To remove the mediaLibrary Tab from - wordpress

I have use a custom button for uploading images to wordpress media. But I dont want the "mediaLibraryTitle" in the popup. I have done this by using this code snippet.
function remove_medialibrary_tab($tabs) {
if ( current_user_can( 'administrator' ) ) {
return $tabs;
add_filter('media_view_strings', 'remove_medialibrary_tab');
But when i test it is only removing the tab title, But i want remove the tab completely. Also i want to select the "Upload Files" tab by default. Is there any custom function to remove the tab or it can be possible by function in JS. If yes can you give any idea.
Thank you.


How to hide advanced custom fields(ACF) in the WP-admin UI?

Check the screenshot below; all I want to do is to hide certain ACF fields for custom users in the wordpress backend.
As of ACF 5.0.0 there is an easier way to do this without having to output CSS. If you use the acf/prepare_field hook and return false the field will not render.
function so37111468_hide_field( $field ) {
// hide the field if the current user is not able to save options within the admin
if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
return false;
return $field;
add_filter( 'acf/prepare_field/key=MYFIELDKEY', 'so37111468_hide_field' );
The documentation for that filter can be found here:
If you mean to hide it with CSS, then you should insert custom CSS to admin footer area.
For example, you can add such kind of code to your theme's functions.php file:
add_action('admin_footer', 'my_admin_hide_cf');
function my_admin_hide_cf() {
$user_roles = $u->roles;
if ($user_roles[0]=='CUSTOM_USER_ROLE_NAME'){
echo '
#acf-FIELD_SLUG_HERE {display:none}
And of course you should replace FIELD_SLUG_HERE and CUSTOM_USER_ROLE_NAME values with correct ones.
F.e. #acf-FIELD_SLUG_HERE can be #acf-url, CUSTOM_USER_ROLE_NAME can be "contributor".

Move widget area to another section in WordPress Customizer and add controls to it

I'm trying to move a widget area I have set up. It automatically displays in the Customizer's "Widgets" panel as it should but I would like to move it to another section that I have added.
So far, the below code is the closest I've found but unfortunately it causes an error in debug mode. Also, it only puts it in panel and I would like to put it in a section (which is inside a panel). I tried changing ->panel to ->section with no success.
Is there a way around this or another way of doing it? Once done, is there a way of adding controls to this section, in addition to the widgets?
add_action( 'customize_register', 'my_widget_area_move_widget_area' );
function my_widget_area_move_widget_area () {
global $wp_customize;
$wp_customize->get_section ('sidebar-widgets-my_widget_area')->panel = 'my_panel';
In order to change where a widget area is located within the customizer you would want to use the customizer_widgets_section_args filter. With this filter you can customize the customizer options for the widget.
add_filter('customizer_widgets_section_args', 'customizer_custom_widget_area', 10, 3);
function customizer_custom_widget_area($section_args, $section_id, $sidebar_id) {
if( $sidebar_id === 'my_widget_id' ) {
$section_args['panel'] = 'my_panel';
return $section_args;

Wordpress Logged out code

I'm fairly new to wordpress and am looking for code to show a login link on the top bar and also on the menu, the 'my account' page to only show for logged in users.
i can only find the coding is_user_logged_in() which is doing the reverse of what i'm looking for.
using the Menu Items Visibility Control plugin, unless there's a better solution out there?
The function you cited should work fine for this use case.
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
// Show the My Account link
} else {
// Show the login button
Or, if you need to check if a user is NOT logged in:
if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) {
// Do something

How do I exclude some code on posts and pages in wordpress?

