Filter ModelAdmin by many_many relation - silverstripe

I'm managing the DataObject class 'trainer' with ModelAdmin. A trainer has a many_many relation to my other class 'language'.
On my 'trainer' class I'm manipulating the 'searchableFields' function to display a ListboxField in the filters area.
public function searchableFields() {
$languagesField = ListboxField::create(
return array (
'Languages' => array (
'filter' => 'ExactMatchFilter',
'title' => 'Sprachen',
'field' => $languagesField
That works like expected and shows me the wanted ListboxField. The Problem is, after selecting 1 or 2 or whatever languages and submitting the form, I'm receiving
[Warning] trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
Is it possible here to filter with an many_many relation? And if so, how? Would be great if someone could point me in the right direction.
Full Error Message:
Trainer Class:

You need to define that logic within a $searchable_fields parameter instead of the searchableFields() which actually constructs the searchable fields and logic.
PHP would be likely to throw an error if you go doing fancy form stuff within the array itself, so farm that form field off to a separate method in the same DataObject and simply call upon it.
See my example, I hope it helps.
/* Define this DataObjects searchable Fields */
private static $searchable_fields = array(
'Languages' => array (
'filter' => 'ExactMatchFilter',
'title' => 'Sprachen',
'field' => self::languagesField()
/* Return the searchable field for Languages */
public function languagesField() {
return ListboxField::create(

Yes, it's possible. You just need to override two methods - one in Trainer data object and one in TrainerModelAdmin. First one will make a field, second one will do filtering.
Trainer Data Object:
public function scaffoldSearchFields($_params = null)
$fields = parent::scaffoldSearchFields($_params);
// get values from query, if set
$query = Controller::curr()->request->getVar('q');
$value = !empty($query['Languages']) && !empty($query['Languages']) ? $query['Languages'] : array();
// create a field with options and values
$lang = ListboxField::create("Languages", "Sprachen", Language::get()->map()->toArray(), $value, null, true);
// push it to field list
return $fields;
Trainer Model Admin
public function getList()
$list = parent::getList();
// check if managed model is right and is query set
$query = $this->request->getVar('q');
if ($this->modelClass === "Trainer" && !empty($query['Languages']) && !empty($query['Languages']))
// cast all values to integer, just to be sure
$ids = array();
foreach ($query['Languages'] as $lang)
$ids[] = (int)$lang;
// make a condition for query
$langs = join(",", $ids);
// run the query and take only trainer IDs
$trainers = DB::query("SELECT * FROM Trainer_Languages WHERE LanguageID IN ({$langs})")->column("TrainerID");
// filter query on those IDs and return it
return $list->filter("ID", $trainers);
return $list;


Sortable Sonata Type Model in Admin

Did someone tried the tutorial about Sortable Sonata Type Model in Admin.
I've followed it step by step without missing anything (I'm pretty sure) but can't get a good result at the end.
Basically what I'm trying to do is : I have 3 entities, Article, Tag and ArticleTag (eq to User, Expectation and UserHasExpectation in the tutorial)
Everything seems good until the UserHasExpectationAdmin:
protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper){
// ...
->add('userHasExpectations', 'sonata_type_model', array(
'label' => 'User\'s expectations',
'query' => $this->modelManager->createQuery('UserBundle\Entity\Expectation'),
'required' => false,
'multiple' => true,
'by_reference' => false,
'sortable' => true,
$formMapper->get('userHasExpectations')->addModelTransformer(new ExpectationDataTransformer($this->getSubject(), $this->modelManager));}
I think an attribute 'class' => 'UserBundle\Entity\Expectation' should be added to 'userHasExpectations' field else Symfony says that it's an invalid value.
Then the other problem is in the dataTransformer:
It launch me the error:
Attempted to call an undefined method named "create" of class "Main\CoreBundle\Form\DataTransformer\TagDataTransformer"
I think a use statement should be added but I don't know which one. More over, suppose I have the right use statement I don't realize what the writer is aiming to do, if it's creating UserHasExpectation records why don't he add a userHasExpectations->setUser($this->User) ???
Also I want to add after "vardumping" $this->Subject before :
$formMapper->get('userHasExpectations')->addModelTransformer(new ExpectationDataTransformer($this->getSubject(), $this->modelManager));
It seems to have a proper Entity Object with all fields on NULL values...
So, the code of the tutorial contains many...mistakes
In spite of trying to create 'userHasExpectation' in the DataTransformer we just return the object userHasExpectation in the reverse DataTransformer then we create our records in the postPersist and postUpdate of our Admin Class that way :
* {#inheritdoc}
public function postUpdate($object)
$position = 0;
$uniqId = $this->getUniqId();
$request = $this->getRequest()->get($uniqId);
$qb = $this->modelManager->createQuery('MainCoreBundle:ArticleTag', 'at');
$TagsToRemove = $qb->where('at.article = :article')
->setParameter('article', $object)
foreach ($TagsToRemove as $Tag) {
foreach($request["article_tags"] as $tag)
$Tag = $this->modelManager->find('MainCoreBundle:Tag', $tag);
$article_tags = new ArticleTag;
* {#inheritdoc}
public function postPersist($object)
$position = 0;
$uniqId = $this->getUniqId();
$request = $this->getRequest()->get($uniqId);
foreach($request["article_tags"] as $tag)
$Tag = $this->modelManager->find('MainCoreBundle:Tag', $tag);
$article_tags = new ArticleTag;
Hope this will help Somebody who has the same trouble.
#Sonata-admin-team : I hope you will read this and have time to update the tutorial in question.
For Sonata 3 adding the class attribute 'class'=> 'UserBundle\Entity\Expectation' resolved the problem for me.

