Closure Compiler Externs - WARNING - Property never defined on - google-closure-compiler

I am preparing externs for PIXI.js library. I am getting the following warning:
js/Test.js:188: WARNING - Property position never defined on PIXI.Sprite
button.position.y = y;
Here are the relevant extern definitions:
* #constructor
* #extends {PIXI.Container}
* #param {PIXI.Texture} texture
PIXI.Sprite = function(texture){};
* #constructor
* #extends {PIXI.DisplayObject}
PIXI.Container = function(){};
* #constructor
* #extends {PIXI.EventEmitter}
PIXI.DisplayObject = function(){};
* #type {PIXI.Point}
Still getting the same warning.
What am I doing wrong?
When I am replacing PIXI.DisplayObject.position; with PIXI.DisplayObject.prototype.position; that seems to clear the warning.
Does it mean that I should always define SomeObject.prototype.prop rather then SomeObject.prop ?

This is highlighting the difference between static and prototype properties.
* #constructor
* #param {number=} opt_num
function foo(opt_num) {
if (opt_num !== undefined) { = opt_num;
} = 17; = 42;
We have both a static property and a prototype property of the same name. However they are referenced differently:
console.log((new foo()).bar); // 17
console.log((new foo(0)).bar); // 0
console.log(; // 42
So in an extern, when you are defining properties on a type - you typically want to define them on the prototype object:
/** #param {foo} obj_foo */
function log(obj_foo) {
// This is an instance of "foo".
// The "bar" property references prototype or instance
// properties - not static properties.
// Static properties can only be referenced by the full namespace


Looping through entities and updating them causes error on flush

I am new to symfony and doctrine. And I am compeleting a code that someone else has started. I mainly have a form for which I wrote a validation function in my controller. In this form a BusReservation object along with its BusReservationDetails are created and saved to the db. so at the end of the form validation function, after the entities are saved in DB, I call a BusReservation Manager method which is transformBusReservationDetailIntoBusTicket which aim is to take each BusReservationDetail in the BusReservation oject and create a a new entity BusTicket based on it.
so I created this loop (please let me know if there is something wrong in my code so that i can write in a good syntax). I tried to put the 3 persist that you see at the end of the code but I got : Notice: Undefined index: 0000000..
I tried to merge (the last 3 lines in code ) I got the following :
A new entity was found through the relationship 'MyBundle\Entity\CustomInfo#busTicket' that was not configured to cascade persist operations for entity: . To solve this issue: Either explicitly call EntityManager#persist() on this unknown entity or configure cascade persist this association in the mapping for example #ManyToOne(..,cascade={"persist"}).
I got this same error when i commented all theh 6 lines of merge and flush.
PS: I am not expecting the flush to fully work. There are some properties that are nullable=false so I assume that I must set them as well so that the entities can be saved to DB. But the error i got is by far different than this.
PS : I noticed that there is a onFlush where the customInfo is updated and persisted again and other things happen, but i am trying to debug step by step. I tried to detach this event but still got the same errors. so I want to fix my code and make sure that the code part that i wrote in the manager is correct and if that's the case then I can move to debugging the event Listener. so please I would like to know if the following code is correct and why the flush is not working.
* #param $idBusReservation
* #return bool
* #throws \Doctrine\ORM\NonUniqueResultException
public function transformBusReservationIntoBusTicket($idBusReservation): bool
{ $result = "into the function";
/** #var BusReservation $busReservation */
$busReservation = $this->em->getRepository('MyBundle:BusReservation')->find($idBusReservation);
if ($busReservation !== null) {
/** #var BusReservationDetail $busReservationDetail */
foreach ($busReservation->getBusReservationDetails() as $busReservationDetail) {
$busTicket = new BusTicket($busReservationDetail->getBusModel(), $busReservation->getPassenger());
if ($busReservationDetail->getBusModel()->getCode() === 'VIPbus') {
// perform some logic .. later on
} else {
$customInfo = new CustomInfo();
// $customInfo->setCurrentMode(
// $this->em->getRepository('MyBundle:Mode')
// ->find(['code' => 'Working'])
// );
// Bus ticket :
/** #var Mode $currentMode */
$currentMode = $this->em->getRepository('MyBundle:Mode')
->findOneBy(['code' => 'Working']);
// $this->em->merge($customInfo);
// $this->em->merge($busReservationDetail);
// $this->em->merge($busTicket);
// $this->em->persist($customInfo);
// $this->em->persist($busReservationDetail);
// $this->em->persist($busTicket);
// $this->em->clear();
return $result;
// *************** In BusReservation.php ********************
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="MyBundle\Entity\BusReservationDetail", mappedBy="busReservation")
private $busReservationDetails;
* Get busReservationDetails
*#return Collection
public function getBusReservationDetails()
return $this->busReservationDetails;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// *************** In BusReservationDetail.php ********************
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="MyBundle\Entity\BusReservation", inversedBy="busReservationDetails")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="id_bus_reservation", referencedColumnName="id_bus_reservation", nullable=false)
private $busReservation;
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="MyBundle\Entity\BusModel")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="bus_model_code", referencedColumnName="bus_model_code", nullable=false)
private $busModel;
* #ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="MyBundle\Entity\BusTicket", inversedBy="busReservationDetail", cascade={"merge","remove","persist"})
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="id_bus_ticket", referencedColumnName="id_bus_ticket")
private $busTicket;
* #return BusModel
public function getBusModel()
return $this->busModel;
// ************ IN BusTicket.php *****************************
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="MyBundle\Entity\CustomInfo", mappedBy="busTicket")
private $customInfos;
* #param CustomInfo $customInfo
* #return BusTicket
public function addCustomInfot(CustomInfo $customInfo)
if (!$this->customInfos->contains($customInfo)) {
$this->customInfos[] = $customInfo;
return $this;
* #ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="MyBundle\Entity\busReservationDetail", mappedBy="busTicket")
private $busReservationDetail;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="MyBundle\Entity\BusTicket", inversedBy="customInfos")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="id_bus_ticket", referencedColumnName="id_bus_ticket", nullable=false)
private $busTicket;
The answer is in your error message. You either have to add cascade={"persist"} to your entity annotation, or explicitly call persist. I don't believe you need em->merge() in this situation as you're never taking the entities out of context.
Where you have all your persist lines commented out, just try putting this in
and if you're looping through a ton of entities, you could try adding the flush inside the loop at the end instead of a huge flush at the end.

