ggplot2 grey-scale-schemes: suggestions for clarifying changepoint plot - r

I can plot multiple simultaneous time series that undergo changepoints and regimes using ggplot2, and I can use colour to make the regimes clear (plotting different sections in different colors using geom_rect). I need to produce a plot that makes it clear where the regimes are without the use of color. With three regimes it is possible to distinguish between the regimes using white, black and gray for shading, but it is difficult to tell them apart if more than three regimes are present.
I've put an example of a plot that I can make using color, I'd be very grateful if someone can suggest a plot that conveys the same information without the use of color.
# generate 3 time series and store them in a data frame
generate_cp_ts <- function(tau, params) {
ts(c(arima.sim(model = list(ar = 0.2), n = tau[1], rand.gen = function(n) params[1] * rnorm(n)), arima.sim(model = list(ar = 0.2), n = tau[2] - tau[1], rand.gen = function(n) params[2] * rnorm(n)), arima.sim(model = list(ar = 0.2), n = tau[3] - tau[2], rand.gen = function(n) params[3] * rnorm(n)), arima.sim(model = list(ar = 0.2), n = tau[4] - tau[3], rand.gen = function(n) params[4] * rnorm(n))))
tau <- 100 * (1:4)
ts1 <- generate_cp_ts(tau, c(1.7, 0.3, 1.7, 1.7))
ts2 <- generate_cp_ts(tau, c(0.3, 2, 0.3, 0.9))
ts3 <- generate_cp_ts(tau, c(2, 2, 0.1, 0.7))
tsframe <- data.frame(ts = c(ts1, ts2, ts3), ts_level = factor(paste("Time Series", rep(1:3, each = 400))), time = rep(1:400, 3))
# Work out which colors are needed to color the plot and store in a data frame
CPs <- c(0, tau)
colour.frame <- data.frame(regime.from = rep(CPs[-length(CPs)], each = 3), = rep(CPs[-1], each = 3), ts_level = factor(paste("Time Series", rep(c(1:3), length(CPs) - 1))), regime = factor(c(0,0,0, 1,1,0, 0,0,1, 0,2,2) + 1))
# Plotting
qplot(x = time, y = ts, data = tsframe, facets = ts_level ~ ., alpha = I(1), geom = "line", ylab = "Time Series", xlab = "Time") +
geom_rect(aes(NULL, NULL, xmin = regime.from, xmax =, fill = regime), ymin = -6, ymax = 6, data = colour.frame) +
scale_fill_manual(values = alpha(c("blue", "red", "green"), 0.2))
Plot generated by the above code

After you created colour.frame you can insert this code:
tdf <- colour.frame
tdf$xval <- (tdf$regime.from + tdf$
tdf$yval <- max(tsframe$ts) * 0.8 # if 0.8 is higher (0.9) then the text is set higher
ggplot(tsframe, aes(x = time, y = ts)) +
geom_line() +
facet_grid(ts_level~.) +
geom_vline(xintercept = CPs) + # maybe play around with linetype
geom_text(aes(x = xval, y = yval, label = regime), data = tdf)
which gives this plot:


How to make beautiful ROC curves for two models in the same plot?

I've trained two xgboost models, say model1 and model2. I have the AUC scores for each model and I want them to appear in the plot. I want to make beautiful ROC curves for both models in the same plot. Something like this:
How can I do that?
I usually use the library pROC, and I know I need to extract the scores, and the truth from each model, right?
so something like this maybe:
roc1 = roc(model1$truth, model1$scores)
roc2 = roc(model2$truth, model2$scores)
I also need the fpr and tpr for each model:
D1 = data.frame = (fpr = 1 - roc1$specificities, tpr = roc1$sensitivities)
D2 = data.frame = (fpr = 1 - roc2$specificities, tpr = roc2$sensitivities)
Then I can maybe add arrows to point out which curve is which:
arrows = tibble(x1 = c(0.5, 0.13) , x2 = c(0.32, 0.2), y1 = c(0.52, 0.83), y2 = c(0.7,0.7) )
And finally ggplot: (this part is missing)
ggplot(data = D1, aes(x = fpr, y = tpr)) +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE) +
geom_smooth(data = D2, color = 'red', se = FALSE) +
annotate("text", x = 0.5, 0.475, label = 'score of model 1') +
annotate("text", x = 0.13, y = 0.9, label = scores of model 2') +
So I need help with two things:
How do I get the right information out from the models, to make ROC curves? How do I get the truth and the prediction scores? The truth are just the labels of the target feature in the training set maybe?
How do I continue the code? and is my code right so far?
