change the legend.y property on browser resize - css

we use the highchart control with Angular and bootstrap.
To adjust the vertical space between the chart and the legend (both are rendered by highchart as svg elements), we set the y property of the legend on page load (in the controller) like this:
$scope.chartContracts = {
options: {
chart: {
type: 'pie',
marginBottom: 50
legend : {
layout: 'horizontal',
align: 'center',
verticalAlign: 'bottom',
x: 0,
y: 4,
Now in one of the Bootstraps layouts, the spacing (y) should be -10 in stead of 4 because for some reason an extra spacing is added.
So it should be based on media query or something similar I guess?
The question is how to do this... I tried with css but I can't seem to style SVG elements (they are called <g>)?

You can check window width and then return correct value.
var wWidth = $(window).width(),
if(wWidth < 400) {
value = 5;
} else {
value = 10;
y: value


Echart Dragging points with more than 1 graphical element issue

I have created a chart with 3 points. I have added two graphical elements as circle and rectangle (line) for dragging the points.
Circle dragging should apply for all three points in the graph as in the expected behavior screenshot below.
Line dragging is a vertical shift for graph to move it vertically.
Circle dragging does not apply for all 3 points when I return both graphical elements in the elements array as in the code. It just applies only for 1st point.
When I return one graphical element at a time it works.
Current Behaviour
image of how chart works now
Below I have included the code which returns graphic elements
graphic: (item, dataIndex) {
let rec = {
type: 'group',
left: 'center',
position: myChart.convertToPixel('grid', item),
draggable: 'vertical',
ondrag: function (dx, dy) {
onPointDraggingLine(dataIndex, [this.x, this.y]);
children: [
type: 'rect',
top: '200x',
shape: {
width: 470,
height: 0
style: {
stroke: 'gray',
lineWidth: 5,
lineDash: [6]
cursor: 'move'
let onlyCrc = {
type: 'circle',
position: myChart.convertToPixel('grid', item),
draggable: true,
ondrag: function (dx, dy) {
onPointDragging(dataIndex, [this.x, this.y]);
shape: {
cx: 0,
cy: 0,
r: symbolSize / 2
invisible: false,
z: 100,
cursor: 'move'
return { elements: [rec, onlyCrc] };
I have tried to return graphical elements as array of objects .And I have tried by giving a condition for dataIndex while mapping. but didn't work. Expected behavior is as below.
Expected Behavior.
image of how chart should work
Below I have attached the whole code I tried in Codepen.
Link to Minimal Reproduction
I was able to Solve this. Started to resolve it by pointing the dragging function to 2nd point in the graph and updating the position of circular graphical element while dragging the horizontal line.
solution can be viewed from this link
enter code here

Modify z-index of AG-grid cell's tooltip

I have created a HighChart in a Ag data grid cell. On hovering over the Line chart, I need to display a tooltip with few details. I am able to show the tooltip within the cell, but as the tooltip is displayed within the cell, the content gets hidden in the cell. I need to display the tooltip in such a way that it can overlap and display the tooltip over another cell.
I tried setting the z-index to 99999 & position as relative/absolute of highchart tooltip. But it does not reflect.
Tried to override the css class .highcharts-tooltip by adding z index
Please can some css expert help me identify the issue?
There is no need to modify the CSS of the highchart tooltip.I followed the properties used in the below URL & it worked for me:
I had missed out adding below chart options:
tooltip: {
outside: true,
plotOptions: {
series: {
animation: false,
lineWidth: 1,
shadow: false,
states: {
hover: {
lineWidth: 1
marker: {
radius: 1,
states: {
hover: {
radius: 2
fillOpacity: 0.25

HighCharts: How to format particular label column?

I need to show the label values inside the Highcharts bar chart. It can be implemented using dataLabels.Formatter function.
But when the bar is in consist-able size the labels are shown inside the bar and it is looking good. In some cases, the bar is very small in size comparing to the label.
Please see the code pen here,
The last bar is very small and 40 is showing outside. As the color: 'white' is commonly used for all the labels it is showing in white though it is in outside.
How can I change the color of the label if it is showing out?
In this example, I need to change the color of label 40 to black. Any suggestions?
You need to add custom formatter which will check the size of yAxis value and will change the color of label accordingly:
formatter: function() {
var max = this.series.yAxis.max,
color = this.y / max < 0.05 ? 'black' : 'white'; // 5% width
return '<p style="color: ' + color + '">' + this.y + ' M</p>';
If your chart is not a dynamically created you can set the dataLabels.color for the particular point.
y: 40,
dataLabels: {
color: 'black'
Another solution which I can suggest is to add a functionality inside the which will filter if dataLabels is aligned to left or right and set wanted color - it will work if more labels will be outside the column bar.
events: {
load() {
let chart = this,
series = chart.series;
series[0].points.forEach(p => {
if (p.dataLabel.alignOptions.align === 'left') {
color: 'black'
API Modify content in GridLayout

