How to use the EMG Raw Data in Myo Armband - myo

I'm working on a project to try to recognize some movements/poses for use in rehabilitation therapy using Myo Gesture Control Armband.
I have three questions:
Which is the maximum and minimum value that EMG Raw Data returns?
How do you interpret the EMG Raw Data?
The minimum value returned by the EMG Raw Data is for a relaxed muscle and the maximum value is a fully contracted muscle?
PS1: Question in Myo Developer Forum
PS2.: The most important to me is learn how interpret the EMG Raw Data. With some didactic sample. I want to create my own gestures.

This is from my looking results and understanding:
EMG Raw Data return value from -128 to 127 (8-bit value).
We don't really know what is EMG Raw Data. We can't say it's mV directly from muscles intensity. Sensors measure mV and convert to 8-bit data.
This is signal. Around 0 is "relaxed muscle" not minimum. But converting from mV to 8-bit data can make strange values too. Soo 2. and 3. question I can't really answer how it's work, because Myo don't show own hardware for converting values (or I don't find that).
I recommend visit Myo diagnostic page and see what happend in EMG graphs while you relaxed and contracted muscle.


How does sound data look like?

I read how sounds represented with numbers in computer here.
And I figured out that usual representation is that, we get 44,100 numbers between [-32767, 32767] per second.
Then to my imagination, there's got to be a big one-column matrix, right?
I'm a R user, so speaking in R, sound data of 3 seconds would be,
s <- 3
sound <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = 44100 * s)
#> [1] 132300
one-column matrix with 132,300 rows.
Is this really the case?
I want some analogous picture in my head, say, in case of a picture with 256 * 256,
if we RGB that picture, we get 3 matrices each with 256 * 256.
And in the case of sounds, we get a long long column? As I think about this again, it's not even a matrix after all. It's a column.
Am I right? I can't find any similar dataset searching Internet.
Any advices will be welcomed. Thanks.
The raw format that is created early in that linked question could look a lot like a single dimension array. And probably the signal that is sent to the speaker to make the sound could be represented similarly.
But you're unlikely to find a file on your computer that looks like that for several reasons:
Sound can be stored at different bit depth - that is how many bits for each 'number' CD Audio tracks have a 16 bit depth, but you could have 8 or 32 bits etc. In a straight stream of these numbers you need some how to know how far to read to the next number, so that information needs to be safed somewhere.
Sample rate can vary. If you've got a sequence of numbers representing an audio signal, then you need to know how long each number lasts for.
mostly sounds are more complex. Instead of a single source, you have stereo, or 5 channel, or whatever, so the system needs to be able to store / decode multiple pieces of information for the sounds you want to hear at a particular time
much of sound is repetitive, and so can often benefit from compression.
So most sounds are stored in a compressed format that includes wrapper information about how to decode it. The wrapper information includes how to decode the different audio channels, what sort of compression was used etc.
The closest you're likely to find are a .wav file (Windows) or .aiff (Mac). But even these include some metadata (sample rate and bit depth to start).

