Serf 1.3.8 install using scons is failing - http

I am using Redhat 6.6 and installed scons and using scons to install serf 1.3.8 but seeing the below error. Anyone has faced the below error. I am stuck and i need serf for http/https access for svn 1.9. Seeking advice for below error. I followed below URL. "" site for install procedure. I see error while executing cmd "/local//scons-2.4.1/script/scons check"
Has anyone know the solution or alternative to install serf to bypass this option and install serf without no issues
scons: Building targets ... test/test_buckets.c: In function
'test_deflate_4GBplus_buckets': test/test_buckets.c:1559: warning: integer
overflow in expression scons: *** [test/test_buckets.o] Error 1 scons: building
terminated because of errors.
Please advice.
What env variables are required for scons to work properly. I see different error, i messed the environment. Seeing the below error. Any idea what I have missed. I have the custom install for python7. I have added the python install path to PATH,LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Error is below. Import failed. Unable to find SCons files in: /local/appln/pkgs/scons-2.4.1/bin/../engine /local/appln/pkgs/scons-2.4.1/bin/scons-local-2.4.1 /local/appln/pkgs/scons-2.4.1/bin/scons-local /usr/lib/scons-2.4.1 /usr/local/lib/scons-2.4.1 /local/apps/pkgs/scons-2.4.1/lib/python2.6/site-packages/scons-2.4.1 /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/scons-2.4.1 /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/scons-2.4.1 /usr/lib64/scons-2.4.1 /local/apps/pkgs/scons-2.4.1/lib/scons /usr/lib/scons /usr/local/lib/scons /local/appln/pkgs/scons-2.4.1/lib/python2.6/site-packages/scons /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/scons
/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/scons /usr/lib64/scons
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/local/appln/pkgs/scons-2.4.1/bin/scons", line 190, in import SCons.Script
ImportError: No module named SCons.Script


sbt lagom template+InvalidRemoteException

I tried to follow the follow tutorial:
For generating the project scaffolding, I want to use the following template:
sbt new lagom/lagom-java.g8
But already receive the following error:
[error] org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.InvalidRemoteException: Invalid remote: origin
A bit frustrating at such early stage in the tutorial...
Any idea how to fix this?
Edit: the error is caused by:
[error] Caused by: org.eclipse.jgit.errors.NoRemoteRepositoryException: https// not found.
Seems there is a :missing after https. How to fix?
Verify you have the prerequisites. Prerequisites documented here
I just followed the instructions and was unable to reproduce the error from the CLI using sbt version 1.1.1.
What version of sbt are you using?

QT can't build - "Some of the required modules (!win32-g++) are not available"

I pulled down the qtpdf repository to check out and play with from here:
As soon as I open the file, I get the following general messages:
Cannot read C:/.../build-qpdf-Desktop_Qt_5_10_0_MinGW_32bit-Debug/src/lib/pdfium.pri: No such file or directory
Cannot read C:/.../build-qpdf-Desktop_Qt_5_10_0_MinGW_32bit-Debug/src/lib/freetype.pri: No such file or directory
Project MESSAGE: perl -w C:\Qt\5.10.0\mingw53_32\bin\ -module QtPdf -version 5.9.0 -outdir "C:/.../build-qpdf-Desktop_Qt_5_10_0_MinGW_32bit-Debug" C:/.../qtpdf
Project MESSAGE: perl -w C:\Qt\5.10.0\mingw53_32\bin\ -module QtPdfWidgets -version 5.9.0 -outdir "C:/.../build-qpdf-Desktop_Qt_5_10_0_MinGW_32bit-Debug" C:/.../qtpdf
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: pdfwidgets
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: pdf
Also when running "rebuild all" I get the following error message:
16:15:33: Starting: "C:\Qt\Tools\mingw530_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe" qmake_all
"Some of the required modules (!qnx:!uikit:!winphone:!winrt:!win32-g++:!integrity) are not available."
I've narrowed this down to !win32-g++ - If I remove that, it won't throw that error, but I don't understand what exactly this error means - I have googled around a lot but couldn't find anything that seemed reminiscent of this particular problem.
I managed to build qtpdf with mingw provided with Qt5.11.2.
Comment out "requires(!qnx:!uikit:!winphone:!winrt:!win32-g++:!integrity)" from
Apply the patch found here : (link dead in 2021, no backup sorry)
Add -luuid after "win32: LIBS_PRIVATE += -ladvapi32 -lgdi32 -luser32" in
I don't know why, probably because I am not an expert, but mingw doesn't generate correctly the folder "include". As a workaround I use the one generated under linux. For some reason, mingw generate only QPdfDepends and QPdfWidgetsDepends, none of the needed headers are generated. I didn't dig because I am lazy.
Hope it helps !
# Upstream PDFium has not been ported to various platforms yet.
The module is not working on win32-g++ (mingw32).

