My question is about how to improve the performance of function that downsamples from the columns of a matrix without replacement (a.k.a. "rarefication" of a matrix... I know there has been mention of this here, but I could not find a clear answer that a) does what I need; b) does it quickly).
Here is my function:
downsampled <- function(data,samplerate=0.8) {
data.test <- apply(data,2,function(q) {
names(q) <- rownames(data)
samplepool <- character()
for (i in names(q)) {
samplepool <- append(samplepool,rep(i,times=q[i]))
sampled <- sample(samplepool,size=samplerate*length(samplepool),replace = F)
tab <- table(sampled)
mat <- match(names(tab),names(q))
toret=numeric(length <- length(q))
names(toret) <- names(q)
toret[mat] <- tab
I need to be downsampling matrices with millions of entries. I find this is quite slow (here I'm using a 1000x1000 matrix, which is about 20-100x smaller than my typical data size):
mat <- matrix(sample(0:40,1000*1000,replace=T),ncol=1000,nrow=1000)
colnames(mat) <- paste0("C",1:1000)
rownames(mat) <- paste0("R",1:1000)
system.time(matd <- downsampled(mat,0.8))
## user system elapsed
## 69.322 21.791 92.512
Is there a faster/easier way to perform this operation that I haven't thought of?
I think you can make this dramatically faster. If I understand what you are trying to do correctly, you want to down-sample each cell of the matrix, such that if samplerate = 0.5 and the cell of the matrix is mat[i,j] = 5, then you want to sample up to 5 things where each thing has a 0.5 chance of being sampled.
To speed things up, rather than doing all these operations on columns of the matrix, you can just loop through each cell of the matrix, draw n things from that cell by using runif (e.g., if mat[i,j] = 5, you can generate 5 random numbers between 0 and 1, and then add up the number of values that are < samplerate), and finally add the number of things to a new matrix. I think this effectively achieves the same down-sampling scheme, but much more efficiently (both in terms of running time and lines of code).
# Sample matrix
n <- 1000
mat <- matrix(sample(0:10,n*n,replace=T),ncol=n,nrow=n)
colnames(mat) <- paste0("C",1:n)
rownames(mat) <- paste0("R",1:n)
# Old function
downsampled<-function(data,samplerate=0.8) {
for (i in names(q)) {
sampled=sample(samplepool,size=samplerate*length(samplepool),replace = F)
toret=numeric(length = length(q))
# New function
downsampled2 <- function(mat, samplerate=0.8) {
new <- matrix(0, nrow(mat), ncol(mat))
colnames(new) <- colnames(mat)
rownames(new) <- rownames(mat)
for (i in 1:nrow(mat)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(mat)) {
new[i,j] <- sum(runif(mat[i,j], 0, 1) < samplerate)
# Compare times
## user system elapsed
## 26.840 3.249 29.902
## user system elapsed
## 4.704 0.247 4.918
Using an example 1000 X 1000 matrix, the new function I provided runs about 6 times faster.
One source of savings would be to remove the for loop that appends samplepool using rep. Here is a reproducible example:
myRows <- 1:5
names(myRows) <- letters[1:5]
# get the repeated values for sampling
samplepool <- rep(names(myRows), myRows)
Within your function, this would be
samplepool <- rep(names(q), q)
I am trying to build a function that creates a vector where any item is NOT the sum of any combination of other items in the list (without duplication).
This function does the job but is quite slow... any bright thoughts on how to improve it?
sum_fun <- function(k)
out_list <- c(2,3,4)
new_num <- 4
while(length(out_list) < k)
new_num <- new_num + 1
#Check if new_num can be written as a sum of the terms in out_list
new_valid <- T
for (i in 2:(length(out_list) - 1)){
if (new_num %in% (apply(combn(out_list,i), FUN = sum, MAR = 2)))
new_valid <- F
if (new_valid)
out_list <- c(out_list, new_num)
This was a good question. I made some changes to your original function and got mine to run a bit quicker than your function. On a side note, how many are you trying to find?