i don't really understand FFT and sample rates

Im really confused over here. I am a ai programmer working on a game that is designed to detect beats in songs and some more. I have no previous knowledge about audio and just reading through whatever material i can find. While i got fft working and stuff I simply don't understand the way samples are transferred to different frequencies. Question 1, what does each frequency stands for. For the algorithm i got. I can transfer for example 1024 samples into 512 outcomes. So are they a description of the strength of each spectrum at the current second? it doesn't really make sense since what i remember is that there are 20,000hz in a 44.1khz audio recording. So how does 512 spectrum samples explain what is happening in that moment? Question 2, from what i read, its a number that represent the sound wave at this moment. However i read that by squaring both left channel and right channel, and add them together and you will get the current power level. Both these seems incoherent to my understanding, and i am really buff led so please explain away.
DFT output
the output is complex representation of phasor (Re,Im,Frequency) of basis function (usually sin wave). First item is DC offset so skip it. All the others are multiples of the same fundamental frequency (sampling rate/N). The output is symmetric (if the input is real only) so use just first half of results. Often power spectrum is used
which is the amplitude of basis function. If phase is needed then
beware DFT results are strongly dependent on the input signal shape,frequency and phase shift to your basis functions. That causes the output to vibrate/oscillate around the correct value and produce wide peaks instead of sharp ones for singular frequencies not to mention aliasing.
if you got 44100Hz then the max output frequency is half of it that means the biggest frequency present in data is 22050Hz. The DFFT however does not contain this frequency so if you ignore the mirrored second half of results then:
for 4 samples DFT outputs frequencies are { -,11025 } Hz
for 8 samples frequencies are: { -,5512.5,11025,16537.5 } Hz
The output frequency is linear to its address from start so if you got N=512 samples
do DFFT on it
obtain first N/2=256 results
i-th sample represents frequency f=i*samplerate/N Hz
where i={ 1,...,(N/2)-1} ... skipping i=0
the image shows one of mine utility apps tighted together with
2-channel sound generator (top left)
2-channel oscilloscope (top right)
2-channel spectral analyzer (bottom) ... switched to linear frequency scale to make obvious what I mean in above text
zoom the image to see the settings ... I made it as close to the real devices as I could.
Here DCT and DFT comparison:
Here the DFT output dependency on input signal frequency aliasing by sampling rate
more channels
Summing power of channels is more safe. If you just add the channels then you could miss some data. For example let left channel is playing 1 Khz sin wave and the right exact opposite so if you just sum them then the result is zero but you can hear the sound .... (if you are not exactly in the middle between speakers). If you analyze each channel independently then you need to calculate DFFT for each channel but if you use power sum of channels (or abs sum) then you can obtain the frequencies for all channels at once , of coarse you need to scale the amplitudes ...
Bigger the N nicer the result (less aliasing artifacts and closer to the max frequency). For specific frequencies detection are FIR filter detectors more precise and faster.
Strongly recommend to read DFT and all sublinks there and also this plotting real time Data on (qwt) Oscillocope

Converting Real and Imaginary FFT output to Frequency and Amplitude

I'm designing a real time Audio Analyser to be embedded on a FPGA chip. The finished system will read in a live audio stream and output frequency and amplitude pairs for the X most prevalent frequencies.
I've managed to implement the FFT so far, but it's current output is just the real and imaginary parts for each window, and what I want to know is, how do I convert this into the frequency and amplitude pairs?
I've been doing some reading on the FFT, and I see how they can be turned into a magnitude and phase relationship but I need a format that someone without a knowledge of complex mathematics could read!
Thanks for these quick responses!
The output from the FFT I'm getting at the moment is a continuous stream of real and imaginary pairs. I'm not sure whether to break these up into packets of the same size as my input packets (64 values), and treat them as an array, or deal with them individually.
The sample rate, I have no problem with. As I configured the FFT myself, I know that it's running off the global clock of 50MHz. As for the Array Index (if the output is an array of course...), I have no idea.
If we say that the output is a series of One-Dimensional arrays of 64 complex values:
1) How do I find the array index [i]?
2) Will each array return a single frequency part, or a number of them?
Thankyou so much for all your help! I'd be lost without it.
Well, the bad news is, there's no way around needing to understand complex numbers. The good news is, just because they're called complex numbers doesn't mean they're, y'know, complicated. So first, check out the wikipedia page, and for an audio application I'd say, read down to about section 3.2, maybe skipping the section on square roots:
What that's telling you is that if you have a complex number, a + bi, you can picture it as living in the x,y plane at location (a,b). To get the magnitude and phase, all you have to do is find two quantities:
The distance from the origin of the plane, which is the magnitude, and
The angle from the x-axis, which is the phase.
The magnitude is simple enough: sqrt(a^2 + b^2).
The phase is equally simple: atan2(b,a).
The FFT result will give you an array of complex values. The twice the magnitude (square root of sum of the complex components squared) of each array element is an amplitude. Or do a log magnitude if you want a dB scale. The array index will give you the center of the frequency bin with that amplitude. You need to know the sample rate and length to get the frequency of each array element or bin.
f[i] = i * sampleRate / fftLength
for the first half of the array (the other half is just duplicate information in the form of complex conjugates for real audio input).
The frequency of each FFT result bin may be different from any actual spectral frequencies present in the audio signal, due to windowing or so-called spectral leakage. Look up frequency estimation methods for the details.

