What browser engine does Android Browser 4 use? - css

I see from my stats that Android Browser 4 comes up very high % wise in my browser reports.
Does Android Browser 4 use Blink as its engine or something else? If my site renders in Chrome fine on a desktop will it be OK in Android Browser 4?

The android browser utilizes WebKit for rendering and Google's V8 engine for JavaScript.
Yes, it will work. If I remember correctly there are some minor differences but generally it should work since Google Chrome also uses them.
Just remember that there are different versions of WebKit out there and Chrome usually updates pretty fast.


Sign in with Linkedin doesn't trigger callback on iOS Safari when using the JS API

I'm using SignIn with Linkedin on a website, via the JS API. It works fine on the few desktop browsers I've tested (Chrome and FF on Windows, Safari on MacOS), and on a slightly outdated Android Chrome. But it fails on iOS Safari (I use iOS 7).
The issue is that on iOS Safari, the callback passed as argument to IN.User.authorize is not executed.
The line looks like this: IN.User.authorize(this._getProfileData, this);
_getProfileData is executed on the desktop browsers mentioned above and Android Chrome, but not iOS Safari.
This issue can even be reproduced without iOS: via Chrome's developer tools, in device mode for iPhones and iPads.
Any clues?
Unfortunately, LinkedIn's JS SDK is incompatible with iOS 5+ due to the way that Javascript is paused during cross-window communication processes. You will need to fall back to server-side REST calls to ensure 100% platform compatibility.
Since the 1st of May 2019 this is no longer working : https://engineering.linkedin.com/blog/2018/12/developer-program-updates
Sign In with LinkedIn: Sign In with LinkedIn enables members to choose
a more convenient way to log-in to third party apps and allows those
apps to learn more about their new user. This API will only recognize
a new “Lite Profile” permission, which supports a reduced set of
member profile fields. See the documentation for more details.
SDKs: Our JavaScript and Mobile Software Development Kits (SDKs) will
stop working. Developers will need to migrate to using OAuth 2.0
directly from their apps.

What browser engine does Android use for phonegap?

I'm trying to implement some CSS animations in a phone gap project. The animations run fine on an iOS device but not on my Android. In fact some things like dashed borders aren't even rendering.
Do I need any special vender prefixes for Android within a phonegap project?
PhoneGap uses native browser engines. So in android, it uses WebKit.
From PhoneGap
web view used by PhoneGap is the same web view used by the native
operating system.On iOS, this is the Objective-C UIWebView class; on
Android, this is android.webkit.WebView.Since there are differences in
the web view rendering engines between operating systems, make sure
that you account for this in your UI
This tutorial may be helpful for you. It shows how to target for specific browser(means specific render engine).
Hope this helps!
Take care because since version 4.4 (only) Android does use a Chromium based webview (I think before it was simply a webkit-based webview).
The WebView prior to 4.4 has a bad reputation as far as I've read.
This is another reason to use the Crosswalk project which has a Cordova plugin and permits to embed a specific version of Chromium, so that all your apps are using the same WebView engine no matter the SDK (a a cost of a big APK)

