Viewing AIC for many variables with proper header - r

I'm pretty new in R and i'm stuck with one problem.
I've already found how to create many linear models at once, i made a function that counts AIC for each lm, but I cannot display this function with header that will show the name of the lm. I mean i want to get a data frame with header e.g. lm(a~b+c, data=data), and the AIC result for this lm.
Here's what i already wrote (with big help from stackoverflow, of course)
vars <- c("azot_stand", "przeplyw", "pH", "twardosc", "fosf_stand", "jon_stand", "tlen_stand", "BZO_stand", "spadek_stand")
N <- list(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
COMB <- sapply(N, function(m) combn(x=vars[1:8], m))
COMB2 <- list()
for(i in seq(COMB)){
tmp <- COMB[[i]]
for(j in seq(ncol(tmp))){
k <- k + 1
COMB2[[k]] <- formula(paste("azot_stand", "~", paste(tmp[,j], collapse=" + ")))
res <- vector(mode="list", length(COMB2))
for(i in seq(COMB2)){
res[[i]] <- lm(COMB2[[i]], data=s)
aic <- vector(mode="list", length(COMB2))
for(i in seq(res)){
aic[[i]] <- AIC(res[[i]])
I guess that i miss something in the aic, but don't know what...

With formula you can obtain the formula of a regression model. Since you want to store the formula with the AIC, I would create a data.frame containing both:
aic <- data.frame(model = character(length(res)), aic = numeric(length(res)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for(i in seq(res)){
aic$model[i] <- deparse(formula(res[[i]]), width.cutoff = 500)
aic$aic[i] <- AIC(res[[i]])
Normally you would use format to convert a formula to a character. However, for long formulas this results in multiple lines. Therefore, I use deparse (which is also used by format) and passed it the width.cutoff argument.
You cannot use res[[i]]$call as this is always equal to lm(formula = COMB2[[i]], data = s).
Other suggestions
The first part of your code can be simplified. I would write something like:
s <- attitude
vars <- names(attitude)[-1]
yvar <- names(attitude)[1]
models <- character(0)
for (i in seq_along(vars)) {
comb <- combn(vars, i)
models <- c(models,
paste(yvar, " ~ ", apply(comb, 2, paste, collapse=" + ")))
res <- lapply(models, function(m) lm(as.formula(m), data = s))
It is shorter and also has the advantage that magical constants such as the 8 and azot_stand are defined outside the main code and can easily be modified.
I also noticed that you use azot_stand both as target variable and predictor (it is also part of vars). I don't think you will want to do that.


update function in R not updating model

I generated some data in R
n <- 1000; p <- 30
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
beta <- c(rep(1, 10), rep(0, 10), rep(-2, 10))
y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(1000)
Next, I want to run a stepwise regression of y on the columns of X, from 1 to 30. First I only include the intercept, then only intercept and column one, then add column two, column three, and so on. I wrote the following code
model <- lm(y~1)
for(i in 1:30){
model <- update(model, ~.+X[, i])
What I see in the output now is that for each iteration, the regression is of y on an intercept and X[, i], i.e. the i-th column of X, and not the previous columns, even though I'm updating at every step. For example, when i = 4, the model is a regression of y on an intercept and X[, 4], not all of columns 1, 2, 3, 4. Why does this happen?
Try this
model <- lm(y~1)
for(i in 1:30){
model <- update(model, ~.+X[, 1:i])
The reason your proposed code doesn't work is because of how R sees the formula and the fact that R updates the formula before it evaluates i.
The source code for the relevant update method can be viewed by running update.default at the command line. You'll see that after some error checking it runs call$formula <- update(formula(object), formula.), which calls the update.formula() function. update.formula() sees that you want to add the term X[, i] into the formula and does that. But update.formula() doesn't evaluate the value of i at this point, it relies on "lazy evaluation". This can be seen more clearly if we expand out the loop.
form <- y ~ 1
#> y ~ 1
i <- 1
form <- update.formula(form, ~. +X[, i])
#> y ~ X[, i]
i <- 2
form <- update.formula(form, ~. +X[, i])
#> y ~ X[, i]
The formula is being updated with the symbol X[, i] and then simplified to remove the duplicate symbol. This lazy evaluation is useful because it means that I don't need to actually define what X of y are for the above code to run. R trusts that I'll create appropriate objects before I try to use them.
After update() has updated the formula, it eval()'s the updated call. At this time i is evaluated and its current value is used. So in fact, this loop below gives the exact same output as your loop even though it doesn't try to change the formula at all. Each time lm() runs it looks for the current value of i to use.
for(i in 1:30){
model <- lm(y ~ X[, i])
To achieve your desired effect you can programmatically create the formula outside the lm() function, not using an update() function. Like so,
n <- 1000; p <- 30
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
beta <- c(rep(1, 10), rep(0, 10), rep(-2, 10))
y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(1000)
xnames <- sapply(list(1:ncol(X)), function(x) paste0("X",x))
colnames(X) <- xnames
dat <- data.frame(y,X)
for(i in 1:30){
form <- as.formula(paste0("y ~ ", paste(xnames[1:i], collapse = "+")))
model <- lm(form, data = dat)
After reading this post,, an alternate way to perform the formula manipulations is to use bquote(). This has the advantage that the model summary contains the correct formula.
for(i in 1:30){
model <- eval(bquote(update(model, ~. + .([[i]])))))