You can get the sensitivity and specifity in a data frame using coords from pROC. Just rbind the results for the two models after first attaching a column labelling each set as model 1 or model 2. To get the smooth-looking ROC with automatic labels you can use geom_textsmooth from the geomtextpath package:
roc1 <- roc(model1$truth, model1$scores)
roc2 <- roc(model2$truth, model2$scores)
df <- rbind(cbind(model = "Model 1", coords(roc1)),
cbind(model = "Model 2", coords(roc2)))
ggplot(df, aes(1 - specificity, sensitivity, color = model)) +
geom_textsmooth(aes(label = model), size = 7, se = FALSE, span = 0.2,
textcolour = "black", vjust = 1.5, linewidth = 1,
text_smoothing = 50) +
geom_abline() +
scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1", guide = "none", direction = -1) +
scale_x_continuous("False Positive Rate", labels = scales::percent) +
scale_y_continuous("True Positive Rate", labels = scales::percent) +
coord_equal(expand = FALSE) +
theme_classic(base_size = 20) +
theme(plot.margin = margin(10, 30, 10, 10))
Data used
model1 <- model2 <- data.frame(scores = rep(1:100, 50))
p1 <- model2$scores + rnorm(5000, 0, 20)
p2 <- model1$scores/100
model1$truth <- rbinom(5000, 1, (p1 - min(p1))/diff(range(p1)))
model2$truth <- rbinom(5000, 1, p2)

How to get a list of eigenvectors in R

When I do the below code on my data, since there are 35 variables the resulting plot is almost useless because of all the overlap. I can't seem to find anywhere that would give me the list of data that's used to make the plot. For instance, I have a factor called avg_sour that has a direction of about 272 degrees and a magnitude of 1. That's one of the few I can actually see. If I had this data in a table, however, I could see clearly what I'm looking for without having to zoom in and out every time. Add to that the fact that this is for a presentation, so I need to be able to make this visible quickly, without them looking at multiple things--but I think I could get away with a crowded graph and a table that explained the crowded portion. Seems like it ought to be simple, but...I'm afraid I haven't found it yet. Any ideas? I can use any package I can find.
ggbiplot(xD4PCA,obs.scale = .1, var.scale = 1,
varname.size = 3, labels.size=6, circle = T, alpha = 0, center = T)+
scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-2,2)) +
If your xD4PCA is from prcomp function, then $rotation gives you eigenvectors. See prcomp function - Value.
You may manually choose and add arrows from xD4PCA$rotation[,1:2]
I was working on this with sample data ir.pca, which is just simple prcomp object using iris data, and all these jobs are based on source code of ggbiplot.
pcobj <- ir.pca # change here with your prcomp object
nobs.factor <- sqrt(nrow(pcobj$x) - 1)
d <- pcobj$sdev
u <- sweep(pcobj$x, 2, 1 / (d * nobs.factor), FUN = '*')
v <- pcobj$rotation
choices = 1:2
choices <- pmin(choices, ncol(u))
df.u <-[,choices], 2, d[choices]^obs.scale, FUN='*'))
v <- sweep(v, 2, d^1, FUN='*')
df.v <-[, choices])
names(df.u) <- c('xvar', 'yvar')
names(df.v) <- names(df.u)
df.u <- df.u * nobs.factor
r <- sqrt(qchisq(circle.prob, df = 2)) * prod(colMeans(df.u^2))^(1/4)
v.scale <- rowSums(v^2)
df.v <- r * df.v / sqrt(max(v.scale))
df.v$varname <- rownames(v)
df.v$angle <- with(df.v, (180/pi) * atan(yvar / xvar))
df.v$hjust = with(df.v, (1 - 1.5 * sign(xvar)) / 2)
theta <- c(seq(-pi, pi, length = 50), seq(pi, -pi, length = 50))
circle <- data.frame(xvar = r * cos(theta), yvar = r * sin(theta))
df.v <- df.v[1:2,] # change here like df.v[1:2,]
ggbiplot::ggbiplot(ir.pca,obs.scale = .1, var.scale = 1,
varname.size = 3, labels.size=6, circle = T, alpha = 0, center = T, var.axes = FALSE)+
scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-2,2)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-2,2)) +
geom_segment(data = df.v, aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = xvar, yend = yvar),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(1/2, 'picas')),
color = muted('red')) +
geom_text(data = df.v,
aes(label = rownames(df.v), x = xvar, y = yvar,
angle = angle, hjust = hjust),
color = 'darkred', size = 3)
scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-2,2)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-2,2)) +
geom_path(data = circle, color = muted('white'),
size = 1/2, alpha = 1/3)
Original one(having all four variables)
Edited one(select only first two variables)

Draw line through 2d density plot

I have a large dataset of gene expression from ~10,000 patient samples (TCGA), and I'm plotting a predicted expression value (x) and the actual observed value (y) of a certain gene signature. For my downstream analysis, I need to draw a precise line through the plot and calculate different parameters in samples above/below the line.
No matter how I draw a line through the data (geom_smooth(method = 'lm', 'glm', 'gam', or 'loess')), the line always seems imperfect - it doesn't cut through the data to my liking (red line is lm in figure).