SilverStripe translate fieldlabels

I simply use _t() to translate CMS Fields in a DataObject: TextField::create('Title', _t('cms.TitleField', 'Title'));. I thought translating $summary_fields was just as simple, but it's not.
Instead of trying to translate Fields and their accompanying summary_fields seperately, I believe I noticed a better way how these fields are translated using the function FieldLabels as used in SiteTree.
Is there way I can translate these both fields in one place (DRY principle) and apply to both easily by calling the var?
Yes I would certainly say the use of FieldLabels is for localisation / translation because of the comment "Localize fields (if possible)" here in the DataObject code...
public function summaryFields() {
$fields = $this->stat('summary_fields');
// if fields were passed in numeric array,
// convert to an associative array
if($fields && array_key_exists(0, $fields)) {
$fields = array_combine(array_values($fields), array_values($fields));
if (!$fields) {
$fields = array();
// try to scaffold a couple of usual suspects
if ($this->hasField('Name')) $fields['Name'] = 'Name';
if ($this->hasDatabaseField('Title')) $fields['Title'] = 'Title';
if ($this->hasField('Description')) $fields['Description'] = 'Description';
if ($this->hasField('FirstName')) $fields['FirstName'] = 'First Name';
$this->extend("updateSummaryFields", $fields);
// Final fail-over, just list ID field
if(!$fields) $fields['ID'] = 'ID';
// Localize fields (if possible)
foreach($this->fieldLabels(false) as $name => $label) {
// only attempt to localize if the label definition is the same as the field name.
// this will preserve any custom labels set in the summary_fields configuration
if(isset($fields[$name]) && $name === $fields[$name]) {
$fields[$name] = $label;
return $fields;

How to join two tables in SilverStripe

I've been searching all over the place and couldn't find a solution. I want to join two tables in SilverStripe. It's very simple:
class Module extends DataObject {
static $has_one = array(
'Website' => 'Website'
class Website extends DataObject {
static $has_many = array(
'Modules' => 'Module'
I want to join these two, and get all the attributes in one DataList. The leftJoin() function won't do anything, and it's mentioned in their website that
Passing a $join statement to will filter results further by the JOINs performed against the foreign table. It will not return the additionally joined data.
I tried to use raw query
DB::query('SELECT * FROM "Module" LEFT JOIN "Website" ON "Website"."ID" = "Module"."WebsiteID"');
but all I got was this
MySQLQuery Object ( [handle:protected] => mysqli_result Object ( [current_field] => 0 [field_count] => 19 [lengths] => [num_rows] => 5 [type] => 0 ) [currentRecord:protected] => [rowNum:protected] => -1 [queryHasBegun:protected] => )
Anyone has any idea how to do that? Thanks!
I found a way around. It's not the perfect solution for joining two tables, especially when there are a lot of attributes, but it does give me what I want for now.
$modules = Module::get();
$list = new ArrayList();
foreach($modules as $module) {
$website = Website::get()->filter(array(
'ID' => $module->WebsiteID
$array = array("mName" => $module->Name,
"mDes" => $module->Description,
"wName" => $website->Name);
You indeed cannot get the joined data through the default ORM. If you, however, choose to decide to use the DB::Query(), you can easily fetch them as an array.
An example:
$items = DB::Query("
FROM Module
LEFT JOIN Website ON Website.ID = Module.WebsiteID
if($items) {
$i = 0;
foreach($items as $item) {
$moduleTitle = $item['Title'];
$websiteURL = $item['URL'];
This option is faster than the workaround you suggested. If you need an ArrayList because you want to use the data in a template, build the ArrayList yourself, or use a snippet like this.

