I'm emulating a telnet server for my application. When I connect to my app via telnet(just using putty to connect locally) I always receive these 4 sequences on initial connect.
ByteString(-1, -5, 31, -1, -5, 32, -1, -5, 24, -1, -5, 39, -1, -3, 1, -1, -5, 3, -1, -3, 3),
ByteString(-1, -2, 31, -1, -2, 32, -1, -2, 24, -1, -2, 39, -1, -4, 1),
ByteString(-1, -5, 36),
ByteString(-1, -2, 36)
I figured, the connection is established successfully if I return these back to client. But I'd rather know what these are and how and if I should handle them differently.
They are Telnet command sequences.
-1 -5 31 = IAC WILL NAWS
-1 -3 1 = IAC DO ECHO
-1 -2 31 = IAC DONT NAWS
-1 -4 1 = IAC WONT ECHO
Read RFC 854, RFC 855 and other related RFCs that define the Telnet protocol and its various options (there are a lot of them).
I have a simple graph g. It is requared to smoth the graph by deleting the vertices whose degree is 2 with preserving the layout of the original graph. The same task was solved in the Mathematica.
# preprocessing
g <- sample_gnp(40, 1/20)
V(g)$name <- seq(1:vcount(g))
components <- clusters(g, mode="weak")
biggest_cluster_id <- which.max(components$csize)
vert_ids <- V(g)[components$membership == biggest_cluster_id]
# input random graph
g <- induced_subgraph(g, vert_ids)
LO = layout.fruchterman.reingold(g)
plot(g, vertex.color = ifelse(degree(g)==2, "red", "green"), main ="g", layout = LO)
I have selected vertices chains with a degree of 2.
subg <- induced_subgraph(g, degree(g)==2)
subg_ids <- V(subg); subg_ids
I have read the Q&A and I manually define the mapping parameter of the contract() function.
# join nodes 3 -> 14, 15 -> 40, 13 -> 31, 29 -> 6
mapping = c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 3, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 6, 30, 13, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 15)
g2 <- simplify(contract(g, mapping=mapping, vertex.attr.comb=toString))
# L2 <- LO[-as.numeric(c(14, 40, 31, 6)),] # not working
plot(g2, vertex.color = ifelse(degree(g2)==2, "red", "green"), main ="g2")
Question. What is a possible way to define the mapping parameter iteratively?
Here is an option without mapping in contract (so you don't need to configure mapping manually)
g2 <- graph_from_data_frame(
get.data.frame(delete.vertices(g, names(subg_ids))),
function(x) {
nbs <- names(unlist(neighborhood(g, nodes = names(V(x))[degree(x) < 2])))
setNames(data.frame(t(subset(nbs, !nbs %in% names(subg_ids)))), c("from", "to"))
directed = FALSE
and you will see the graph below after running
plot(g2, main = "g2", layout = LO[match(names(V(g2)), names(V(g))), ])
This is only a partial answer, since it does not give a way to compute the contraction automatically. However, I can give some insights on the manual mapping:
Your vertices have names, so those are used for reference instead of the internal vertex number from 1 to n.
In the mapping we need to give the new IDs of the vertices after the contraction.
The original IDs are
> V(g)
+ 33/33 vertices, named, from 0af52c3:
[1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40
The new IDs can be given as (multiple possibilities exist):
mapping <- c(6, 14, 6, 5, 6, 7, 7, 10, 31, 14, 15, 16, 17, 14, 6, 7, 31, 22, 6, 25, 26, 27, 14, 30, 31, 6, 6, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 15)
For better overview:
old ID: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40
new ID: 6 14 6 5 6 7 7 10 31 14 15 16 17 14 6 7 31 22 6 25 26 27 14 30 31 6 6 34 35 36 38 39 15
This results in:
g2 <- simplify(contract(g, mapping=mapping, vertex.attr.comb=toString))
plot(g2, vertex.color = ifelse(degree(g2)==2, "red", "green"), main ="g2")
To get rid of the now existing degree-0-nodes you can do:
g3 <- delete.vertices(g2, which(degree(g2) == 0))
Alternatively, and maybe even cleaner you could delete nameless nodes:
g3 <- delete.vertices(g2, which(names(V(g2)) == ""))
To keep the original layout you can do:
L3 <- LO[-which(mapping != as.numeric(names(V(g)))),]
plot(g3, layout = L3)
But is not very good looking in this case...
