Confused by RefererDeniedMapError - google-maps-api-3

I'm trying to use the Google Maps Javascript Geocoder code. I figured I'd start with their example at
I copied their code exactly, putting in my Browser Key where it said YOUR_API_KEY,
and the page seems to load for a moment, and then I get this error in my console:
Google Maps API error: RefererDeniedMapError
And a Javascript alert telling me that it was unable to load.
I have checked my developer console and I have enabled the Google Maps JavaScript API, and I don't have any referrers set up for that key (which is supposed to let all requests through), and yet I still get this error.
I have to believe I still have a setting wrong somewhere, but the console is so simple to use I can't identify where. Can anyone give me the benefits of their experiences on setting up the Browser key to work properly?
Thanks in advance,


Google Tag Manager strange requests

We were loading Google Analytics via GTM but I removed it in our testing account, but I noticed now that it seems to do some weird requests still to: (this I recognise as normal) (Content-type: application/javascript)
What the heck is the last one? Is it normal? What does it do?
From the source of the file I figured out it is Google Optimize.

I can't add Firebase to a google project, Invalid Entry

I'm trying to add Firebase to an existing google project. Basically I want to migrate the project to Firebase.
Steps that I followed
Go to
Click import google project
Select the project (I have owner permission, but I didn't create the project)
Select the country
Add firebase
I get the following error:
Invalid entry. Please make sure you represent your app accurately.
Until today I was getting a generic error such "An error happened, try again", but this has changed.
When I check the browser console for the error, the status code is 400.
Is there anyone who had the same issue and resolved it somehow?
Note that I tried the following options:
Different accounts
Different browsers
Incognito mode
Clear cache / Disable add-ons etc
Clearly logout/login again
Nothing worked so far and this blocks me to proceed.
It turns out the error was referring the name wasn't proper in Google console. It was something like "Foo bar bar". Nothing special though. I got support from Firebase and changing name something "foo-bar" solved the problem.
To be honest the error message is too vague. Hopefully this helps someone else.

Chinese (.cn) api calls .com AutocompletionService which results in failure

In order to make autocomplete work in China I referenced Chinese Google Maps Api, as suggested in the documentation.
When it's called to get autocomplete results, I see it correctly makes requests to:
... but then it makes a call to:
... which is unable to be completed when website is used in China because this domain is blocked in China.
See plunker demo (press F12, open Network tab, and watch requests as you type in the input).
Apparently SO questions with links to plunkr require code, so here is a reference to the script I use:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Here is a screenshot that shows the issue:
Here is a bug report, submitted to Google, which apparently looks all good to them.
Am I doing something wrong? Can someone please confirm they see the same behavior as I do?

Google Map API Issue. Using without API key

"Our Google's MAP implementation was working fine when suddenly an alert was being prompt by Google informing to any visitor that Google's MAP was deactivated in our site because it didn't have the correct domain references or because the key was wrong; the same key was working fine in one of our sub-domains, which we use for development purposes, so we were pretty sure that the issue didn't rely on our end. We also double checked the settings on Google's developers console and everything is setup properly.
At the end we removed the key from the API call temporarily until we find a solution; what are the consequences of not including the key and what recommendations could you give us to solve this issue?
We are also using Google's Page Speed technology.
One thing I tried was to make sure that the Referer patterns shown in the Google Developers Console were sufficiently generalised, e.g. ** rather than
This apparently helped but further testing was inconsistent with the alert shown almost always on Windows Safari (5.1.7) and Firefox (29.0.1). In contrast, it was rarely shown on Safari on iOS.
As my web app is unlikely to make 20000 requests a month, I decided to ditch the key and use
<script src=""></script>
So far, this has worked without any apparent issues.

Can I use google analytics on vkontakte?

I want to use Google Analytics on my Vkontakte application (written with Flex). Vkontakte does not support naturally in Google Analytics (not as Facebook) which means I can't even put the Google Analytics JS at the bottom of the page (or even use JS for that matter). What I can use is the AS3 library of Google Analytics, but for some reason it reports of failed gif requests every time I use it to report on an event.
Is it even possible to use Google Analytics on the described environment?
If so, what could be the reason of the failed gif requests? Is it debugable?
Update #1:
After debugging the "Google Analytics for flex" source code, I got this error: Error #2035: URL Not Found.
Update #2:
It turns out to be a known bug as suggested here. It works perfectly on IE.
Update #3:
It works on FF when I disable the "ABP Tracking Filter (by rick752)" filter at the "AdBlock Plus" extension.
It's possible, the problems I've experienced were due to FF problem as stated in the question.
One potentially relevant way to debug this: install a network monitor like Fiddler, and look at the requests going over the wire. Do you see the right GIF get downloaded? If so, you're good. If not, you'll see what's going on on the network.
Here's some info from Google on debugging the gif requests. What do you mean when you say it failed?