The main idea is that we shouldn't calculate more things more often than we absolutely have to. I think the for loop was probably slowing things down a bit, plus, how many of the column sums were repeated? If we can "de-dup" the list, maybe we can search through it more quickly [reduce, reuse, recycle :) ].
sum_fun2 <- function(k)
out_list <- c(2,3,4) #dummy list
new_num <- 4 #dummy number
calc_big_sum <- T #calculate big sum on the first go
while(length(out_list) < k)
new_num <- new_num + 1 #dummy number to add
#calculate big sum, and then find unique values
big_sum<- unique(unlist(lapply(lapply(2:(length(out_list) - 1),
FUN = function(x) combn(out_list, m = x)),
FUN = function(y) apply(y, 2, sum))))
if(new_num %in% big_sum){
calc_big_sum = F #don't make it calculate the sum again
out_list <- c(out_list, new_num) #add number to list
calc_big_sum = T #make it calculate a new sum
> system.time(sum_fun2(10))
user system elapsed
0.03 0.00 0.03
> system.time(sum_fun(10))
user system elapsed
1.30 0.00 1.27
> system.time(sum_fun2(14))
user system elapsed
3.35 0.07 3.47
> system.time(sum_fun(14))
## I ended it
Timing stopped at: 39.86 0 40.02
I recently posted this question on the r-help mailing list but got no answers, so I thought I would post it here as well and see if there were any suggestions.
I am trying to calculate the cumulative standard deviation of a matrix. I want a function that accepts a matrix and returns a matrix of the same size where output cell (i,j) is set to the standard deviation of input column j between rows 1 and i. NAs should be ignored, unless cell (i,j) of the input matrix itself is NA, in which case cell (i,j) of the output matrix should also be NA.
I could not find a built-in function, so I implemented the following code. Unfortunately, this uses a loop that ends up being somewhat slow for large matrices. Is there a faster built-in function or can someone suggest a better approach?
cumsd <- function(mat)
retval <- mat*NA
for (i in 2:nrow(mat)) retval[i,] <- sd(mat[1:i,], na.rm=T)
retval[] <- NA
You could use cumsum to compute necessary sums from direct formulas for variance/sd to vectorized operations on matrix:
cumsd_mod <- function(mat) {
cum_var <- function(x) {
ind_na <- !
nn <- cumsum(ind_na)
x[!ind_na] <- 0
cumsum(x^2) / (nn-1) - (cumsum(x))^2/(nn-1)/nn
v <- sqrt(apply(mat,2,cum_var))
v[ | is.infinite(v)] <- NA
just for comparison:
X <- matrix(rnorm(1000),100,10)
X[cbind(1:10,1:10)] <- NA # to have some NA's
# [1] TRUE
And about timing:
X <- matrix(rnorm(100000),1000,100)
# user system elapsed
# 7.94 0.00 7.97
# user system elapsed
# 0.03 0.00 0.03
Another try (Marek's is faster)
cumsd2 <- function(y) {
n <- nrow(y)
apply(y,2,function(i) {
Xmeans <- lapply(1:n,function(z) rep(sum(i[1:z])/z,z))
Xs <- sapply(1:n, function(z) i[1:z])
sapply(2:n,function(z) sqrt(sum((Xs[[z]]-Xmeans[[z]])^2,na.rm = T)/(z-1)))
I have the 3 following functions which I would like to make faster, I assume apply functions are the best way to go, but I have never used apply functions, so I have no idea what to do. Any type of hints, ideas and code snippets will be much appreciated.
n, T, dt are global parameters and par is a vector of parameters.
Function 1: is a function to create an m+1,n matrix containing poisson distributed jumps with exponentially distributed jump sizes. My troubles here is because I have 3 loops and I am not sure how to incorporate the if statement in the inner loop. Also I have no idea if it is at all possible to use apply functions on the outer layers of the loops only.
jump <- function(t=0,T=T,par){
jump <- matrix(0,T/dt+1,n) # initializing output matrix
U <- replicate(n,runif(100,t,T)) #matrix used to decide when the jumps will happen
Y <-replicate(n,rexp(100,1/par[6])) #matrix with jump sizes
for (l in 1:n){
NT <- rpois(1,par[5]*T) #number of jumps
for (j in seq(t,T,dt)){
if (NT>0){
for (i in 1:NT){
u <- vector("numeric",NT)
if (U[i,l]>j){ u[i]=0
}else u[i]=1
}else jump[k,l]=0
Function 2: calculates a default intensity, based on Brownian motions and the jumps from function 1. Here my trouble is how to use apply functions when the variable used for the calculation is the values from the row above in the output matrix AND how to get the right values from the external matrices which are used in the calculations (BMz_C & J)
lambda <- function(t=0,T=T,par,fit=0){
lambda <- matrix(0,m+1,n) # matrix to hold intesity path output
lambda[1,] <- par[4] #initializing start value of the intensity path.
