Moving a website and ftp - http

101 for website and ftp: Do anyone know the best web hosting site for a beginner? Do ATT u-verse offer web hosting if you have their service?
I just want to keep this simple for a beginner. I have seen commercials on go daddy and googled to see google have something. Just need to upload files and put together a website. I used Yahoo business in the past while taking classes in 2005 on internet programming and ".net". I just checked the site today that I created. My .com is still up and running. It seems as though another company want me to move everything over as of November. And I also have a problem that need to be resolved by posting my file so others can view it to help me resolve my problem because you can't do attachments in posts. Here is what was said:
"..but may post a link (not shortened) to a site (no password/logon) that hosts a file..."
Thank you for your help in advance,

You have many options for web hosting providers. I offer web hosting through my company but to keep this unbiased these are two popular options for web hosting.
Godaddy is a very popular option for web hosting. You can get a shared server plan for about five dollars a month. They will give you FTP access to the server and even provide technical support in case you have any issues. Once you have the webhosting service account live you may change the nameservers to point to your server and then upload your website files to the www/username dir or the public_html/username dir.
AWS Free Tiers Option two is free if you do not use to much of the server resources. But if you go over it only charges you for what you use. AWS is a service through amazon that allows you to create instances of virtual private servers. It is a lot harder to configure but the tradeoff is that it is usually less expensive. Most of the time if you do not have a lot going on it is free.
FTP File Zilla is my favorite ftp. It is free and there are lots of resources online showing you how to use it. File Zilla Tutorial
If you are having problems with your current website please post a new question with a detailed description of the problem and an example of your doe as well as what you have tried to fix it. I am sure someone would be happy to help you.


Malware on Wordpress Site

I am working on a Wordpress website hosted on Godaddy and struggling with a Malware issue.
Every now and then the webpages start displaying thousands of random links on top of the pages.
When I searched for the texts in the content files, the only place I could find them was in comet cache.
If I delete the cache files, the links go away but again come back after few days.
Can anyone please suggest how can I prevent such a scenario and what all steps I can take to secure my website from such vulnerabilties.
Many thanks in advance.
There's a number of things that could be causing it. Check all of the following to help remove security holes:
Are you running the latest version of WordPress? If not, there could be a known vulnerability that is being exploited.
Are all your plugins up to date? For the same reason as above - a poorly written WordPress plugin can open up security holes.
Do the WordPress files and folders have the correct CHMOD permissions on the server? If not, you're asking for trouble.
I'd recommend any/all of the following as further reading:
If you don't want to do this work on your own, and you're working with GoDaddy, they offer (and now own) Sucuri which is a security service that will scan and clean your site. You can do this one-time, or pay for a monthly service that will continuously protect and restore your site.

How many websites can I host on wordpress business?

my friend and I recently bought Wordpress business and we thought that we would be allowed access to create multiple websites with premium themes and other benefits however it seems as though we can only have access to the themes for one year which is very confusing. Is there a way in which we could make websites for clients on this one site plan and the move it to th client's host and start out site from scratch for the next client?
The Wordpress people are not available to schedule a meeting with us until the end of the year sadly.
Thank you
Your best bet is to purchase some hosting and setup subdomains for your client's with the free download you get from
I use a resseller account for my clients and have zero problems!
Hope this helps

How can I preview a localhost wordpress website online?

This is a question I've had for a long time & I really hope that there is an answer but I'm also prepared for the answer to be no..
I'm developing a Wordpress website for my friend's new business on my computer & hosting it locally using MAMP. I really need to preview it for her but I live in London & she lives in NYC.
I know that with simple HTML/JavaScript web site/pages I can use websites like but I'm have no idea if there is an equivalent for Wordpress websites.
I really don't want to purchase hosting until it is completely finished, therefore I'm wondering: is a way in which I can preview a localhost MAMP website online for someone to view on another device without purchasing hosting?
All suggestions, comments, answers, are welcome and much appreciated!
All you need is any free hosting with PHP and MySQL. If you want to quickly move your WordPress website from localhost to server, you can use a plugin like Duplicator.
However, it can be a pain to move it again and again, every time something changes, so you can edit some of the code "live" on the server.
You need to check this following option they have option for free hosting
And if anyone who have reseller account can provide you little space for demo
Even though i only used xampp and not mamp, i think you can configure it so that you are hosting it on your pc. You will need to configure the httpd.conf so somebody from outside is able to access it but there are plenty of guides around for that.
How can I use my xampp server so that everyone from the outer web can acces it

How can I get backup of my 1 year old site?

I had a good active site about an two year ago, I was running that site actively, I wrote more than 300 articles on that site and was getting 1k+ traffic daily. Last year, I was too busy with study and other stuff, I totally forgot about site and even didn't renewed the domain and hosting. My hosting account got locked since I wasn't paying the bills. This year I am free and started working online, I have renewed my hosting and activated my domain. I asked 1and1 customer support to give me backup of everything I had on the site, they say 'there are no longer available backups on the server for the deleted contract'. I badly need all of those contents I wrote on that site. The site was created with WordPress and I used Cloudflare CDN, I haven't any backup of the site on my computer.
I am wondering, is there any way to get backup of my site from anywhere?
I would assume your only hope is to try and find your site on the Wayback Machine. The Wayback Machine is an amazing resource that has been archiving the broader internet since the late 90's. Its not a perfect copy but for static sites like blogs with enough traffic to have been noticed by the web spider that archives it can work rather well. It's also a cool nostalgic trip down memory lane :)

Sandboxes and Wordpress, Joomla or Drupal Sites?

I'm looking into building database driven websites based on opensource platforms in a sandbox area rather than having them accessible via the final URL until clients have paid up.
Is anyone aware of any problems this may cause with paths or functionality, or, know of any good articles on the subject?
many thanks
There is no bad effect on functionality just because it is in sandbox. Generally, Joomla is almost location independent (untill and unless you are driving multiple websites from same joomla installation)
For security purpose secure the URL via .htaccess file (if more security required then setup a cron to update password every X hours, and email new details to user)
I would suggest having a cut-down, less privileged or demo account for signup users that can still enjoy the overall experience of your site without the full functionality of your killer-webapp services. "Restricting" them in a Sandbox area that is not even the actual site would not be as appealing and convincing as it could be for them to go from "freemium to premium" customers.
I develop all joomla sites on a local server and then upload to the production server once approved. In Joomla, when I upload the files to the production server, I usually need to change the mysql server as well and it can all be changed from the configuration.php file
