JSPM multiple bundles - bundling-and-minification

I'm hoping that someone can provide som help or hints for a scenario I have.
I am trying to setup jspm with the following structure:
Appbundle: My own javascripts for my angular app, vill be minified as part of my buildprocess.
Pluginbundle: A bunch of preminified 3rd party libraries that are already minified but need to be concatenated (this would be small standalone 3rd files like a datepicker and select2).
Use globals for larger libraries like angular, moment and jquery so they can be loaded from CDNs.
I've been trying to understand how this is handled in jspm but I can't seem to find any real examples, just.commemts along the line of "just shim them" and "exclude them from sfx".
I've tried both those things, but no matter what I do it seems that jspm bundles all the dependencies in my appbundle.js file which makes it far too big.
Is there anyone that has experience in setting something like this up? Is it even possible in jspm, or will it fight against effiency to make rhings simpler?
Grateful for any hints you can provide.

The solution I could found is to update JSPM to the latest 0.17-beta.
This allow you to use some arguments for the static builder, like --global-deps and --externals which describe dependencies to be excluded form the bundle.
I then load the bundle as a script tag, as well as those external dependencies.
See the guide for JSPM 0.17-beta.


problem with import bootstrap theme to ruby on rails app

I can't seem to import this bootstrap theme to my rails application.
I am trying to import this template for two days but no luck. It could be easy, but I don´t know what I´m doing wrong :(
I receive this error:
Undefined variable: "$border-color".
Undefined mixin ....
So I have got a problem with variables and mixins at the first time. I tried another template and it works, so I really don´t know what to try next.
Any hint or idea about how to solve this problem would be really appreciated.
Porting a template into your Rails application is not hard if you break it down into several imprortant steps:
Import styles. From what I can see, your template is using sass along with plain css style files. You can pick one of those and copy the files into your /app/assets/stylesheets folder and importing them in your application.sass. The Undefined variable: "$border-color". points you towards missing variables.scss, which contains all the color variables for your template.
See if your template is using any third-party libraries or frameworks. In this particular example, there is a list of them in the repo's "Built With" section of the readme. Go through every single one of them and find gem versions of those libraries and add them to your Gemfile.
Copy non third-party Javascript files into your app/assets/javascripts. Require them in pagedown.coffee.erb along with third-party modules. Be sure to keep non third-party code below other modules to preserve functionality of code that relies on those modules.
Trim HTML templates into views. Figure out what part of your layout should be preserved for every page and put it into your layout view, break down the rest into controller-specific views.
There can be a lot of problems, but in general, just try to analyze the errors being thrown and solve them one by one.

Is it possible to extract and bundle only necessary css classes in a web application

I think this should be possible, though dont know, I use tools like 'gulp' and 'webpack' to bundle asset files but is there any tool that extracts the necessary css classes, only that are being used, from the css files and pack them.
What you are looking for is called tree shaking, and usually it's already done in the build process with webpack,
You can install this plugin for css specific tree shaking or you can look for more info here about how it works with javascript (something similar happens in css)
In Gulp there is package called Uncss
and also an addon that is available for firefox
which will help you in removed unused css
Take a look into tree shaking, there are several that are for specific css.

How do I build my RactiveJS-based library into one JS file?

(Related question: what's the difference between rv.js and r.js?)
I've got a series of RactiveJS-based components, each in their own module. I use the rv.js loader (linked above) mentioned on the Ractive site. I love it, but what I want to do is use that (or something similar) to build to one JS file that will work even in non-AMD/RequireJS apps. I've looked at Almond, but it seems to want to use r.js (rather than rv.js), and I'm not sure what the difference is or what changes I'd need to make.
Bonus points: is there a way to run all of this in Gulp? I'm one of those people who cringes when he has to use the command line, so please talk slowly and forgive my ignorance:)
A bit late to answer, apologies for that.
rv.js is a RequireJS plugin that loads ractive components as if they are javascript modules
r.js is the RequireJS optimizer, used to bundle together all files and minify (exactly your use-case)
RequireJS is quite large in size, and you don't want it bundled with your application js during a build.
Enter almond.js. It mimics the module resolution of RequireJS, but doesn't have the code to handle actual loading of the files over the network. The result is a smaller file size.
So, your workflow would be:
You use RequireJS during development
Use rv.js, as you are already, to load ractive components
When it's time to build, you use r.js to build
And ensure almond.js replaces RequireJS in the final built js file
Now, I use grunt, and there is a plugin for that: grunt-contrib-requirejs
For gulp, I suggest gulp-requirejs-optimize
It has options to replace requirejs with almond during the build process if you look at the documentation on that page.
Hope that helps.

Full instructions for Meteor Semantic-ui integration by a frustrated n00bie?

