ratios according to two variables, function aggregate in R? - r

I've been playing with some data in order to obtain the ratios between two levels within one variable and taking into account two other variables. I've been using the function aggregate(), which is very useful to calculate means and sums. However, I'm stuck when I want to calculate some ratios (divisions).
Here you find a dataframe very similar to my data:
w x y z
1 A 1 3 0.93767621
2 B 1 4 0.09169992
3 C 1 5 0.49012926
4 D 1 6 0.90886690
5 E 1 8 0.37058120
6 F 1 10 0.83558267
7 A 2 3 0.42670001
8 B 2 4 0.05656252
9 C 2 5 0.70694423
10 D 2 7 0.13634309
11 E 2 9 0.92065671
12 F 2 10 0.56276176
What I want is to obtain the ratios of z from the two levels of x and taking into account the variables w and y. So the level "A" from the variable "w" in the level "3" from the variable "y" should be:
With aggregate function should be something like this:
final<-aggregate(z~y:w, data=df)
However, I know that I miss something because in the variable y there are some classes that not appear in the two categories of w (e.g. 7, 8 and 9).
Any help will be welcomed!

We can use data.table. We convert the 'data.frame' to 'data.table' (setDT(df)), grouped by 'w', 'y', if the nrow (.N) is 2, we divide the first value by the second or else return the 'z'. Assign (:=) the output to a new column 'z1'.
setDT(df)[,z1 :=if(.N==2) z[1]/z[2] else z , by = .(w,y)]
# w x y z z1
# 1: A 1 3 0.93767621 2.1975069
# 2: B 1 4 0.09169992 1.6212135
# 3: C 1 5 0.49012926 0.6933068
# 4: D 1 6 0.90886690 0.9088669
# 5: E 1 8 0.37058120 0.3705812
# 6: F 1 10 0.83558267 1.4847894
# 7: A 2 3 0.42670001 2.1975069
# 8: B 2 4 0.05656252 1.6212135
# 9: C 2 5 0.70694423 0.6933068
#10: D 2 7 0.13634309 0.1363431
#11: E 2 9 0.92065671 0.9206567
#12: F 2 10 0.56276176 1.4847894
If we just want the summary output we don't need to use :=
setDT(df)[, list(z=if(.N==2) z[1]/z[2] else z) , by = .(w,y)]
Or using aggregate
aggregate(z~w+y, df, FUN=function(x)
if(length(x)==2) x[1]/x[2] else x)


Compare values in a grouped data frame with corresponding value in a vector

Let's say I got a data.frame like the following:
u <- as.numeric(rep(rep(1:5,3)))
w <- as.factor(c(rep("a",5), rep("b",5), rep("c",5)))
q <- data.frame(w,u)
w u
1 a 1
2 a 2
3 a 3
4 a 4
5 a 5
6 b 1
7 b 2
8 b 3
9 b 4
10 b 5
11 c 1
12 c 2
13 c 3
14 c 4
15 c 5
and the vector:
v <- c(2,3,1)
Now I want to find the first row in the respective group [i] where the value [i] from vector "v" is bigger than the value in column "u".
The result should look like this:
1 a 3
2 b 4
3 c 2
I tried:
fun <- function (m) {
ddply(q, .(w), summarise, fun(q))
and got as a result:
w fun(q)
1 a 3
2 b 3
3 c 3
Thus it seems like, ddply is only taking the first value from the vector "v".
Does anyone know how to solve this?
We can join the vector by creating a data.frame with 'w' as the unique values from 'w' column of 'q', then do a group_by 'w' and get the first row index where u is greater than the corresponding 'vector' column value
q %>%
left_join(data.frame(w = unique(q$w), new = v)) %>%
group_by(w) %>%
summarise(n = which(u > new)[1])
# // or use findInterval
#summarise(n = findInterval(new[1], u)+1)
# A tibble: 3 x 2
# w n
#* <fct> <int>
#1 a 3
#2 b 4
#3 c 2
or use Map after splitting the data by 'w' column
Map(function(x, y) which(x$u > y)[1], split(q,q$w), v)
#[1] 3
#[1] 4
#[1] 2
OP mentioned that comparison starts from the beginning and it is not correct because we have a group_by operation. If we create a column of sequence, it resets at each group
q %>%
left_join(data.frame(w = unique(q$w), new = v)) %>%
group_by(w) %>%
mutate(rn = row_number())
Joining, by = "w"
# A tibble: 15 x 4
# Groups: w [3]
w u new rn
<fct> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 a 1 2 1
2 a 2 2 2
3 a 3 2 3
4 a 4 2 4
5 a 5 2 5
6 b 1 3 1
7 b 2 3 2
8 b 3 3 3
9 b 4 3 4
10 b 5 3 5
11 c 1 1 1
12 c 2 1 2
13 c 3 1 3
14 c 4 1 4
15 c 5 1 5
Using data.table: for each 'w' (by = w), subset 'v' with the group index .GRP. Compare the value with 'u' (v[.GRP] < u). Get the index for the first TRUE (which.max):
setDT(q)[ , which.max(v[.GRP] < u), by = w]
# w V1
# 1: a 3
# 2: b 4
# 3: c 2