Finding area of straight line with graph (Math question but needed for flot)

Okay, so this is a straight math question and I read up on meta that those need to be written to sound like programming questions. I'll do my best...
So I have graph made in flot that shows the network usage (in bytes/sec) for the user. The data is 4 minutes apart when there is activity, and otherwise set at the start of the usage range (let's say day 1) and the end of the range (day 7). The data is coming from a CGI script I have no control over, so I'm fairly limited in what I can provide the user.
I never took trig or calculus, so I'm pretty much in over my head. What I want is for the user to have the option to click any point on the graph and see their bandwidth usage for that moment. Since the lines between real data points are drawn straight, this can be done by getting the points before and after where the user has clicked and finding the y-interval.
It took me weeks to finally get a helpful math person to explain this to me. Everyone else has insisted on trying to teach me Riemann sum techniques and all sorts of other heavy stuff that not only is confusing to me, doesn't seem necessary for the problem.
But I also want the user to be able to highlight the graph from two arbitrary points on the y-axis (time) to get the amount of network usage total during that range. I know this would be inaccurate, but I need it to be the right inaccurate using a solid equation.
I thought this was the area under the line, but experiments with much simpler graphs makes this seem just far too high. I figured out I could take the distance from y2 - y1 and multiply it by x2 - x1 and then divide by two to get the area of the graph below the line like a triangle, but again, the numbers seemed to high. (maybe they are just big numbers and I don't get this math stuff at all).
So what I need, if anyone would be really awesome enough to provide it before this question is closed down for being too pure-math, is either the name of the concept I should be researching or the equation itself. Or the bad news that I do need advanced math to get an accurate result.
I am not bad at math, just as a last note, I just am not familiar with math beyond 10th grade and so I need some place to start. All the math sites seem to keep it too simple or way over my paygrade.
If I understood correctly what you're asking (and that is somewhat doubtful), you should find what you seek in these links:
Linear interpolation
(calculating the value of the point in between)
Trapezoidal rule
(calculating the area below the "curve")
*****Edit, so we can get this over :) without much ado:*****
So I have graph made in flot that shows the network usage (in bytes/sec) for the user. The data is 4 minutes apart when there is activity, and otherwise set at the start of the usage range (let's say day 1) and the end of the range (day 7). The data is coming from a CGI script I have no control over, so I'm fairly limited in what I can provide the user.
What is a "flot" ?
Okey, so you have speed on y axis [in bytes/sec]; and time on x axis in [sec], right?
That means, that if you're flotting (I'm bored, yes :) speed over time, in linear segments, interpolating at some particular point in time you'll get speed at that particular point in time.
If you wish to calculate how much bandwidth you've spend, you need to determine the area beneath that curve. The area from point "a" to point "b" will determine the spended bandwidth in [bytes] in that time period.
It took me weeks to finally get a helpful math person to explain this to me. Everyone else has insisted on trying to teach me Riemann sum techniques and all sorts of other heavy stuff that not only is confusing to me, doesn't seem necessary for the problem.
In the immortal words of Snoopy: "Good grief !"
But I also want the user to be able to highlight the graph from two arbitrary points on the y-axis (time) to get the amount of network usage total during that range. I know this would be inaccurate, but I need it to be the right inaccurate using a solid equation.
It would not be inaccurate.
It would be actually perfectly accurate (well, apart from roundoff error in bytes :), since you're using linear interpolation on linear segments.
I thought this was the area under the line, but experiments with much simpler graphs makes this seem just far too high. I figured out I could take the distance from y2 - y1 and multiply it by x2 - x1 and then divide by two to get the area of the graph below the line like a triangle, but again, the numbers seemed to high. (maybe they are just big numbers and I don't get this math stuff at all).
"like a triangle" --> should be "like a trapezoid"
If you do deltax*(y2-y1)/2 you will get the area, yes (this works only for linear segments). This is the basis principle of trapezoidal rule.
If you're uncertain about what you're calculating use dimensional analysis: speed is in bytes/sec, time is in sec, bandwidth is in bytes. Multiplying speed*time=bandwidth, and so on.
What I want is for the user to have
the option to click any point on the
graph and see their bandwidth usage
for that moment. Since the lines
between real data points are drawn
straight, this can be done by getting
the points before and after where the
user has clicked and finding the
Yes, that's a good way to find that instantaneous value. When you report that value back, it's in the same units as the y-axis, so that means bytes/sec, right?
I don't know how rapidly the rate changes between points, but it's even simpler if you simply pick the closest point and report its value. You simplify your problem without sacrificing too much accuracy.
I thought this was the area under the
line, but experiments with much
simpler graphs makes this seem just
far too high. I figured out I could
take the distance from y2 - y1 and
multiply it by x2 - x1 and then divide
by two to get the area of the graph
below the line like a triangle, but
again, the numbers seemed to high.
(maybe they are just big numbers and I
don't get this math stuff at all).