How to cycle through a list of functions in a for loop

I am fairly new to programming in R, so I apologize if this question is too basic. I am trying to study the properties of OLS with error terms created by three different processes (i.e., normal1, normal2, and chi-square). I include these in a list, 'fun_list'.
I would like to iterate through 1,000 (iter) regressions, each with sample size 500 (n). I would like to save all 1,000 X 500 observations in a dataset (big_data) as well as the regression results (reg_results).
At the end of the program, I would like 1,000 regressions for each of the three processes (for a total of 3,000 regressions). I have set up nested loops for the three functions on one level and the 1,000 iterations on a different (sub-) level. I am having trouble getting the program to loop through the three different functions. I am not sure how to call out each element of the list in this embedded loop. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
#set sample size and number of iterations
n <- 500
iter <- 1000
#setting empty vectors. Probably a better way to do this. :)
bn <- rep(NA,iter)
sen <- rep(NA,iter)
#these are the three functions I want to use to generate en,
#which is the error term below. I want one loop for each of the three.
# I can get f1, f2 and f3 to work independently, but I can't get the list
#to work to cycle through all three.
f1 <- function (n) {rnorm(n, 0, 2)}
f2 <- function (n) {rnorm(n, 0, 10)}
f3 <- function (n) {rchisq(n, 2)}
fun_list <- list(f1, f2, f3)
#following line starting point for saving all iterations in one big
datalist = list()
#if I remove the following line (for (j ....)), I can get this to work by
#referencing each function independently (i.e., using 'en <- f1(n)').
for (j in fun_list) {
for (s in 1:iter) {
# en <- f1(n)
en <- fun_list[[1]]
x <- rnorm(n, 0, .5)
yn <- .3*x + en
#this is the part that saves the data#
dat <- data.frame(yn, x, en)
dat$s <- s
datalist[[s]] <- dat
#### run model for normal data and save parameters###
lm1n <- lm(yn ~ x)
int.hatn <- coef (lm1n)[1]
b.hatn <- coef (lm1n)[2]
se.hatn <- se.coef (lm1n) [2]
##save them for each iteration
bn[s] = b.hatn
sen[s] = se.hatn
reg_results<- tibble(bn, sen)
big_data =,datalist)
When using the loop, I get the following error:
Error in 0.3 * x + en : non-numeric argument to binary operator
I am assuming this is because I do not fully understand how to call out each of the three functions in the list.
Here is a complete solution which wraps the multiple points discussed in the comments:
#set sample size and number of iterations
n <- 500
iter <- 1000
#setting empty vectors. Probably a better way to do this. :)
bn <- c()
sen <- c()
#these are the three functions I want to use to generate en,
#which is the error term below. I want one loop for each of the three.
# I can get f1, f2 and f3 to work independently, but I can't get the list
#to work to cycle through all three.
f1 <- function (n) {rnorm(n, 0, 2)}
f2 <- function (n) {rnorm(n, 0, 10)}
f3 <- function (n) {rchisq(n, 2)}
fun_list <- list(f1, f2, f3)
#following line starting point for saving all iterations in one big
datalist = list()
#if I remove the following line (for (j ....)), I can get this to work by
#referencing each function independently (i.e., using 'en <- f1(n)').
for (j in c(1:length(fun_list))) {
en <- fun_list[[j]]
for (s in 1:iter) {
x <- rnorm(n, 0, .5)
random_part <- en(n)
yn <- .3*x + random_part
#this is the part that saves the data#
dat <- data.frame(yn, x, random_part)
dat$s <- s
datalist[[s]] <- dat
#### run model for normal data and save parameters###
lm1n <- lm(yn ~ x)
int.hatn <- coef(lm1n)[1]
b.hatn <- coef(lm1n)[2]
se.hatn <- se.coef(lm1n)[2]
##save them for each iteration
bn = c(bn,b.hatn)
sen = c(sen,se.hatn)
reg_results<- tibble(bn, sen)
big_data =,datalist)

