This is part of a project to switch from SPSS to R. While there are good tools to import SPSS files into R (expss) what this question is part of is attempting to get the benefits of SPSS style labeling when data originates from CSV sources. This is to help bridge the staff training gap between SPSS and R by providing a common format for data.tables irrespective of file format origin.
Whilst CSV does a reasonable job of storing data it is hopeless for providing meaningful data. This inevitably means variable and factor levels and labels have to come from somewhere else. In most short examples of this (e.g. in documentation) it is practical to simply hard code the meta data in. But for larger projects it makes more sense to store this meta data in a second csv file.
Example data file
Example metadata file
varlabel,,Question one,Question two,Question three,Question four,Question five,Question six,Question seven,Question eight,Question nine,Question ten
vallable,,,,,,,,,Four,D,Dont know
SO the common elements are the column names which are the key to both files
The first column of the metadata file describes the role of the row for the data file
varlabel provides the variable label for each column
varrole describes the analytic purpose of the variable
missing describes how to treat missing data
varlabel describes the label for a factor level starting at one on up to as many labels as there are.
Right! Here's the code that works:
readcsvdata <- function(dfile)
# TESTED - Working
print("OK Lets read some comma separated values")
rdata <- fread(file = dfile, sep = "," , quote = "\"" , header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
na.strings = getOption("",""))
rawdatafilename <- "testdata.csv"
rawmetadata <- "metadata.csv"
mdt <- readcsvdata(rawmetadata)
rdt <- readcsvdata(rawdatafilename)
names(rdt)[names(rdt) == "ï..ID"] <- "ID" # correct minor data error
commonnames <- intersect(names(mdt),names(rdt)) # find common variable names so metadata applies
commonnames <- commonnames[-(1)] # remove ID
qlabels <- as.list(mdt[1, commonnames, with = FALSE])
(Here I copy the rdt datatable simply so I can roll back to the original data without re-running the previous read chunks and tidying whenever I make changes that don't work out.
# set var names to columns
for (each_name in commonnames) # loop through commonnames and qlabels
expss::var_lab(tdt[[each_name]]) <- qlabels[[each_name]]
OK this is where I fall down.
Failure from here
factorcols <- as.vector(commonnames) # create a vector of column names (for later use)
for (col in factorcols)
print([4, ..col])) # print first row of value labels (as test)
if ([4, ..col])) factorcols <- factorcols[factorcols != col]
# if not a factor column, remove it from the factorcol list and dont try to factor it
else { # if it is a vector factorise
print(paste("working on",col)) # I have had a lot of problem with unrecognised ..col variables
tlabels <- as.vector(na.omit(mdt[4:18, ..col])) # get list of labels from the data column}
validrange <- seq(1,lengths(tlabels),1) # range of valid values is 1 to the length of labels list
print(as.character(tlabels)) # for testing
print(validrange) # for testing
tdt[[col]] <- factor(tdt[[col]], levels = validrange, ordered = is.ordered(validrange), labels = as.character(tlabels))
# expss::val_lab(tdt[, ..col]) <- tlabels
tlabels = c() # flush loop variable
validrange = c() # flush loop variable
So the problem is revealed here when we check the data table.
the labels have been applied as whole vectors to each column entry except where there is only one value in the vector ("checked" for varfour and varfive)
id (int) 1
varone (fctr) c("One", "Two", "Three") 1 (should be "One" 1)
vartwo (S3: labelled) 34
varthree (fctr) c("No", "Yes") 1 (should be "No" 1)
varfour (fctr) NA
varfive (fctr) Checked
And a mystery
this code works just fine on a single columns when I don't use a for loop variable
# test using column name
tlabels <- c("one","two","three")
validrange <- c(1,2,3)
factor(tdt[,varone], levels = validrange, ordered=is.ordered(validrange), labels = tlabels)
It seems the issue is in the line tlabels <- as.vector(na.omit(mdt[4:18, ..col])). It doesn't make vector as you expect. Contrary to usual data.frame data.table doesn't drop dimensions when you provide single column in the index. And as.vector do nothing with data.frames/data.tables. So tlabels remains data.table. This line need to be rewritten as tlabels <- na.omit(mdt[[col]][4:18]).
