how can I just ignored the specified error in jsHint? - jshint

I use require.js in my job, when I run jshint
it will tell me this:
line 11, col 1, 'define' is not defined.
I want to do this:
if is define not defined, ignore,
if is others not defined, tell me the error
how can I write in jshint.rc?

I suppose this is because define is actually defined, just not in that file.
You need to tell jsHint that define is a valid global symbol.
Add this line at the beginning:
/* global define */
/* global define,$,require,whatever */
to prime the global symbol check table.
In jshint.rc, you can set:
"define" : true
or if define is not a known library,
"predef" : [
(see for example this link).


Why a list of pairs instead of hashes from map? [duplicate]

This is a bit of unexpected behavior that's likely to bite beginners. First, is this intended? Second, what other things does Raku use to guess which object to create? Does it start off thinking it's Block or Hash and change later, or does it decide on the end?
You can construct a Hash with braces and the fat arrow:
my $color-name-to-rgb = {
'red' => 'FF0000',
put $color-name-to-rgb.^name; # Hash
Using the other Pair notation creates a Hash too.
my $color-name-to-rgb = {
But, absent the fat arrow, I get a Block instead:
my $color-name-to-rgb = {
'red', 'FF0000',
put $color-name-to-rgb.^name; # Block
The Hash docs only mention that using $_ inside the braces creates a Block.
There are other ways to define a hash, but I'm asking about this particular bit of syntax and not looking for the workarounds I already know about.
$ perl6 -v
This is Rakudo version 2017.04.3 built on MoarVM version 2017.04-53-g66c6dda
implementing Perl 6.c.
When it's a Hash
Your question1 and this answer only apply to braced blocks in term position2.
Braced code that precisely follows the rule explained below constructs a Hash:
say WHAT { } # (Hash)
say WHAT { %foo } # (Hash)
say WHAT { %foo, ... } # (Hash)
say WHAT { foo => 42, ... } # (Hash)
say WHAT { :foo, ... } # (Hash)
say WHAT { key => $foo, ... } # (Hash)
The rule
If the block is empty, or contains just a list whose first element is a % sigil'd variable (eg %foo) or a literal pair (eg :bar), and it does not have a signature or include top level statements, it's a Hash. Otherwise it's a Block.
To force Block or Hash interpretation
To force a {...} term to construct a Block instead of a Hash, write a ; at the start i.e. { ; ... }.
To write an empty Block term, write {;}.
To write an empty Hash term, write {}.
To force a {...} term to construct a Hash instead of a Block, follow the rule (explained in detail in the rest of this answer), or write %(...) instead.
An explicit signature means it's a Block
Some braced code has an explicit signature, i.e. it has explicit parameters such as $foo below. It always constructs a Block no matter what's inside the braces:
say WHAT { key => $foo, 'a', 'b' } # (Hash)
say WHAT -> $foo { key => $foo, 'a', 'b' } # (Block)
An implicit signature also means it's a Block
Some braced code has an implicit signature that is generated due to some explicit choice of coding within the block:
Use of a "pronoun" inside {...} means it's a Block with a signature (an implicit signature if it doesn't already have an explicit one). The pronouns are $_, #_, and %_.
This includes implied use of $_ inside {...} due to a .method call with no left hand side argument. In other words, even { .foo } has a signature ((;; $_? is raw)) due to .foo's lack of a left hand side argument.
Use of a "placeholder" variable (e.g. $^foo).
As with an explicit signature, if braced code has an implicit signature then it always constructs a Block no matter what's inside the braces:
say WHAT { key => $_ } # (Block)
say WHAT { key => 'value', .foo, .bar } # (Block)
Top level statements mean it's a Block
say WHAT { :foo; (do 'a'), (do 'b') } # (Block)
say WHAT { :foo, (do 'a'), (do 'b') } # (Hash)
The second line contains multiple statements but they're producing values within individual elements of a list that's the single top level expression.
A top level declaration of an identifier mean it's a Block
A declaration is a statement, but I've included this section just in case someone doesn't realize that.
say WHAT { :foo, $baz, {my $bar} } # (Hash)
say WHAT { :foo, $baz, (my $bar) } # (Block)
The first line contains a Block as a key that contains a declaration (my $bar). But that declaration belongs to the inner {my $bar} Block, not the outer {...}. So the inner Block is just a value as far as the outer {...} is concerned, and thus that outer braced code is still interpreted as a Hash.
In contrast the second line declares a variable directly within the outer {...}. So it's a Block.
Still Blocks, not Hashs
Recall that, to be a Hash, the content of braced code must be a list that begins with either a % sigil'd variable or a literal pair. So these all produce Blocks:
my $bar = key => 'value';
say WHAT { $bar, %baz } # (Block)
say WHAT { |%baz } # (Block)
say WHAT { %#quux } # (Block)
say WHAT { 'a', 'b', key => $foo } # (Block)
say WHAT { 'key', $foo } # (Block)
1 This "Hash or Block?" question is an example of DWIM design. In Raku culture, good DWIM design is considered a good thing. But every DWIM comes with corresponding WATs3. The key to good DWIM design is ensuring that, in general, WATs' barks are worse than their bites4; and that the barks are useful5; and that the net benefits of the DWIM are considered to far outweigh all the barking and biting.6
2 A term is Raku's analog of a noun or noun phrase in English. It's a value.
Examples of braced blocks that are terms:
.say given { ... } # closure? hash?
say 42, { ... } # closure? hash?
Examples of braced blocks that are not terms:
if True { ... } # always a closure
class foo { ... } # always a package
put bar{ ... } # always a hash index
This answer only discusses braced blocks that are terms. For more details about terms, or more specifically "term position" (places in the grammar where a braced block will be interpreted as a term), see the comments below this answer.
3 WAT refers to a dev's incredulous surprise when something seems crazy to them. It's known that, even for well designed DWIMs, for each one that works for most folk, most of the time, there are inevitably one or more related WATs that surprise some folk, some of the time, including some of the same folk who at other times benefit from the DWIM.
4 The bite of the WATs related to this DWIM varies. It's typically a bark (error message) that makes the problem obvious. But it can also be much more obscure:
say { a => 42 }() ; # No such method 'CALL-ME' for invocant of type 'Hash' WAT? Oh.
say { a => $_ }<a> ; # Type Block does not support associative indexing. WAT? Oh.
say { a => $_, b => 42, c => 99 } .elems # 1 WAT?????
5 A "bark" is an error message or warning in documentation. These can often be improved. cf Lock.protect({}) fails, but with surprising message.
6 Community member opinions differ on whether DWIM design in general, or any given DWIM in particular, is worth it. cf my perspective vs Sam's answer to this question.
The preferred Perl6 way is to use %( ) to create hashes.
my $color-name-to-rgb = %(
'red', 'FF0000',
I would not recommend people use braces to create hashes, ever. If they want to make a hash then %( ) is the proper way to do it.
If you are coming from the Perl 5 world it's best to just get in the habit of using %( ) instead of { } when creating a Hash.