After playing around for a while, I realized that the 2d kernel density lines (geom_density2d) actually do a good job of showing the slope/trends of my data, so I manually drew a line that kind of cuts through the density lines (black line in figure).
My question: how can I automatically draw a line that cuts through the kernel density lines, as for the black line in the figure? (Rather than manually playing with different intercepts and slopes till something looks good).
The best approach I can think of is to somehow calculate intercept and slope of the longest diameter for each of the kernel lines, take an average of all those intercepts and slopes and plot that line, but that's a bit out of my league. Maybe someone here has experience with this and can help?
A more hacky approach may be getting the x,y coords of each kernel density line from ggplot_build, and going from there, but it feels too hacky (and is also out of my league).
EDIT: Changed a few details to make the figure/analysis easier. (Density lines are smoother now).
samples <- 10000
r <- 0.9
data <- mvrnorm(n=samples, mu=c(0, 0), Sigma=matrix(c(2, r, r, 2), nrow=2))
x <- data[, 1] # standard normal (mu=0, sd=1)
y <- data[, 2] # standard normal (mu=0, sd=1)
test.df <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)
lm(y ~ x, test.df)
ggplot(test.df, aes(x, y)) +
geom_point(color = 'grey') +
geom_density2d(color = 'red', lwd = 0.5, contour = T, h = c(2,2)) + ### EDIT: h = c(2,2)
geom_smooth(method = "glm", se = F, lwd = 1, color = 'red') +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 0.7, lwd = 1, col = 'black') ## EDIT: slope to 0.7
I generally agree with #Hack-R.
However, it was kind of a fun problem and looking into ggplot_build is not such a big deal.
p <- ggplot(test.df, aes(x, y)) +
geom_density2d(color = 'red', lwd = 0.5, contour = T, h = c(2,2))
#basic version of your plot
p_built <- ggplot_build(p)
p_data <- p_built$data[[1]]
p_maxring <- p_data[p_data[['level']] == min(p_data[['level']]),] %>%
select(x,y) # extracts the x/y coordinates of the points on the largest ellipse from your 2d-density contour
Now this answer helped me to find the points on this ellipse which are furthest apart.
coord_mean <- c(x = mean(p_maxring$x), y = mean(p_maxring$y))
p_maxring <- p_maxring %>%
mutate (mean_dev = sqrt((x - mean(x))^2 + (y - mean(y))^2)) #extra column specifying the distance of each point to the mean of those points
coord_farthest <- c('x' = p_maxring$x[which.max(p_maxring$mean_dev)], 'y' = p_maxring$y[which.max(p_maxring$mean_dev)])
# gives the coordinates of the point farthest away from the mean point
farthest_from_farthest <- sqrt((p_maxring$x - coord_farthest['x'])^2 + (p_maxring$y - coord_farthest['y'])^2)
#now this looks which of the points is the farthest from the point farthest from the mean point :D
coord_fff <- c('x' = p_maxring$x[which.max(farthest_from_farthest)], 'y' = p_maxring$y[which.max(farthest_from_farthest)])
ggplot(test.df, aes(x, y)) +
geom_density2d(color = 'red', lwd = 0.5, contour = T, h = c(2,2)) +
# geom_segment using the coordinates of the points farthest apart
geom_segment((aes(x = coord_farthest['x'], y = coord_farthest['y'],
xend = coord_fff['x'], yend = coord_fff['y']))) +
geom_smooth(method = "glm", se = F, lwd = 1, color = 'red') +
# as per your request with your geom_smooth line
coord_equal is super important, because otherwise you will get super weird results - it messed up my brain too. Because if the coordinates are not set equal, the line will seemingly not pass through the point furthest apart from the mean...
I leave it to you to build this into a function in order to automate it. Also, I'll leave it to you to calculate the y-intercept and slope from the two points
Tjebo's approach was kind of good initially, but after a close look, I found that it found the longest distance between two points on an ellipse. While this is close to what I wanted, it failed with either an irregular shape of the ellipse, or the sparsity of points in the ellipse. This is because it measured the longest distance between two points; whereas what I really wanted is the longest diameter of an ellipse; i.e.: the semi-major axis. See image below for examples/details.
To find/draw density contours of specific density/percentage:
R - How to find points within specific Contour
To get the longest diameter ("semi-major axis") of an ellipse:
For function that returns intercept and slope (as in OP), see last piece of code.
The two pieces of code and images below compare two Tjebo's approach vs. my new approach based on the above posts.