To calculate the total bytes over a given time interval, you should find the index closest to the starting and ending point and multiply the value of y by the spacing of your x-points and add them all together. That will give you the total # of bytes consumed during that time interval, but there's one more wrinkle you might have forgotten.
You said that the points come in "4 minutes apart", and your y-axis is in bytes/second. Remember that units matter. Your area is the sum of bytes/second times a spacing in minutes. To make the units come out right you have to multiply by 60 seconds/minute to get the final value of bytes that you want.
If that "too high" value is still off, consider units again. It's 1024 bytes per kbyte, and 1024*1024 bytes per MB. Check the units of the values you're checking the calculation against.
No wonder you're having problems. Your original question CLEARLY stated bytes/sec. Even this question is imprecise and confusing. How did you arrive at "amount of data" at a given time stamp? Are those the total bits transferred since the last time stamp? If yes, simply add the values between the start and end of the interval you want and convert to the units convenient for you.
The network usage total is not in bytes (kilo-, mega-, whatever) per second. It would be in just straight bytes (or kilo-, or whatever).
For example, 2 megabytes per second over an interval of 10 seconds would be 20 megabytes total. It would not be 20 megabytes per second.
Or do you perhaps want average bytes per second over an interval?
This would be a lot easier for you if you would accept that there is well-established terminology for the concepts that you are having trouble expressing concisely or accurately, and that these mathematical terms have been around far longer than you. Since you've clearly gone through most of the trouble of understanding the concepts, you might as well break down and start calling them by their proper names.
That said:
There are 2 obvious ways to graph bandwidth, and two ways you might be getting the bandwidth data from the server. First, there's the cumulative usage function, which for any time is simply the total amount of data transferred since the start of the measurement. If you plot this function, you get a graph that never decreases (since you can't un-download something). The units of the values of this function will be bytes or kB or something like that.
What users are typically interested is in the instantaneous usage function, which is an indicator of how much bandwidth you are using right now. This is what users typically want to see. In mathematical terms, this is the derivative of the cumulative function. This derivative can take on any value from 0 (you aren't downloading) to the rated speed of your network link (indicating that you're pushing as much data as possible through your connection). The units of this function are bytes per second, or something related like Mbps (megabits per second).
You can approximate the instantaneous bandwidth with the average data usage over the past few seconds. This is computed as
(number of bytes transferred)
(number of seconds that elapsed while transferring those bytes)
Generally speaking, the smaller the time interval, the more accurate the approximation. For simplicity's sake, you usually want to compute this as "number of bytes transferred since last report" divided by "number of seconds since last report".
As an example, if the server is giving you a report every 4 minutes of "total number of bytes transferred today", then it is giving you the cumulative function and you need to approximate the derivative. The instantaneous bandwidth usage rate you can report to users is:
(total transferred as of now) - (total as of 4 minutes ago) bytes
4*60 seconds
If the server is giving you reports of the form "number of bytes transferred since last report", then you can directly report this to users and plot that data relative to time. On the other hand, if the user (or you) is concerned about a quota on total bytes transferred per day, then you will need to transform the (approximately) instantaneous data you have into the cumulative data. This process, known as computing the integral, is the opposite of computing the derivative, and is in some ways conceptually simpler. If you've kept track of each of the reports from the server and the timestamp, then for each time, the value you plot is the total of all the reports that came in before that time. If you're doing this in realtime, then every time you get a new report, the graph jumps up by the amount in that report.
I am not bad at math, ... I just am not familiar with math beyond 10th grade
This is like saying "I'm not bad at programming, I have no trouble with ifs and loops but I never got around to writing more than one function."
I would suggest you enrol in a maths class of some kind. An understanding of matrices and the basics of calculus gives you an appreciation of many things, and can be useful in all sorts of areas. You'll be able to understand more of Wikipedia articles and SO answers - and questions!
If you can't afford that, try to find some lecture videos or something.
Everyone else has insisted on trying to teach me Riemann sum techniques
I can't see why. You don't need them for this - though if you had learned them, I expect you would find it easier to come up with a solution. You see, Riemann sums attempt to give you a "familiar" notion of area. The sort of area you (hopefully) learned years ago.
Getting the area below your usage graph between two points will tell you (approximately) how much was used over that period.
How do you find the area of a floor plan? You break it up into rectangles and triangles, find the area of each, and add them together. You can do the same thing with your graph, basically. Someone has worked out a simple way of doing this called the trapezoidal rule. It's just a matter of choosing how to divide your graph into strips, and in your case this is easy: just use the data points themselves as dividers. (You'll also need to work out the value of the graph at the left and right ends of the region selected by the user, using linear interpolation.)
If there's anything I've said that isn't clear to you (as there may well be), please leave a comment.