mdt =
col = "am"
tlabels <- as.vector(na.omit(mdt[3:6, ..col])) # ! tlabels is data.table
# Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame': 4 obs. of 1 variable:
# $ am: num 1 0 0 0
# - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>
as.character(tlabels) # character vector of length 1
# [1] "c(1, 0, 0, 0)"
tlabels <- na.omit(mdt[[col]][3:6]) # vector
# num [1:4] 1 0 0 0
as.character(tlabels) # character vector of length 4
# [1] "1" "0" "0" "0"
i've gone through several answers and tried the following but each either yields an error or an un-wanted result:
here's the data:
Network Campaign
Moburst_Chartboost Test Campaign
Moburst_Chartboost Test Campaign
Moburst_Appnext unknown
Moburst_Appnext 1065
i'd like to replace "Test Campaign" with "1055" whenever "Network" == "Moburst_Chartboost". i realize this should be very simple but trying out these:
dataset = read.csv('C:/Users/User/Downloads/example.csv')
for( i in 1:nrow(dataset)){
if(dataset$Network == 'Moburst_Chartboost') dataset$Campaign <- '1055'
this yields an error: Warning messages:
1: In if (dataset$Network == "Moburst_Chartboost") dataset$Campaign <- "1055" :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
2: In if (dataset$Network == "Moburst_Chartboost") dataset$Campaign <- "1055" :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
then i tried:
within(dataset, {
dataset$Campaign <- ifelse(dataset$Network == 'Moburst_Chartboost', '1055', dataset$Campaign)
this turned ALL 4 values in row "Campaign" into "1055" over running what was there even when condition isn't met
also this:
dataset$Campaign[which(dataset$Network == 'Moburst_Chartboost')] <- 1055
yields this error, and replaced the values in the two first rows of "Campaign" with NA:
Warning message:
In `[<-.factor`(`*tmp*`, which(dataset$Network == "Moburst_Chartboost"), :
invalid factor level, NA generated
scratching my head here. new to R but this shouldn't be so hard :(
In your first attempt, you're trying to iterate over all the columns, when you only want to change the 2nd column.
In your second, you're trying to assign the value "1055" to all of the 2nd column.
The way to think about it is as an if else, where if the condition in col 1 is met, col 2 is changed, otherwise it remains the same.
dataset <- data.frame(Network = c("Moburst_Chartboost", "Moburst_Chartboost",
"Moburst_Appnext", "Moburst_Appnext"),
Campaign = c("Test Campaign", "Test Campaign",
"unknown", "1065"))
dataset$Campaign <- ifelse(dataset$Network == "Moburst_Chartboost",
Network Campaign
1 Moburst_Chartboost 1055
2 Moburst_Chartboost 1055
3 Moburst_Appnext unknown
4 Moburst_Appnext 1065
You may also try dataset$Campaign[dataset$Campaign=="Test Campaign"]<-1055 to avoid the use of loops and ifelse statements.
Where dataset
dataset <- data.frame(Network = c("Moburst_Chartboost", "Moburst_Chartboost",
"Moburst_Appnext", "Moburst_Appnext"),
Campaign = c("Test Campaign", "Test Campaign",
"unknown", 1065))
Try the following
dataset = read.csv('C:/Users/User/Downloads/example.csv', stringsAsFactors = F)
for( i in 1:nrow(dataset)){
if(dataset$Network[i] == 'Moburst_Chartboost') dataset$Campaign[i] <- '1055'
It seems your forgot the index variable. Without [i] you work on the whole vector of the data frame, resulting in the error/warning you mentioned.
Note that I added stringsAsFactors = F to the read.csv() function to make sure the strings are indeed interpreted as strings and not factors. Using factors this would result in an error like this
In `[<-.factor`(`*tmp*`, i, value = c(NA, 2L, 3L, 1L)) :
invalid factor level, NA generated
Alternatively you can do the following without using a for loop:
idx <- which(dataset$Network == 'Moburst_Chartboost')
dataset$Campaign[idx] <- '1055'
Here, idx is a vector containing the positions where Network has the value 'Moburst_Chartboost'
thank you for the help! not elegant, but since this lingered with me when going to sleep last night i decided to try to bludgeon this with some ugly code but it worked too - just as a workaround...separated to two data frames, replaced all values and then binded back...
# subsetting only chartboost
chartboost <- subset(dataset, dataset$Network=='Moburst_Chartboost')
# replace all values in Campaign
chartboost$Campaign <-sub("^.*", "1055",chartboost$Campaign)
#subsetting only "not chartboost"
notChartboost <-subset(dataset, dataset$Network!='Moburst_Chartboost')
# binding back to single dataframe
newSet <- rbind(chartboost, notChartboost)
Ugly as a duckling but worked :)