Is there an equivalent to the ant echo statement in SBT? For example:
<echo message="Hello, world"/>
From a task, you may use streams, for example:"an info message")
From settings, you can use sLog.value which is a Logger and analogous to streams.value.log
You can use println() in SBT Task
println("Hello, world")
import { exec } from "";
await exec(`git clone`)
when i use git clone in .sh file, It has message in terminal,
but don't have in deno
First, I think it is important to echo what jsejcksn commented:
The exec module is not related to Deno. All modules at are third-party code. For working with your shell, see Creating a subprocess in the manual.
Deno's way of doing this without a 3rd party library is to use
With that said, if you take a look at exec's README you'll find documentation for what you're looking for under Capture the output of an external command:
Sometimes you need to capture the output of a command. For example, I do this to get git log checksums:
import { exec } from "";
let response = await exec('git log -1 --format=%H', {output: OutputMode.Capture});
If you look at exec's code you'll find it uses under the hoods. If you like exec you can use it but you might find you like using directly instead.
I have a PlayFramework 2.7 application which is build by sbt.
For accessing the database, I am using JOOQ. As you know, JOOQ reads my database schema and generates the Java source classes, which then are used in my application.
The application only compiles, if the database classes are present.
I am generating the classes with this custom sbt task:
libraryDependencies += "org.jooq" % "jooq-meta" % "3.12.1"
lazy val generateJOOQ = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Generate JooQ classes")
generateJOOQ := {
(runner in Compile)"org.jooq.codegen.GenerationTool",
(fullClasspath in Compile).value.files,
streams.value.log).failed foreach (sys error _.getMessage)
((sourceManaged.value / "main/generated") ** "*.java").get
I googled around and found the script above and modified it a little bit according to my needs, but I do not really understand it, since sbt/scala are new to me.
The problem now is, when I start the generateJOOQ, sbt tries to compile the project first, which fails, because the database classes are missing. So what I have to do is, comment all code out which uses the generated classes, execute the task which compiles my project, generates the database classes and then enable the commented out code again. This is a pain!
I guess the problem is the command (runner in Compile) but I did not find any possibility to execute my custom task WITHOUT compiling first.
Please help! Thank you!
Usually, when you want to generate sources, you should use a source generator, see
sourceGenerators in Compile += generateJOOQ
Doing that automatically causes SBT to execute your task first before trying to compile the Scala/Java sources.
Then, you should not really use the runner task, since that is used to run your project, which depends on the compile task, which needs to execute first of course.
You should add the jooq-meta library as a dependeny of the build, not of your sources. That means you should add the libraryDependencies += "org.jooq" % "jooq-meta" % "3.12.1" line e.g. to project/jooq.sbt.
Then, you can simply call the GenerationTool of jooq just as usually in your task:
// build.sbt
generateJOOQ := {
((sourceManaged.value / "main/generated") ** "*.java").get
I'm using the sbt run command to run my project. My project uses the Logback logging mechanism and if I would like to enable logging, then I have to use the following command:
sbt -Dlogback.configurationFile=/path/to/log/file/app-logger.xml run
Is there a way that I could set this programmatically? I mean I would like to just say
sbt run
and it picks up automagically the app-logger.xml by itself via the application.
This is how I do it!
def loadLogger() = Option(System.getProperty("logback.configurationFile")) match {
case Some(logXml) =>"using logger $logXml")
case None =>
val path = s"${System.getProperty("user.dir")}/conf/app-logger.xml"
System.setProperty("logback.configurationFile", path)"using logger $path")
I am learning Gradle but I don't understand the jar task code that creates a jar with all the dependencies inside ( taken from Gradle Cookbook ):
jar {
baseName = jarBaseName
manifest { attributes "Main-Class": mainClass }
from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
My questions are:
1.The task name is jar. Because it's not written like jar<<{...} I'm assuming that this is run in the configuration phase, and not the execution one. Am I correct?
2.What exactly is configurations.compile? I'm assuming that some kind of dependencies classpath is queried, and each jar is zipTree-ed. Then all of this stuff is merged with the base classpath
. Please elaborate about it
3.The zipTree method, I'm assuming it kind of unarchives each jar but I'm not sure. Am I correct?
Yes You're correct. When no action added (mostly with << see docs) the code is run at configuration phase. The code You provided is also run at configuration phase.
configurations.compile refers to a configuration named compile using configurations object (a kind of a configurations container). Prior to gradle 2.0 compile configuration is provided by default with java plugin. AFAIR now it's called javaCompile. According to zipTree You're also correct.
Yes You're.
In my Build.scala, I have:
override def rootProject = Some(frontendProject)
I'm trying to convert to the newer build.sbt format, but don't know the equivalent of this line. How do I set the project for sbt to load by default when using build.sbt?
I'm still not sure that I understood you right, but you said about multi-project build, so I assume that you want to define a root project which aggregates subprojects. Here is how you can do that (in your root build.sbt):
lazy val root = file(".") ).aggregate(subProject1, subProject2)
lazy val subProject1 = project in file("subProject1")
lazy val subProject2 = project in file("subProject2")
See sbt documentation about multi-projects.
Then if you want to set the default project to load on sbt startup to a sub-project, in addition to your answer to this SO question, I can suggest
run sbt with sbt "project XXX" shell command
or adding this line to your build.sbt:
onLoad in Global := { Command.process("project XXX", _: State) } compose (onLoad in Global).value
In both cases sbt first loads the root project and then the subproject.
I've found the following script to be helpful:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
exec "sbt" "project mysubproject" "shell"
exit $?