#### Reprex from OP
samples <- 10000
r <- 0.9
data <- mvrnorm(n=samples, mu=c(0, 0), Sigma=matrix(c(2, r, r, 2), nrow=2))
x <- data[, 1] # standard normal (mu=0, sd=1)
y <- data[, 2] # standard normal (mu=0, sd=1)
test.df <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)
#### From Tjebo
p <- ggplot(test.df, aes(x, y)) +
geom_density2d(color = 'red', lwd = 0.5, contour = T, h = 2)
p_built <- ggplot_build(p)
p_data <- p_built$data[[1]]
p_maxring <- p_data[p_data[['level']] == min(p_data[['level']]),][,2:3]
coord_mean <- c(x = mean(p_maxring$x), y = mean(p_maxring$y))
p_maxring <- p_maxring %>%
mutate (mean_dev = sqrt((x - mean(x))^2 + (y - mean(y))^2)) #extra column specifying the distance of each point to the mean of those points
p_maxring = p_maxring[round(seq(1, nrow(p_maxring), nrow(p_maxring)/23)),] #### Make a small ellipse to illustrate flaws of approach
coord_farthest <- c('x' = p_maxring$x[which.max(p_maxring$mean_dev)], 'y' = p_maxring$y[which.max(p_maxring$mean_dev)])
# gives the coordinates of the point farthest away from the mean point
farthest_from_farthest <- sqrt((p_maxring$x - coord_farthest['x'])^2 + (p_maxring$y - coord_farthest['y'])^2)
#now this looks which of the points is the farthest from the point farthest from the mean point :D
coord_fff <- c('x' = p_maxring$x[which.max(farthest_from_farthest)], 'y' = p_maxring$y[which.max(farthest_from_farthest)])
farthest_2_points = data.frame(t(cbind(coord_farthest, coord_fff)))
plot(p_maxring[,1:2], asp=1)
lines(farthest_2_points, col = 'blue', lwd = 2)
#### From answer in another post
d = cbind(p_maxring[,1], p_maxring[,2])
r = ellipsoidhull(d)
exy = predict(r) ## the ellipsoid boundary
me = colMeans((exy))
dist2center = sqrt(rowSums((t(t(exy)-me))^2))
max(dist2center) ## major axis
lines(exy[dist2center == max(dist2center),], col = 'red', lwd = 2)
#### The plot here is made from the data in the reprex in OP, but with h = 0.5
samples <- 10000
r <- 0.9
data <- mvrnorm(n=samples, mu=c(0, 0), Sigma=matrix(c(2, r, r, 2), nrow=2))
x <- data[, 1] # standard normal (mu=0, sd=1)
y <- data[, 2] # standard normal (mu=0, sd=1)
test.df <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)
p <- ggplot(test.df, aes(x, y)) +
geom_density2d(color = 'red', lwd = 0.5, contour = T, h = 0.5) ## NOTE h = 0.5
p_built <- ggplot_build(p)
p_data <- p_built$data[[1]]
p_maxring <- p_data[p_data[['level']] == min(p_data[['level']]),][,2:3]
coord_mean <- c(x = mean(p_maxring$x), y = mean(p_maxring$y))
p_maxring <- p_maxring %>%
mutate (mean_dev = sqrt((x - mean(x))^2 + (y - mean(y))^2))
coord_farthest <- c('x' = p_maxring$x[which.max(p_maxring$mean_dev)], 'y' = p_maxring$y[which.max(p_maxring$mean_dev)])
farthest_from_farthest <- sqrt((p_maxring$x - coord_farthest['x'])^2 + (p_maxring$y - coord_farthest['y'])^2)
coord_fff <- c('x' = p_maxring$x[which.max(farthest_from_farthest)], 'y' = p_maxring$y[which.max(farthest_from_farthest)])
## h = 0.5
## Given the highly irregular shape of the contours, I will use only the largest contour line (0.95) for draing the line.
## Thus, average = 1. See function below for details.
ln = long.diam("x", "y", test.df, h = 0.5, average = 1) ## NOTE h = 0.5
ggplot(test.df, aes(x, y)) +
geom_density2d(color = 'red', lwd = 0.5, contour = T, h = 0.5) + ## NOTE h = 0.5
geom_segment((aes(x = coord_farthest['x'], y = coord_farthest['y'],
xend = coord_fff['x'], yend = coord_fff['y'])), col = 'blue', lwd = 2) +
geom_abline(intercept = ln[1], slope = ln[2], color = 'red', lwd = 2) +
Finally, I came up with the following function to deal with all this. Sorry for the lack of comments/clarity
#### This will return the intercept and slope of the longest diameter (semi-major axis).
####If Average = TRUE, it will average the int and slope across different density contours.