I get some extreme values in the beginning and in the end when interpolating.
In fact, the last b values should not be greater than max(b), and the first values should not be less than 0.
data example:
a<-c(1, 3, 4, 6, 8.7, 9, 10, 12, 19.3, 20)
b<-c(10, 30, 40, 60, 87, 90, 100, 120, 190, 200)
df<-data.frame(a=a, b=b)
> df
a b
1 1.0 10
2 3.0 30
3 4.0 40
4 6.0 60
5 8.7 87
6 9.0 90
7 10.0 100
8 12.0 120
9 19.3 190
10 20.0 200
This is the code I'm using right now:
Hmisc::approxExtrap(df$a, df$b, xout = c(0:25))
Wrap it in pmin and pmax:
pmin(max(df$b), pmax(min(df$b), approxExtrap(df$a, df$b, xout = c(0:25))))
This will keep the upper and lower bounds of b. If you want to replace the lower bound of b (currently 1) with 0, replace min(df$b) with 0.
The [#] marker is included by R as a label to the index of each element, but, unfortunately, this is a problem when this output is used as input of another block.
I already tried to get rid of it by using cat but this way I got no result. Any idea about that?
#+name: aux
#+begin_src R :results output
a <- c(-2, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, -6, -4, 99, 101, -9, 2, 0, 1, 3, 123, 345, 678, 987, 543, 3567)
#+begin_src shell :results output :var ls=aux
for l in $ls; do
echo "processing $l"
processing [1]
processing -2
processing 2
processing 4
processing 5
processing 6
processing 7
processing -6
processing -4
processing 99
processing 101
processing -9
processing 2
processing 0
processing 1
processing 3
processing [16]
processing 123
processing 345
processing 678
processing 987
processing 543
processing 3567
cat should work, you just have to print to stdout,
#+begin_src R :results output
a <- c(-2, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, -6, -4, 99, 101, -9, 2, 0, 1, 3, 123, 345, 678, 987, 543, 3567)
cat(a, file=stdout())
#+RESULTS: aux
: -2 2 4 5 6 7 -6 -4 99 101 -9 2 0 1 3 123 345 678 987 543 3567
Alternatively, using :results value verbatim would work.
Not able to find a way to generate a new column based with if conditions for group of events in a column.
The column called "BF" represent the (i-3) of the flow column, and is going to be the same BF for each "event" group. For example, in row 5, the value of "BF" is 39, which is the previous 3rd value of the flow column (flow for row 2) for all the "2" in the event column.
The problem is that BF[i] can't be bigger than flow[i]. If BF[i] is bigger than flow[i], then the BF should be the (i-4) or (i-5) or (1-6)... of the flow until BF[i] will be equal or smaller than flow[i]. For example, in row 10 the value of the column "BF" is bigger than the value of the column "flow", therefore, the value of BF_1 (column I want to create) in row 10 is 37, which represent the closest lower value of flow, in this case the flow[i-6].
As an example, we have the following dataframe:
flow<- c(40, 39, 38, 37, 50, 49, 46, 44, 43, 45, 40, 30, 80, 75, 50, 55, 53, 51, 49, 100)
event<- c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6)
BF<- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 46, 46, 46, 45, 45, 45, 80, 80, 80, 80, 53)
a<- data.frame(flow, event, BF)
This is the desire output I'm looking for. I want to create the BF_1 column.
flow event BF BF_1
1 40 1 NA NA
2 39 1 NA NA
3 38 1 NA NA
4 37 1 NA NA
5 50 2 39 39
6 49 2 39 39
7 46 2 39 39
8 44 2 39 39
9 43 2 39 39
10 45 3 46 37
11 40 3 46 37
12 30 3 46 37
13 80 4 45 45
14 75 4 45 45
15 50 4 45 45
16 55 5 80 30
17 53 5 80 30
18 51 5 80 30
19 49 5 80 30
20 100 6 53 53
Is there a possible way to generate the column BF_1? please let me know any thoughts. I am working with for loops and using if conditions but I am not able to hold the BF value for the entire group of the event column.