understanding apply and outer function in R

Suppose i have a data which looks like this
1 X 1 10
1 X 2 10
1 Z 3 15
1 Y 4 12
2 Y 1 15
2 X 2 13
2 X 3 13
2 Y 4 13
3 Y 1 16
3 Y 2 18
3 Y 3 19
3 Y 4 10
I Wanted to compare these values with each other so if an ID has changed its value of A variable over a period of B variable(which is from 1 to 4) it goes into data frame K and if it hasn't then it goes to data frame L.
so in this data set K will look like
1 X 1 10
1 X 2 10
1 Z 3 15
1 Y 4 12
2 Y 1 15
2 X 2 13
2 X 3 13
2 Y 4 13
and L will look like
3 Y 1 16
3 Y 2 18
3 Y 3 19
3 Y 4 10
In terms of nested loops and if then else statement it can be solved like following
for ( i in 1:length(ID)){
for (j in 1: length(B)){
ifelse( A[j] == A[j+1],m,m=m+1)
ifelse(m=0, L=c[,df[i]], K=c[,df[i]])
I have read in some posts that in R nested loops can be replaced by apply and outer function. if someone can help me understand how it can be used in such circumstances.
So basically you don't need a loop with conditions here, all you need to do is to check if there's a variance (and then converting it to a logical using !) in A during each cycle of B (IDs) by converting A to a numeric value (I'm assuming its a factor in your real data set, if its not a factor, you can use FUN = function(x) length(unique(x)) within ave instead ) and then split accordingly. With base R we can use ave for such task, for example
indx <- !with(df, ave(as.numeric(A), ID , FUN = var))
Or (if A is a character rather a factor)
indx <- with(df, ave(A, ID , FUN = function(x) length(unique(x)))) == 1L
Then simply run split
split(df, indx)
# $`FALSE`
# ID A B C
# 1 1 X 1 10
# 2 1 X 2 10
# 3 1 Z 3 15
# 4 1 Y 4 12
# 5 2 Y 1 15
# 6 2 X 2 13
# 7 2 X 3 13
# 8 2 Y 4 13
# $`TRUE`
# ID A B C
# 9 3 Y 1 16
# 10 3 Y 2 18
# 11 3 Y 3 19
# 12 3 Y 4 10
This will return a list with two data frames.
Similarly with data.table
setDT(df)[, indx := !var(A), by = ID]
split(df, df$indx)
Or dplyr
df %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(indx = !var(A)) %>%
split(., indx)
Since you want to understand apply rather than simply getting it done, you can consider tapply. As a demonstration:
> tapply(df$A, df$ID, function(x) ifelse(length(unique(x))>1, "K", "L"))
1 2 3
"K" "K" "L"
In a bit plainer English: go through all df$A grouped by df$ID, and apply the function on df$A within each groupings (i.e. the x in the embedded function): if the number of unique values is more than 1, it's "K", otherwise it's "L".
We can do this using data.table. We convert the 'data.frame' to 'data.table' (setDT(df1)). Grouped by 'ID', we check the length of unique elements in 'A' (uniqueN(A)) is greater than 1 or not, create a column 'ind' based on that. We can then split the dataset based on that
'ind' column.
setDT(df1)[, ind:= uniqueN(A)>1, by = ID]
split(df1[-5], df1$ind)
# ID A B C
#9 3 Y 1 16
#10 3 Y 2 18
#11 3 Y 3 19
#12 3 Y 4 10
# ID A B C
#1 1 X 1 10
#2 1 X 2 10
#3 1 Z 3 15
#4 1 Y 4 12
#5 2 Y 1 15
#6 2 X 2 13
#7 2 X 3 13
#8 2 Y 4 13
Or similarly using dplyr, we can use n_distinct to create a logical column and then split by that column.
df2 <- df1 %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(ind= n_distinct(A)>1)
split(df2, df2$ind)
Or a base R option with table. We get the table of the first two columns of 'df1' i.e. the 'ID' and 'A'. By double negating (!!) the output, we can get the '0' values convert to 'TRUE' and all other frequency as 'FALSE'. Get the rowSums ('indx'). We match the ID column in 'df1' with the names of the 'indx', use that to replace the 'ID' with TRUE/FALSE, and split the dataset with that.
indx <- rowSums(!!table(df1[1:2]))>1
lst <- split(df1, indx[match(df1$ID, names(indx))])
# ID A B C
#9 3 Y 1 16
#10 3 Y 2 18
#11 3 Y 3 19
#12 3 Y 4 10
# ID A B C
#1 1 X 1 10
#2 1 X 2 10
#3 1 Z 3 15
#4 1 Y 4 12
#5 2 Y 1 15
#6 2 X 2 13
#7 2 X 3 13
#8 2 Y 4 13
If we need to get individual datasets on the global environment, change the names of the list elements to the object names we wanted and use list2env (not recommended though)
list2env(setNames(lst, c('L', 'K')), envir=.GlobalEnv)

