per day. I found the "geonames" package that converts lat/long to timezones, so if I get the lat/long for the city I should be able to take it from there.
Edit to address potential duplicate question: I would like to do this without using the ggmap package, as I have too many rows and they have a maximum # of requests per day.
You can get at least many major cities from the world.cities data in the maps package.
## Changing your data to a vector
cities <- c("Sydney", "Dusseldorf", "LidCombe", "Portland")
## Load up data
world.cities[match(cities, world.cities$name), ]
name country.etc pop lat long capital
36817 Sydney Australia 4444513 -33.87 151.21 0
10026 Dusseldorf Germany 573521 51.24 6.79 0
29625 Portland Australia 8757 -38.34 141.59 0
Note: LidCombe was not included.
Warning: For many names, there is more than one world city. For example,
world.cities[grep("Portland", world.cities$name), ]
name country.etc pop lat long capital
29625 Portland Australia 8757 -38.34 141.59 0
29626 Portland USA 542751 45.54 -122.66 0
29627 Portland USA 62882 43.66 -70.28 0
Of course the two in the USA are Portland, Maine and Portland, Oregon.
match is just giving the first one on the list. You may need to use more information than just the name to get a good result.

How do I preserve prexisting identifiers when geocoding a list of addresses in R?

I'm currently working with an R script set up to use RDSTK, a wrapper for the Data Science Toolkit API based on this, to geocode a list of addresses from a CSV.
The script appears to work, but the list of addresses has a preexisting unique identifier which isn't preserved in the process - the input file has two columns: id, and address. The id column, for the purposes of the geocoding process, is meaningless, but I'd like the output to retain it - that is, I'd like the output, which has three columns (address, long, and lat) to have four - id being the first.
The issue is that
The output is not in the same order as the input addresses, or doesn't appear to be, so I cannot simply tack on the column of addresses at the end, and
The output does not include nulls, so the two would not be the same number of rows in any case, even if it was the same order, and
I am not sure how to effectively tie the id column in such that it becomes a part of the geocoding process, which obviously would be the ideal solution.
Here is the script:
dff = read.csv("C:/Users/name/Documents/batchtestv2.csv")
data <- paste0("[",paste(paste0("\"",dff$address,"\""),collapse=","),"]")
url <- "http://www.datasciencetoolkit.org/street2coordinates"
response <- POST(url,body=data)
json <- fromJSON(content(response,type="text"))
geocode <- do.call(rbind,lapply(json, function(x) c(long=x$longitude,lat=x$latitude)))
write.csv(geocode, file = "C:/Users/name/Documents/geocodetest.csv")
And here is a sample of the output:
2633 Camino Ramon Suite 500 San Ramon California 94583 United States -121.96208 37.77027
555 Lordship Boulevard Stratford Connecticut 6615 United States -73.14098 41.16542
500 West 13th Street Fort Worth Texas 76102 United States -97.33288 32.74782
50 North Laura Street Suite 2500 Jacksonville Florida 32202 United States -81.65923 30.32733
7781 South Little Egypt Road Stanley North Carolina 28164 United States -81.00597 35.44482
Maybe the solution is extraordinarily simple and I'm just being dense - it's entirely possible (I don't have extensive experience with any particular language, so I sometimes miss obvious things) but I haven't been able to solve it.
Thanks in advance!

Apply a function to each row in a data.frame and append the result to the data.frame in R

It seems like I should either know how to do this or at least find the answer here or elsewhere. Unfortunately neither is working.
I have a data frame of customers where one column is their id and another column is their full address. I want to add 3 columns for each row with the lat, long and county code from a geocode lookup.
That data frame looks like
customer_id fulladdress
1 123 Main St., Anywhere, FL
2 321 Oak St., Thisplace, CA
I created a geocode function that takes the full address and returns a data frame with lat, long and county columns.
How can I apply my geocode function to each row of the data frame and append the results as 3 columns into the existing data frame so that it looks like this:
customer_id fulladdress lat long county
1 123 Main St., Anywhere, FL 33.2345 -92.3333 43754
2 321 Oak St., Thisplace, CA 25.3333 -120.333 32960
I've tried playing with apply and ddply, but I can't seem to figure out what either one is doing. I tried this with ddply but all it does is give me back the original data frame.
ddply(customers[1:3,], .(fulladdress), function(x) { geocode(x$fulladdress)})
Thanks for the help.
Thanks for putting me on the right track. Here is what finally worked:
cbind(customers, t(sapply(customers$fulladdress,geocode, USE.NAMES=F)))
