How to use Gravity Form to validate customer's information from .csv - wordpress

I am trying to use Gravity Forms to make a payment page in WordPress. The first three fields are customers name, order number and postcode and the last one is eway payment. I want to check the customer's name, order number and postcode through an Excel form before make payment. If the validation is successful, the last section will be active. Are there any add_ons or do I need to change the code? I actually have the code but I do not know where to put it. Thanks.

Gravity Forms does have a couple of hooks you can use in your theme functions file or a custom functionality plugin to perform your own validation.
The gform_field_validation filter can be used to perform custom validation of a specific field.
The gform_validation filter can be used to validate the entire form.


WooCommerce Multi-Step Checkout (Billing/Shipping Address and Payment Methods on different pages)

I'm currently working on a multi STRIPE checkout for different STRIPE accounts based on the shipping country.
So far everything works smoothly by using the wc_stripe_params, wc_stripe_payment_request_params and woocommerce_stripe_request_headers filters and overloading the respective classes for the webhooks. There is one problem though.
Upon checkout page load, where the payment methods are, STRIPE renders CDATA values for their JS files.
When the initial shipping country guess through geoip database was correct and the customer doesnt change the shipping country, everything works fine, since the correct public keys were inserted into the JS of STRIPE. When the customer changes the shipping country there is no way to manipulate the already processed JS variables. This is why I want to split up the checkout process so that the last page is just for payment options based upon the before selected shipping country.
I know that there are multiple plugins for multi-step checkout available, but all use ajax for a smooth rendering, which results in the same error. I understand the way how to customize different processes in WP or WC, but I don't know how to really tackle this one since the formon the checkout page is posted to the wc_get_checkout_url() which needs payments selected and done - it doesnt look like there is a real multi step without ajax planned?
Thanks in advance for any help or thoughts
Problem solved by splitting up the checkout process into multiple forms and posting the data as one to the woocommerce checkout controller

Auto search and populate fields using Gravity Forms

I have a product registration form which I set up through Gravity forms.
What I want to do is import a list of products and product codes into my wordpress installation and somehow link this to my form so that when the user types in the product code into the 'Product Code' section it will then populate the field next to it with the product description.
Does anyone know how I might be able to achieve this?
The 2 fields I want to use are below...
Gravity Forms Populate Anything can easily handle this. Create a custom table or use a second form to enter your data. Then use Populate Anything to query that data via a point-and-click interface. Easy peasy.

Create Two different Checkout form woocommerce

I want to create two diff, checkout form
For Users
Both checkout form contain diff. option. but I can't figure out how to make a separate checkout form for both.
I need solution please if any one have. (Also you can suggest that direct payment to getway skipping checkout it self for specific product)

wordpress register form to salesforce

I'm wondering if it's possible to use a saleforce form for registering users on wordpress so that when a user registers on the frontend their details are sent to saleforce CRM?
The answer would vary depending on what form tool, if any, you're using, but lately I've been using Gravity Forms and have had great success with connecting to Salesforce via a custom Gravity forms redirect confirmation.
Once you have a form built in Gravity Forms, go to Form Settings > Confirmations. Edit the default Confirmation and change to Type "Redirect". You'll want to post the form to Salesforce's Web-To-Lead API, so enter in the Redirect URL field.
You'll then pass the fields you need via a query string, so check the 'Pass Field Data Via Query String' box, then configure the query string with Salesforce field names and Gravity forms merge tags. There are a couple required parameters including the encoding, your Salesforce Company ID, and a return URL to redirect back to after the form is submitted.
Leave off the ? to begin the query string, so it looks like
then add fields such as first name, last name, company, country, etc. by adding a parameter for each and selecting the appropriate Gravity Form merge tag from the menu on the right. It will end up looking something like
&first_name={First Name:1}&last_name={Last Name:2}&company={Company:3}
You can also send data to custom fields in Salesforce if you find the field ID. The easiest way to do this is by creating a Web-to-lead form in Salesforce and copying the field's name.
All together, your confirmation should look something like this -
For bonus points, you could add a hidden field to the form for the Return URL and populate it dynamically on the page, either by pulling the current page URL, or adding a custom field to choose a Return URL dynamically.
If you're not using Gravity Forms, you can still use Salesforce's Web-To-Lead tool by creating your own form, or using theirs, and sending the data in a query string.
There are various plugins that allow you to send data to Salesforce from a form, such as WordPress-to-lead for Salesforce CRM.
It is also possible to use the Salesforce API to build a single signon, and register users to or from either service. I built one for SugarCRM, which you can view the code for it at Github to get an idea of how it might work with Salesforce.

rich reviews plugin not working properly

i am using rich review plugin to create a rating system.what i want is to rate the different categories of a single product like looks,hair and teeth of a person for example,what i did was created a form in rich review and i want to use this code snippet [RICH_REVIEWS_FORM category="person"] with in a single page,it enables me to use this code snippet and even displays a three different forms,the problem is i can supply input through only one form,even if i change the category of the forms to different name,i can only supply input to only one of the form?
This requires a patch from the plugin author, both for the JS that handles the form elements, and the $_POST submission of the form data.
Essentially the patch allows you to have independent forms on the same page by using a shortcode parameter for a unique key. So for instance two forms on the same page might look like this.
[RICH_REVIEWS_FORM category="something" unique_key="one"]
[RICH_REVIEWS_FORM category="something_else" unique_key="two"]
See this thread