R delete non max values in redundant rows

I have a matrix that contains following:
a 1 3 2 5
b 3 2 5 8
a 2 1 0 9
a 4 2 1 3
c 4 3 1 1
b 2 5 1 9
A, B, C, D are column names and
a, b, c, d are row names.
I want to make it look like
a 4 3 2 9
b 3 5 5 9
c 4 3 1 1
using R, Which is to
1) order the row in alphabetical order,
2) and then if there are redundant rows (i.e. there are other rows with the same row name), pick a maximum value among the redundant rows for each column and delete the others.
I first used python to do this process, but I was wondering if there is
more convenient way for this job in R.
I would appreciate any help.
You can use data.table
dt_in <- data.table(matrix_in)
dt_in[, name := rownames(matrix_in)]
dt_max <- dt_in[, list(A = max(A), B = max(B), C = max(C), D = max(D)), by = "name"]
Here's a one liner using data.table you can keep the rows while converting to data.table and then apply max function over all columns using lapply(.SD,...) by the rn variable (the saved row names)
data.table(m, keep.rownames = TRUE)[, lapply(.SD, max), by = rn]
# rn A B C D
# 1: a 4 3 2 9
# 2: b 3 5 5 9
# 3: c 4 3 1 1
You can simply use aggregate function:
aggregate(matrix ~ rownames(matrix), matrix, max)