PHP7. Reflection doesn't work from old versions php

I have a php script which was written on php 5.6.19, works on 5.3 version to, with some installed addons.
I decide to try execute it on php7.
The special of the script that I am initializing a class with parameter by reference via creating a new instance with Reflection::class. And there warning then waited variable by reference but value received.
Definition of the class' constructor method tried to create an instance from:
public function __construct($user, IDatabase &$repository, $errors = null);
Sample of code where this constructor is used:
// define manager type to create (all managers has the same constructor)
$manager = $managersNamespace . ucfirst($this->_manager) . "Manager";
// trying to create the manager
// !!!And here a Warning occurs
$reflect = new \ReflectionClass($manager);
$manager = $reflect->newInstance($user, $database, $errors);
After these I am invoking a method I need, and here the fatal error with stopped the script:
$method = "show" . ucfirst($this->_page) . "Page";
I didn't see any changes in documentation. Anyone had the same issue?
First and foremost, why are you passing an object by reference !?
Objects have pass-by-reference semantics, forcibly trying to pass objects by reference has not made good sense since PHP 4.
Just remove the & ...
Let's ignore that, and pretend there is still a problem, so that you can try to understand what is going on.
To break down the problem, first you need to understand the distinction between a variable and an expression:
mine(1 + 2);
The argument to mine has no name, it's represented by a temporary variable in the engine: it's an expression.
The argument to mine has no name, it's not an expression, but a literal constant, represented by a compiler variable in the engine. It's similar to a temporary variable, a kind of constant expression.
The argument to mine has a name, which you can use to refer to it's value. It's a normal variable.
Only variables can be passed by reference because you cannot refer to expressions or literal constants
Next you need to understand why we pass-by-reference:
function mine(int $thing) {
$a = 1;
var_dump($a); // int(1)
In this code, $a is passed to mine() by value, so that the changes that mine() make to $thing are only visible inside the scope of mine. $a is unchanged after the call to mine() returns because $a and $thing are distinct, having been passed-by-value, which means it's value was copied on to the call stack for the invocation of mine().
function mine(int &$thing) {
$a = 1;
var_dump($a); // int(2)
In the code above, $a is passed to mine() by reference, this means that $a and $thing are no longer distinct. The changes mine() make to $thing are now visible after the call to mine() returns.
The last piece in the puzzle is Reflection:
function mine(int &$thing) {
$a = 1;
$reflector = new ReflectionFunction("mine");
The code above will raise:
Warning: Parameter 1 to mine() expected to be a reference, value given in /usr/src/php-src/refs.php on line 9
This is because ReflectionFunction::invoke and similar reflection functions (ReflectionClass::newInstance) accept their parameters by value and pass them onto the invoked function by value.
But ...
There is still a difference between pass-by-reference semantics, and passing by reference, a dangerous one:
class Foo {
public function qux() {}
class Bar {}
function mine(Foo &$foo) {
$foo = new Bar();
$foo = new Foo;
Will obviously yield:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Bar::qux() in /usr/src/php-src/refs.php:16
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /usr/src/php-src/refs.php on line 16
The declaration of mine() tells lies about the type safety of it's parameter. Type safety is only guaranteed upon entry to the function, the function body is free to break type safety, but it doesn't usually affect the caller when relying on the engines pass by reference semantics for objects.
This is an extremely scary kind of API, that should be avoided.