I wish there were better instructions for installing and getting started with Semantic-ui on Meteor....please see below.
Any improvements/feedback welcome.
I just decided to post these because of some difficulties I had getting semantic-ui to work with Meteor. I figured out the few things I was not getting from various answers across various forums:
Install via CLI: meteor add semantic:ui flemay:less-autoprefixer (You don't need to worry about LESS)
Create an empty custom.semantic.json file in /client/lib/semantic-ui/custom.semantic.json. (Note this is NOT the lib folder that is outside the client and server folders - make a new lib folder. Putting it in the original lib will cause your app to crash because jQuery hasn't been loaded
Start meteor - the custom.semantic.json file will populate and all the semantic-ui files will be added to your project in the same folder.
Edit the file custom.semantic.json to select only the definitions and themes you want
If you are happy with the default values you will need to remove .custom.semantic.json to generate Semantic UI - in all likelihood you will want to delete this file.
Save the file and it will generate Semantic UI
It hasn't been an issue for me yet but it appears that if you are changing theme you still need to leave the default theme setting as true. This seemed to be causing people confusion.
I wanted to use the accordion and couldn't figure how to get it working. The HTML from the docs is very straightforward but I needed this JS to get me going:
Template.yourTemplate.rendered = function() {
If anyone knows a better way, please jump in.
Hope this helps someone avoid the minor frustrations I had earlier today.

Bundling resources via bundle.config vs BundleConfig.cs in ASP.NET 4.5 WebForms

Regarding ASP.NET 4.5's new System.Web.Optimization / Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization:
Can anyone explain the difference in the use of bundling resources using the BundleConfig.cs class file as opposed to the bundle.config xml file?
I've seen some articles showing bundling both js and css in BundleConfig.cs, while others showing bundling js in BundleConfig.cs and css in bundle.config.
I guess I don't understand #1) why you wouldn't just do them both one particular way for simplicity - and #2) why anyone would prefer to hard-code resources like that in a class file? It seems like a much more dynamic approach to just put them in an xml file that can be changed on-the-fly if necessary.
It seems like more articles actually lean toward using BundleConfig.cs than anything else. Is there some particular pro or con that encourages this?
Also, if there is any real documentation on System.Web.Optimization, I would love to know the location (because I sure can't find it).
As far as I can tell, the accepted answer doesn't actually answer the question at all. It discusses the benefits of the bundling framework, but not how using the BundleConfig.cs is different than using the bundle.config file.
A lot of it comes down to whether you prefer working in code or in markup, but each does have some pros that are specific to that method.
For the bundle.config, there's really only a single benefit, but it is a big one. By using it, you can manage bundles without having to touch code at all. This means that you can make changes without recompiling, making quick deployments easier. Also, it means that your front-end developer, who is going to be most familiar with the files that should be bundled, can define the bundles without having to work with any back-end code.
However, there are quite a few limitations on what you can specify in the Bundle.config. For instance, you can't specify any custom transformations to be applied to individual items or bundles. The only bundle properties that you're able to set are the Path, CdnPath, and CdnFallbackExpression. You can't set the Orderer or EnableFileExtensionReplacements properties. You don't have a way to include a directory including all subdirectories (like you can with the IncludeDirectory method). Basically, there's a LOT of functionality that is only available through the back-end code. Granted, a lot of this you could set by using back-end code to retrieve a bundle that was defined in the bundle.config, and then manipulating. But if you're going to do that, you might as well create the bundle in the back-end, also.
My personal philosophy is to use bundle.config unless I need to do something with the bundle that's not possible that way. However, I do agree that having them all in one place is ideal. If I decide I need to use the class, then I'll use that for all of my bundles of that type (I do sometimes put my JS bundles in the class and my CSS bundles in the .config file, though). I'm sure some completely reasonable people would disagree with that process, though.
this documentation explains it all better than I ever could
One of the nicest things is this:
The bundling framework follows several common conventions such as:
Selecting “.min” file for release when “FileX.min.js” and “FileX.js”
Selecting the non “.min” version for debug. Ignoring “-vsdoc”
files (such as jquery-1.7.1-vsdoc.js), which are used only by
Can anyone explain the difference in the use of bundling resources
using the BundleConfig.cs class file as opposed to the bundle.config
xml file?
The difference is that you would have to read, parse and load the content of the bundle.config at runtime. Hence, using BundleConfig.cs class file could be simpler.
1) why you wouldn't just do them both one particular way for simplicity
Totally agree.
2) why anyone would prefer to hard-code resources like that in a class file?
Simply put: easy to understand.
It seems like a much more dynamic approach to just put them in an xml
file that can be changed on-the-fly if necessary.
Yes, but you have to write more code to detect when changes happen and then add/remove/replace existing setup. If done poorly, it could lead to UI issues at runtime.
Also, if there is any real documentation on System.Web.Optimization, I
would love to know the location (because I sure can't find it).
Already answered above, but I would repeat: http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/mvc-4/bundling-and-minification