J <- jump(t,T,par) #matrix containing jumps
for(i in 2:(m+1)){
dlambda <- par[1]*(par[2]-max(lambda[i-1,],0))*dt+par[3]*sqrt(max(lambda[i- 1,],0))*BMz_C[i,]+(J[i,]-J[i-1,])
lambda[i,] <- lambda[i-1,]+dlambda
Function 3: calculates a survival probability based on the intensity from function 2. Here a() and B() are functions that return numerical values. My problem here is that the both value i and j are used because i is not always an integer which thus can to be used to reference the external matrix. I have earlier tried to use i/dt, but sometimes it would overwrite one line and skip the next lines in the matrix, most likely due to rounding errors.
S <- function(t=0,T=T,par,plot=0, fit=0){
S <- matrix(0,(T-t)/dt+1,n)
if (fit > 0) <- matrix(0,1,length(mat)) else <- 0
for (i in seq(t,T,dt)){
S[j,] <- a(i,T,par)*exp(B(i,T,par)*l[j,])
Sorry for the long post, any help for any of the functions will be much appreciated.
First of all thanks to digEmAll for the great reply.
I have now worked on vectorising function 2. First I tried
lambda <- function(t=0,T=T,par,fit=0){
lambda <- matrix(0,m+1,n) # matrix to hold intesity path input
J <- jump(t,T,par,fit)
lambda[1,] <- par[4]
lambda[2:(m+1),] <- sapply(2:(m+1), function(i){
but it would only produce the first column. So I tried a two step apply function.
lambda <- function(t=0,T=T,par,fit=0){
lambda <- matrix(0,m+1,n) # matrix to hold intesity path input
J <- jump(t,T,par,fit)
lambda[1,] <- par[4]
lambda[2:(m+1),] <- sapply(1:n, function(l){
sapply(2:(m+1), function(i){
This seems to work, but only on the first row, all rows after that have an identical non-zero value, as if lambda[i-1] is not used in the calculation of lambda[i], does anyone have an idea how to manage that?
I'm going to explain to you, setp-by-step, how to vectorize the first function (one possible way of vectorization, maybe not the best one for your case).
For the others 2 functions, you can simply apply the same concepts and you should be able to do it.
Here, the key concept is: start to vectorize from the innermost loop.
1) First of all, rpois can generate more than one random value at a time but you are calling it n-times asking one random value. So, let's take it out of the loop obtaining this:
jump <- function(t=0,T=T,par){
jump <- matrix(0,T/dt+1,n)
U <- replicate(n,runif(100,t,T))
Y <-replicate(n,rexp(100,1/par[6]))
NTs <- rpois(n,par[5]*T) # note the change
for (l in 1:n){
NT <- NTs[l] # note the change
for (j in seq(t,T,dt)){
if (NT>0){
for (i in 1:NT){
u <- vector("numeric",NT)
if (U[i,l]>j){ u[i]=0
}else u[i]=1
}else jump[k,l]=0
2) Similarly, it is useless/inefficient to call seq(t,T,dt) n-times in the loop since it will always generate the same sequence. So, let's take it out of the loop and store into a vector, obtainig this:
jump <- function(t=0,T=T,par){
jump <- matrix(0,T/dt+1,n)
U <- replicate(n,runif(100,t,T))
Y <-replicate(n,rexp(100,1/par[6]))
NTs <- rpois(n,par[5]*T)
js <- seq(t,T,dt) # note the change
for (l in 1:n){
NT <- NTs[l]
for (j in js){ # note the change
if (NT>0){
for (i in 1:NT){
u <- vector("numeric",NT)
if (U[i,l]>j){ u[i]=0
}else u[i]=1
}else jump[k,l]=0
3) Now, let's have a look at the innermost loop:
for (i in 1:NT){
u <- vector("numeric",NT)
if (U[i,l]>j){ u[i]=0
}else u[i]=1
this is equal to :
u <- as.integer(U[1:NT,l]<=j)
temp <- sum(Y[1:NT,l]*u)
or, in one-line:
temp <- sum(Y[1:NT,l] * as.integer(U[1:NT,l] <= j))
hence, now the function can be written as :
