I am trying to implement spotify in my Android app through Spotify Android Api, when I am trying to get the access token, I am getting "#" instead of "?" to set the GET parameters in the redirect uri like this http://192.168.x.xx:8080/callbackspotify.php#access_token=BQA4Ze8sb-pBUvjJiNzNGbB08RzhNNgwJJ94k9Dp_QADbo_AagMaD7_J50PWY...&token_type=Bearer&expires_in=3600.
Does anyone knows what am I doing wrong or how to handle that # simbol?
Please put Redirect URIs in your Spotify developer dashboard like i share image
use ngrok, instead of your local IP
I have an app in xamarin forms, and I need to implement Google authentication. In my Google API, I have OAuth credentials using Web Application.
The problem is in the Authorized redirect URIs: when I configure the URI using the https, I can choose what account to log in to. After choosing the one I want, I get this error:
Seeing some Youtube videos, I´ve seen that I need to use HTTP instead of HTTPS, but when I try to use this way, I get this error BEFORE I get the Google user´s accounts lists:
So I´m sticking in it and can´t authenticate the user.
I´m using Xamarin Forms, and on the app, there´s no exception thrown.
The redirect URI (where the response is returned to) has to be registered in the APIs console, and the error is indicating that you haven't done that, or haven't done it correctly.
Go to the console for your project and look under API Access. You should see your client ID & client secret there, along with a list of redirect URIs. If the URI you want isn't listed, click edit settings and add the URI to the list.
Note that updating the google api console and that change being present can take some time. Generally only a few minutes but sometimes it seems longer.
I am working on a react-native based project where google made it frustratingly hard to implement their oAuth without using an SDK.
First of all, WebView is not allowed to oAuth. So I attempted to implement it through normal browser / chrome tab where redirect is my app id like com.myCompany.myApp but when I add this as allowed oAuth redirect url I get error in google cloud console that this is not a valid redirect id for web based project.
I then tried to set it up with firebase dynamic links, But when I save changes it errors with Request contains an invalid argument.
Different type of OAuth keys have different redirect requirements and best practices. It's too numerous to name them all, so please see this documentation.
In general, if it's an installed app or a mobile app, the redirect URI isn't as important because you are just redirecting back to the app. However for web based app OAuth keys, you will need to be very careful with the redirect because it carries your access token. You can read more about redirect URIs and see what would qualify as a proper URI.
Basically Google makes sure your URI seems ok for your OAuth key type, otherwise it will reject it.
You cant use it because your app id is not an valid URI
This is the path in your application that users are redirected to after they have authenticated with Google. The path will be appended with the authorization code for access. Must have a protocol. Cannot contain URL fragments or relative paths. Cannot be a public IP address.
You cant redirect to an app id there is no way of knowing where the redirect should go. The following are valid redirect URIs
I have written a multiplayer game using Libgdx and I would like to add a facebook login option. On the server side, I am using NodeJS and PassportJS to validate requests. So far I am able to send and receive HTTP requests using Libgdx's HttpRequest and HttpResponseListener.
My question is, is Libgdx able to display an http response in a way that a browser would? If not, I don't see how user will be able to confirm facebook permissions since I cannot show them the response they get from the facebook. I would greatly appreciate if someone can tell me how this would work. (As far as I know, nodejs redirects user to a facebook page, so I will be getting an http content to my code in Libgdx)
Note: I aim to use the application both in ios android and desktop.
I'm doing an application for android, iOS and Windows Phone using Xamarin.forms.
I need to implement login with most common social for all platforms and I have found on web Restsharp.Portable.
I'm having trouble to understand how to use the library (it was correctly imported) for OAuth2 request.
Does anyone have any example or guide that could be helpful?
I struggled with restsharp.portable due to the lack of documentation.
Instead I used the redirect URL as a way of getting the code generated after the user gives permission needed to request the access token.
I gave the browser the correct adddress for the login/permission screen and for the Redirect I set to a made up address (http://madeupaddress.com) and on the Navigating event of the browser checked if the url started with my made up address, if so, I cancel navigation, closed the browser and take the token from the URI.Query parameters found in the navigating event parameters (or named differently depending on control/platform). I thenapply for the access token using the code via Microsoft HTTP Client.
This was for Windows Phone 8.1.
Thanks go to Vittorio Bertocci
I ended up using Microsoft Httpclient for the access token.
I just manually implemented a facebook oauth2 flow into my webapp. After receiving the correct access_token and trying to call the graph api for user data I got a 400 BAD REQUEST as response.
GET https://graph.facebook.com/me?accessToken=MY_CORRECT_TOKEN&fields=id,name,email
When I use exactly the same call within the dev tools provided on facebook it succeeds, but when I try using any other http client it doesnt work.
I already tried it with curl, apache commons and some other http clients.
Is there someone able to help me with this?
Thanks in advance
The format of your API call is incorrect. Try the following instead:
GET https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=MY_CORRECT_TOKEN&fields=id,name,email
The accessToken in your URL should actually be access_token.
For people landing here with the same error message but different problem, you can also check, if you have both IPv4 and IPv6 connections, that both IPs (v4 and v6) are authorized in Facebook OAuth parameters (on developer.facebook.com). That solved my problem.
In my case, my "permanent" access token expired.