GET result empty when using transformer with api platform and symfony

I'm using api platform in symfony (4) and without using a transformer (or rather: without using the output property) I'm getting the correct result.
However as I need to transform a logo (add a path) I need to integrate a transformer. As a result the response is empty.
ApiResource definition in Entity:
* #ApiResource(
* collectionOperations = {
* "get"
* },
* normalizationContext={"groups" = {"frontend:read"}},
* itemOperations={
* },
* order={"name"="ASC"},
* paginationEnabled=false,
* output=EntityApiOutput::class
* )
class EntityApiOutput
public $id;
class EntityApiOutputDataTransformer implements DataTransformerInterface
* {#inheritdoc}
public function transform($object, string $to, array $context = [])
$eao = new EntityApiOutput();
$eao->id = 3;
return $eao;
public function supportsTransformation($data, string $to, array $context = []): bool
return EntityApiOutput::class === $to && $data instanceof Entity;
entry in services.yaml:
- { name: api_platform.data_transformer }
I simplified the transformer for reading purposes.
Putting a
into the transform method confirms that the transformer is called and the EntityApiOutput object is filled.
Mhm unfortunately the api platform doc forgets to mention to also put the group into the output class:
class EntityApiOutput
* #Groups({"frontend:read"})
public $id;
That's how it should look like.

