Setting CSS property for ul and li in class - css

I am trying to set properties of the ul and li items within a class but it's not working. This is for the wordpress jetpack social media icons.
I have
.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget .genericon {
font-size: 21px;
.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget ul {
list-style-type: none;
.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget {
margin-right: 100px;
Only the first one, setting the size, seems to work. The others don't. The second one is to remove the bullets before the media icons and the second one is to add a space between the icons as the icons are inside span blocks. Why are they not working?

To remove bullet points use
.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget ul li {
list-style: none; }
You cannot give margin to a span since it is a inline level element, instead you can make the .menu-item as inline block and give margin this way
.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget {
margin-right: 100px;}


WordPress Bullets - Text Wrapping Under Bullets

Using WordPress and I want to avoid having the second line text of my bullet points wrap down under the bullets. I'd like clean bullets to one side and text to the other. This is the CSS I am using. Any thoughts?
.entry-content ul li { list-style-type: none; font-size: 100%; list-style-position: outside;} .entry-content ul li:before { content: "✓"; padding-right: 10px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; color: #718336; }
try the outside position on the UL instead of the li:
.entry-content ul {
list-style-position: outside;
for the :before tag, you'll want to position that absolutely and move it to where the circle was (or try negative margin-left) should get you what you are looking for*

How to horizontal align <ul> pagination tags?

I have Joomla 3.4.5 + Virtuemart 3 + Template Purity III.
I have a problem with the "pages navigation" links. You can see the problem here: [link broken]
The problem is the list <ul> is displayed vertically instead of horizontally.
I would like to know which css code I have to add to get horizontally and "normal" looking my pagination buttons.
Can some expert help me please?
Not sure. Try like this.
.vm-pagination > ul > li
padding:0px 10px;
According to comment below if you want one code should solve both the problem then use it like below. In the above code i tried to apply only for the direct children list items. In your bottom page case it is not direct children. So change your code like below.
.vm-pagination ul > li
padding:0px 10px;
You should put list-style: none; on "ul" to get rid of the bullet points and display: inline; or display: inline-block; on the contained "li"s to display them in a row.
.vm-pagination ul li
list-style: none;
.vm-pagination ul li
display: inline;
Then you can play with marging+paddings+borders to make them look more like tabs.
Just add text-align: left; to your pagination ul. Also you can disable list styling with list-style: none;. And as a final step, you can remove unnecessary paddings and margins of your ul element
.vm-pagination > ul {
text-align: none;
list-style: none;
padding: 0;
use in your style may help you
margin:0px 0px;
padding:0px 0px;
ul li
padding:4px 4px;

is there any way to decrease List bullet size in CSS

Here Is the link of the page on which I am working.
In the CONSULTANT section there is a list. I want to make the bullets size smaller.
I have done CSS:
.career ul li span {
font-size: 18px;
.career ul li{
font-size: 10px !important;
Please help me to make bullets size smaller.
There is no <!DOCTYPE html> in your HTML page. so that you're not able to decrease Bullet size
#trainoasis is right, decreasing the font-fize for li works. Tried with ChromeDeveloper tools, but this CSS should do the trick.
.career ul li {
font-size: 0.5em;
You can use :before to create your own bullet and have it's own font-size
.career ul li {
list-style: none;
.career ul li:before {
content: '■';
vertical-align: middle;
display: inline-block;
margin-top: -3px;
font-size: 12px;
margin-right: 4px;
To reduce the size of bullet list, we can use before pseudo element.
For the list we have to give
list-style: none;
And then using pseudo element, we can create bullet as per our needed size and content
ul li:before {
content: ".";
position: absolute;
You can style the positions by giving top,bottom,left, right values.
If you have any queries please check,
Code was taken from the above site.

CSS Dropdown Menu missing Background

My Dropdown-Menu Background only appears when hovering over the Dropdown sites, but I want it to appear all the time.
My Site is:
There are Dropdowns on "Meine Bücher", "Rezensionen" and "Challenges" but the background only shows on the first Dropdown-Tabs, which makes it difficult the read the other ones, if you don't hover over them.
How can I make the Background appear on the drop-down-tabs with only hovering over die "Main"-Tabs (Meine Bücher, etc.)?
Add this to your CSS:
#nav1 ul ul li {
background-color: #f3f3f3;
You can also have more "air" by using padding for the li:
#nav1 ul ul li {
background-color: #f3f3f3;
padding-right: 20px;
padding-left: 20px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
Looks like you might have a little issue with your max-height # .tabs-inner .widget ul on Line 255. Maybe setup a different max-height on :hover?

How do you style Wordpress sub-menus with CSS?

I'm trying to style my wordpress sub-menu with CSS to show only when a user hovers the "Color" menu item but I haven't succeed so I need some help please.
Here's how my menu looks like at this state:
The sub-menu shows all the time and there is a weird space after the "Color" menu item. Also, the sub-menu items are displayed one after another and not one below other like a drop-down menu should be.
Could you please help me out?
I'm aware that there are some similar questions to this one but they were of no help.
EDIT: added current CSS menu code that I have in my style.css
nav.main { float: left; }
nav.main li { float: left; margin-right: 11px; }
nav.main li.last-child { margin-right: 0; }
nav.main li a {
color: #7A0018;
display: block;
font-size: 13px;
padding: 50px 7px 22px 7px;
text-decoration: none;
nav.main li a:hover { background: #fbf6dc; }
nav.main li.current-menu-item a { background: #fbf6dc; }
where is css for your child list items ? you haven't use display property for those sub-menu which should be done none first then only on hovering them you have to change display property 'block'.
You have given margin-right property 11px; where as ul on default also occupies some margin.
Can you also provide your html frame (code)?