jump <- function(t=0,T=T,par){
jump <- matrix(0,T/dt+1,n)
U <- replicate(n,runif(100,t,T))
Y <-replicate(n,rexp(100,1/par[6]))
NTs <- rpois(n,par[5]*T)
js <- seq(t,T,dt)
for (l in 1:n){
NT <- NTs[l]
for (j in js){
if (NT>0){
jump[k,l] <- sum(Y[1:NT,l]*as.integer(U[1:NT,l]<=j)) # note the change
}else jump[k,l]=0
4) Again, let's have a look at the current innermost loop:
for (j in js){
if (NT>0){
jump[k,l] <- sum(Y[1:NT,l]*as.integer(U[1:NT,l]<=j)) # note the change
}else jump[k,l]=0
as you can notice, NT does not depend on the iteration of this loop, so the inner if can be moved outside, as follows:
if (NT>0){
for (j in js){
jump[k,l] <- sum(Y[1:NT,l]*as.integer(U[1:NT,l]<=j)) # note the change
for (j in js){
this seems worse than before, well yes it is, but now the 2 conditions can be turned into one-liner's (note the use of sapply¹):
if (NT>0){
jump[1:length(js),l] <- sapply(js,function(j){ sum(Y[1:NT,l]*as.integer(U[1:NT,l]<=j)) })
jump[1:length(js),l] <- 0
obtaining the following jump function:
jump <- function(t=0,T=T,par){
jump <- matrix(0,T/dt+1,n)
U <- replicate(n,runif(100,t,T))
Y <-replicate(n,rexp(100,1/par[6]))
NTs <- rpois(n,par[5]*T)
js <- seq(t,T,dt)
for (l in 1:n){
NT <- NTs[l]
if (NT>0){
jump[1:length(js),l] <- sapply(js,function(j){ sum(Y[1:NT,l]*as.integer(U[1:NT,l]<=j)) })
jump[1:length(js),l] <- 0
5) finally we can get rid of the last loop, using again the sapply¹ function, obtaining the final jump function :
jump <- function(t=0,T=T,par){
U <- replicate(n,runif(100,t,T))
Y <-replicate(n,rexp(100,1/par[6]))
js <- seq(t,T,dt)
NTs <- rpois(n,par[5]*T)
jump <- sapply(1:n,function(l){
NT <- NTs[l]
if (NT>0){
sapply(js,function(j){ sum(Y[1:NT,l]*as.integer(U[1:NT,l]<=j)) })
}else {
sapply function is pretty easy to use. For each element of the list or vector passed in the X parameter, it applies the function passed in the FUN parameter, e.g. :
vect <- 1:3
# [1] 11 12 13
since by default the simplify parameter is true, the result is coerced to the simplest possible object. So, for example in the previous case the result becomes a vector, while in the following example result become a matrix (since for each element we return a vector of the same size) :
vect <- 1:3
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,] 1 2 3
# [2,] 1 2 3
# [3,] 1 2 3
# [4,] 1 2 3
# [5,] 1 2 3
Benchmark :
The following benchmark just give you an idea of the speed gain, but the actual performances may be different depending on your input parameters.
As you can imagine, jump_old corresponds to your original function 1, while jump_new is the final vectorized version.
# let's use some random parameters
n = 10
m = 3
T = 13
par = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6)
dt <- 3
system.time(for(i in 1:5000) old <- jump_old(T=T,par=par))
# user system elapsed
# 12.39 0.00 12.41
system.time(for(i in 1:5000) new <- jump_new(T=T,par=par))
# user system elapsed
# 4.49 0.00 4.53
# check if last results of the 2 functions are the same:
# [1] TRUE
What is the idiomatic way to collect results in a loop in R if the number of final results is not known beforehand? Here's a toy example:
results = vector('integer')
while (i < bigBigBIGNumber) {
if (someCondition(i)) results = c(results, i)
i = i+1
The problem with this example is that (I assume) it will have quadratic complexity as the vector needs to be re-allocated at every append. (Is this correct?) I'm looking for a solution that avoids this.
