I have x.509 Certificate that is to be added to the Microsoft Certificate store. How to do that programmatically ? Please post the code for doing that.
We aren't supposed to google this for you.
Could you share the sample code of identityserver4.0 in getting JWT token using pfx certificate. How to set apisources in in IdentityServer? How to call from api
Your question is not very clear by saying "Getting JWT token using pfx certificate". What are you trying to solve? If you mean how to sign requests with pfx certificate take a look at this link. Might be an overkill, otherwise I am not sure what are you really trying to achieve here. Look at Identity API project from this solution, it will give you an idea how to utilize IdentityServer4 not just for signing using pfx but in general how it is utilized.
I have installed the Trusted Credentials / CA certificate in my android device manually. Is there any way to read this certificate through code using Xamarin Android.
While reading some Android article I am getting a feel that it is possible. But not sure how to implement this. Please help.
It is impossible to achieve this.
You can't just read a certificate from an installed profile. If you install a new root certificate then you can use that certificate to sign something and then verify (within your app) whether that signature is valid, using the installed root certificated. But you can't read the certificate outright.
I have a digital certificate but it´s is an card, so I don´t have access to my private key. I am developing an app that I want the user to have an option to log in using its certificate.
I want my application to request user´s certificate.
How do I have to procced?
Does the job! ;O)
I am trying to create my own certificate for a adobe air application, I created one already based on this link: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/AIR/1.5/devappshtml/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118666ade46-7f74.html
But when I install my application the publisher field is still set with unknown, which is at the end what I am trying to do, I need to set the publisher with one specific value.
Thanks a lot!
You need to buy a code-signing certificate from a company like Verisign orThawte or another Certificate Authority.
Read this blog by Christian Cantrell for more info on how to get the certificates.
The pages where you can buy the certificate from Thawte and Verisign.
I don't think Thawte allows individuals to buy the certificate, but Verisign does.
Remember, you need to buy the Adobe AIR code signing certificate
Hi I studied Push notification, and i find out I have to Creating the SSL Certificate and Keys and I do not know if it cost extra money because on website here it is not written if this service is for free(included in license) or is for extra money.I have bought business license for 99$.
Thanks for help
you have to buy an SSL certificate from a 3rd party website like http://www.verisign.com/
Apple require that you have an SSL certificate to ensure that data sent through their service is being sent in a secure manner
You must create certificates and key with the Apple developper portal :
Turorial here.