XQuery: declare a function returning nothing

declare variable $testseq as item()* := ();
declare function local:insertseq($target as item()*, $position as xs:integer?, $inserts as item()*)
as item()* (:might be great if we have a keyword to represent nothing:)
fn:insert-before($target, 1, $inserts) (:change the global sequence:)
() (:simulate returning nothing, empty sequence:)
element test
attribute haha {"&"},
local:insertseq($testseq, 1, ('a', 'b')),
I need to collect something into a global sequence while the script running. At the end of the script I release the sequence. The function insertseq must return nothing. It is possible with XQuery? Or are there other tricks to do it?
Error from BaseX:
$ basex test.xqy
Stopped at /Users/jack/Documents/SHK/XSD2OWL/Workspace/xqy/test.xqy, 7/4:
[XPTY0004] Item expected, sequence found: ("a", "b").
The answer on the title of your original question would actually be:
declare function local:f() as empty-sequence() {
As you probably want to solve a specific problem, you could think about creating a new question with another title and a corresponding problem description (including a tiny example with the expected input and output).
In functional languages, such as XQuery, variables cannot be reassigned once they have been defined (see Referential Transparency). As a consequence, you’ll need to use recursive functions to repeatedly add values to a sequence. fn:fold-left can be used as well: it feels challenging when being used for the first time, but once you understand what it does, you don’t want to miss is.

Adding values to a JsonCpp object/nested JsonCpp Json:Value objects

I have a JSON object say:
Json::Value temp;
temp["example1"] = "first";
which will be represented as
"example1" : "first"
Now if I want to add another object into the above object without using the index method, how can I do it? For example:
"example1" : "first",
"example2" : "second"
but avoiding using syntax
temp["example2"] = "second";
Are there any equivalents to push_back() (like in C++ vector/list) in JsonCpp?
The equivalent to push_back in JsonCpp is append, but you can use it only on Json::nullValue or Json::arrayValue.
That makes sense because only one parameter is needed to add an element to an array.
What are you asking is unclear/not possible, because you are trying to create an object, which is like a std::map in C++, and two parameters are needed to insert an element here.