I found Filter, but it requires pre-generating 1:bigBigBIGNumber which I want to avoid to conserve memory. (Question: does for (i in 1:N) also pre-generate 1:N and keep it in memory?)
I could make something like a linked list like this:
results = list()
while (i < bigBigBIGNumber) {
if (someCondition(i)) results = list(results, i)
i = i+1
(Note that this is not concatenation. It's building a structure like list(list(list(1),2),3), then flattening with unlist.)
Is there a better way than this? What is the idiomatic way that's typically used? (I am very new to R.) I'm looking for suggestion on how to tackle this type of problem. Suggestions both about compact (easy to write) and fast code are most welcome! (But I'd like to focus on fast and memory efficient.)
Here is an algorithm that doubles the size of the output list as it fills up, achieving somewhat linear computation times as show the benchmark tests:
test <- function(bigBigBIGNumber = 1000) {
n <- 10L
results <- vector("list", n)
m <- 0L
i <- 1L
while (i < bigBigBIGNumber) {
if (runif(1) > 0.5) {
m <- m + 1L
results[[m]] <- i
if (m == n) {
results <- c(results, vector("list", n))
n <- n * 2L
i = i + 1L
# user system elapsed
# 0.008 0.000 0.008
# user system elapsed
# 0.090 0.002 0.093
# user system elapsed
# 0.885 0.051 0.936
# user system elapsed
# 9.428 0.339 9.776
Presumably there's a maximum size you're willing to tolerate; pre-allocate and fill up to that level, then trim if necessary. This avoids the risk of not being able to satisfy the request to double in size, even when only a small additional amount of memory might be required; it fails early, and involves only one rather than log(n) re-allocations. Here's a function that takes a maximum size, a generating function, and a token that the generating function returns when there is nothing left to generate. We get up to n results before returning
filln <-
function(n, FUN, ..., RESULT_TYPE="numeric", DONE_TOKEN=NA_real_)
results <- vector(RESULT_TYPE, n)
i <- 0L
while (i < n) {
if (identical(ans, DONE_TOKEN))
i <- i + 1L
results[[i]] <- ans
if (i == n)
warning("intolerably large result")
else length(results) <- i
Here's a generator
fun <- function(thresh, DONE_TOKEN) {
x <- rnorm(1)
if (x > thresh) DONE_TOKEN else x
and in action
> set.seed(123L); length(filln(10000, fun, 3))
[1] 163
> set.seed(123L); length(filln(10000, fun, 4))
[1] 10000
Warning message:
In filln(10000, fun, 4) : intolerably large result
> set.seed(123L); length(filln(100000, fun, 4))
[1] 23101
We can benchmark the overhead, approximately, by comparing to something that knows in advance how much space is required
f1 <- function(n, FUN, ...) {
i <- 0L
result <- numeric(n)
while (i < n) {
i <- i + 1L
result[i] <- FUN(...)
Here we check the timing and value of a single result
> set.seed(123L); system.time(res0 <- filln(100000, fun, 4))
user system elapsed
0.944 0.000 0.948
> set.seed(123L); system.time(res1 <- f1(23101, fun, 4))
user system elapsed
0.688 0.000 0.689
> identical(res0, res1)
[1] TRUE
which for this example is of course eclipsed by the simple vector solution(s)
set.seed(123L); system.time(res2 <- rnorm(23101))
identical(res0, res2)
If you can't compute 1:bigBigNumber, count the entries, create the vector, then populate it.
num <- 0L
i <- 0L
while (i < bigBigNumber) {
if (someCondition(i)) num <- num + 1L
i <- i + 1L
result <- integer(num)
num <- 0L
while (i < bigBigNumber) {
if (someCondition(i)) {
result[num] <- i
num <- num + 1L }
i <- i + 1L
(This code is not tested.)
If you can compute 1:bigBigBIGNumber, this will also work:
I assume that you want to call a function, and not simply tack on the indices themselves. Something like this may be closer to what you want:
values <- seq(bigBigBIGNumber)
sapply(values[someCondition(values)], my_function)
closer to the second one you listed:
results <- list()
for (i in ...) {
results[[i]] <- ...
Note that i does not need to be an integer, could be a character, etc.
Also, you can use results[[length(results)]] <- ... if needed, but if you have an iterator already, probably wouldnt be.