The TEXTAREA element has different font-family than the INPUT element in MDL - material-design-lite

The TEXTAREA element has different font-family than the INPUT element in MDL.
Please fix.

Please post actual upstream bugs to the upstream issue tracker. As you have already done. Posting issues here will get nothing actionable for us upstream to work on.
When something is clearly an issue with the code MDL provides, file a bug upstream. When you aren't sure where the problem lies or need integration help, then ask here on SO. Do not post to both trying to get more eyes on the problem, it only gets annoying and creates noise.


Wordpress CSS Webkit trouble

I'm trying to make the text have an image inside it. Here is an example:
I'm using this img as the center. (When entering the URL, I had to take out the https:// because of the // making the rest of the line commented out)
Here is what it looks like but it's throwing me an error on line 4.
Since I'm new to Wordpress, I'm not sure if its a Webkit issue, the https:// issue, or if I'm reading an outdated article on how to do the effect that I want.
If you have any insight, id love to hear it! Thanks for your time.

End tag for body not found and unclosed div elements

Here is the problem that is been bugging me for 2 days now. My website which is running on Wordpress, was working just fine until i've added 1 new article; after that the template gets messed up and after running a validation on, it says that i'm missing an end tag for and 2 unclosed elements.
Now the strange thing is this. When i remove (unpublish) one article, the template is working again just fine.. But when i publish that article back, the validation errors reappear.
I've eliminated the possibility that that the error is a result of an unwanted html code (accidentally) included in the editor, but I cant find whats causing this error.
Can someone, please, help me out? I'm running out of ideas :(
My website:
The validation code:
Turns out, an earlier article had elements in the code, which my client didn't see when he was posting that article. Now i've removed all unwanted elements and everything is back to normal.
Thank you all for the responses and for your time!

Background-image:inherit and HTTP Requests

I Tried to find the answers here on stackoverflow but couldent find it , so I hope someone can help me.
The question is pretty simple I guess, Im trying to optimize My site with a image sprite instead of many images.
And I wanted to know if a background:inherit counts as HTTP Request?
Was thinking otherwise I could let My DIVs just inherit the first DIVs background image and save me a lot of Requests.
And do Two img links too the same image sprite count as one or Two HTTP Request? I mean do the browser understand that it already download it?
Assuming that you cache images, two (or a thousand) image links will only issue one HTTP Request, as long as the image itself doesn't change, though it's really about the browser implementation. The same goes about using inheritance or even using the same resource in different CSS elements. If you are using Chrome, I'd suggest that you'll take a look at the network tab in the Developer tools and verify that this is indeed the case. Otherwise, you can try using Fiddler.
If you'll share a link, I'd be more than happy to take a look at it myself.

Style getting screwed up with hash in URL

I have some pages that are loaded with a hash/anchor in the url. When we do this it screws up the padding/margin of the document. Without it, it works fine.
What's even stranger is if I use the browser tools to get to the css and disable the margin and padding and then reenable it, it looks fine. We are using a third party web site to serve our site which means we're kind of locked into a CMS type of service and our hands are tied to a certain extent as to how much we can customize our pages. So, therefore, we have multiple css files referenced and so forth.
If you look at the two urls below you'll see the issue in the one with the #company_settings appended to the end of the url. If you then use inspect element in chrome to look at the header and disable and reenable the custom.css:2 for margin and padding, you'll see it then fixes the problem. Any idea why this is happening and if there's something I can do in css to fix this? Thanks.
Using a hash in the URL signals the browser to scroll to a specific location of the document.
And the browser is exactly doing so.
If you can edit skin.css (which sounds so by it's name), go into line 6:
#foxboro_header {width:100%;overflow:hidden;}
Change it, remove the overflow rule:
#foxboro_header {width:100%;}
This should make it work.
BTW if it's a block element, the width is automatically set to 100%. Setting it would be redundant then.
Next to that the code of the page is full of validation errors, deal with them otherwise you might run into more and more problems.
I had a similar issue using hash.
There is/was a some bug with display: table and hash url. I changed it to display: block and it was working correctly afterwards.
Hope it helps someone.

In-text hyperlinks shown by Internet Explorer without the following space. What can be the reason? YUI?

I've a problem which is most likely some ugly CSS mistake, but I just can't spot the solution (and a few changes I tried did not help).
Some of in-text hyperlinks (not all!) are shown by Internet Explorer without the following space.
here is the example
See the link WatchBot just below the Rationale title (and a few similar links deeper in the article). Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Konqueror - all display it properly: WatchBot can. IE (6.0 but IIRC also 7.0) displays it as **WatchBot***can*.
I am using Yui-reset and yui-base. Is it possible that those libraries cause the problem?
Do you have a script running on, and altering, the content in any way? I say this because the page loads normally initially, but looks as though it undergos some modification later in the loading lifecycle.
If you think reset or base are making this happen try removing them one at a time - I haven't had any experience of this error before however (I usually use the full whack: Reset, Grids, Base and Fonts).
What I did notice however is that the first WatchBot link of the page is simply this:
<p>Have you ever been curious how is
picking the games to observe and save? Here is the explanation.</p>
Where as the second link looks like this:
<span>Due to the FICS limitations </span>
WatchBot<span> can
I have no idea what that second span is doing there - might be something to check up on. (It validated fine however - so there's definitely an closing span somewhere).
I'd say a good place to start would be to but a space after the anchor but before the span, rather than right after the span start tag.
Current state of the things: as steve_c spotted first, and buti-oxa confirmed, it looks like the layout is being spoiled by javascript (and as Ross noted, some extra spans are injected). Thank you all, I missed it.
I am to make experiments and selectively disable those scripts (analytics and google ads) to check whether it helps (my current bet is that maybe I have some HTML error or naming conflict)
Did you try to disable pageTracker? It seems to be the only script on your page, and it looks fine to me in its static form.
EDIT: I wondered what span Ross was talking about - I did not see any. I viewed the source. I just learned that Firefox allows to see both source and generated source (Toos/Web Developer/View Source). Sure enough, generated source has additional span inserted.
Solution: my page was spoiled by the text-link-ads script (which, in fact I activated on English blog by mistake - this is script by, Polish firm). After disabling it everything is OK.
Thanks for everybody who pointed me into the right direction.
