Error in Insert function in postgresql - postgresql-9.1

p_Name varchar(20)
,p_Address varchar(250)
,p_Mobile int
as $$
declare v_ID int;
select coalesce(max(Id),0) into v_ID from Information
set; v_ID=v_ID+1
insert into Information
select v_ID;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
I convert my sql insert sp to Postgres function using online converter tool but it showing the below mention error
error showing : ERROR: syntax error at or near "insert"
LINE 16: insert into Information

select coalesce(max(Id),0) into v_ID from Information
set; v_ID=v_ID+1
Is wrong.
The select isn't properly terminated, and the set itself is illegal syntax.
You probably want this:
select coalesce(max(Id),0)
into v_ID
from Information; --<< terminate with a ; here
v_id := v_id + 1; --<< terminate with a ; here
But the extra assignment isn't necessary in the first place. The above can be shortened to:
select coalesce(max(Id),0) + 1
into v_ID
from Information;
select v_ID;
is also wrong. To return a value use:
return v_id;
But your function is defined as returns void so you can't return anything in the first place.
But: using select coalesce(max(Id),0) + 1 to generate unique IDs is wrong and will not work correctly in a real world application.
The only correct, scalable and fast way to generate new ids is to use a sequence. Really.
The complete function (if you want to return the newly "generated" id) would look like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION InsertInformation(p_Name varchar(20),p_Address varchar(250),p_Mobile int)
RETURNS integer
v_ID int;
select coalesce(max(Id),0) + 1
into v_ID
from Information;
INSERT INTO information
(id, name, address, mobile)
(v_id, p_name, p_address, p_mobile);
return v_id;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SQLFiddle example:!15/4ac27/1


plsql Result consisted of more than one row. How to handel it

CREATE PROCEDURE book_check(book_Id varchar(64))
declare book_available varchar(64);
select book_id into book_available
from book_copies
where No_of_Copies >0 and book_id=book_Id;
if(book_Id in book_available ) then
select concat ("Book available");
select concat ("Book not available");
end if;
what can i write in place of 'in' . I know the syntax i wrong .
It's easy - try something like this:
create or replace function book_check(book_id varchar) return varchar as
for r in (select 1 from book_copies where no_of_copies > 0 and book_id = book_check.book_id) loop
return 'Book available';
end loop;
return 'Book not available';
end book_check;
It's unclear to me what you are trying to do. I assume you want to find out if a book is available or not and return that information to the caller of the function.
Your declaration of the procedure header and the variables is wrong.
Procedure or function parameters are not defined with a length for the datatype.
Inside a procedure or function you don't need declare
you can't have a select statement without putting the result somewhere. * Assigning a constant value to a variable is done using :=
If you want to return information to the caller, use a function, not a procedure
You should not give variables or parameters the same name as a column. A common naming convention in the Oracle world is to give parameters the prefix p_ and local variables the prefix l_ but anything that avoids a name clash between column names and variables is OK - just be consistent.
CREATE function book_check(p_book_id varchar)
return varchar
l_count integer;
l_result varchar(20);
select count(*)
into l_count
from book_copies
where No_of_Copies > 0
and book_id = p_book_id;
if l_count > 0 then
l_result := 'Book available';
l_result := "Book not available";
end if;
return result;
You should really take the time and read the PL/SQL Language reference. All the above is explained there.

Assigning object type in plsql

I need your help to know how to assign the object type through a string in PLSQL
Below is the problem description:
I first created the object types as below:
create or replace type picu_obj is object(Customer_ID varchar2(32767),Customer_Name varchar2(32767),Server_Name varchar2(32767),Time_stamp varchar2(32767));
create or replace type picu_obj_tab is table of picu_obj;
and I have a PLSQL block as below:
l_str1 varchar2(1000);
l_str2 varchar2(10000);
l_newstr1_1 varchar2(10000);
picu_var picu_obj_tab;
cursor c1cudetails
select item,current_value
(select rownum,
last_value(category ignore nulls) over (order by rownum) category ,
last_value(item ignore nulls) over (order by rownum) item,
from pi_perfdata_new
order by rownum
where upper(category) like '%CUSTOMER%DETAILS%' ;
type cudet is table of c1cudetails%rowtype index by pls_integer;
l_cudet cudet;
/* create dynamic string for items */
open c1cudetails;
fetch c1cudetails bulk collect into l_cudet limit 50;
for i in l_cudet.first..l_cudet.last loop
l_str2:=trim(leading ',' from l_str1);
end loop;
-- dbms_output.put_line(''||l_newstr1_1||'');
-- picu_var := l_newstr1_1;
close c1cudetails;
For the string "l_newstr1_1" following value is retruned from above PLSQL block
Now I want to assign the above result to variable "picu_var" which I have declared.
Basically I need to convert to the following during runtime.
picu_var := picu_obj_tab(picu_obj('CSCO5','DXRTYE','PI22-pro-333','2015-07-22-22:48:56'))
How to achieve the same?
Please suggest how to initialize the object type variable to the string values.
Use dynamic PL/SQL like this:
execute immediate 'begin :x := ' || l_newstr1_1|| '; end;'
using out picu_var;

