Single signon and ADFS3.0 -

I have been tasked to set up Single Signon for application (SAAS) using IIS server with a client who has ADFS3.0 for providing identity credentials. the users authenticated will be allowed to log in to the web application but i have been going through a lot of information as how to set up service provider files as the application is already running.
what settings and where do i need to configure them. any help will be greatly appreciated.

The "modern" way to do this is by using OWIN.
You will have to change your application as per Use the OWIN Security Components in ASP.NET to Implement Web Sign On with ADFS.
Then add your RP to ADFS and you are good to go.
For completeness. the "old" way to do this is to use WIF as in How To: Build Claims-Aware ASP.NET MVC Web Application Using WIF.


How to use ASP.Net Identity on WCF Service in ASP.Net MVC project

I'm having all kinds of trouble understanding this. Every article I read seems to have some unmentioned prerequisite amount of knowledge.
I have written a WCF service that was initially designed to be an intranet service. Now we are moving this service to a cloud hosting solution and it needs to only let authorized users call its methods.
I've since created an ASP.Net MVC 5 website for support purposes. The idea for this is that support staff will login to the mvc site with seeded credentials and add users as they sign up for the service. At the moment, users should not need to enter username or password anywhere. The service client will have username and password knowledge via local settings or configuration file or something and the authorization will be invisible to users. The MVC project seems to be working fine after some changes to the out-of-the-box flow. The database (remote) is created and being populated with new registered user information.
Because the WCF service is in a different project, and to keep a level of portability I have referenced that project in the MVC project. I then added a "wrapper" wcf service to the MVC project that I intend to be the forward facing door to the existing WCF project. In this wrapper wcf service is where the authentication should happen. I don't understand how to tie the ASP.Net Identity authorization used in the new MVC project into the wrapper wcf service. How can I make the wrapping service authorize user credentials against the identity database created and populated using the MVC site?
Transport security is not my issue at the moment so if possible leave those topics out.

How to set WCF security when Calling WCF from a web applicaion that shares same ASPNET membership with WCF service?

NET web application and a WCF Application that share the same ASP.NET membership database.
They are both sharing the same ASP.NET membership database.
It is basically like:
WCF: is https://ServerName/Services.svc
ASP.NET: is https://ServerName/Default.aspx
(both are two virtual folders in the same web application and both are using the same ASP.NET membership database).
The user logs on to the ASP.NET application and can then decide to call the WCF service.
What are my options for setting the security for the call between the ASP.NET and the WCF service that make the call using the credentials supplied by the user when logging to the ASP.NET application?
If you run you application in ASP.Net Compatibility mode. You will get all the security features available with ASP.Net. Things such as HttpContext.Current.User will point to the logged in user.
For the fastest implementation (by fastest I mean to get up and running) get Juval Lowy`s ServiceModelEx library from and use his declarative security library.
I have used this library a lot and it works well.

Authentication and authorization - new to security

Need to develop a Web application that will be used to authenticate and authorize internal and external users to log and then re-route to web applications for the organization. The login application should be able to provider smooth integration with any future applications that needs a secured authentication.
Should I be using WIF - Claims based Identity/ADFS or Role membership provider to develop this app.? Or is there any other approach which will help achieve this?
I've been working on an site with WIF for several months now. I like that WIF is very flexible, but the documentation is poor. Check out the discussions on SO about WIF.

Using SharePoint Webservices from External (non-SharePoint) Applications

We have an ASP.NET MVC application that is not part of SharePoint. However, it'd be preferable to leverage SharePoint's security framework. For instance, when the user enters username/password in the non-SharePoint app, could it call a SharePoint webservice to authenticate the user? Or is there any other way to achieve this?
It all depends, if SharePoint uses AD then I see no added value in authenticating with SharePoint. If SharePoint uses forms-based authentication, I would create a custom web service running on the SharePoint server that allows you to authenticate users. That way if you ever need it again for another application you can use that webservice / wcf service.
To use the SharePoint Security framework you will have to run your application inside the context of the SharePoint. One quick solution to achieve this is to create a Virtual Directory under the SharePoint web application and place your code there and you will have the full sharepoint context.

Asp.Net MVC - Mixed Auth Mode

I'm looking for the most reliable way to use both Windows and Form based auth IN ASP.NET MVC 2 I know how to do it in webforms, but because I cannot adjust the permissions (In IIS) on a per file basis in MVC. Im struggling to transfer the concept.
Any suggestions? Links?
There are following post:
All describe it for classic But the concept should be transferable to mvc.
I implemented this using mvc and a custom membership provider.
The whole application is running with aspnet anonymous account. That means that your files must be accessible to this account. On my machine I had to give read access to this IIS account.
