Shiny evaluates twice - r

I have a rather complex Shiny application and something weird happens:
When I print out some of my intermediate steps the App makes, everything gets printed out twice. That means, everything gets evaluated etc. twice.
I know without seeing the progamme its rather hard to tell what causes the problem, but maybe someone can pin point me (based on experierence/knowledge) what might be the problem.

Like I mentioned in the comment, isolate() should solve your problem.
Beyond the documentation of Rstudio
I recommend the following blog article for interesting informations beyond the RStudio docu.
In a nutshell, the easiest way to deal with triggering is to wrap your code in isolate() and then just write down the variables/inputs, that should trigger changes before the isolate.
output$text <- renderText({
input$mytext # I trigger changes
isolate({ # No more dependencies from here on
# do stuff with input$mytext
# .....
finishedtext = input$mytext
Reproducible example:
ui <- fluidPage(
textInput(inputId = "mytext", label = "I trigger changes", value = "Init"),
textInput(inputId = "mytext2", label = "I DONT trigger changes"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$text <- renderText({
input$mytext # I trigger changes
isolate({ # No more dependencies from here on
# do stuff with input$mytext
# .....
finishedtext = input$mytext
shinyApp(ui, server)

I encountered the same problem when using brush events in plotOutput. The solution turned out to be resetOnNew = T when calling plotOutput to prevent changes in my plot causing the brush event to be evaluated again.


How to add Update (Refresh) Button to the app.R

I added the button but the values will automatically change before I hit "Update Order", I don't know how to fix it. Should be like this:enter image description hereBelow is my code:
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("My Simple App"),
helpText("Controls for my app"),
label = "Choose a fruit",
choices = list("Apples",
selected = "Percent White"),
label = "Order Amount:",
min=0, max = 100, value=20),
actionButton ("Update","Update Order")
helpText("Fruit Chosen:"),
helpText("Order Amount"),
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
SelectInput <- eventReactive (input$Update , {
output$fruit = renderText(input$fruitchoice)
output$amt = renderText(input$amt)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I will show you, how to rewrite your code to get this update behavior, however I would like to also get you know that this part of code:
SelectInput <- eventReactive (input$Update , {
Is wrong for three reasons: (1) object amt do not exists, you probably want input$amt; (2) even if you change amt to input$amt code won't work and you will get error; (3) now you are not using SelectInput in any place in your application, so there is no reason for this part to exists, however as I don't know what is your aim and how will look the final app, I'm not saying this is generally wrong.
Ok, so now about this update button. We will focus on this code:
output$fruit = renderText(input$fruitchoice)
output$amt = renderText(input$amt)
Here you instruct program to (re)render text when input$fruitchoice or (in second line) when input$amt change, but you want to (re)render text only when user clicks the button, so you need two things - first, be sure that user clicked the button and do not (re)render text when one of input$ changes. This will work:
output$fruit = renderText({
output$amt = renderText({
If I understand Shiny correctly, isolate() makes sure that text is not (re)rendering when input$ changes (however it has internally the new values) and req() makes sure that the input$Update was clicked; and when is clicked again, Shiny recomputes [(re)renders] text. It recomputes, because we didn't use isolate() on input$Update I think.
There's a few things wrong in your code. I will give a bit of explanation for each one:
You are initializing with reactive inputs. By using renderText(input$...) you create a text output that updates automatically when your input updates. Automatically is the problem here, you don't want that. We are going to write an alternative method that stores the inputs in a separate variable that we only allow to be updated when the button is pressed. We initialize that variable like so:
rv <- reactiveValues(fruit = "Apples",
amt = 20)
EventReactive creates a reactive variable that can later be used in the code. Generally speaking what you want to use in these kind of scenarios is observeEvent. You can do so like this:
observeEvent (input$Update , {
rv$fruit <- input$fruitchoice
rv$amt <- input$amt
We now have a list of variables under the name "rv" and an observeEvent that updates this variable every time the button gets pressed. All that is left to do is create the renderText which you can do like so:
output$fruit <- renderText(rv$fruit)
output$amt <- renderText(rv$amt)