Override #Security annotation inside controller in symfony 4

Today I started upgrading my application from symfony 3 to 4 (and so the related libraries) and I couldn't understand why I couldn't make certain routes work (I had a 401 error but they were supposed to be public routes so no security checks were made there), then I ended up finding this question: #Security annotation on controller class being overridden by action method
A recent comment on the question says that while in a previous version of symfony framework extra bundle, if you put the security annotation on both a class and a method inside that class, the method annotation would override the class annotation, now they stack instead.
This can also be seen (altough it's not very clear since you could already put a #Security annotation on both class and method) on the SensioFramework changelog for version 4.0
allowed using multiple #Security annotations (class and method)
This is a very big change for me since a lot of routes in my application relied on that behavior (which was similar to Symfony 1 where you could set a default security behavior and then a more specific one for each action)
* #Route("my-route")
* #Security("is_granted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY')")
class MyController extends Controller {
* In Symfony 3.x this would've removed security checks for the route,
* now it checks both the class and the method Security expressions
* #Security(true)
public function myAction(Request $request) {
Is there some way other than "don't upgrade to symfony 4" or "reorganize your code" (which is my "plan B") to have this behavior back? Something like a configuration option or similar...
I can't seem to find anything about this
I had forgot about this question but I did solve this issue by making my own annotation and EventListener.
1) My code uses the Dependency Injection bundle to inject and declare services using annotations
2) I'm sharing the code AS IS, with no warranty it'd work for you too, but i hope you can get the gist of it
I created 2 annotations (#IsGrantedDefault and #SecurityDefault) that work exactly like #IsGranted and #Security (they actually extend the original annotations) except they can be applied only to classes, then i created 2 event listeners, one for each annotation. The event listeners also extend the original event listeners, but they just check if a method already has a Security or IsGranted annotation, in which case they do nothing.
* #author valepu
namespace App\Project\AppBundle\Annotation;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\IsGranted;
* #Annotation
* #Target("CLASS")
class IsGrantedDefault extends IsGranted {
public function getAliasName() {
return 'is_granted_default';
public function allowArray() {
return false;
* #author valepu
namespace App\Project\AppBundle\Annotation;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Security;
* #Annotation
* #Target("CLASS")
class SecurityDefault extends Security {
public function getAliasName() {
return 'security_default';
public function allowArray() {
return false;
DefaultListenerTrait.php (Values::DEFAULT_LISTENER_PREFIX is just a string with an underscore "_")
* #author valepu
namespace App\Project\AppBundle\Event\Traits;
use App\Project\AppBundle\Utils\Values;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\IsGranted;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Security;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\FilterControllerArgumentsEvent;
Trait DefaultListenerTrait {
* #var string
private $defaultAttribute;
* #var string
private $otherAttributes = [];
* #var string
private $attribute;
* Sets the class attributes
* #param [type] $defaultAnnotation
* #param string|null $modifyAttr
* #return void
protected function setAttributes($defaultAnnotation, ?string $modifyAttr) {
//Get the attirbutes names
$this->attribute = $modifyAttr;
$this->defaultAttribute = Values::DEFAULT_LISTENER_PREFIX . $defaultAnnotation->getAliasName();
$annotations = [new IsGranted([]), new Security([])];
foreach($annotations as $annotation) {
$this->otherAttributes[] = Values::DEFAULT_LISTENER_PREFIX . $annotation->getAliasName();
* Checks wheter or not the request needs to be handled by the annotation. If it does adds the correct attribute to the request
* #param \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\FilterControllerArgumentsEvent $event
* #return boolean
protected function updateDefaultListener(FilterControllerArgumentsEvent $event) {
$request = $event->getRequest();
$default = $request->attributes->get($this->defaultAttribute);
//If there's already an "IsGranted" annotation or there's no "IsGrantedDefault" annotation
if (!$default) {
return false;
foreach($this->otherAttributes as $attr) {
if ($request->attributes->get($attr) || !$default) {
return false;
//We set IsGranted from the default and then call the parent eventListener so that it can handle the security
$request->attributes->set($this->attribute, [$default]);
return true;
* Calls the event listener for the class if the request is handled by the class
* #param \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\FilterControllerArgumentsEvent $event
* #return void
protected function callEventListener(FilterControllerArgumentsEvent $event) {
if($this->updateDefaultListener($event)) {
* #author valepu
namespace App\Project\AppBundle\Event;
use App\Project\AppBundle\Annotation\IsGrantedDefault;
use App\Project\AppBundle\Event\Traits\DefaultListenerTrait;
use App\Project\AppBundle\Utils\Values;
use RS\DiExtraBundle\Annotation as DI;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\IsGranted;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Security;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\IsGrantedListener;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Request\ArgumentNameConverter;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\FilterControllerArgumentsEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelEvents;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationCheckerInterface;
* #DI\Service(autowire = true)
* #DI\Tag("kernel.event_subscriber")
class IsGrantedDefaultListener extends IsGrantedListener {
use DefaultListenerTrait;
* #param \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Request\ArgumentNameConverter $argumentNameConverter
* #param \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationCheckerInterface $authChecker
* #DI\InjectParams({
* "argumentNameConverter" = #DI\Inject("framework_extra_bundle.argument_name_convertor"),
* "authChecker" = #DI\Inject("security.authorization_checker")
* })
public function __construct(ArgumentNameConverter $argumentNameConverter, AuthorizationCheckerInterface $authChecker = null) {
parent::__construct($argumentNameConverter, $authChecker);
$modifyAttr = new IsGranted([]);
$this->setAttributes(new IsGrantedDefault([]), Values::DEFAULT_LISTENER_PREFIX . $modifyAttr->getAliasName());
* #param \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\FilterControllerArgumentsEvent $event
* #return void
public function onKernelControllerArguments(FilterControllerArgumentsEvent $event) {
* {#inheritdoc}
public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
return [KernelEvents::CONTROLLER_ARGUMENTS => 'onKernelControllerArguments'];
* #author valepu
namespace App\Project\AppBundle\Event;
use App\Project\AppBundle\Annotation\SecurityDefault;
use App\Project\AppBundle\Event\Traits\DefaultListenerTrait;
use App\Project\AppBundle\Utils\Values;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use RS\DiExtraBundle\Annotation as DI;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Security;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\SecurityListener;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Request\ArgumentNameConverter;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Security\ExpressionLanguage;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\FilterControllerArgumentsEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelEvents;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationTrustResolverInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorageInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationCheckerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role\RoleHierarchyInterface;
* #DI\Service(autowire = true)
* #DI\Tag("kernel.event_subscriber")
class SecurityDefaultListener extends SecurityListener {
use DefaultListenerTrait;
* #param \Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Request\ArgumentNameConverter $argumentNameConverter
* #param \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationCheckerInterface $authChecker
* #DI\InjectParams({
* "argumentNameConverter" = #DI\Inject("framework_extra_bundle.argument_name_convertor"),
* "language" = #DI\Inject(""),
* "trustResolver" = #DI\Inject("security.authentication.trust_resolver"),
* "roleHierarchy" = #DI\Inject("security.role_hierarchy"),
* "tokenStorage" = #DI\Inject("security.token_storage"),
* "authChecker" = #DI\Inject("security.authorization_checker"),
* "logger" = #DI\Inject("logger")
* })
public function __construct(ArgumentNameConverter $argumentNameConverter, ExpressionLanguage $language = null, AuthenticationTrustResolverInterface $trustResolver = null, RoleHierarchyInterface $roleHierarchy = null, TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage = null, AuthorizationCheckerInterface $authChecker = null, LoggerInterface $logger = null) {
parent::__construct($argumentNameConverter, $language, $trustResolver, $roleHierarchy, $tokenStorage, $authChecker, $logger);
$modifyAttr = new Security([]);
$this->setAttributes(new SecurityDefault([]), Values::DEFAULT_LISTENER_PREFIX . $modifyAttr->getAliasName());
public function onKernelControllerArguments(FilterControllerArgumentsEvent $event) {
* {#inheritdoc}
public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
return [KernelEvents::CONTROLLER_ARGUMENTS => 'onKernelControllerArguments'];
You can delete the class annotation and declare them on all methods

