Media Query for Multiple Height & Width - css

I am constructing a responsive website, and have designed it to look correct for desktop view.
I am currently tweaking it now for responsive breakpoints/media queries.
Here's the problem that I would like guidance on:
From my understanding, I've seen people only use width for their break points. In which case I did the same thing and make it look good on all the width break points.
However, I happened to be testing using the google chrome developer tool and started selecting specific devices (iphone 5, iphone 6, iphone 6 plus, ipad, etc.)
And noticed something alarming, which was that the elements was getting pushed off the screen vertically at the top and bottom because each of these devices not only have different widths, but HEIGHTS as well.
So the perfectionist in my is thinking about setting a media query for both height and width for every major device, but I realize that this work, although can be done, might not be the most efficient, and I have not seen other tutorials do this.
My specific question is: if there is a more efficient way to developing a responsive site without having elements go off the screen vertically.
Added information: I have a div that contains an img, then a h1 below it, then a bootstrap row with col-sm-6
The img width is in px (I experimented with vh/vw and %, but that seemed to make it more difficult to control when it scaled)

You can not set media query for device height, You can set height only,
And do not depend only in google chrome developer tool because sometimes it will not response in proper way, so you have to test in actual device for batter view.


Making non responsive HTML reduce correctly for full-screen display in mobile devices

I've built flat page sites for years, largely with table architecture, and I know they must become more mobile compatible.
However, I actually WANT some of my non responsive sites to display in mobile screens as simply reduced-sized versions of themselves.
In an effort to understand the basics, I've created a simple page, no tables, one piece of art, and the meta tag which I understand is supposed to reduce a large size HTML page to fit within a mobile screen. But when I check this in a mobile screen emulator, my page is huge with just part of itself showing in the mobile screen. It's not reducing so that its full contents show within the screen.
What's the basic concept I'm missing?
You're using a set width.
No matter what screen you're using, if you set the width as pixels then it will be displayed as that many pixels.
No offense, but if you've been making sites for years and don't know this, then maybe it's not the right thing for you...
Read up on #media queries, vw,vh and viewport widths.
Look at frameworks such as Bootstrap or Skeleton.

Does pinch zoom trigger media queries?

I've been developing a website on my local machine that has a fixed nav menu at the top. When a browser zooms in, I use media queries to compress the space between objects in the header so all objects fit on screen, and this works well on desktop.
However, I've noticed when testing on a mobile device (Android Galaxy S3) that these media queries are not triggered on pinch zoom, resulting in the icons expanding past the limits of the mobile viewport.
I can't find good documentation of this behavior online. I've seen it mentioned sporadically that this is designed behavior, and pinch zoom is like a 'magnifying glass' that should not activate media queries. I'm considering disabling the nav menu on mobile entirely. Is there a native way to deal with this problem, or will this require a javascript solution?
Here are two pictures. The first is the nav menu at no zoom, the second is the nav menu pinch zoomed on a mobile device.
Below are the two media queries I'm currently using. Note that I am using the meta viewport tag to set the content width as well; I can't think of anything else that might influence this behavior.
#media screen and (max-width: 74em){...}
#media screen and (max-width: 47em){...}
I have tried px measurements as well.
Let me know if any more information is required. Thank you for your help.
I was oscillating between fixing the viewport to the device width and fixing it to an absolute width, as well as testing between browsers. Setting the meta viewport tag to device-width works on some browsers, but not all, and it appears mobile has historically poor support for fixed headers. I ultimately opted to simply disable the header on certain devices; I think any other solution would demand using javascript and probably yield a pretty poor performance on mobile devices.
As well, setting the viewport to device-width may compress the body of an HTML page set to 100% height to less than the device height, which is a problem if you're working with a footer. I ultimately solved this by padding out the body with extra space depending on the aspect ratio.
After dealing with this problem I'd recommend avoiding fixed items on mobile devices, unless you specifically target a userAgent. In general mobile devices are too dynamic in size, and using fixed headers seem to be a bit more trouble then they're worth.

Creating consistent physical font-size on mobile browser

On mobile, most of my client's website looks like the regular desktop page. It hasn't been made responsive, but it's being worked on. Since the body width is fixed at 1000px, it's all tiny text and stuff in your mobile browser. So that will be a double tap party to actually read the content.
So what is my question? I'm building a little notification bar for mobile. It's a little yellow bar that slides in from the bottom of a webpage, telling the user that the page they're viewing isn't optimized for mobile yet. Apart from the fact whether you'd actually want this, I'm trying to figure out how to make the fonts inside of the bar to have a consistent physical size on all devices. Problem is that all devices these days have a wide range of DPI. Another question I found on StackOverflow deals with this, but only treats the desktop case. Mobile is a whole different ballgame.
I've been meddling with mm in CSS, but the inconsistency in textrendering between browsers is beyond massive. I guess I could do it by calculating font-size in px based on pixel density. Or by writing a bunch of media queries for all DPI variations. But that all seems stupid. Am I overlooking something here? Is there an easier way to do this?
Use "em" as unit instead of mm or px. It adapts automatically to the font that the reader uses.
p {

what units do you use for css for mobile web apps?

px? em? pt? seems like with varying device sizes and densities it's getting to be time to use something absolute like pts. Can anyone point me to a good, recent write-up of what to use when?
(I'm specifically targeting webkit-based mobile devices as my primary platform, though the site needs to work on large monitors, as well. I'm fine ignoring IE and older browsers for the most part.)
Check out this and that from Luke Wroblewski. Googling his name will find more.
As you say with high density phones you should avoid px but also pt that originally was for printing. As you setup your site to comply with most browsers, mobile or not, set your body font-size using percentage (historically better support I say without source) and then use em through your document. This allow your users to set their preferred font-size in their (mobile phones) browser settings and let you keep your relations between your different font-sizes.
As a web developer, I stick to pixels because this is already a standard for all digital display devices. Most mobile phones now come in screens based on pixels, and phones are able to resize to fit your content.
You simply have to make sure that you minimize the amount of content on each page for fast loading and rendering.
I think that you are best designing multiple CSS style sheets for browser window sizes,
Aside from that the best method in my mind is percentages - that way the content is always relative to the screen it is being viewed on. And then use em for font-sizes which is similar in the way it works to the way percentage works for layout sizes.

How can effectively use dynamic CSS in a mobile browser?

I am trying to develop a mobile version of my web application and I am having trouble getting it to look good on multiple browsers. I figure if I use some device capability detection I can dynamically generate widths and font-sizes based on a particular devices screen size. The problem is that it seems like a mobile browser doesn't treat 1px of CSS width equal to 1px of screen width. On an iPhone with a screen width of 320px, a body tag that is 320px wide takes up only about a 1/4th of the page. With no real frame of reference, it makes it hard for me to say "On a screen of 320px wide, make the font 16px" or something along those lines. Is there some general rule of thumb I can use to calculate the real browser width in CSS, or some calculation using multiple device capabilities that will help me generate dynamic CSS more effectively?
Try defining sizes and font weights in relative units. I would give % and em a go. Many mobile browsers try to scale everything down so that they render normal websites nicely. You may find you need specialy meta tags or the like to controll these browsers.