long.diam = function(x, y, df, probs = c(0.95, 0.5, 0.1), average = T, h = 2) {
fun.df = data.frame(cbind(df[,x], df[,y]))
colnames(fun.df) = c("x", "y")
dens = kde2d(fun.df$x, fun.df$y, n = 200, h = h)
dx <- diff(dens$x[1:2])
dy <- diff(dens$y[1:2])
sz <- sort(dens$z)
c1 <- cumsum(sz) * dx * dy
levels <- sapply(probs, function(x) {
approx(c1, sz, xout = 1 - x)$y
names(levels) = paste0("L", str_sub(formatC(probs, 2, format = 'f'), -2))
#plot(fun.df$x,fun.df$y, asp = 1)
#contour(dens, levels = levels, labels=probs, add=T, col = c('red', 'blue', 'green'), lwd = 2)
#contour(dens, add = T, col = 'red', lwd = 2)
ls <- contourLines(dens, levels = levels)
names(ls) = names(levels) = list()
for (i in 1:length(ls)) {
d = cbind(ls[[i]]$x, ls[[i]]$y)
exy = predict(ellipsoidhull(d))## the ellipsoid boundary
colnames(exy) = c("x", "y")
me = colMeans((exy)) ## center of the ellipse
dist2center = sqrt(rowSums((t(t(exy)-me))^2))
max.dist = data.frame(exy[rev(order(dist2center))[1:2],]) = lm(max.dist$y ~ max.dist$x)[[i]] = c(as.numeric($coefficients[1]), as.numeric($coefficients[2]))
names( = names(ls)
#plot(fun.df$x,fun.df$y, asp = 1)
#contour(dens, levels = levels, labels=probs, add=T, col = c('red', 'blue', 'green'), lwd = 2)
#abline([[1]], col = 'red', lwd = 2)
#abline([[2]], col = 'blue', lwd = 2)
#abline([[3]], col = 'green', lwd = 2)
#abline(apply(simplify2array(, 1, mean), col = 'black', lwd = 4)
if (isTRUE(average)) {
apply(simplify2array(, 1, mean)
} else {[[average]]
Finally, here's the final implementation of the different answers:
samples = 10000
r = 0.9
data = mvrnorm(n=samples, mu=c(0, 0), Sigma=matrix(c(2, r, r, 2), nrow=2))
x = data[, 1] # standard normal (mu=0, sd=1)
y = data[, 2] # standard normal (mu=0, sd=1)
#plot(x, y)
test.df = data.frame(x = x, y = y)
#### Find furthest two points of contour
p <- ggplot(test.df, aes(x, y)) +
geom_density2d(color = 'red', lwd = 2, contour = T, h = 2)
p_built <- ggplot_build(p)
p_data <- p_built$data[[1]]
p_maxring <- p_data[p_data[['level']] == min(p_data[['level']]),][,2:3]
coord_mean <- c(x = mean(p_maxring$x), y = mean(p_maxring$y))
p_maxring <- p_maxring %>%
mutate (mean_dev = sqrt((x - mean(x))^2 + (y - mean(y))^2))
coord_farthest <- c('x' = p_maxring$x[which.max(p_maxring$mean_dev)], 'y' = p_maxring$y[which.max(p_maxring$mean_dev)])
farthest_from_farthest <- sqrt((p_maxring$x - coord_farthest['x'])^2 + (p_maxring$y - coord_farthest['y'])^2)
coord_fff <- c('x' = p_maxring$x[which.max(farthest_from_farthest)], 'y' = p_maxring$y[which.max(farthest_from_farthest)])
#### Find the average intercept and slope of 3 contour lines (0.95, 0.5, 0.1), as in my long.diam function above.
## RED
ln = long.diam("x", "y", test.df)
#### Plot everything. Black line is GLM
ggplot(test.df, aes(x, y)) +
geom_point(color = 'grey') +
geom_density2d(color = 'red', lwd = 1, contour = T, h = 2) +
geom_smooth(method = "glm", se = F, lwd = 1, color = 'black') +
geom_abline(intercept = ln[1], slope = ln[2], col = 'red', lwd = 1) +
geom_segment((aes(x = coord_farthest['x'], y = coord_farthest['y'],
xend = coord_fff['x'], yend = coord_fff['y'])), col = 'blue', lwd = 1) +

dot plot different indicators, depending on the value, in R

I am visualising odds ratios.
You can find fake data and a plot below
Data <- data.frame(
odds = sample(0:9),
pvalue = c(0.1,0.04,0.02,0.03,0.2,0.5,0.03,
Y = sample(c("a", "b"), 5, replace = TRUE),
letters = letters[1:10]
dotplot(letters ~ odds| Y, data =Data,
aspect=0.5, layout = c(1,2), ylab=NULL)
I would like to show solid circles for p-values greater than 0.05, and empty circles if values are less than 0.05.