Normalizing FFT Data for Human Hearing

The typical FFT for audio looks pretty similar to this, with most of the action happening on the far left side
He multiplied it by a partial sine wave to get it to the bottom, but the article isn't too specific on this part of it. It also seems like a "good enough" modification of the dataset, rather than one based on some property. I understand that human hearing is better suited to the higher frequencies, thus, most music will have amplified bass and attenuated treble so that both sound to us as being of relatively equal strength.
My question is what modification needs to be done to the FFT to compensate for this standard falloff?
for(i = 0; i < fft.length; i++){
fft[i] = fft[i] * Math.log(i + 1); // does, eh, ok but the high
// end is still not really "loud"
// enough
I came across this article, I think it might be the direction to head in, but there still might be some property of an FFT that needs to be counteracte.
First, are you sure you want to do this? It makes sense to compensate for some things, like the microphone response not being flat, but not human perception. People are used to hearing sounds with the spectral content that the sounds have in the real world, not along perceptual equal loudness curves. If you play a sound that you've modified in the way you suggest it would sound strange. Maybe some people like the music to have enhanced low frequencies, but this is a matter of taste, not psychophysics.
Or maybe you are compensating for some other reason, for example, taking into account the poorer sensitivity to lower frequencies might enhance a compression algorithm. Is this the idea?
If you do want to normalize by the equal loudness curves, one should note that most of the curves and equations are in terms of sound pressure level (SPL). SPL is the log of the square of the waveform amplitude, so when you work with the FFTs, it's probably easiest to work with their square (the power specta). (Or, of course, you could compensate in other ways by, say, multiplying by sqrt(log(i+1)) in your equation above -- assuming that the log was an approximation of the inverse equal-loudness curve.)
I think the equal loudness contour is exactly the right direction.
However, its shape depends on the absolute pressure level.
In other words the sensitivity curve of our hearing changes with sound pressure.
There is no "correct normalization" if you have no information about absolute levels.
If this is a problem depends on what you want to do with the data.
The loudness contour is standardized in ISO 226 but this document is not freely available for download. It should be in a decent university library though.
Here is another source for
loudness contours
So you are trying to raise the level of the high end frequencies? Sounds like a high pass filter with a minimum multiplier might work, so that you don't attenuate the low frequency signals too much. Pick up a good book on filter design, maybe monkey around with this applet
In the old days of first samplers, this is before MOTU Boost people :) it wasn't FFT but simple (Fairlight or Roland it first I think) Normalisation done on the original or resulting time-domain signal (if you are doing beat slicing, recycle-style); can't you do that? Or only go for the FFT after you compensate to counteract for it?
Seems like a two phase procedure otherwise, I'd personally leave FFT as is for the task..