coding a bit inefficient, could have use dplyr etc.., but it will do the work and matching the BF_1 column given
flow <- c(40, 39, 38, 37, 50, 49, 46, 44, 43, 45, 40, 30, 80, 75, 50, 55, 53, 51, 49, 100)
event <- c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6)
BF <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 46, 46, 46, 45, 45, 45, 80, 80, 80, 80, 53)
a <- data.frame(flow, event, BF)
a$BF_1 <- NA #default to NA first
for(i in 1:length(unique(a$event))){
if(is.na(a[a$event == i, "BF"][1])) next
if(a[a$event == i, "BF"][1] < a[a$event == i, "flow"][1]) a[a$event == i, "BF_1"] <- a[a$event == i, "BF"][1]
if(a[a$event == i, "BF"][1] > a[a$event == i, "flow"][1]) {
head <- min(which(a$event==i))-6
if (min(head-6) < 0) head <- 1 #making sure it doesn't overflow to row 0
a[a$event == i, "BF_1"] <- min( a[ head:min(which(a$event==i)), "flow"] ) #fill the min of the subset flow column given position
One tidyverse possibility could be:
a %>%
left_join(crossing(a, a) %>%
filter(event > event1) %>%
group_by(event) %>%
filter(flow == first(flow)) %>%
slice(1:(n() - 3)) %>%
slice(which.max(cumsum(flow > flow1))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
flow_flag = flow1), by = c("event" = "event")) %>%
mutate(BF_1 = ifelse(lag(flow, 3) > flow, flow_flag, lag(flow, 3))) %>%
group_by(event) %>%
mutate(BF_1 = first(BF_1)) %>%
flow event BF BF_1
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 40 1 NA NA
2 39 1 NA NA
3 38 1 NA NA
4 37 1 NA NA
5 50 2 39 39
6 49 2 39 39
7 46 2 39 39
8 44 2 39 39
9 43 2 39 39
10 45 3 46 37
11 40 3 46 37
12 30 3 46 37
13 80 4 45 45
14 75 4 45 45
15 50 4 45 45
16 55 5 80 30
17 53 5 80 30
18 51 5 80 30
19 49 5 80 30
20 100 6 53 53
It could be overcomplicated, but what it does is, first, creating all combinations of values (as the desired value can be theoretically anywhere in the data). Second, it identifies the first case per group fulfilling the condition (not taking into account the previous 3rd value). Finally, it combines it with the original df and if the 3rd previous value per group is fulfilling the condition, then returns it, otherwise returns the value first fulfilling condition to be smaller than the actual value.
I am trying to create an algorithm that essentially is a function of this data frame.
This is the code I was using, but it doesn't seem to be working.
I need image_id to be the independent variable so that when I input 7 into the function, I get back 10 and 15. If I were to input 8, I would get back 11 and 13.
num = function(image_id, category_id, data = categories) {x->y}
This is the data frame that I am using.
category_id image_id cat_to_img_last_update
1 15 15 NULL
2 11 11 NULL
3 13 13 NULL
4 10 10 NULL
5 35 35 NULL
6 78 78 NULL
7 112 112 NULL
8 61 61 NULL
9 86 86 NULL
10 101 101 NULL
11 61 61 NULL
12 86 86 NULL
You probably don't need a function for this, but if you really want, here is what it would look like:
# Read in data
categories <-
data.frame(category_id = c(15,11,13,10,35,78,112,61,86,101,61,86),
image_id = c(7,8,8,7,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
num <- function(image_id, data = categories) {
data$category_id[data$image_id == image_id]
num(7) # 15 10
num(8) # 11 13
df <- data.frame(
category_id = c(15, 11, 13, 10, 25, 78, 112, 61, 86, 101, 61, 86),
image_id = c(7, 8, 8, 7, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12)
myfun <- function(num) { sort(df[df$image_id == num, "category_id"]) }