ObserveEvent and textInput, confusing behaviour

Having following simple application:
ui <- fluidPage(
textInput('search', 'Look for a model')
server <- function(input, output, session) {
options <- c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
output$model <- renderUI({
"Select a model:",
"Select a model:",
options[grep(input$search, options)])
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I want to display choices to the user with a already preselected. Later, I would like to update the CheckboxGroupInput only after user starts typing into a search box . However, the checkbox seems to be updated immediately and the preselected choice a is not displayed.
Why does the observeEvent does not wait for interaction with the inputText? Any ideas how I could fix this and wait until user starts typing (I don't want to use button)?
Prevent execution of observe on app load in Shiny provides the answer. The observeEvent will just not be executed on start.
EDIT: (to make answer explicit as #lbusett suggested)
Setting ignoreInit = TRUE in the call to observeEvent solves the problem.

Saving User inputs at end of Shiny session?

I am trying to make Shiny App which allows users to save inputs and later load them.
Easiest way to approach this, is to make Save button, which saves inputs. Here is basic app to demonstrate:
ui <- fluidPage(
sliderInput("integer", "Integer:",
min = 0, max = 1000,
value = 500)
actionButton('save_inputs', 'Save inputs')
server <- function(input, output, session) {
sliderValues <- reactive({
value = input$integer
output$values <- renderTable({
saveRDS( input$integer , file = 'integer.RDS')
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
However, I would like to make saving automatic, e.g. I want inputs to be saved at end of session. onSessionEnded() should be answer to this, but it can't reach input values and save them.
session$onSessionEnded( function() {
saveRDS( input$integer, file = 'integer.RDS')
Which returns error: Warning:
Error in .getReactiveEnvironment()$currentContext: Operation not
allowed without an active reactive context. (You tried to do something
that can only be done from inside a reactive expression or observer.)
Is there any way to solve it?
Using isolate seems to solve the problem.
session$onSessionEnded(function() {
isolate(saveRDS( input$integer, file = 'integer.RDS'))
Using another observe event function and watching the value of isClosed() we can
make this work
saveRDS( input$integer, file = 'integer.RDS')
observeEvent() as well as reactive() are both considered "reactive" environments which means they are watching for changing values throughout the session and not just on startup. If you put a function that needs to be reactive outside of a reactive environment shiny will do you the favor of sending you that error, to inform you the function would never be called unless we wrap it in a reactive function.
Also +1 for the well composed question.

R shiny - observeEvent - make the commands execute in order and in real time

My shiny app has to perform some slightly slower server-side calculations so I want the user to be able to keep track of what is happening while they are waiting. Here is a minimal example of the structure of my app:
What I would like to happen is:
Click submit
The app moves to the 'Output' tab panel
It displays the messages and outputs in the order they are listed in observeEvent
What actually happens is:
Click submit
Everything is executed server side at once
The UI is updated at the end
Is it possible to get what I want here?
I could not come up with a solution using your approach. Shiny seems to wait until everything in server = function(input, output) is computed, and displays the results just afterwards, when all components for output$... are available. I don't know if there is a way around that.
There is however a solution implemented, which you could try: Progress indicators
Implementation using your code:
ui = navbarPage(title="test", id="mainNavbarPage",
tabPanel("Input", value="tabinput",
numericInput('n', 'Number of obs', 100),
actionButton(inputId="submit_button", label="Submit")
tabPanel("Output", value="taboutput",
server = function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$submit_button, {
# Move to results page
updateNavbarPage(session, "mainNavbarPage", selected="taboutput")
withProgress(message = "Computing results", detail = "fetching data", value = 0, {
incProgress(0.25, detail = "computing results")
# Perform lots of calculations that may take some time
incProgress(0.25, detail = "part two")
incProgress(0.25, detail = "generating plot")
output$plot <- renderPlot({hist(runif(input$n)) })

