Drupal : Access values in field-collection with twig - symfony

In my Drupal project I'm unable to access values of a field-collection. I can output all values by using:
{{ item.content }}
But I'm not able to get deeper nested values, which are objects.
For example I would like to get the value «field_interpret».
This things don't work:
{{ item.content['#field_collection_item'] }}
{{ item.content.#field_collection_item }}
{{ item.content.field_collection_item }}
Thank you for help.

After several days of searching and testing I ended up with a plain old and dirty sql-query which I included in the preprocess_field function.
My problem was, that I don't found a way to access the elements in a field-collection and I had to make some calculation based on the field values.


What is the purpose of "do" tag in twig

I have seen the twig documentation about do tag, but I don't understand its use/useful.
The docs says the follow:
The do tag works exactly like the regular variable expression ({{ ...
}}) just that it doesn't print anything:
and show an example:
{% do 1 + 2 %}
What to solve exactly this tag ?
Good question! I found a link on GitHub to when this was proposed which might add some further info:
Sometimes you want to do things, or call some stuff, and ignore the output. For example if you use a |shift filter to remove some data from an array, doing {{ arr|shift }} will output the removed item, which is not always desirable.
Of course it's possible to do {% set null = arr|shift %}, which won't
output anything, but it also looks weird.
The example in the docs is poor as it explains nothing at all, as you pointed out.

multiple display of the same form_widget(form)

I would like to display a uniquely defined form_widget(form.myform) at several places in my code.
How could I do it?
When just put form_widget(form.myform) at different places in my code, only the first one is shown, all the following ones are ignored.
Thank you!
It is impossible by following reason: by default twig generates id for each form field considering following scheme - formTypeName_formTypeFieldName, and there could be only one element with such id at the same time.
You could try something like {{ form_widget(form.title, { 'id': 'my_custom_id' }) }} with different identeficators for same field, but those input still will have same names and to be frank I'm doesn't sure how it will be handled by symfony kernel.

Symfony forcing translation into different language than the current one

I have the locale set to one language. Let's say german "de" and I want to have a part of the whole text translated into different languages (Ex. This happened 100 years ago -> This happened vor 100 Jahre). For this I am trying the following code:
//this returns 'site.dates.years'
{% set yearsText = yearsCount|displayTimeDivisions() %}
( {{ yearsCount }} {% trans with {'%content%': yearsText } from "messages" into "en" %}%content%{% endtrans %}
after using the trans method i get the string from yearsText ('site.dates.years') and not the translated content. Is this even possible to translate or I should drop it?
This works as expected, what you are trying to translate is %content%, not site.dates.years. Try this:
//this returns 'site.dates.years'
{% set yearsText = yearsCount|displayTimeDivisions() %}
( {{ yearsCount }} {% trans from "messages" into "en" %}{{ yearsText }}{% endtrans %}
The previous suggestion doesn't work as using trans in that way only works with simple text, not with variables.
This works for me:
{{ yearsText | trans({}, 'messages', 'en') }}
EDIT: clear cache
Sometimes Symfony has a too strong caching mechanism. If you work without locales first, and then modify controllers and twigs to be multi-locale and you also add a new messages file, Symfony loads all new controller/twigs but somehow misses that there are new message files. A simple cache clear, done ONLY ONCE (!) right after you add the message files, solves this problem. And thenceforth you don't need to clear the cache every time you change a translation.
Try this as a last resort. If this doesn't help I'd recommend to read carefully the documentation (link in the last line of this answer):
app/console cache:clear --env=dev
You may try one or all (!) of these, it's impossible to tell what is going wrong.
{{ yearsCount|trans }}
{{ 'site.dates.years'|trans }}
See if these translate. If the second does, you're setting the variable wrong, somehow.
If not, pass the _locale along in the route:
defaults: { _controller: Bundle:Controller:action, _locale: de }
Or have it as a route parameter:
path: /a/path/{_locale}/whatever
defaults: { _controller: Bundle:Controller:action }
_locale: en|de
Print the locale to be sure it's properly set in the twig:
{{ app.request.locale }}
{{ app.request.getLocale() }}
If the locale prints out fine but the translation still does not work, it's because Symfony does not find the identifier. Go to the translations file and check that it's written correctly:
years: Jahre
If you find it in messages.de.yml then maybe it's the wrong placement of the file. The loader searches for these files:
Symfony looks for message files (i.e. translations) in the following default locations:
the app/Resources/translations directory;
the app/Resources/MyAppBundle/translations directory;
the Resources/translations/ directory inside of any bundle.
If fiddling around with these files doesn't yield results, it's a configuration error in config.yml, or many overlapping errors (all of the above?) that work against you.
Here's the source of all pain/info about translations, but you've probably memorized every paragraph, by now: Symfony translations.

Using Hugo, how can I access a variable from a partial file that is defined in base file?

I'm new to using Hugo and Go Templates. How can I access a variable from a partial file that is defined in base file using Hugo?
For eg: I have an index.html file which contains code that reads the data stored in the events.json file in the data directory and stores it in a variable. How can I access that variable from another file?
{{ $events := .Site.Data.events }}
{{ partial "people" . }}
// access the events variable from the index.html
{{ $events }}
I really hope this makes sense. I can try and clarify more if needed.
0.15 introduced a map that can be used for this.
{{ $events := .Site.Data.events }}
{{ partial "people" (dict "events" $events) }}
// access the events variable from the index.html
{{ .events }}
You could use the dict func:
{{ partial "people" (dict "page" . "events" $events) }}
You will then address them like {{ .page.someVar }} and {{ .events.someVar }} in the partial.
An alternative in your case could maybe, in the partial (as the previous poster said), address the .Site.Data.events directly from the partial.
According to Hugo documentation:
... partial calls receive two parameters.
The first is the name of the partial and determines the file location to be read.
The second is the variables to be passed down to the partial.
This means that the partial will only be able to access those variables. It is isolated and has no access to the outer scope.
This means, the events variable is outside of the scope of people.html. Your people.html cannot "see" it. One solution would be pass it down, like:
{{ partial "people" . $events }}
If it does not work, try different notation ($ vs. .).
If that does not work, you can always call your data file again, without variable, just like in the examples, that is, use {{ .Site.Data.events }} in your people.html partial.
Let me know in the comments how it goes, I'll try to improve my answer if necessary. I know it's a pain to get out of Hugo boundaries into Go territory :)

How can I get timestamp value in Twig?

How can I get timestamp value in twig as I know date formatting is possible in twig but don't know how to get timestamp value using twig function;
There is other solution that might be easier to understand by designers.
{{ 'now'|date('U') }}
(I am aware that the question is already answered and it's old)
You can use this
{{ date().timestamp }}