Convert a matrix with dimnames into a long format data.frame

Hoping there's a simple answer here but I can't find it anywhere.
I have a numeric matrix with row names and column names:
# 1 2 3 4
# a 6 7 8 9
# b 8 7 5 7
# c 8 5 4 1
# d 1 6 3 2
I want to melt the matrix to a long format, with the values in one column and matrix row and column names in one column each. The result could be a data.table or data.frame like this:
# col row value
# 1 a 6
# 1 b 8
# 1 c 8
# 1 d 1
# 2 a 7
# 2 c 5
# 2 d 6
Any tips appreciated.
Use melt from reshape2:
#Fake data
x <- matrix(1:12, ncol = 3)
colnames(x) <- letters[1:3]
rownames(x) <- 1:4
x.m <- melt(x)
Var1 Var2 value
1 1 a 1
2 2 a 2
3 3 a 3
4 4 a 4
The as.table and as.data.frame functions together will do this:
> m <- matrix( sample(1:12), nrow=4 )
> dimnames(m) <- list( One=letters[1:4], Two=LETTERS[1:3] )
> as.data.frame( as.table(m) )
One Two Freq
1 a A 7
2 b A 2
3 c A 1
4 d A 5
5 a B 9
6 b B 6
7 c B 8
8 d B 10
9 a C 11
10 b C 12
11 c C 3
12 d C 4
Assuming 'm' is your matrix...
data.frame(col = rep(colnames(m), each = nrow(m)),
row = rep(rownames(m), ncol(m)),
value = as.vector(m))
This executes extremely fast on a large matrix and also shows you a bit about how a matrix is made, how to access things in it, and how to construct your own vectors.
A modification that doesn't require you to know anything about the storage structure, and that easily extends to high dimensional arrays if you use the dimnames, and slice.index functions:

Assign pass/fail value based on mean in large dataset

this might be a simple question but I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I have a sample dataset of:
dfrm <- list(L = c("A","B","P","C","D","E","P","F"), J=c(2,2,1,2,2,2,1,2), K=c(4,3,10,16,21,3,17,2))
dfrm <-as.data.frame(dfrm)
1 A 2 4
2 B 2 3
3 P 1 10
4 C 2 16
5 D 2 21
6 E 2 3
7 P 1 17
8 F 2 2
Column J specifies the type of variable that is defined in K. I want to be able to take the mean of the K values that have a 1 assigned next to them. In this example it would be 10 and 17
T = c(10,17)
Next I want to be able to assign a pass/fail rank, where pass = 1, fail = 0 to identify whether the number in column K is larger than the mean.
The final data set should look like:
cdfrm <- list(L = c("A","B","P","C","D","E","P","F"), J=c(2,2,1,2,2,2,1,2), K=c(4,3,10,16,21,3,17,2),C = c(0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0))
cdfrm <-as.data.frame(cdfrm)
1 A 2 4 0
2 B 2 3 0
3 P 1 10 0
4 C 2 16 1
5 D 2 21 1
6 E 2 3 0
7 P 1 17 1
8 F 2 2 0
this seems so basic, i am sorry guys, I just don't know what I am overthinking.
There are two steps in the solution. The first is to calculate the mean for the value you are interested in. In other words, take the mean of a subset of values in your data.frame. R has a handy function to calculate subsets, called subset. Here it is in action:
meanK <- mean(subset(dfrm, subset=J==1, select=K))
Next, you want to compare column K in your data frame with the mean value we have just calculated. This is a straightforward vector comparison:
dfrm$Pass <- dfrm$K>meanK
L J K Pass
1 A 2 4 FALSE
2 B 2 3 FALSE
3 P 1 10 FALSE
4 C 2 16 TRUE
5 D 2 21 TRUE
6 E 2 3 FALSE
7 P 1 17 TRUE
8 F 2 2 FALSE
Here's how to do it in one line
transform(dfrm, C = K > sapply(split(dfrm$K, dfrm$J), mean)[J])
split groups the values of K according to the values of J and sapply(..., mean) calculates group wise means.
