Drupal 7 - Server Error 500 when adding a Filter to views - drupal

For some reason when I try adding a filter to any view that I have, I receive the Server Error 500.
In Google Chrome I get
In Firefox I get this this.
To be detailed, I have a view that currently displays published articles. All Articles are translated into Spanish and English. I am trying to add the filter: Content:language and set it to user current language.
When I save, the page refreshes and the temporary changes notice is shown. I try saving a second time and the Server Error comes up. This happens for both web browsers.
Could it be a that I have to enable a read/write for a certain file? If so, I don't know which file to look for.
Can anyone shed some light on this for me ? I have been at it for about 13 hours...

After taking the advice from #Rainfall in the comment, I found another post on Drupal's forum with the solution/ patch for this issue.
Here is the post with the solution
Comment #9 gave a patch that worked for others and it worked for me too. More in depth info on the issue is there as well.


Drupal Computed Field with Views

I have some Computed Fields and in these fields, I get some HTML codes with simple_html_dom.php class from some sites. Codes works perfectly on pages, but when I try to get these fields to use in a View, Drupal gives the following error.
Anybody can help?
Even if it is not the best solution, after installing Views PHP module of Drupal, problem is slightly solved. I still get the error message on every time I try to change something, also I am having difficulties on making a change on the view, like saving and adding the same thing 5 times and got successfull, still it is a solution.
This message usually appears when you try to save the form before the ajax process has finished.
Try checking the 'network' tab on developer tools installed within Google Chrome or by using a tool similar to firebug. This will show you the request being made via ajax and should give you more information to debug.

What could possibly cause a 404 error when the apparent url is correct in Wordpress?

I have one page that returns a 404 error and it is just mind boggling why this is happening. Please see this page: http://www.cra63.com/eventos/
It's the first link, 50 Aniversario 2013.
All other links work. But, not this one. Crazy. Is it a cache issue of some sort? I don't have a cache plugin installed, so I can't think of anything else.
When in the admin panel, the preview button loads the proper page with no problem. I have looked at the url 50 times and it seems to be correct.
Permalinks is set to /%post-name%/.
I'm not a novice although this apparently silly question makes me feel like I am.
Please help. Thanks!
Please duplicate page plus update URL accordingly (after you rename it).
You may enable WP_DEBUG - visit this codex article
One more idea, consider integrating an optimization plugin and run it often. A broken link checker is powerful too.
Ya neva know what the problem can be! Hopefully, it doesn't happen again...
NOTE - This was resolved by simply renaming the permalink from:
to ...
When using a different name, aniversario-2013, it wasn't fixed. So, all I can suggest is to rename the url/permalink. But, this is definitely not a fix in my book. Call it a bug!

FB Like Button not working properly, counts multiple posts at one

My problem is that I was using a "Like button" plugin on wordpress and I didn't liked the looks of it. I deactivated the plugin and then tried with manual code of XFBML button. That screwed the count to some of the posts, having their counts all in one. I reverted the changes, using the plugin again, deleted the code added and the problem persists. Some of the posts have the "shared" count box. And when you "Like!" any of that posts, only the last one appears on Facebook.
It's it possible that this is a caché issue or something that is wrong in the code?
I tried reverting the meta tag "og:type" from "blog" to "website" but it didn't allowed me, can this be the problem?
Why do some of the posts share that countbox if the links are not the same?
And the wierdest thing, why only some of the posts have the issue while some are shared correctly?
As for an example, say post 1, 5 and 7 share the same countbox (+200). When you "like!" any of them, only the last of them (the most recent) gets to the FB wall.
This doesn't happen with the new posts, only with part of the old ones.
If the case, you can see it working: http://elrincondelacritica.com/
Thanks in advance.
By the way, if you need any piece of code just ask, this is not my page and I really need to fix this asap, also because it's online and running.
Thank you.
The FB debug tool shows that you didn't supply the fb:app_id > which seems to be crucial to render the news feed.
See: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=http%3A%2F%2Felrincondelacritica.com%2F
You can create a Facebook App here: http://developers.facebook.com/apps
Once you've done that you can add the fb:app_id by adding this into your header:
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="000yourAPID000"/>
Thanks mate for the share. Next time I make a website I'll make sure to create an APP too.
And by the way, the error was because of the meta tag og:type changed from website to article. What I did was to leave it to article (not trying to change it "forcing" og:type - website) and placing each "bad" post in the FB Debugger. There were 30 or so... but it worked, and now the new posts work too, with zero count from the start and incrementing correctly, each in particular.