I have a feature box on my header.php file, because of this the feature box gets displayed in every page and post page as well. What code do I need to keep this feature box only in the homepage and no place else?
You're looking for the is_front_page() function:
if ( is_front_page() ) {
// Show the feature box
} else {
// Do something else

Remove screen options tab if not admin

As the title suggests, I am looking for a way to remove the screen options tab in the post/page editor screen. I have found the following...
function remove_screen_options(){ __return_false;}
add_filter('screen_options_show_screen', 'remove_screen_options');
...but it removes the tab for all users. I would like to keep it for admins.
Found the answer after collaboration of all of your efforts. Thank you.
get_currentuserinfo() ;
global $user_level;
function remove_screen_options(){ __return_false;}
if( $user_level <= 8 ) add_filter('screen_options_show_screen', 'remove_screen_options');
If you place the following snippet of code into your functions.php file, the Screen Options tab will disappear across the whole backend for all users except the admin. Having said that, it is a good practice to modify the php file of your child theme.
functions.php code:
function remove_screen_options_tab()
return current_user_can('manage_options' );
add_filter('screen_options_show_screen', 'remove_screen_options_tab');
You just need to conditionally check if the current user is an admin. If they aren't, then remove the screen options like so:
if ( !is_admin() ) {
function remove_screen_options(){ __return_false;}
add_filter('screen_options_show_screen', 'remove_screen_options');
Here are the official Wordpress docs detailing this function:
Using capabilities the way Spencer suggests is usually the best method.
I'm thinking most people find roles & capabilities to be overly confusing. Using the actual user role with 'current_user_can' is more often than not your best bet for this or any other similar 'permission' based situation.
More often than not you will eventually end up adding/removing capabilities for a specific role, so if you ever give someone else the 'manage_options' capability, like perhaps the owner of the business, you all of a sudden gave them back the screen options as well (On a side note 'activate_plugins' is usually safe since it is only for someone that has level 10 access). You can check out all permissons on the User Level Capability Table at the bottom of the page to get a better grasp on it all.
Insert this in functions php:
if( !current_user_can('administrator') ) {
// hide screen options for everyone but the admin
add_filter('screen_options_show_screen', 'remove_screen_options_tab');
if( current_user_can('administrator') ) {
// code here is shown to the admin
Following this format you can do the same thing with other roles. Also you dont have is change administrator to editor, author, contributor and subscriber, or any other roles you create.
Try this
if(!current_user_can('manage_options')) add_filter('screen_options_show_screen', 'remove_screen_options');
Use Adminimize, A WordPress plugin that lets you hide 'unnecessary' items from the WordPress backend.
You're looking for the function current_user_can:
if( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
// executes when user is an Administrator
Here's the CSS method for all the designers who rather stay away from php. It hooks into the admin_body_class and adds user-{role} as a body class.
functions.php code:
function hide_using_css_user_role( $classes ) {
global $current_user;
foreach( $current_user->roles as $role )
$classes .= ' user-' . $role;
return trim( $classes );
add_filter( 'admin_body_class', 'hide_using_css_user_role' );
Using this you can hide/show anything on the admin side per user role. In this case just use the :not css selector to make sure it's only hidden for non-admins.
function add_my_custom_user_css() {
ob_start(); ?>
<style type="text/css">
:not(.user-administrator) #screen-options-link-wrap,
:not(.user-administrator) #contextual-help-link-wrap  {
display:none !important;
echo ob_get_clean();
add_action ( 'admin_head', 'add_my_custom_user_css', 999);
This is a pretty hacky way to do things but sometimes good for a temporary quick fix when you don't know the correct filter/action to hide or change things in wordpress. Adding the 999 will make sure it gets loaded at the end of the head tag. Note that it's only hiding using css, so don't use this for anything vitally important, because the code is still visible in the source file.
To remove it from the source use jquery instead. Just replace the styles above with the following:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($)) {
$( ":not(.user-administrator) #screen-options-link-wrap" ).remove();
'admin_body_class' already does us the favor of adding the page to body class, so to target specific pages as well, just check the source code and in the body tag you can see the current page. So for example, the dashboard uses .index-php. Just attach that to .user-administrator or whatever user you're targeting and you can customize the admin for any user just using css and javascript.
