Best way to manage a list of url, text and image - wordpress

In a theme I'm developing I need to manage a list of title, url and image. It's very similar to a menu item but there is an additional information that is associated with every item that is an image. Which is the best way to manage that on wordpress admin console and retrieve it via code?
I find some plugin that allows to have a widget with text and image but it's not satisfying.
Any idea?


Wordpress - Image lightbox with different image when clicked

For my wordpress site, I need some images arranged in a grid and when one is clicked a specific (different) image is displayed bigger. I thought that there maybe is a lightbox/gallery plugin, where one enters the link for the small and big picture, and I can just use the link to a different image instead of to the same one, but bigger. Does anyone know a plugin that works like that? Or any other way to make that work?
You can use "WP Gallery Custom Links" plugin to set different image link by using "custom URL" option.
Simply go to a post or page and create a new gallery. You will see the custom link meta fields for individual images in a gallery.

How to make collection of the galleries on same page in drupal 7?

I need to have page that is collection of the galleries. Every gallery has to be represent by one image. When user click on that image whole gallery that image represents should open. And the same thing for every image. Something like on this site.
Of course there is non elegant way where for every gallery we have to make new content type, and views for each of it. But I want to make it easy for client to add new gallerias, without building views every time. Is there a module that makes collection of galleries. If someone want to help me and lead me step by step it would be appreciate.
You can do this using Node gallery module,
The Node Gallery module allows you to create multimedia galleries
where both the galleries and the gallery items are nodes. (as opposed
to gallery items being file fields, like Media Gallery)
Check the demo here

Home page manageable content in wordpress

I have a WP website which has a home with a top banner and 2 more controllable panel like here.
My question is what is the best way to keep this controllable via admin?
The way I did it was to create two categories by the names "Latest Updates" and "New in 2013!" and then coded it such that the posts coming under the categories gets displayed in their respective panels on the home page. The image as usual controlled via the Featured Image of the post. A pretty basic setup to manage its content via posts to keep the layout intact and at the same time do the task.
I had suggestions where we should keep it right there in WP editor for control i.e. put all the div / ul / li etc. right there in the WP editor using the text part and have the admin control it right from there.
I need to know which method is better for implementation i.e. managing via posts like it is now or keep it right there in the editor and put HTML content in the editor.
All recommendations much appreciated.
Your first one method is correct ,easy and safe.
Safe Because,If accidentally any change in editor then all showing content breaked

Wordpress: How to administrate Background-Image and Content Slide

I am about to build a Wordpress theme for a non-blog website. I am familiar with the basic post/page concept and I used to set a static page being the front page.
Now I want the fron-page to change *its background image* and a little part of its content every few seconds (Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve.)
I already know how to develop the javascript and HTML part of that! I would like to know how to make those changeable items (background-image as well as the small content) to be managable in the Wordpress admin area (Since that's the whole point o a cms, right :-)).
How would you do that? Is there a plugin to connect custom contents like that? Or do I have to build my own plugin? I would appreciate your thoughts :-)
The rough steps to take:
Create a custom posttype
In the supports option enable thumbnail
Create a few posts with a featured image (and other data you want)
Fetch your posts using WP_Query
Loop your posts.
Do JS magic.
questions? ask.

General WordPress question

I have a project that i would like to complete in Wordpress.
Basically, the story is that I have 8 boxes on my page that would each be enclosed in their own div.
I want to have a form on another page that a user can fill out and they would get to choose a box in which to put images or text into. If a box is taken, they can’t choose that one and must choose another.
What would be the best approach for this? I was thinking something like a CSS gallery type theme but how would I go about letting the user choose which box?
Any ideas and nudges in the right direction is appreciated.
I would do this in Drupal, or straight php. I think wordpress is going to be an impediment here rather than a boon. I would make each box a drupal block or node and use the standard form, to allow users to trigger editing that box. Then use CCK in control content like pictures and text and the way they display. Hope this helps.
The only way I can see this going anywhere is more or less completely bypassing Wordpress. So you use Wordpress only to render the theme, but the form action goes straight to PHP.
This way you're free to parse the form posts and store the uploaded images somewhere.
You could try to shoehorn everything into a Wordpress comment, but I don't think attaching files would work. So your best bet is to just have the form action point to a PHP file and handle everything manually.
It should be easy enough to query a custom table in the database using your theme's functions.php and $wpdb.
