Does projection in ArcGIS Desktop matter if my goal is to publish it in ArcGIS Online? - projection

I have a couple layers in a map in ArcGIS Desktop. I will publish this in my ArcGIS Online account. Does it matter making all the projections of the layers the same in Desktop when my goal is to then publish it in ArcGIS Online (which uses Web Mercator Auxiliary projection)?

If you are going to use the data with an Esri basemap, you can publish layers in whatever source projection you want. It will project everything to match the basemap (Web Mercator Auxiliary) on the fly.
It is possible to publish your own basemap and therefore use whatever projection you want (ref. Esri blog post), but most people don't have their own tiled basemap scheme.
While it isn't necessary to put everything into the same coordinate system within ArcMap, it is often good practice to have a consistent projection for your source data or at the very least to know what your projection was before publishing. So consider doing it anyways :)


Mapbox js lib for loading tiles

Is there a lib outside of mapbox gl for loading the tiles of a giving bbox and zoom level?
i've created some tilesets and styles in Mapbox and want to load it in other viewers (cesium, google maps,...)
I only have min, max lonlat and a z-level and need
to load the specific tiles at the abstraction for the z-level
iterate over the features
get the geometry of the features in wgs84
#csdev. Thanks.
Yes i know there are other implementations in other viewers (ol3, leflet). But i'm not searching for a viewer, only for a framework which service the logic for loading and unloading vector tiles by given bboxes. Because i need it especially for cesium.
I see that there is a possibility to combine ol3 and cesium (ol3-cesium). But i think i will lose at this point functionality of cesium.
mapbox-gl-js is the native library for interacting with mapbox vector tiles - the linked docs show it is build on web-gl, like cesium.
Regarding other libraries:
Leaflet has plugins for showing your mapbox vector tiles - some listed on the site only work on older versions of Leaflet, some only newer.
Similarly, OpenLayers added support for vector tiles, and different examples out there work only with different versions of OpenLayers - their official site has two examples that work with the current version 3.20.
Esri is rolling out their vector tile implementation right now, and there are posts in esri forums from last year explaining specifically about how to utilize mapbox vector tiles using their javascript api.
All of those libraries let you do what you are asking - load the mapbox vector tiles, process features and attributes, and work in different projections.
Edit: (can't post comments yet) - OK, your question says (cesium, google maps,...) so I wasn't sure what was implied by the ellipses. I will add that at least one of the leaflet plugins, and some of the solutions I have seen out there in adapting vector tiles for openlayers or leaflet utilize the mapbox-gl-js library to load and parse vector tiles, then adapt the data for the viewer in question. Obviously if you write a custom solution for cesium an approach like that is possible, and that both libraries are web-gl based is a positive thing. However, I have not done it myself so no more to add. I'm sure you googled 'mapbox cesium' so found things like the recent google post about incorporating MB tiles to cesium, and some built-in cesium classes related to mapbox. All good places to start.
Edit Lastly, I'll say that you might want to be looking at the various libraries that are part of the mapbox vector tile ecosystem - so this library, for example, might be as close as you will get to what you want at present without requiring you to go down to the web-gl level for a custom solution: mapbox vector-tile-js

AutoCAD drawing (DWG) to map tiles

Rendering large DWG files as such has shown performance degradation to large extent. Planning to use the concept of map tiles using leaflet. Need some pointers/information on how to convert DWG files to map tiles.
After too many hours, searching everywhere for a solution to convert DWG/DXF files using any automated command line tool, finally I found
And that works even on Windows, MacOS and Linux.
After a quick look in documentation, I found the section for command line tools.
They are:
dwg2bmp, dwg2png, dwg2jpeg, dwg2tiff, dxf2png, dxf2jpeg, dxf2tiff
and the awesome:
dwg2maptiles and dxf2maptiles
Using this tool, they came up with a beautiful sample using leaflet.js:
The project is OpenSource, but this scripts are only avaliable at QCAD Professional edition.
You can use the free open source QCAD Community Edition by downloading the trial version for your platform (Win, Mac, Linux) and then remove the QCAD Professional add-on running in trial mode. Alternatively, you may compile your own package from sources.
PS: I'm very happy to support the project buying a professional copy.
The easiest approach may be to save your DWG files as PDF and use MapTiler to create the raster tiles and leaflet viewer for you.
You can render such PDF by drag&drop into MapTiler while choosing the "raster" profile - just follow the video tutorial:
If you need to assign coordinates for later on placing markers or polygons on specified position over the DWG tiles - it is possible with advanced tiles.
If you need help with using MapTiler - write details and provide sample file you need to process to
If you data are sensitive or you need a guarantee on the answering of your request you seek directly the support from us, the authors of MapTiler.