Building a variadic mixin in LESS

I am trying to make a variadic mixin in LESS. To this end I use the following syntax for my mixin :
.mixin (#a; #rest...) {
// #rest is bound to arguments after #a
// #arguments is bound to all arguments
But I don't know how to manipulate #rest and read to the last parameters of the mixin.
This is my code :
.color () { }
.color (#shade) {
#id {
background-color : rgb(#shade, #shade, #shade);
.color (#shade, #rest...) {
#id {
background-color : rgb(#shade, #shade, #shade);
.color(200, 160);
As you guess, this mixin should examinate the entire list of parameters, and colour the background of my <div id="id"> with the shade of grey corresponding to the last parameter of the mixin (in this case, rgb(160, 160, 160)).
But when I compile this code with less-1.4.1.js, I get the following error :
SyntaxError: error evaluating function `rgb`:
color functions take numbers as parameters
So how to access to the second, third, fourth... parameters of the mixin ?
Thanks a lot for your advices, and have a nice week-end !
This works perfectly, thanks a lot !
However I would like to ask an other question. Let's say that my mixin is variadic to the extent that it requires at least one parameter which has nothing to do with the rest of the arguments (e.g. a string or an other number), but which has to be processed, so that possible calls to the previous mixin could be :
.color("first argument", 200, 160);
.color(-42, 200, 160);
.color(3, 200, 160); // 3 doesn't need to be processed in the loop
In other words, the .loop should examinate all the parameters of the mixin starting from the second and apply a different process to the first argument. So I need to change the skeleton of the mixin into something like this :
.color(...) {
...; // Handling the first parameter
.loop (#arguments); // Handling the rest of the parameters
But in your solution, the variable #arguments contains the entire list of arguments, including the first. How to exclude it from the list, without playing on isnumber() ?
I precise that actually in my project, each of the parameters starting from the second are processed, so that :
.loop(#list, #index: 1, #shade: NULL) when not (isnumber(#list)) and (isnumber(extract(#list, #index))) {
.loop(#list, (#index + 1), extract(#list, #index));
.loop(#list, #index: 1, #shade: NULL) when not (isnumber(#list)) and (isnumber(extract(#list, #index))) {
.loop(#list, (#index + 1), extract(#list, #index));
and this process doesn't consist in simply changing the background color of a fixed <div> ;) But I wanted to simplify my question.
Thanks a lot for your answers and precious advices !
Edit, again : what you recommend to me works perfectly, Martin. Thanks again !
Less gets confused with your second and third .color mixin, as they can both take just one argument, and if #rest is passed to the mixin as an argument and is not numeric (i.e. a list or empty) it causes more problems. Also #rest... and ... are tricky with multiple mixins with the same name - it is better to pass the arguments to another set of mixins (as a list to a single argument) and then switch between them using guards or the number of arguments they can take.
I would structure the mixins a bit differently (and add a helper mixin .loop that does the looping according to what is passed to .color).
The two mixins would then work like this:
.color: passes all arguments in #arguments to a single argument in mixin .loop
.loop: if the argument is neither a list nor a numeric value -> no output
.loop: if multiple arguments in a list -> loop through the list until you reach the last numeric value (or rather stops when it meets the first nonnumeric argument)
.loop: when reached the last parameter return output based on its value
.loop: if parameter is a single value -> return output based on the single parameter
in Less this could be done like this:
.loop(#list, #index: 1, #shade: NULL) when not (isnumber(#list)) and not (isnumber(extract(#list, #index))) and not (isnumber(#shade)) {}
.loop(#list, #index: 1, #shade: NULL) when not (isnumber(#list)) and (isnumber(extract(#list, #index))) {
.loop(#list, (#index + 1), extract(#list, #index));
.loop(#list, #index: 1, #shade) when not (isnumber(#list)) and not (isnumber(extract(#list, #index))) {
.loop(#shade) when (isnumber(#shade)){
#id {
background-color: rgb(#shade, #shade, #shade);
.color (...) {
and if you call now something like this:
the output CSS will look like this:
#id {
background-color: #a0a0a0;
which corresponds to the value of the last argument -> rgb(160,160,160)
This now has an output only for the last argument in the list. If you want to do something for each argument, you do so in the second .loop mixin (the actual loop) and can get rid of the third one that is used only to separate the last iteration step from the rest of the loop.
To your additional question "How to deal differently with certain arguments and what to do when they are not numeric?" - > General answer: you can always adjust the guards, and add additional mixins for the specific cases.
For example, if you want to treat the first argument (or any argument) differently using the .loop, you can add an additional .loop mixin - like this:
.loop(#list) when not (isnumber(#list)) {
/* do something with the first argument */
#first_argument: extract(#list, 1);
/* start the loop at the second argument:*/
.loop(#list, 2);
with the rest left as is, this should do what you want:
save your "first argument" from the #arguments into a variable (or you can do with it whatever you want)
start the loop at the second argument and continue until it reaches the last numeric argument (as shown above)
As said before, this is just an example illustrating how to do what you asked ... but you will have to play with it and design the guards and mixins accordingly to your desired outcome and your specific problems.
In the loop you can do something to each argument ... and you can do different things to numeric and nonnumeric arguments (you just need to adjust the conditions in the guards), you can check also if the arguments have specific units and so on. All this is simple as you are merely iterating through a list using the extract() function and incrising the #index variable.
In the case the first argument / first couple arguments have a specific assignment you can use #rest in the same way as I show with #arguments and do something with the first argument already in the .color mixin before you send the #rest to the .loop. You would do something like this:
.color (#first, #rest...) {
/* do something with the first argument */
#first_argument: #first;
/* send the rest to the loop */