Apache Airflow 1.9 install on debian 8 from GitHub

I installed Apache airflow 1.9 from GitHub thanks to this command line on debian 9: pip install git+
However, I have an error during the airflow initdb caused by Fernet, do you know how to solve this issue?
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 947454bf1dff -> d2ae31099d61, Increase text size for MySQL (not relevant for other DBs' text types)
[2017-12-27 17:19:24,586] {} ERROR - Failed to load fernet while encrypting value, using non-encrypted value.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/airflow/", line 639, in set_extra
fernet = get_fernet()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/airflow/", line 103, in get_fernet
raise AirflowException('Failed to import Fernet, it may not be installed')
AirflowException: Failed to import Fernet, it may not be installed
[2017-12-27 17:19:24,601] {} ERROR - Failed to load fernet
And how can I specify extrapackage like in pip install apache-airflow[gcp-api] from my previous pip command install with GitHub?
How to install the latest 1.9.0RC too? I have an assertionError.
The answer marked as good have a broken link, if you have landed here as me and it continues broken, these steps have worked for me:
pip install cryptography
python -c "from cryptography.fernet import Fernet; print(Fernet.generate_key().decode())"
Add the generated key to the config file airflow.cfg, fernet_key = YOUR_GENERATED_KEY
During install from source you have to replace fernet_key in airflow.cfg such as you can find in the docs here.
In apache-airflow documentation, the script for generating fernet key is apparently wrong.
it says to use the following script.
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
fernet_key= Fernet.generate_key()
print(fernet_key) # your fernet_key, keep it in secured place!
but it raises an exception at 'airflow initdb' command.
to solve this instead of Fernet.generate_key() use Fernet.generate_key().decode() as shown in #skozz answer.

Potential conflict between polymer build and tur-nr/polymer-redux

I am experiencing unexpected errors when running polymer build after installing and using tur-nr/polymer-redux. Here is the demo repo.
Versions & Environment
polymer-build: v0.18.3 polymer --version
node: v6.10.2
Operating System: macOS Sierra v10.12.4
Steps to reproduce
git clone # clone remote repo to your local
cd redux # cd into your local repo
bower install # install bower dependencies
npm install redux # install redux
polymer build # attempt build
Expected results
I expect the build to complete, without errors. Then allow me to serve the packaged build.
Actual results
I get the following errors in the terminal.
Error messages
src/all-locally.html(14,16) error [unknown-polymer-behavior] - Unable to resolve behavior store. Did you import it? Is it annotated with #polymerBehavior?
src/imported-behavior.html(7,16) error [unknown-polymer-behavior] - Unable to resolve behavior ReduxStore. Did you import it? Is it annotated with #polymerBehavior?
src/imported-store-as-variable.html(10,16) error [unknown-polymer-behavior] - Unable to resolve behavior polymerStore. Did you import it? Is it annotated with #polymerBehavior?
src/imported-store.html(7,16) warning [could-not-determine-behavior-name] - Could not determine behavior name from expression of type
error: Promise rejection: Error: 3 error(s) occurred during build.
error: Error: 3 error(s) occurred during build.
at BuildAnalyzer._done (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/polymer-build/lib/analyzer.js:229:36)
at BuildAnalyzer. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/polymer-build/lib/analyzer.js:189:26)
at next (native)
at fulfilled (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/polymer-cli/node_modules/polymer-build/lib/analyzer.js:17:58)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:109:7)
How to use polymer-redux with polymer-build?
polymer lint and polymer-build fail due to ReduxBehavior not registering properly
#polymerBehavior should still produce a behavior even if we can't evaluate the expression

basic_client which is built with Makefile BusAttachment::Connect failed

I just built standard core 15.09a on linux and run sample apps basic_client.
This one built by scons.
bin/samples/basic_client works fine.
However, I built cpp/samples/basic/basic_client with Makefile.
It does not work. It shows an error
"0.232 ****** ERROR ALLJOYN external ...e/src/ | BusAttachment::Connect failed: ER_OS_ERROR
BusAttachment::Connect('') failed.".
So, I launched the bin/allhoyn-daemon, then no error occurred.
What is difference between scon and Makefile version?
Additionally, where can I get the information of application under the bin directory?
I searched the web-site of AllSeen and couldn't find any info.
As i know, the error that you got when build with Makefile happens because basic_client hasn't alljoyn router inside, with scons it runs fine because it compiles with BR=on and some flags:
-lajrouter -lBundledRouter.o -lssl -lcrypto
For more infomation, visit: here
