I have a website on which the URLs are translated depending on the language chosen by the user.
Now, I need to set up conversion goals in GA, however I'm not sure how to do it in my case. Let's say I want to track registrations via About us page. The goal(s) would look like this:
As you see, steps 2 and 3 differ in terms of language used. BUT, this still is the same goal.
How do I handle this in GA? I would prefer to have single statistic for this, instead of separating both language versions.
I know that I could set up custom pageviews but this seems like an overkill. Is there a simpler way to achieve what I need?
Thank you!
If you do not need a funnel you can send an event with a language agnostic identifier along with the pageview and make an event goal. This is only marginally simpler that custom pagenames in your tracking calls, but at least you get to keep the original urls.
As an alternative to goals altogether you could set up a hit-scoped custom metric that is incremented on each of your destination urls. This works well if you only need the raw numbers (but you cannot use this in Google Adwords the way you export goals to Adwords, so it's less useful if you do paid advertising).
You can try using RegEx (regular expressions) then, If " registration / registrierung " is your goal the use following as:
For setting up make sure you select - Regular Expression at
Destination type in Goal details.
The PIPE b/w would mean - OR - in Regex
You can apply this to goal funnels as well.
Do you want to include step 1? I would leave exclude it from the goal funnel
These regxes below would work in a funnel but the they assume that there could be other params added. If you want exact match e.g. change .* to $ But then you could miss urls with tracking params e.g. in each step.
Second step: ^\/(about-us|über-uns).*
Third step: ^\/(registration|registrierung).*
Goal page: ^\/dashboard.*
I've been reading a lot about grouping page on Google Analytics but haven't figured out a clear answer to a problem.
My issue is this one :
Same pages but one with / and other without /
Basically, when I read my analytics I have two different entry for the same page, because some external links send people to one entry without the trailing slash (lets call it Page1), on others send people to url with the trailing slash (Page2).
It's a bit anoying when reading the stats, because you have to add up these two pages to have a clear view about what's going on.
I tried one option: add filters that remove the trailing slash. With this, I was able to get all the statistics on Page 1. It was a simple filter (Search and replace filter) that was grouping the two pages.
However, looking back at this option, It created another problem: this filter is not retroactive, which means when I will look at Page1, I will have stats from the day I applied this filter, whereas Page2 will score 0 from this exact same date. A small picture to make that clear:
Statistics on Page2 with Slash
Statistics on Page1 filter
Clearly here there is a discontinuity on my stats. To check long term datas I have to select another page, and to check new data I have to check the page without the trailing slash.
I removed this filter because it's very difficult to read data right now, and I'm looking for a solution to groupe these two pages so my data will be readable...
Thank you very much for you help,
Edit: I'm on Wordpress, maybe a way there?
There is nothing you can do within Google Analytics. I suggest you create your reports in Google Data Studio, which is free, and which allows you to aggregate Urls by using regular expressions to find matching parts (example e.g. in this question).
I'm not getting the right results returned for a goal I have set up. The goal says the last 7 days have 92 goal conversions, when it should be 400+.
When a user completes a subscription purchase, they land on a confirmation page. We have several subdomains that the user can be coming from as well as the potential for a reference appended to the URL. So, I have the goal set up as a regular expression like this:
If, for example, the user pays and then is directed to the following page, shouldn't the goal be recorded?
As I can't see anything wrong with the regular expression, although very greedy, the goals should be captured with the above example URL and goal setup.
Have you recently set this goal up? A thing with goals are that they aren't historically applicable to your data. They start collecting data from the point where you set it up.
Have you tried using the above regexp in the "All pages"-report under "Behavior"? Enter it into the filter pattern and there you can see exactly what pages your regexp would capture.
I'm struggling with GA and how to combine two mediums.
More specifically, I have traffic from two versions of the same newsletter appearing in GA:
10122013_This-Is-My-Newsletter-Title. / newsletter_ubivox
10122013_This-Is-My-Newsletter-Title. / (newsletter_ubivox)
Obviously, this is not desirable. How can i setup a filter (maybe with regex) to combine these two versions into one?
Hopefully, this makes sense!
Past data is locked down so you can't touch that.
Instead of going into the regex world, could you not edit the tags so the campaign name and medium match? As soon as they match they will start to show as combined in GA.
Easier than filters and new code.
To further expand my answer, you can use an advanced Search and Replace filter to do what you want - https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1034834?hl=en
I'd set up a test profile first though to make sure that this works as expected.
I want to be able segment analytics data by company once my customers have logged into my website. Being very new to analytics, it seems like there is a couple of ways I could do this.
Set a visitor level custom variable that would signify the company. For instance, _setCustomVar(1, 'customer', 'ABC Corp', 1)
Pass in a custom Url to my _trackPageview calls whose first segment would signify the company. For instance, _trackPageview('/ABCCorp/the rest of the document path, querystring, etc.')
It seems you can't filter on a custom variable so I could not create a view\profile for each company but I could use Segments and Custom Reports off an 'All Web Site Data' view to do that instead.
Going the custom url route seems to be more flexible since I could either filter or use segments.
Are there any other pitfalls or reasons to suggest using one of these two approaches over the other?
This use case is better suited for custom variables.
Changing the URL will make it more difficult to do things like "How many home page views did I get" or "What do clients usually do after they login".
Also, you can create custom reports based on the information you're passing back and include the custom variable information as the first key. Pretty easy to duplicate GA's current top reports in a custom report using the custom variable as the main dimension.
Agree with Tom that CustomVar is a much better and cleaner solution.
You might want to switch to new Universal Analytics and use Custom Dimenions instead. It's even better and you can set up property filters with Custom Dimenions too, so this should cover all your needs.
I am developing a flight search engine for a customer, and currently the URLs look as follows (ad = destination airport, ao = origin airport, dates and number of passengers are not specified here):
My customer wants to make search pages more search engine friendly (SEO). The idea is that Brazilians who are looking for flights from, say, SAO to REC by e.g. Google should have a higher chance of finding that particular flight search engine.
The first step is probably replacing the fragment identifier (#) by a query string (?). The server then dynamically generates nice text content that can be viewed without JavaScript (search results would still be loaded via XHR). In my opinion, that makes a lot of sense.
Now, to make the URLs more search engine friendly:
(A) My customer proposes adding additional keywords into the URL, something like:
(B) I propose adding a slug instead, which can easily be internationalized, and which is good to read also for humans. Example:
(C) Or, perhaps without a slug (but - due to parsability - only for a limited parameter set, which has the disadvantage of limiting sharing of URLs by users):
What do you suggest? Any examples of good URLs for similar use cases?
That all being said: I understand that links from highly ranked pages are still the most important ranking measure. In the end, I wonder if all that complexity really is worth the effort. When I look at Google's own search pages, then they are rather simple. For example, there is no summary of the search query in a H1 tag, just as my customer wants. Of course, Google doesn't search itself...
don't use _ (underscore) to delimit words. Google interprets hello_world as one word but hello-world as two words.
don't put your human readable keywords in the query string (after the ?). Instead make it a normal URL http://example.com/pt_BR/search/voos-de-Sao-Paulo-(SAO)-para-Recife-(REC)
I would go for a something like: http://example.com/pt_BR/2012-10-28/voos-de-Sao-Paulo-(SAO)-para-Recife-(REC)