How to create HERE maps

HERE maps for certain city like Chennai, India is very limited. I understand that lot of information can be added so that it will benefit end-user.
My question, can I create a new map using HERE and allow my version of maps to be downloaded? If yes? How can I do this
HERE Maps is a proprietary software so you can not try to recreate your own version of it. Trying to recreate a Map API by yourself is a cool idea, but it is also a good idea to build something on top of a technology or an application that is already existing. There are other Map API's out there like OpenStreetMap and Google Maps that allows user to create and add data about POIs (Point of Interests) and/or locations. The data on these apps are also open source, that is why the community are encouraged to contribute data of their own on top of the Application.
TIP: If you are really onto it here is a page that documents the stuffs the happened behind the scenes in developing the HERE Maps:

Openlayers vector layer

I want to have a vector layer of the world, which shows the country borders, states and their names in English. Is there a layer that exists that I can control the colours?
Cloudmade doesn't let me quite do this, nor does openstreetmap and a bunch of others. I'm thinking I might need to create a raster image and overlay that except I dont know where to get an accurate EPS/vector map I can edit and overlay.
Running out of options!
You have different options depending of your needs:
The easiest one is to use a public
WMS service that offers the
information you need. You can check
catalogues like this one or a
Google search like this. If
your are lucky to find a service
that suits you, just add it as a WMS
layer in OpenLayers as described in
this example.
If you can't find a public service, you will have to serve the
geographic data yourself. You have
to find a dataset of the world
countries (the most common formats
are ESRI shapefile and KML).
If you find a shapefile (try here), you will
have to serve it via a map server like
MapServer or Geoserver.
Both are pretty straightforward to
set up, but choose the one that suits you best (MapServer is a CGI and Geoserver is Java-based). Once you have configured a WMS service with the countries data, you can add it to your OpenLayers app following the previous example.
If you can't or don't want to use a map server and you have a KML file of the world countries, you can also add a vector layer to OpenLayers from a KML file, as described in this example. Be careful, because all geometries will be rendered in the user's browser (with SVG or VML) and for large datasets, this can be a performance issue. Check this example to see it in action.
I hope this give you a few clues.

Geographical Data Visualization in a Web Application

I've got a request to implement a visualization service for geographical related data.
I have a list of Italian ZIP Codes (they are called CAP in Italian). I've already found a table which maps these ZIP codes to geographical coordinates (lat/long).
So, the data I have to visualize as map is structured the following way:
ZIPcode Latitude Longitude RequestCount
------- -------- --------- ------------
Is there an easy way (using a web service or implementing it myself using a component - preferably in .NET) for creating a map chart similar to the image i inserted below? It needn't to be that pretty and not necessarily geo-political.
I just need a indicator for every point which shows a smaller or bigger circle and next to it the value of RequestCount. I think this could be done either using the coordinates or, if there is some service which maps the Italian ZIP codes, using the ZIP code.
Thank you in advance!
alt text
GeoNames offers a data set and open source libraries for geo mapping
Take a look at .net Charting and Chart FX Maps (I've never used these before).
Use the Google Map API. You can't draw circle overlays, but you can draw polygons. Here's the API for drawing polygons. An 8-sided polygon already looks pretty circle like. You could experiment with more sides to see how that looks.
Here's the API reference for the Google GPolygon class:
I've used MapServer for many projects and it works well and is very flexible. Haven't tried the .NET bindings though:
I've used Fusion Maps for things like this. It is flash based with a javascript API. You can easily feed it either a static XML file to start, but I've also built various webservices to give it dynamic capabilities. There are many options to change the look and feel of the map as well.
take a look at Mapv - a library of geography visualization
enter image description here
