Can you use glob syntax inside of packages with meteor? - meteor

I have a package in meteor that gets a little tedious to add all the bits.
// etc...
By chance, does there exist a way to use glob syntax in order to add files to the api? For example:
I know node-glob exists, but can this be used within a package?

api.addFiles does not support glob syntax, but you can use glob npm package:
glob: '6.0.1'
Package.onUse(function(api) {
var globSync = Npm.require('glob').sync;


Set version number in package.json

I'd like to add a grunt task that accepts a version number. This version number will then be set in the package.json file. I have found grunt-bump, which bumps the version number, but I would like to set the version number to a known value, that will come from the build server.
Grunt task:
grunt.registerTask('setversion', function() {
// Something to go here to update the version number.
"name": "scoreboard",
"version": "0.2",
Anyone got any idea's?
You could use something like:
grunt.registerTask('setversion', function(arg1) {
console.log("Attempting to update version to "+arg1);
var parsedJson= grunt.file.readJSON("package.json");//read in the current
parsedJson["version"] = arg1; //set the top level version field to arg1
grunt.file.write("package.json", JSON.stringify(parsedJson, null, 2));
add in some error checking etc.. make sure package.json is writable and execute with grunt setversion:newVersion e.g.: grunt setversion:0.3
Thanks for the answer, but it turned out to be a lot more straightforward. I am using TeamCity, so I ran an NPM task with the following command, where follows the pattern n.n.n, e.g.: 0.1.6.
--no-git-tag-version version

Is it possible to have more than one reporter & reporterOutput in jshint?

In my options, I have a reporter and reporterOutput defined on my grunt task for jshint. But I'd like to write out two files from the same data. Is it possible with jshint using the options or do I just need to define 2 grunt tasks that will do the same thing but output different formats of the same results?
I also want to do the same thing with jscs output.
In your custom reporter, in order to create the output file you just return the following code:
Let's imagine reporterHTMLJS is your custom HTML output. What you can do before that is just use that HTML and create a second file, before the JSHint or JSCS module creates it. Something similar to that:
fs = require('fs');
fs.writeFile("./jshint/secondJSHintReport.html", reportHtmlJS, function (err) {
if (err) {
You can also use some Grunt module, like grunt-contrib-copy and grunt-contrib-rename, and create new grunt task that will execute first jshint/jscs and then copy the file and rename it."jshint copy:jshint rename:jshint");"jscs copy:jscs rename:jscs");

Gulp Sass - How to properly name the output css?

I'm reading a tutorial about sass here then I tried some other approach and I cant get the answer in this tutorial. Theres the problem. I have this code in my gulpfile.js
gulp.task('compileNavbar', function() {
As of now, I only have assets/css/sass/guest.navbar.scss and this code locates the scss files correctly and puts the output css file in the correct directory BUT the css is named as guest.navbar.css which I didnt expect. I want it to be named as navbar.css but how to?
gulp-sass doesn't take any file name parameters. Use gulp-rename to rename your files. If you have more than one .navbar.scss files you want to concatenate into one navbar.css files, feel free to use gulp-concat. This one takes a file name parameter :-)
Install gulp-rename with npm install gulp-rename --save-dev
var rename = require('gulp-rename');
return gulp.src('assets/css/sass/**/*/*.navbar.scss')
Install gulp-concat with npm install gulp-concat --save-dev
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
return gulp.src('assets/css/sass/**/*/*.navbar.scss')

Gulp gulp-less and gulp-sourcemaps giving wrong sourceMappingURL

I have a gulp workflow with a simple less task like so:
gulp.task('less', function() {
sourceMap: true
I want the gulp-sourcemaps module to display source maps as inline comments in my CSS file.
But whenever gulp compiles my LESS, the gulp-sourcemaps isn't displaying a path to my source file.
Instead, it displays something like this:
/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJzb3VyY2
sb3I6IHllbGxvdyAhaW1wb3J0YW50O1xyXG59Il0sInNvdXJjZVJvb3QiOiIvc291cmNlLyJ9 */
I dramatically simplified my gulpfile, removing livereload, autoprefixer and such.
But even in this stripped down version I can't get the source URL to be right.
Been over this thing for quite some time now, any help would be very much appreciated!
You already have sourcemaps inline there. If you base64 decode what comes after sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64, you'll get this:
{"version":3,"sources":["main.less"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA;EACI,mCAAA","file":"main.css","sourcesContent":["nav {\r\n background-color: yellow !important;\r\n}"],"sourceRoot":"/source/"}
Try it yourself here:
For those who stumble upon this post and are wondering how to get a separate file for the map that's is not in base64 format - you can pass a path relative to the destination.
For example:

Grunt - Command Line Arguments, not working

I am using command line options in my grunt script:
However the command grunt --vers:0.0.1 always returns 'undefined' when I try to get the option:
var version = grunt.option('vers') || '';
Can you help me get this working ?
I tried different (CLI) commands:
grunt vers:asd
grunt -vers:asd
grunt vers=asd
as well as using :
But no luck so far. Hopefully I am missing something simple.
This is my package.js file:
"name": "",
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "Kurst EventDispatcher / Docs Demo ",
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "~0.4.1",
"grunt-contrib-yuidoc": "*",
"grunt-typescript": "~0.1.3",
"uglify-js": "~2.3.5",
"grunt-lib-contrib": "~0.6.0",
The proper syntax for specifying a command line argument in Grunt is:
grunt --option1=myValue
Then, in the grunt file you can access the value and print it like this:
console.log( grunt.option( "option1" ) );
Also, another reason you are probably having issues with --vers is because its already a grunt option that returns the version:
★ grunt --vers
grunt-cli v0.1.7
grunt v0.4.1
So it would probably be a good idea to switch to a different option name.
It is worth mentioning that as the amount of command line arguments you want to use grows, you will run into collisions with some arguments that grunt uses internally.
I got around this problem with nopt-grunt
From the Plugin author:
Grunt is awesome. Grunt's support for using additional command line options is not awesome. The current documentation is misleading in that they give examples of using boolean flags and options with values, but they don't tell you that it only works that way with a single option. Try and use more than one option and things fall apart quickly.
It's definitely worth checking out