Parsing string in PL/SQL and insert values into database with RESTful web service

I am reading the values which I want to insert into database. I am reading them by lines. One line is something like this:
String line = "6, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 28";
Web service needs to separate values by comma and insert them into database. In PL/SQL language. How do I do that?
Here is some pl/sql that I have used to parse through delimited strings and then extract the individual words. You may have to mess with it a bit when using with the web service but it works fine when you are running it right in oracle.
string_line varchar2(4000);
str_cnt number;
parse_pos_1 number := 1;
parse_pos_2 number;
parsed_string varchar2(4000);
--counting the number of commas in the string so we know how many times to loop
select regexp_count(string_line, ',') into str_cnt from dual;
for i in 1..str_cnt + 1
--grabbing the position of the comma
select regexp_instr(string_line, ',', parse_pos_1) into parse_pos_2 from dual;
--grabbing the individual words based of the comma positions using substr function
--handling the last loop
if i = str_cnt + 1 then
select substr(string_line, parse_pos_1, length(string_line)+1 - parse_pos_1) into parsed_string from dual;
execute immediate 'insert into your_table_name (your_column_name) values (' || parsed_string || ' )';
execute immediate 'commit';
--handles the rest
select substr(string_line, parse_pos_1, parse_pos2 - parse_pos_1) into parsed_string from dual;
execute immediate 'insert into your_table_name (your_column_name) values (' || parsed_string || ' )';
execute immediate 'commit';
end if;
parse_pos_1 := parse_pos_2+1;
end loop;
I found an answer to that particular question. If you have similar values to those I posted for a question, like numbers, which look something like this:
String line = "145, 899";
This string is sent via POST request (RESTful web service, APEX). Now getting the values in PL/SQL and inserting them into table looks something like this:
val1 NUMBER;
val2 NUMBER;
str CLOB;
str := string_fnc.blob_to_clob(:body); // we have to convert body
val1 := TO_NUMBER(REGEXP_SUBSTR(str, '[^,]+', 1, 1));
val2 := TO_NUMBER(REGEXP_SUBSTR(str, '[^,]+', 1, 2));
// REGEXP_SUBSTR(source, pattern, start_position, nth_appearance)
However, this is the method to insert line by line into database, so if you have large amount of rows in a file to insert, this isn't a way to do it. But here is the example which I requested. I hope it helps to someone.

How to use variable of declare at the where of select?

How to use variable of declare at the where of select ?
CREATE TABLE student (
id smallint PRIMARY KEY,
first_name VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL,
last_name VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL);
insert into student VALUES(10,'AA','A01');
insert into student VALUES(30,'BB','B01');
declare #v_first varchar(10);
set #v_first='AA';
select * from student where first_name=#v_first;
declare v_first varchar2(10);
v_first :='AA';
select * from student where first_name= v_first;
ORA-06550: line 4 , column 3 :
PLS-00428: 在此 SELECT 敘述句中預期會出現一個 INTO 子句
06550. 00000 - "line %s, column %s:\n%s"
*Cause: Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.
The example you gave for MSSQL is a different table, but assuming DEPT_ID from USER_LIST is a NUMBER too... SQL will automatically convert the string to compare...
You need to cast the id to a number. Is there a reason you are declaring a varchar variable right before comparing it against a number?
declare v_id varchar2(2);
v_id :='30';
select * from student where id= TO_NUMBER(v_id);
or change the declare and the assignment...
declare v_id NUMBER;
v_id :=30;
select * from student where id= v_id;
basically, what the link I added in the comments below said.. from user tvm.. "You cannot use SELECT without INTO clause in PL/SQL. The output of the SELECT must be stored somewhere. Eg. table or variable or perhaps a record. See example below how to store result of the SELECT statement into record."
v_id number;
v_result Student%ROWTYPE;
v_id := 30;
SELECT * INTO v_result
FROM Student
WHERE id = v_id;
Then you need to do something with v_result... other option shown is to call straight SQL - all depends on how you call and consume the data..

How to have a MySQL procedure return a boolean?

I want to create a procedure that takes in a string, searches the table and the specified column for that string, and returns a 1 if it finds it and a zero if it does not. I am relatively new to SQL and do not know the syntax or commands very well. I want something like this:
#Username NCHAR(10)
SELECT #Username FROM Accounts
RETURN #boolVariable
You don't return a value, but instead supply that in a result set.
#Username NCHAR(10)
SELECT Username FROM Accounts WHERE Username = #UserName;
In your calling code, simply check for the existence of a row in the result set.
I'm not sure if you're looking for mysql or mssql solution.
delimiter //
drop procedure if exists search_string //
create procedure search_string (in str varchar(100))
declare b,r bool;
select count(*) into r from your_table where your_field = str;
if r > 0 then
set b = 1;
set b = 0;
end if;
select b;
end; //
delimiter //
call search_string('searched_string');