Exposing dynamically created functions on objects with closure compiler

I am trying to annotate my javascript so that closure doesnt rename all the symbols since i am working with vanilla javascript as well.
* #constructor
* #expose
* #type{foo}
foo = function (el, args) {
"use strict";
var s = "Hello World";
* #expose
* #this {foo}
* #type {function}
this.introduce = function () {
return s;
However the generated output when i run it through the closure compiler with advanced optimization is
foo = function() {
this.a = function() {
return"Hello World"
How do i ask closure to preserve the name introduce since this will be called from an external javascript.
The following options may be used to prevent the Closure Compiler from renaming
#export (also see: goog.exportSymbol or goog.exportProperty)
Export symbols by storing them on the global object referenced by a string.
See Export the Symbols You Want to Keep
Define an interface in an externs file and implement the interface (see linked answers below)
Quote properties
Note: #expose has been deprecated
If you do not want to define methods on the function prototype as shown in your
example, then you could export the constructor foo with goog.exportSymbol
and use #expose to export methods.
* #param {Element} el
* #param {...*} args
* #constructor
var foo = function (el, args) {
"use strict";
/** #private */
this.msg_ = "Hello World";
* #this {foo}
* #return {string}
* #expose
this.introduce = function () {
return this.msg_;
goog.exportSymbol('foo', foo);
By defining methods on the function prototype, goog.exportSymbol can be
used to export both the constructor as well as method names.
* #param {Element} el
* #param {...*} args
* #constructor
var foo = function (el, args) {
"use strict";
/** #private */
this.msg_ = 'Hello World!';
goog.exportSymbol('foo', foo);
* #return {string}
foo.prototype.introduce = function () {
return this.msg_;
goog.exportSymbol('foo.prototype.introduce', foo.prototype.introduce);
See these related stackoverflow questions:
Why does Closure compiler rename properties of an extern type?
Can I tell the Closure compiler to, for specific types only,
stop renaming properties?
John's answer to the question: How to tell Closure Compiler to
preserve properties on an object

optional parameters in routes defined through annotations

is there a more elegant way to define optional parameters in annotated routes then to define 2 annotations?
Here's how I did it:
* #Route("/view/{lang}/{file}", name="legacy_translation_view_file")
* #Route("/view/{lang}", name="legacy_translation_view")
* #Template()
public function viewAction($lang,$file=null)
i've seen that the annotation class has a field named "defaults" but am not quiet sure about the syntax
Symfony has a page on #Route:
E.g maybe you can try.
* #Route("/{id}/{lang}/{file}", requirements={"id" = "\d+"}, defaults={"file" = null})
public function showAction($id, $lang, $file)
If null doesn't work try an empty string.
