I have a data structure looking like this:
QVector<QHash<QPair<int, int>, QVector<double> > > * wow = new QVector< QHash<QPair<int, int>, QVector<double> > >(4);
When i write wow->at(0).keys();
it works fine, but when i write wow[0].keys(); i receive an error saying the following :
'class QVector, QVector > >' has no
member named 'keys'
I will need to use methods that require not only read-only access and i dont understand why this happens.Can you please help me and how should i access the Qhashe's methods in not a read only way?
When you write wow[0].keys(), with wow being a pointer, it returns the first object pointed to, like an array. It basically transforms into a dereference of the pointer, like this: wow->keys(). Since a QVector doesn't have a keys method, the compile fails.
If, instead, you want to get element 0 from your vector, you would either use wow->at(0).keys() or (*wow)[0].keys(). First dereference, then use the subscript operator.
I get ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: Expression not defined for the following code:
struct IntLiteral
struct Plus
struct Minus
const Expression = Union{IntLiteral, Plus, Minus}
If I declare Expression ahead of Plus and Minus, I get a similar error. Wrapping the code in a module doesn't change anything, either.
Is there a way to reference a type ahead of its declaration in Julia? If not, what is the recommended solution for cases like this, where two types depend on each other? Just remove the type annotations?
In this particular case, I believe I could make Expression an abstract type, and have the others be subtypes of it. Is that recommended in this case? What about the general case?
Not currently, no. See issue #269 for more details.
I have found similar questions but none that worked for my situation, so I am asking my own.
I want to use a library function that takes a pointer to a std::vector, and fills it with data.
I already have a C++/CLI Wrapper set up.
I am currently trying to instantiate the vector in the wrapper,
std::vector<int>* outputVector
and in the constructor, I instantiate it :
outputVector = new std::vector<int>();
Now, in the wrapper method that calls the c++ library function :
m_pUnmanagedTPRTreeClass->GetInRegion(..., &outputVector)
I omitted the other parameters because they dont matter for this case. I can already use other functions of the library and they work without a problem. I just can't manage to pass a pointer to a std::vector.
With the code like this, I get the error message :
error C2664: 'TPSimpleRTree<CT,T>::GetInRegion' : cannot convert parameter 3 from 'cli::interior_ptr<Type>' to 'std::vector<_Ty> &'
I have tried removing the "&", as I am not great at C++ and am unsure how to correctly use pointers. Then, the error becomes :
error C2664: 'TPSimpleRTree<CT,T>::GetInRegion' : cannot convert parameter 3 from 'std::vector<_Ty> *' to 'std::vector<_Ty> &'
EDIT: I have tried replacing "&" by "*", it does not work, I get the error :
cannot convert from 'std::vector<_Ty>' to 'std::vector<_Ty> &'
The signature of the c++ function for the vector is so :
GetInRegion(..., std::vector<T*>& a_objects)
Given the signature:
GetInRegion(..., std::vector<T*>& a_objects)
You would call this (in C++ or C++/CLI) like:
std::vector<int*> v;
m_pUnmanagedTPRTreeClass->GetInRegion(..., v);
Then you can manipulate the data as needed or marshall the data into a .Net container.
'std::vector<_Ty> *' to 'std::vector<_Ty> &'
is self explanatory, you need to dereference instead of taking a pointer, so instead of:
m_pUnmanagedTPRTreeClass->GetInRegion(..., &outputVector)
m_pUnmanagedTPRTreeClass->GetInRegion(..., *outputVector)
after your edit I see your getinregion signature is:
GetInRegion(..., std::vector<T*>& a_objects)
so it accepts std::vector where T is a pointer, while you want to pass to getinregion a std::vector where int is not a pointer.
I'm trying to read some example code about implicit creation of QVariants from enum values.
About the following line of code:
I don't really understand what is the purpose of Qt::PenStyle in the above expression.
I think Qt::SolidLine is unique.
The syntax is OK?
Shouldn't it be something like:
Sorry if this question seems dumb.
You can use this form:
1) QVariant::fromValue(Qt::SolidLine)
QVariant::fromValue(const T & value) is a template method. When you call a template method or function you can specify for what type of argument this method should be called. If you don't do that a compiler tries to do it for you. That is why 1) is equal to this:
2) QVariant::fromValue<Qt::PenStyle>(Qt::SolidLine)
But you can call this method for int and pass enum value (if you are not at c++11):
3) QVariant::fromValue<int>(Qt::SolidLine)
or even force creating of QPen:
4) QVariant::fromValue<QPen>(Qt::SolidLine)
If someone is suprised by 4 and want to know how it works: it is the same as if there was a method (actually it is created during the compilation):
QVariant::fromValue(const QPen& pen);
When you call this method with Qt::SolidLine compiler uses an implicit constructor QPen(Qt::PenStyle style) to create a new temporary QPen object and pass it as an argument to the method fromValue.
I have the following structures defined:
point_str={loop_point, x:0d, y:0d}
loop_time_str={loop_time_struct, points:ptr_new(/allocate_heap), loop_id:0d, time:0d}
loop_str={loop_struct,time_series:replicate(loop_time_str, num_images), loop_id:0d}
Points is an array and because the size of points varies I understand it needs to be a pointer.
Later on I create a new variable:
curr_loop_intime = {loop_time_struct}
I then populate the values.
FOR POINT=0,n_elements(IND)-1 DO BEGIN
points_arr[POINT].x = X(IND[POINT])
points_arr[POINT].y = Y(IND[POINT])
I then try to assign the points array to the loop by doing:
But this line gives me the error:
% Unable to dereference NULL pointer: <POINTER (<NullPointer>)>.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
It seems like you are trying to assign the pointer-to-points_arr to the dereferenced pointer curr_loop_intime.points [ by surrounding with *() ]. Since curr_loop_intime.points has not previously been assigned to point to anything, IDL is unable to dereference it, and hence the error is thrown.
Try removing the *() from your assignment statement, so that you are assigning the pointer-to-points_arr to the .points structure member, which is declared as a variable of type pointer.
Hope this helps.
Given the following CRTP type in C#:
public abstract class DataProviderBase<TProvider>
where TProvider : DataProviderBase<TProvider> { }
How would I get its generic type definition in F#?
let typeDef = typedefof<DataProviderBase<_>>
yields the error:
Type constraint mismatch when applying the default type 'DataProviderBase<'a>' for a type inference variable. The resulting type would be infinite when unifying ''a' and 'DataProviderBase<'a>' Consider adding further type constraints
In C#, it would be:
var typeDef = typeof(DataProviderBase<>);
I found a workaround:
type DummyProvider() =
inherit DataProviderBase<DummyProvider>()
let typeDef = typeof<DummyProvider>.BaseType.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
Is there another way to do it, without the extra type?
I think this is actually a very good question. I didn't find a better workaround for this.
You can slightly simplify your workaround by using typedefof like this:
let typeDef = typedefof<DataProviderBase<DummyProvider>>
The problem is that F#'s typedefof<'T> is just an ordinary function that takes a type argument (unlike typeof in C#, which is an operator). In order to call it, you need to give it an actual type and the function will then call GetGenericTypeDefinition under the cover.
The reason why typedefof<option<_>> works is that F# specifies a default type as an argument (in this case obj). In general, F# chooses the less concrete type that matches the constraints. In your case:
DataProviderBase<_> will become DataProviderBase<DataProviderBase<_>> and so on.
Unless you define a new type (as in your workaround), there is no concrete type that could be used as a type argument of typedefof<...>. In this case, the defaulting mechanism simply doesn't work...