We could specify the pch with values 1/20 for empty/solid circles based on the 'pvalue' column.
dotplot(letters ~ odds| Y, data=Data, aspect= 0.5, layout= c(1,2),
ylab=NULL, pch= ifelse(Data$pvalue > 0.05, 20, 1))
The group argument together with pch should also do the job:
dotplot(letters ~ odds| Y, data =Data,
aspect=0.5, layout = c(1,2), ylab=NULL,
groups = pvalue <= 0.05,
pch = c(19, 21))
This is easy to create with ggplot2:
Data$significant <- Data$pvalue > 0.05
ggplot(Data, aes(x=odds, y=letters, shape=significant)) +
geom_point(size=4) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(from=0, to= 8, by=2)) +
scale_shape_manual(values=c(1, 16)) +
ylab("") +
facet_wrap(~ Y, ncol = 1, nrow = 2) +

Optimal/efficient plotting of survival/regression analysis results

I perform regression analyses on a daily basis. In my case this typically means estimation of the effect of continuous and categorical predictors on various outcomes. Survival analysis is probably the most common analysis that I perform. Such analyses are often presented in a very convenient way in journals. Here is an example:
I wonder if anyone has come across any publicly availble function or package that can:
directly use a regression object (coxph, lm, lmer, glm or whatever object you have)
plot the effect of each predictor on a forest plot, or perhaps even allow for plotting of a selection of the predictors.
for categorical predictors also display the reference category
Display the number of events in each category for factor variables (see image above). Display p values.
preferably use ggplot
offer some sort of customization
I am aware that sjPlot package allows for plotting of lme4, glm and lm results. But no package allows the abovementioned for coxph results and coxph is one of the most used regression methods. I have tried to create such a function myself but without any success. I have read this great post: Reproduce table and plot from journal but could not figure out how to "generalize" the code.
Any suggestions are much welcome.
Edit I've now put this together into a package on github. I've tested it using output from coxph, lm and glm.
Original code posted on SO (superseded by github package):
I've worked on this specifically for coxph models, though the same technique could be extended to other regression models, especially since it uses the broom package to extract the coefficients. The supplied forest_cox function takes as its arguments the output of coxph. (Data is pulled using model.frame to calculate the number of individuals in each group and to find the reference levels for factors.) It also takes a number of formatting arguments. The return value is a ggplot which can be printed, saved, etc.
The output is modelled on the NEJM figure shown in the question.
forest_cox <- function(cox, widths = c(0.10, 0.07, 0.05, 0.04, 0.54, 0.03, 0.17),
colour = "black", shape = 15, banded = TRUE) {
data <- model.frame(cox)
forest_terms <- data.frame(variable = names(attr(cox$terms, "dataClasses"))[-1],
term_label = attr(cox$terms, "term.labels"),
class = attr(cox$terms, "dataClasses")[-1], stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL) %>%
group_by(term_no = row_number()) %>% do({
if (.$class == "factor") {
tab <- table(eval(parse(text = .$term_label), data, parent.frame()))
level = names(tab),
level_no = 1:length(tab),
n = as.integer(tab),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
} else {
data.frame(., n = sum(! = .$term_label), data, parent.frame()))),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
}) %>%
ungroup %>%
mutate(term = paste0(term_label, replace(level,, "")),
y = n():1) %>%
left_join(tidy(cox), by = "term")
rel_x <- cumsum(c(0, widths / sum(widths)))
panes_x <- numeric(length(rel_x))
forest_panes <- 5:6
before_after_forest <- c(forest_panes[1] - 1, length(panes_x) - forest_panes[2])
panes_x[forest_panes] <- with(forest_terms, c(min(conf.low, na.rm = TRUE), max(conf.high, na.rm = TRUE)))
panes_x[-forest_panes] <-
panes_x[rep(forest_panes, before_after_forest)] +