LinkedIn button shows up intermitent

I am using the code to place a linkedIn Follow button (generated here https://developer.linkedin.com/plugins/follow-company) on this page, http://new.janeirodigital.com (view Client Testimonials section). However, the buttons sometimes show up and sometimes don't.
I have read a little bit of cross domains issues that may cause this, but I am not able to find a workaround to fix this. If you visit that page in Chrome and see the errors console, you'll see a couple of errors like regarding the linked in button, like:
Unsafe Javascript attempt to access frame with URL mysite.com from frame with URL http://platform.linkedin.com/js/....Domains, protocols and ports must match.
Has anybody experienced this problem before?
Any help appreciated
The messages you are seeing in the developer console in Chrome are unrelated to your problem. They are an artifact of the cross-domain communication and as you'll notice, you see them for Facebook and Twitter as well on the same page.
That said, viewing your page I am also seeing intermittent 403s for some of the backend calls that the FollowCompany plugin is making. I have alerted our NOC to the issue and they should be investigating now.
Reviewing your page, it seems you have done everything necessary and are set, so once we fix the operational issue you should be good to go.
My apologies for any inconvenience!
I just found that this is happening when there are more than one follow button on the page, if you delete the first one and the second shows without problems but the others have the same problem...
Hope this could help your team Jeremy!!

Drupal 6: No forum index page (Advanced Forum)

I've got a strange senario/question for you.
I'm running drupal 6 with advanced forum (although my problem doesn't go away if I just use the forum module that comes with drupal)! Everything has been fine and so I've left it untouched (not open to the public) for about a month while I've been sorting out legal work...
I came back to it a few days ago only to find 'http://mysite.com/forum' (I'm using clean URL's) does not exist!
I've tried everything I can think of! Even silly things like 'http://mysite.com/forum s'. But it doesn't even appear to be there in Content Management > Content!
I can get to the individual posts and even the individual catergory/containers - I'm just missing the index page!
I've tried disabling and re enabling the advanced forum module, reseting it's settings and even clearing the site cache! Non of which made any difference! I was going to try typing the node in, but I wasn't sure what it was!...
Please help me as soon as possible!
Thanks in advance,
Okay, just to clarify exactly what's happening and what I've done so far after 'ax's' wonderful assitants:
Whats Happening is, I get Drupal's 404 Page Not Found message/page when trying to get to www.mysite.com/forum! The strange thing is though, by typing the URL of the individual sections/catergorys I can see them, and all the posts inside etc!
I have, been into sites/all/modules/advanced_forum/advanced_forum.module and look at the variables in the advanced_forum_page($tid=0) function.
First, I just created a post/topic in the forum var_dumping all the variables in the function! They all returned NULL.
But then in the function, I one by one var_dumped all the variables, after the line they were first used (in the function), I deleted the var_dump line for each variable after I refreshed the forum page, so there was only one var_dump in the function at once. The strange thing was nothing appeared on the page, even when I tried `drupal_set_message(print_r($variable));!
So, I don't know and I just need it fixing asap please! ... Thanks in Advance
you can try two solution:
Reinstall the module instead of deactivating and reactivating it (you will lose your current categorization, however it seems like your forum is empty right now).
Build a new installation to make some tests, enable the advanced forum module and take a look at the index page of the forum to see if it's replicable.
Take a look at the issue queue of the module too, maybe someone else had the same problem.
Just figured out what was going on, and therefore was able to sort my problem out myself!
It was the most stupid thing as well. For some reason, I had an empty folder called... you guessed, 'forum' in the root of my website and as soon as I deleted it, I saw my forum index for the first time in ages.
Obviously, Drupal was looking in the folder instead of using the module etc... (You Know...)
Anyway, thanks for your attempts to help me - much appreciated!
-- Andy
