Finding ? operator in AST - abstract-syntax-tree

I'm doing some exercise in Rascal. When I try to determine the Cyclomatic complexity of a Java method getting methods from an AST. I would like to evaluate the ? operator.
As it is not determined by '/if(_, _, )', I tried to determine it using postfix(, _); (infix works fine finding || or &&)
Still no success.
Anybody who can unhide this secret to me?
Thanks in Advance

Use the force; the source for the AST definition is here, also mentioning the conditional constructor Mark pointed out in his comment.
If you use iprintln on the AST for a small example, like iprintln(ast) or import util::ValueUI; and then text(ast) for an editor with the formatted AST it's easy to find out what ASTs look like.


JSONPath for matching child value

I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to write a json path which fits my needs, without success.
I hope someone will be able to help me.
I've got a very simple JSON object that looks like: {"code":..., "message":...}, note that this is not a list of objects
I'm trying to find a JSON path that returns [%code%] when code > 100, else [].
I've found $[?(#.code > 100)].code which works fine with Jayway & Gatling implementations, but doesn't with Nebahle and Goessner implementations (according to
Sadly the project I'm working on is using a jsonpath lib with Goessner implementation.
Does anyone have an idea of a jsonpath that could work for any implementation?
There is no agreement between different JSONPath implementations for applying a filter expression to a JSON object. Some apply it to the object itself (e.g. Jayway), some apply it to each value of the JSON object (e.g. Goessner Javascript), and some don't seem to support it at all (e.g. Goessner PHP). Christoph Burgmer's JSONPath comparisons reports these differences here.
In your case, assuming Goessner Javascript, you might be able to get away with
$[?(#>100)] (1)
or perhaps safer
$[?(typeof(#) == 'number' && # > 100)] (2)
For example, given {"code":101, "message":"101"}, (1) produces
while (2) produces
(according to

Equivalent of Python's 'with' in Julia?

Does Julia have an equivalent of Python's with? Maybe as a macro? This is very useful, for example, to automatically close opened files.
Use a do block. Docs on do blocks are here.
And here is an example of how to do the usual with open(filename) as my_file of Python in Julia:
open("sherlock-holmes.txt") do filehandle
for line in eachline(filehandle)
The above example is from the Julia wikibooks too.
Although the do block syntax does have certain similarities to Python's with statement, there is no exact equivalent. This is discussed in further detail in the GitHub issue "with for deterministic destruction". The issue concludes that this structure should be added to Julia, although no syntax or plan for such is established.

Assert type information onto computed results in Julia

I read in an array of strings from a file.
julia> file = open("word-pairs.txt");
julia> lines = readlines(file);
But Julia doesn't know that they're strings.
julia> typeof(lines)
Can I tell Julia this somehow?
Is it possible to insert type information onto a computed result?
It would be helpful to know the context where this is an issue, because there might be a better way to express what you need - or there could be a subtle bug somewhere.
Can I tell Julia this somehow?
No, because the readlines function explicitly creates an Any array (a = {}):
Is it possible to insert type information onto a computed result?
You can convert the array:
r = convert(Array{ASCIIString,1}, w)
Or, create your own readstrings function based on the link above, but using ASCIIString[] for the collection array instead of {}.
Isaiah is right about the limits of readlines. More generally, often you can say
n = length(A)::Int
when generic type inference fails but you can guarantee the type in your particular case.
As of 0.3.4:
julia> typeof(lines)
I just wanted to warn against:
convert(Array{ASCIIString,1}, lines)
that can fail (for non-ASCII) while I guess, in this case nothing needs to be done, this should work:
convert(Array{UTF8String,1}, lines)

Do I get 3-address code in Frama-c

I just started developing a frama-c plugin that is doing some kind of alias analysis. I'm using the Dataflow.Backwards analysis and now I have to go through the different assignment statements and collect some stuff about the lvalues.
Does frama-c provide me with 3-address code? Do I have some guarantees about the shape of the lvalue (or any memory access)? I mean, sth like in soot or wala that there is at most one field access, s.t., for a->b->c, there would be a temp variable like tmp=a->b; tmp->c;? I checked the manuals, but I couldn't find anything related to this.
No, there is no such normalization in Frama-C. If you really need it, you can first use a visitor in order to normalize the code so that it suits the requirements of your plug-in. It'd go like that:
class normalize prj: Visitor.frama_c_visitor =
inherit Visitor.frama_c_copy prj
method vinstr i =
match i with
| Set (lv,e) -> ...
let analyze () = ...
let run () =
let my_prj = File.create_project_from_visitor "my_project" (fun prj -> new normalize prj) in
Project.on my_prj analyze ()
The following module from Cil does probably what you want: Be aware that the type of the resulting AST is the standard Cil one. You won't be getting any help from the OCaml compiler as to which constructs can be present in the simplified AST, and which ones cannot.
Note also that this module has not been ported to Frama-C so far. You will need some minor adaptation to make it work within Frama-C.

Haskell function to get part of date as string

I have a beginner question about dates and String in Haskell.
I need to get part of date (year, month or day) as String in Haskell. I found out, that if I write the following two lines in GHCi
Prelude> now <- getCurrentTime
Prelude> let mon = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%B" now
then mon is of type String. However, I am unable to put this in a function. I tried for instance the following:
getCurrMonth = do
now <- getCurrentTime
putStrLn (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%B" now)
But this returns type IO () and I need String (also not IO String, only String).
I understand that do statement creates a monad, which I don't want, but I have been unable to find any other solution for getting date in Haskell.
So, is there any way to write a function like this?
Thanks in advance for any help!
If you want to return a String representing the current time, it will have to be in the IO monad, as the value of the current time is always changing!
What you can do is to return a String in the IO monad:
> getCurrMonth :: IO String
> getCurrMonth = do
> now <- getCurrentTime
> return (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%B" now)
then, from your top level (e.g. in main), you can pass the String around:
> main = do
> s <- getCurrMonth
> ... do something with s ...
If you really want a pure function of that sort, then you need to pass in the time explicitly as a parameter.
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import System.Time (formatCalendarTime, toUTCTime, getClockTime, ClockTime)
main = do now <- getClockTime
putStrLn $ getMonthString now
getMonthString :: ClockTime -> String
getMonthString = formatCalendarTime defaultTimeLocale "%B" . toUTCTime
Notice how getMonthString can be pure since the IO action getClockTime is performed elsewhere.
I used the old-time functions, because I was testing it out on codepad, which apparently doesn't have the newer time package. :( I'm new to the old time functions so this might be off a couple hours since it uses toUTCTime.
As Don said, there's no way to avoid using monads in this situation. Remember that Haskell is a pure functional language, and therefore a function must always return the same output given a particular input. provides a great explanation and introduction here that is certainly worth looking at. You'd also probably benefit from monad introduction like this one or a Haskell I/O tutorial like this one. Of course there are tons more resources online you can find. Monads can initially be daunting, but they're really not as difficult as they seem at first.
Oh, and I strongly advise against using unsafePerformIO. There's a very good reason it has the word "unsafe" in the name, and it was definitely not created for situations like this. Using it will only lead to bad habits and problems down the line.
Good luck learning Haskell!
You can't get just a String, it has to be IO String. This is because getCurrMonth is not a pure function, it returns different values at different times, so it has to be in IO.