diff(panes_x[forest_panes]) / diff(rel_x[forest_panes]) *
(rel_x[-(forest_panes)] - rel_x[rep(forest_panes, before_after_forest)])
forest_terms <- forest_terms %>%
mutate(variable_x = panes_x[1],
level_x = panes_x[2],
n_x = panes_x[3],
conf_int = ifelse( | level_no > 1,
sprintf("%0.2f (%0.2f-%0.2f)", exp(estimate), exp(conf.low), exp(conf.high)),
p = ifelse( | level_no > 1,
sprintf("%0.3f", p.value),
estimate = ifelse( | level_no > 1, estimate, 0),
conf_int_x = panes_x[forest_panes[2] + 1],
p_x = panes_x[forest_panes[2] + 2]
forest_lines <- data.frame(x = c(rep(c(0, mean(panes_x[forest_panes + 1]), mean(panes_x[forest_panes - 1])), each = 2),
panes_x[1], panes_x[length(panes_x)]),
y = c(rep(c(0.5, max(forest_terms$y) + 1.5), 3),
rep(max(forest_terms$y) + 0.5, 2)),
linetype = rep(c("dashed", "solid"), c(2, 6)),
group = rep(1:4, each = 2))
forest_headings <- data.frame(term = factor("Variable", levels = levels(forest_terms$term)),
x = c(panes_x[1],
panes_x[forest_panes[2] + 1],
panes_x[forest_panes[2] + 2]),
y = nrow(forest_terms) + 1,
label = c("Variable", "N", "Hazard Ratio", "", "p"),
hjust = c(0, 0, 0.5, 0, 1)
forest_rectangles <- data.frame(xmin = panes_x[1],
xmax = panes_x[forest_panes[2] + 2],
y = seq(max(forest_terms$y), 1, -2)) %>%
mutate(ymin = y - 0.5, ymax = y + 0.5)
forest_theme <- function() {
theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
strip.text = element_blank(),
panel.margin = unit(rep(2, 4), "mm")
forest_range <- exp(panes_x[forest_panes])
forest_breaks <- c(
if (forest_range[1] < 0.1) seq(max(0.02, ceiling(forest_range[1] / 0.02) * 0.02), 0.1, 0.02),
if (forest_range[1] < 0.8) seq(max(0.2, ceiling(forest_range[1] / 0.2) * 0.2), 0.8, 0.2),
if (forest_range[2] > 2) seq(2, min(10, floor(forest_range[2] / 2) * 2), 2),
if (forest_range[2] > 20) seq(20, min(100, floor(forest_range[2] / 20) * 20), 20)
main_plot <- ggplot(forest_terms, aes(y = y))
if (banded) {
main_plot <- main_plot +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax),
forest_rectangles, fill = "#EFEFEF")
main_plot <- main_plot +
geom_point(aes(estimate, y), size = 5, shape = shape, colour = colour) +
xmin = conf.low,
xmax = conf.high,
y = y),
height = 0.15, colour = colour) +
geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y, linetype = linetype, group = group),
forest_lines) +
scale_linetype_identity() +
scale_alpha_identity() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = log(forest_breaks),
labels = sprintf("%g", forest_breaks),
expand = c(0, 0)) +
geom_text(aes(x = x, label = label, hjust = hjust),
fontface = "bold") +
geom_text(aes(x = variable_x, label = variable),
subset(forest_terms, | level_no == 1),
fontface = "bold",
hjust = 0) +
geom_text(aes(x = level_x, label = level), hjust = 0, na.rm = TRUE) +
geom_text(aes(x = n_x, label = n), hjust = 0) +
geom_text(aes(x = conf_int_x, label = conf_int), hjust = 0) +
geom_text(aes(x = p_x, label = p), hjust = 1) +
Sample data and plot
pretty_lung <- lung %>%
Age = age,
Sex = factor(sex, labels = c("Male", "Female")),
ECOG = factor(lung$ph.ecog),
`Meal Cal` =
lung_cox <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ ., pretty_lung)
For a "write this code for me" question showing no effort, you certainly have a lot of specific demands. This doesn't fit your criteria, but maybe someone will find it useful in base graphics
The plot in the center panel can be just about anything so long as there is one plot per line and kindasorta fits within each. (Actually that's not true, any kind of plot can go in that panel if you want since it's just a normal plotting window). There are three examples in this code: points, box plots, lines.
This is the input data. Just a generic list and indices for "headers" so much better IMO than "directly using a regression object."
## indices of headers
idx <- c(1,5,7,22)
l <- list('Make/model' = rownames(mtcars),
'No. of\ncycles' = mtcars$cyl,
MPG = mtcars$mpg)
l[] <- lapply(seq_along(l), function(x)
ifelse(seq_along(l[[x]]) %in% idx, l[[x]], paste0(' ', l[[x]])))