cakephp3: Save associated data

I want to write a easy Tagging-Plugin for cakephp3 applications. So lets say we have a model books and a model reviews. For each of this models it should be possible to attach Tags - just by adding a behavior (in a plugin): $this->addBehavior('Tag.Taggable').
I created two Tables in the Database: tags, tagged_tags.
Table tagged_tags:
id | tag_id | tagged_id |
1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 2 | 1 |
tagged_id is the id of the tagged entity. The information which model it belongs to is in the other table.
Table Tags:
id | tag | model |
1 | book | App\Model\Table\BooksTable |
2 | nobook | App\Model\Table\ReviewsTable|
Obviously, only the first Tag belongs to a book.
class TaggableBehavior extends Behavior
// Some more code here
public function __construct(Table $table, array $config = [])
parent::__construct($table, $config);
$this->_table = $table;
$this->_table->belongsToMany('Tag.Tags', [
'joinTable' => 'tagged_tags',
'foreignKey' => 'tagged_id',
'targetForeignKey' => 'tag_id',
'conditions' => [
'Tags.model' => get_class($this->_table);
Retrieving the data works perfectly. But saving is an issue:
Error: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column
'Tags.model' in 'where clause'
SQL Query:
SELECT AS TaggedTags__id, TaggedTags.tagged_id AS
TaggedTags__tagged_id, TaggedTags.tag_id AS TaggedTags__tag_id
FROM tagged_tags TaggedTags WHERE (tagged_id = :c0 AND Tags.model =
I'm not so sure why cakephp performs a SELECT-query here, and I don't really care. Why this query causes an error is clear. But where is my mistake here? It has to do with the 'conditions' => ['Tags.model' => get_class($this->_table);. Without this, I can save data (but cant say which Tag belongs to a book or not)
EDIT: Some Additional Info
Here is the complete sql statement, displayed in the debug kit
controller code:
public function add()
$book = $this->Books->newEntity();
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$book = $this->Books->patchEntity($book, $this->request->data);
if ($this->Books->save($book)) {
$this->Flash->success(__('The book has been saved.'));
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);
} else {
$this->Flash->error(__('The book could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
In the Behavior I have some logic (copy/pasted) form the Bookmarks-tutorial
public function beforeSave($event, $entity, $options)
if ($entity->tag_string) {
$entity->tags = $this->_buildTags($entity->tag_string);
protected function _buildTags($tagString)
$new = array_unique(array_map('trim', explode(',', $tagString)));
$out = [];
$query = $this->_table->Tags->find()
'Tags.tag IN' => $new,
'Tags.model' => $this->name()
// Remove existing tags from the list of new tags.
foreach ($query->extract('tag') as $existing) {
$index = array_search($existing, $new);
if ($index !== false) {
// Add existing tags.
foreach ($query as $tag) {
$tag['count'] = $tag['count']+1;
$out[] = $tag;
// Add new tags.
foreach ($new as $tag) {
$out[] = $this->_table->Tags->newEntity(['tag' => $tag, 'model' => $this->name(), 'count' => 0]);
return $out;
Easy tagging plugin you will make if you create Tags model, and create a HABTM relationship with other models.
Here are simple guidelines.
Omit multiple select tags field, instead put tagging text field (eg. tagsinput). Add some jquery tagging plugin. When adding a new tag (keyword), it is immediately stored in the tags table via jquery post methods. If the keyword exists in the tags table, then do not store it again.
In the beforeSave method processing value from tagging field.
If the value separated by a comma, you can use something like this (CakePHP 2):
public function beforeSave($options = array())
if(!empty($this->data['Article']['tagsinput'])) {
$tags = explode(',', $this->data['Article']['tagsinput']);
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$tagKey = $this->Tag->find('first',array(
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => array('id'),
'conditions' => array('' => $tag)
$this->data['Tag']['Tag'][] = $tagKey['Tag']['id'];
return true;
This creates HABTM relationship and stores such values in the table articles_tags.
Create a comma separated values:
$extract_tags = Hash::extract($this->data['Tag'],'{n}.name');
$tags = implode(',', $extract_tags);
echo $this->Form->input('tagsinput',
'id' => 'tags',
'class'=>'form-control input-lg',
'placeholder'=>__('Add keywords here'),
'value' => $tags

Generate url aliasing based on taxonomy term

I have a vocab category and four terms within it. what i want to do is if content is tagged with a termin in particular say "term1" to have the url generated as word1/[node:title] and for all the other tags just the standard url formatting.
If i wanted the term in the url obviously id use pattern replacement but i want another word to be used if a particular tag is used
I can't think of an easy plug-and-play way of achieving this. You may have to create your own token for the "Default path pattern" in Pathauto's URL alias settings:
* Implementation of hook_token_info().
function MODULE_token_info() {
$info['tokens']['node']['node-term-path'] = array(
'name' => t('Node path by term'),
'description' => t('The path to a node based on its taxonomy terms.'),
return $info;
* Implementation of hook_tokens().
function MODULE_tokens($type, $tokens, array $data = array(), array $options = array()) {
$replacements = array();
if ($type == 'node' && !empty($data['node'])) {
$node = $data['node'];
foreach ($tokens as $name => $original) {
switch ($name) {
case 'node-term-path':
$items = field_get_items('node', $node, 'TAXONOMY_FIELD_NAME');
foreach ($items as $item) {
$tids[] = $item['tid'];
if (in_array(TID_OF_TERM1, $tids)) {
// Path for nodes with term1
$replacements[$original] = 'word1/'. pathauto_cleanstring($node->title);
else {
// Path for other nodes
$replacements[$original] = 'content/'. pathauto_cleanstring($node->title);
return $replacements;
Found a simple way actually to anyone who need a similar solution use the module Entity Reference.
I just created a new field for the user account select entity reference then you can choose any entity within drupal to reference.
(ie so you can select a term/content/anything)