R issue : performing lm and then a boxcox to find a proper lambda value

I have a dataset of climate data in a data.frame (columns are measuring stations, and rows indicate time of measurement), and I'm trying to find the proper lambda values in a Yeo-Johnson transform to limit skewness impact on a principal component analysis.
Obviously, the first step is to get log likelihoods to find the best lambda : I use the following, where i is the index of a column :
getYeoJohsnonLambda <- function(myClimateData,cols,lambda_min, lambda_max,eps)
lambda <- seq(lambda_min,lambda_max,eps)
for(i in cols)
formula <- as.formula(paste("myClimateData$",colnames(myClimateData)[i],"~1"))
currentModel <- lm(formula,myClimateData)
myboxCox <- boxCox(currentModel, lambda = lambda ,family="yjPower", plotit = FALSE)
When I am trying to call it for a climateData time series which could be, for example :
`climateData <-data.frame(c(8.2,6.83,5.46,4.1,3.73,3.36,3,3,3,3,3.7),c(0,0.66,1.33,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1.6))`
I get this error : Error in : object 'myClimateData' not found
This is weird, as lm seems to find it and return a correct fit, and myClimateData should be found as it is one of the arguments of the function, right ?
Sadly, it seems that the problem comes from the function boxCox rather than your getYeoJohsnonLambda function. As BrodieG pointed out in a related question, this function uses parent.frame as an argument to eval which is considered as bad practice in the doc.
One way to solve this is to build the models before the call, as suggested in Adam Quek's answer:
climateData <- data.frame(c(8.2,6.83,5.46,4.1,3.73,3.36,3,3,3,3,3.7),c(0,0.66,1.33,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1.6))
names(climateData) <- c("a","b")
modelList <- list()
for(k in 1:ncol(climateData)) {
modelList[[k]] <- lm(as.formula(paste0(names(climateData)[k],"~1")),data=climateData)
getYeoJohnsonLambda <- function(myClimateData, cols, lambda_min, lambda_max, eps)
#Recommended values for lambda_min = -0.5 and lambda_max = 2.0, eps = 0.1
myboxCox <- list()
lmd <- seq(lambda_min,lambda_max,eps)
for(i in cols)
cat("Creating model for column # ",i,"\n")
currentModel <- modelList[[i]]
myboxCox[[i]] <- boxCox(currentModel, lambda = lmd ,family="yjPower", plotit = FALSE)
test <- getYeoJohnsonLambda(climateData,c(1,2) ,-0.5,2,0.1)
Other solution (arguably cleaner): use yeo.johnson in VGAM
getYeoJohnsonLambda_VGAM <- function(myClimateData, cols, lambda_min, lambda_max, eps)
#Recommended values for lambda_min = -0.5 and lambda_max = 2.0, eps = 0.1
myboxCox <- list()
lmd <- seq(lambda_min,lambda_max,eps)
test2 <- getYeoJohnsonLambda_VGAM(climateData,c(1,2) ,-0.5,2,0.1)
Here's a solution without troubleshooting the function getYeoJohsnonLambda:
iris.dat <- iris[-5]
vars <- names(iris.dat)
lmd <- seq(.1, 1, .1) #lambda_min, lambda_max, eps
all.form <- lapply(vars, function(x) as.formula(paste0(x, "~ 1")))
all.lm <- lapply(all.form, lm, data=iris.dat)
all.bcox <- lapply(all.form, boxcox, data=iris.dat,
lambda=lmd, family="yjPower", plotit=FALSE)

