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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have this spreadsheet with all the movies I've seen during 2015.
I want to find an easy way to count the actors names (in column G) and print the most common names, with both the name and number of times it occurs.
Can I do that?
Here is the spreadsheet:
Select your column data ► Data ► Pivot Table...
Then in the "Rows - Add Field" add your column name.
Finally, in the "Values - Add Field" add the same column and choose COUNTA.
This might be your desired set-up:
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm working with a very large dataset with lots of columns (400+) and every time I create a new variable or add a new one I have to reorder it. I want it ordered so that all the related variables remain together so I've been using dplyr::select() to reorder things. Yet there are times when I have to go back into my script very early on and add a new variable. When I run the whole code after that, there tends to be one or two variables I forgot to put into preceding select() functions so it goes missing.
I use select() because selecting all the columns between two variables and referencing them by name is super easy (eg, Vfour:Vthreefifty). Do you have any tips for reordering datasets with lots of columns?
Given no reproducible example but using your 2 column names:
df %>%
select(., starts_with('V'))
You can then chain starts_with as needed.
Other options include:
ends_with, contains, matches
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a dataset named SPT which has one column which consist 4 unique values-A,B,C,D, Now I have to create one more column which consist of 1 if first column had A, B otherwise 0.How to do it using ifelse command
Using ifelse:
SPT$new <- ifelse(SPT$col %in% c('A','B'),1,0)
Where new must be changed by the name of your new variable, and col by the name of the column that is storing the 4 letters
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm working on a project in R, regarding baseball. I have two CSV's that I'm working with. One file, CSV2: "PitchingPost.csv" is all postseason pitching stats, and the column I'm looking at there is the "teamID". I'm trying to evaluate regular season pitching stats in another file, CSV1: "pitching.csv" but only for teams that made the postseason. So I'm trying to remove all of the items in the "teamID" of CSV1 EXCEPT for those occur in CSV2 "teamID".
To keep only the rows from your first file that share an ID with rows in your second file, you could try something like that:
pitch <- read.csv("pitching.csv")
pitch_post <- read.csv("PitchingPost.csv")
pitch <- pitch[pitch$teamID %in% unique(pitch_post$teamID),]
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Without using a special function, can you do the following to change the values in an R dataframe from a column that have length greater than 4:
df[length(df$Column1)>4,"Column1"] = "replacement value"
This does not seem to work, is there an alternative index style I can use, or do I need to use a function?
The function to determine the length of an entry, like a word in a dataframe, is nchar(), and not length(). The latter is typically used to determine the number of entries in a vector.
You could therefore try using:
df[nchar(df$Column1) > 4, "Column1"] <- "replacement value"
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a matrix
B = matrix(c(1,2,4,1,4,2,1,3.5,4.2,2,2.2,6.5,3,1.2,7.7,1,2.1,1.6,3,5.2,8.2),
nrow = 7)
with 3 columns: the color column (colors from 1-5, representing blue,red,green,yellow,black), the x column and the y column.
I want to plot every points (x,y) with the color from the color column.
First question: what software is best to do so?
Second question: how can I do it with R?
Simple question finds simple answer:
plot(B[,2], B[,3], col=c("blue","red","green","yellow","black")[B[,1]])