R shiny Observe running Before loading of UI and this causes Null parameters

I am running into an issue because observe is being called first before the UI loads.
Here is my ui.R
selectInput("Desk", "Desk:" , as.matrix(getDesksUI())),
uiOutput("choose_Product"), #this is dynamically created UI
uiOutput("choose_File1"), #this is dynamically created UI
uiOutput("choose_Term1"), #this is dynamically created UI ....
Here is my Server.R
shinyServer(function(input, output,session) {
#this is dynamic UI
output$choose_Product <- renderUI({
selectInput("Product", "Product:", as.list(getProductUI(input$Desk)))
#this is dynamic UI
output$choose_File1 <- renderUI({
selectInput("File1", "File 1:", as.list(getFileUI(input$Desk, input$Product)))
#this is dynamic UI and I want it to run before the Observe function so the call
# to getTerm1UI(input$Desk, input$Product, input$File1) has non-null parameters
output$choose_Term1 <- renderUI({
print("Rendering UI for TERM")
print(paste(input$Desk," ", input$Product, " ", input$File1,sep=""))
selectInput("Term1", "Term:", getTerm1UI(input$Desk, input$Product, input$File1))
This is my observe function and it runs before the input$Product and input$File1 are populated so I get an error because they are both NULL. But I need to use the input from the UI.
print("in observe")
max_plots<-length(getTerm2UI(input$Desk, input$Product, input$File1))
# Call renderPlot for each one. Plots are only actually generated when they
# are visible on the web page.
for (i in 1:max_plots ) {
# Need local so that each item gets its own number. Without it, the value
# of i in the renderPlot() will be the same across all instances, because
# of when the expression is evaluated.
my_i <- i
plotname <- paste("plot", my_i, sep="")
output[[plotname]] <- renderPlot({
plot(1:my_i, 1:my_i,
xlim = c(1, max_plots ),
ylim = c(1, max_plots ),
main = paste("1:", my_i, ". n is ", input$n, sep = "") )
}##### End FoR Loop
},priority = -1000)
Any idea how to get the input$Product and input$File1 to be populated BEFORE observe runs?
Thank you.
EDIT: Scroll down to TClavelle's answer for a better solution. While this answer has the most upvotes, I wrote it when Shiny had fewer features than it does today.
The simplest way is to add an is.null(input$Product) check at the top of each observe, to prevent it from running before the inputs it uses are initialized.
If you don't want your observers to do the null-check each time they're run, you can also use the suspended = TRUE argument when registering them to prevent them from running; then write a separate observer that performs the check, and when it finds that all inputs are non-null, calls resume() on the suspended observers and suspends itself.
You need to use the Shiny Event Handler and use observeEvent instead of observe. It seems to be about the only way to get rid of the "Unhandled error" message caused by NULL values on app startup. This is so because unlike observe the event handler ignores NULL values by default.
So your observe function could end up looking something like this (no need for priorities, or resume/suspended etc!)
observeEvent(input$Product, ({
max_plots<-length(getTerm2UI(input$Desk, input$Product, input$File1))
... (etc)
})# end of the function to be executed whenever input$Product changes
I could not copy paste your example code easily to make it run, so I'm not entirely sure what your full observe function would look like.
You can use req() to "require" an input before a reactive expression executes, as per the Shiny documentation here: and the function documentation here:
# ...
We'd need an MRE to provide a working answer, but, assuming you need input$Product and input$File1, but do not want to take a dependency on them, only on input$Desk, you could:
product <- isolate(input$Product)
file1 <- isolate(input$File1)
print("in observe")
max_plots<-length(getTerm2UI(input$Desk, product, file1))
for (i in 1:max_plots ) {
# ...
this is probably effectively equivalent to an observeEvent(input$Desk, ....), but might offer more flexibility.