Plotting specific variable in runjags output

When plotting runjags output, how does one plot a single specific variable, when many other variables have similar names? Providing a quoted variable name with the varsargument doesn't seem to do it (it still provides all partial matches).
Here is a simple reproducible example.
N <- 200
nobs <- 3
psi <- 0.35
p <- 0.45
z <- rbinom(n=N, size=1,prob=psi)
y <- rbinom(n=N, size=nobs,prob=p*z)
model {
for (i in 1:N){
z[i] ~ dbern(psi)
pz[i] <- z[i]*p
y[i] ~ dbin(pz[i],nobs)
} #i
psi ~ dunif(0,1)
p ~ dunif(0,1)
",fill = TRUE)
m <-list(y=y,N=N,nobs=nobs)
inits <- function(){list(psi=runif(1),p=runif(1),z=as.numeric(y>0))}
parameters <- c("p","psi")
ni <- 1000
nt <- 1
nb <- 200
nc <- 3
ad <- 100
out <- run.jags(model="model.txt",monitor=parameters,data=m,n.chains=nc,inits=inits,burnin=nb,
It should be possible to double quote variables to get an exact match, but this seems to be broken. It should also be possible to specify a logical vector to vars but this seems to be broken for the plot method ... how embarrassing. The following does work though:
# Generate a logical vector to use with matching variable names:
variables <- extract(out, 'stochastic')
variables['psi'] <- FALSE
# Add summary statistics only for the specified variables and pre-draw plots:
out2 <- add.summary(out, vars=variables, plots=TRUE)
plot(out2, plot.type=c("trace","histogram"))
I will fix the other issues for the next release.

Storing results of loop iterations in R

I am trying to store the results of the the code below, however I could only come up with a solution to save the results of the model with the smallest sum of squared residuals. This was useful until the results were in the limits of the range of both c and gamma, therefore I need to assess the characteristics of other points. For this I need to store the results of every iteration. Does anyone know how to do this in this case?
Thanks in advance!
dlpib1 <- info$dlpib1
scale <- sqrt(var(dlpib1))
RSS.m <- 10
for (c in seq(-0.03,0.05,0.001)){
for (gamma in seq(1,100,0.2))
trans <- (1+exp(-(gamma/scale)*(dlpib1-c)))^-1
grid.regre <-lm(dlpib ~ dlpib1 + dlpib8 + trans + trans*dlpib1 +
+ I(trans*dlpib4) ,data=info)
coef <- grid.regre$coefficients
RSS <- sum(grid.regre$residuals^2)
if (RSS < RSS.m){
RSS.m <- RSS
gamma.m <- gamma
c.m <- c
coef.m <- coef
grid <- c(RSS=RSS.m,gamma=gamma.m,c=c.m,coef.m)
The easiest way to store model results by iterations is in a list:
List = list()
for(i in 1:100)
LM = lm(rnorm(10)~rnorm(10))
List[[length(List)+1]] = LM
You can probably avoid the for loop altogether. However, as for how to accomplish your task, you simply need to index whatever object you are storing the value in. For example,
# outside the for loop
trans <- list()
# inside the for loop
trans[[paste(gamma, c, sep="_")]] <- ...
I'm pretty sure to save all iterations of the RSS's you could do something like this:
dlpib1 <- info$dlpib1
scale <- sqrt(var(dlpib1))
RSS.m <- rep(0,N)
coef <- rep(0,N)
i <- 0
for (c in seq(-0.03,0.05,0.001)){
for (gamma in seq(1,100,0.2))
trans <- (1+exp(-(gamma/scale)*(dlpib1-c)))^-1
grid.regre <-lm(dlpib ~ dlpib1 + dlpib8 + trans + trans*dlpib1 +
+ I(trans*dlpib4) ,data=info)
coef <- grid.regre$coefficients
RSS.m[i] <- sum(grid.regre$residuals^2)