How to use ASP.NET Web for Windows phone

I want to create an ASP.NET web site. I have not been using ASP.NET for quite a while and I need help. As you know already there is an IE9 mobile browser for Windows phone, I have these questions:
1) Which version of ASP.NET is supported by the IE 9 mobile browser in Windows phone? I means all the output of html is ok.
2) Can all controls in all versions of ASP.NET be used for the IE9 mobile browser?
3) What di I need to set in the Declaration part < !Doctype.......> in my ASP.NET pages ? Will ASP.NET output it according for IE9 MObile Browser?
4) Does the Div control work ? Will this work Div.html = "........html ...."
5) What should not be used from ASP.NET for the IE 9 mobile browser?
6) How do I make the fontsize bigger or which fontsize is best for Wp screen?
------- Update
I have ASP.NET V1.1 with JQuery ( not the latest) , My Windows phone 7 HD7 can not work with the JQuery? Does JQuery have diff version for mobile than ASP.NET?
Any info on what version of Html spit out by ASP.NET V1.1,2.0, to the ASP.NET 4.0??
Using Plain HTML wont help much on the server for many server tasks.
Any resource link on how to build aspnet for windows phone 7 would be appreciated.
See the Web Development for Windows Phone details on MSDN as it provides specific guidance on developing for the phone and details of what is not supported on the phone (but is in the full version of IE9).
The phone uses the same code base for the rendering and javascript engine as the desktop version of IE9 does so most things should work.
If you're build a site specifically targetting the phone you will probably see better results if using jQueryMobile rather than the full version but be sure to test fully.
I'd recommend building a HTML 5 site rather than any (X)HTML 4 variation. The browser supports a lot of the newer functionality and you'll get a cleaner layout as well as backwards compatibility for other devices.
You'll also find lots of useful relevant articles at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/iemobile/ and http://windowsteamblog.com/windows_phone/b/wpdev/archive/tags/ie9/
ASP.NET is a server side technology so it is not related or constrained by the client devices which access to it, you can use Windows based computers, ITab, Max, Linux, Android, Windows Phone 7, Blackberry phones... to connect to the web site and in any case all the server side processing is performed on the web server (or other back end app servers depending on configuration), on the clients will only arrive html to be rendered and this could contain javascript to be executed locally.
in general modern mobile browsers are very good, I had the best experience with Android devices on mobile devices, which run some kind of Chrome compatible browser, iPhones and iPads run safari, also available for PC and Mac.
if you test your application from a PC with multiple browsers like Chrome, Safari and IE and everything works fine, it will most likely work fine, in general JavaScript abstraction libraries are used to write fully cross browser and cross platform javascript, one of the most popular is JQuery.
I am convinced that the version of IE9 (or similar one, it's not 100% the same IE9 of desktops) included in Windows Phone is probably advanced enough to support all HTML 4 tags and probably has a very advanced Javascript engine as well.
To detect from the server which user agent (device, browser) is connected and render different content or format layout with specific style sheets, check this question here in SO:
how to detect a mobile phone in a web application

Designing issue in JQuery mobile with asp.net

I am creating mobile application in asp.net webform targeting IPhone, Android and blackberry. I am using JQuery-Mobile for the same.
Below is my first page I have developed with jquery-mobile.
I don't have iphone, android and blackberry. So my questions are:
Best Simulator I can use on windows XP/ Windows Server 2008 for Iphone, Andriod and Blackberry
Also, when I am running the application on the browser it is looking wierd. I mean textbox size, buttons. Is this the way it looks on normal webpage or it's my faulty design?
As I am developing application in asp.net, do I need to install latest browser which support HTML5 and CSS3 because below browser is IE7.
An old IE is not the best choice to test the capabilities of a HTML5+javascript framework...
For daily basis it's quite ok to use Firefox or any WebKit based browser (chrome, safari ...)
Emulators are very helpful, but to be sure your product works well you will probably need to give it a try on an actual device. I have already seen some reports of problems that show up only when working with the real device.
A team that I do some JQM stuff for has bought a cheap old ipod touch for testing. It's the most demanding apple product you can get. It has the oldest browser, causes most problems and is the slowest. Best choice! :)
Emulator for Android
Simulators for Blackberry
I'm sure Apple has one too - but I think you need to register as a iOS developer before you can get your hands on it. I believe using third-party iOS emulators is against Apple's policy.

iUI iPhone web app working on other devices

I am an asp.net developer looking to build a web app using iUI for the iPHone. I was wondering if this app would also display properly on other devices.
Thanks in advance.
Look at ASP.NET MVC. The routing engine can use different views to render the page depending on the agent provided by the browser. Hanselman has some great writes up on how this works:
iUI is based on HTML5 and CSS3. So yes, it will work on any device / desktop browser since it supports HTML5 and CSS3. Actually, only Webkit (Safari/Chrome/iPhone/Android) has a pretty good support of it, and Firefox 3.6 supports most of it too. Fennec 1.0 will.
Haven't heard if it was planned for IE9. Sure IE8 does not.