is it possible to modify the content of a surface (used within GridLayout) without using CSS? For example to center the text?
Basic example:
function createGrid( section, dimensions, menuData ) {
var grid = new GridLayout({
dimensions: dimensions
var surfaces = [];
for(var i = 0; i < dimensions[1]; i++) {
surfaces.push(new Surface({
content: menuData[i].title,
size: [undefined, undefined],
properties: {
backgroundColor: "#ff0000",
color: "white",
textAlign: 'center',
return grid;
I added the center property, but I also want to have the content in the middle of my surface. Do I have to use CSS or is there another way?
I tried adding another View/Surface within this Surface and added the align/origin modifier. Didn't work: I still had to adjust the origin/align values for the specific (browser) layout ...
I'm not so sure about you first question, but I can answer the second one.
text-alignhelps you horizontally center your content. So the problem is how to do it vertically.
The cleanest way to do it is to set the line-height the same as the containing div's height. In your case, there are two ways to do it:
1) calculate the height of the grid. For example, if you have a 9*9 GridLayout for the whole screen, then we will have gridHeight = window.innerHeight/9. Then you just need to add lineHeight: gridHeight to your properties object.
check for full exmaple
2) if you are not able to calculate the height of the grid beforehand, you can center a fixed-height(smaller than the grid's height) surface in the middle of the grid. For example, your GridLayout is contained in a dynamic view, but you're sure that your grid is no less than 20px high. Then you can do this:
var container, surface, __height = 20;
for(var i = 0; i < dimensions[1]; i++) {
container = new Container({ //View works as well
properties: {
backgroundColor: '#FF0000'
surface = new Surface({
content: menuData[i].title,
size: [undefined, __height],
properties: {
lineHeight: __height+'px', //same as surface's height
color: "white",
textAlign: 'center',
container.add(new Modifier({origin: [.5, .5]})).add(surface);
check for full example

Highcharts styling, Legend & custom fonts

I have a problem with styling legend items in Highcharts, when applying a Custom Font to the legend items. Actually items are so close to each other and itemMarginBottom and itemMarginTop are not working.
Here is part of my Highcharts code:
legend: {
enabled: true,
y: 20,
align: 'right',
verticalAlign: 'top',
margin: 30,
width: 200,
borderWidth: 0,
itemMarginTop: 15,
itemMarginBottom: 15,
itemStyle: {
color: '#000',
fontFamily: 'MuseoS500'
And here is the legend's screenshot:
My Ugly Solution:
I solved that like below, but sadly hard-coded:
// it is for the text's in the legend, I'll start from 0 and will
// increase by 10, so it's adding 10 pixels extra space to the next one
var z = 0;
// this is for tiny-lines near the texts in legend, they starts from 14
// and increasing by 14 also ...
var p = 14;
// loop through <text> tags, which are texts in the lgened
$('.highcharts-legend > text').each( function (i) {
// they have 'x' and 'y' attribute, I need to work on 'y' obviously
y = parseInt($(this).attr('y'));
// increasing 'y' value ...
$(this).attr('y', y + z);
// next element is <path>, the colorful lines ...
$(this).next().attr('transform', 'translate(30,' + p + ')');
// increasing the values, for the next item in the loop ...
z = z + 10;
p = p + 10 + 14;
I know that it's so stupid, but I couldn't solve that in any other ways, and I had to make them works somehow. I would be happy to hear your thoughts also ... :)
The new legends after the patch:
The Highchart documentation says that there is a property called lineHeight but Its deprecated since Highcharts 2.1
The post of official Highcharts forum also confirms the same. So, Either you can hack source code to change the height according to your need or Try to correct item height with javascript after chart render.
Also, There is an attribute called itemStyle which allows to set CSS for legend item.
e.g. paddingBottom: '10px'
Check the example :