# List of 3
# $ Make/model : chr [1:32] "Mazda RX4" " Mazda RX4 Wag" " Datsun 710" " Hornet 4 Drive" ...
# $ No. of
# cycles: chr [1:32] "6" " 6" " 4" " 6" ...
# $ MPG : chr [1:32] "21" " 21" " 22.8" " 21.4" ...
I realize this code generates a pdf. I didn't feel like changing it to an image to upload, so I converted it with imagemagick
## choose the type of plot you want
pl <- c('point','box','line')[1]
## extra (or less) c(bottom, left, top, right) spacing for additions in margins
pad <- c(0,0,0,0)
## default padding
oma <- c(1,1,2,1)
## proportional size of c(left, middle, right) panels
xfig = c(.25,.45,.3)
## proportional size of c(caption, main plot)
yfig = c(.15, .85)
cairo_pdf('~/desktop/pl.pdf', height = 9, width = 8)
x <- l[-3]
lx <- seq_along(x[[1]])
nx <- length(lx)
xcf <- cumsum(xfig)[-length(xfig)]
ycf <- cumsum(yfig)[-length(yfig)]
par(oma = oma, mar = c(0,0,0,0), family = 'serif')
plot.window(range(seq_along(x)), range(lx))
## bars -- see helper fn below
par(fig = c(0,1,ycf,1), oma = par('oma') + pad)
## caption
par(fig = c(0,1,0,ycf), mar = c(0,0,3,0), oma = oma + pad)
p <- par('usr')
rect(p[1], p[3], p[2], p[4], col = adjustcolor('cornsilk', .5))
mtext('\tFigure I: Some fancy statistical model results.',
adj = 0, font = 2, line = -1)
mtext(paste('\tHere we discuss the fancy graphic that you are currently reading',
'about. We worked really hard on it, and you\n\tshould appreciate',
'our hard work by citing this paper in your next manuscript.'),
adj = 0, line = -3)
## left panel -- select two columns
lp <- l[1:2]
par(fig = c(0,xcf[1],ycf,1), oma = oma + vec(pad, 0, 4))
plot_text(lp, c(1,2),
adj = rep(0:1, c(nx, nx)),
font = vec(1, 3, idx, nx),
col = c(rep(1, nx), vec(1, 'transparent', idx, nx))
) -> at
vtext(unique(at$x), max(at$y) + c(1,1.5), names(lp),
font = 2, xpd = NA, adj = c(0,1))
## right panel -- select three columns
rp <- l[c(2:3,3)]
par(fig = c(tail(xcf, -1),1,ycf,1), oma = oma + vec(pad, 0, 2))
plot_text(rp, c(1,2),
col = c(rep(vec(1, 'transparent', idx, nx), 2),
vec('transparent', 2, idx, nx)),
font = vec(1, 3, idx, nx),
adj = rep(c(NA,NA,1), each = nx)
) -> at
vtext(unique(at$x), max(at$y) + c(1.5,1,1), names(rp),
font = 2, xpd = NA, adj = c(NA, NA, 1), col = c(1,1,2))
## middle panel -- some generic plot
par(new = TRUE, fig = c(xcf[1], xcf[2], ycf, 1),
mar = c(0,2,0,2), oma = oma + vec(pad, 0, c(2,4)))
xx <- rev(rnorm(length(lx)))
yy <- rev(lx)
plot(xx, yy, ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE, type = 'n',
panel.first = {
segments(0, 0, 0, nx, lty = 'dashed')
panel.last = {
## option 1: points, confidence intervals
if (pl == 'point') {
points(xx, yy, pch = 15, col = vec(1, 2, idx, nx))
segments(xx * .5, yy, xx * 1.5, yy, col = vec(1, 2, idx, nx))
## option 2: boxplot, distributions
if (pl == 'box')
boxplot(rnorm(200) ~ rep_len(1:nx, 200), at = nx:1,
col = vec(par('bg'), 2, idx, nx),
horizontal = TRUE, axes = FALSE, add = TRUE)
## option 3: trend lines
if (pl == 'line') {
for (ii in 1:nx) {
n <- sample(40, 1)
wh <- which(nx:1 %in% ii)
lines(cumsum(rep(.1, n)) - 2, wh + cumsum(runif(n, -.2, .2)), xpd = NA,
col = (ii %in% idx) + 1L, lwd = c(1,3)[(ii %in% idx) + 1L])
## final touches
mtext('HR (95% confidence interval)', font = 2, line = -.5)
axis(1, at = -3:2, tcl = 0.2, mgp = c(0,0,0))
mtext(c('Worse','Better'), side = 1, line = 1, at = c(-4, 3))
try(silent = TRUE, {
## can just replace this with graphics::arrows with minor changes
## i just like the filled ones
rawr::arrows2(-.1, -1.5, -3, size = .5, width = .5)
rawr::arrows2(0.1, -1.5, 2, size = .5, width = .5)
Using these four helper functions (see example use in the body)
vec <- function(default, replacement, idx, n) {
# vec(1, 0, 2:3, 5); vec(1:5, 0, 2:3)
out <- if (missing(n))
default else rep(default, n)
out[idx] <- replacement
bars <- function(x, cols = c(NA, grey(.9)), horiz = TRUE) {
# plot(1:10, type = 'n'); bars(1:10)
p <- par('usr')
cols <- vec(cols[1], cols[2], which(!x %% 2), length(x))
x <- rev(x) + 0.5
if (horiz)
rect(p[1], x - 1L, p[2], x, border = NA, col = rev(cols), xpd = NA) else
rect(x - 1L, p[3], x, p[4], border = NA, col = rev(cols), xpd = NA)
vtext <- function(...) {Vectorize(text.default)(...); invisible()}
plot_text <- function(x, width = range(seq_along(x)), ...) {
# plot(col(mtcars), row(mtcars), type = 'n'); plot_text(mtcars)
lx <- lengths(x)[1]
rn <- range(seq_along(x))
sx <- (seq_along(x) - 1) / diff(rn) * diff(width) + width[1]
xx <- rep(sx, each = lx)
yy <- rep(rev(, length(x))
vtext(xx, yy, unlist(x), ..., xpd = NA)
invisible(list(x = sx, y = rev(
