Extract and organise values from a structure - r

I have the following structure as an output of computation:
structure(c(2L,1L,1L,2L), .Label=c("high","low"),
class="factor", prob=c(1,0.667,0.8,0.333))
What is the best way to extract information from this structure and represent in a data frame?
For instance:
Val Label Prob
2 low 1
1 high 0.667
1 high 0.8
2 low 0.333
I have tried as.numeric(), unname() but neither worked.

We can assign the parts we'd like. And as in most problems there are a few ways to get the attribute:
data.frame(Val=as.integer(x), Label=x, Prob=attr(x,"prob"))
Val Label Prob
1 2 low 1.000
2 1 high 0.667
3 1 high 0.800
4 2 low 0.333


How to attribuate a certain probability to each event using sample()

mystring<- sample (1:3, size=100)
I want to generate randomly this string of numbers, but I want that the probability of 2 to be 0.25 and those of 1 and 3 to be 0.375 and 0.375 respectively.
We can specify probabilities using prob=c()
mystring <-sample(1:3,size=10000,replace=TRUE,prob=c(0.375,0.25,0.375))
1 2 3
3752 2493 3755

create list and generate descriptives for each variable

I want to generate descriptive statistics for multiple variables at a time (close to 50), rather than writing out the code several times.
Here is a very basic example of data:
id var1 var2
1 1 3
2 2 3
3 1 4
4 2 4
I typically write out each line of code to get a frequency count and descriptives, like so:
I would like to create a list and get the output from these analyses, rather than writing out 100 lines of code. I tried this, but it is not working:
variable_list<-list(df1$var, df2$var)
for (variable in variable_list){
Does anyone have advice on getting this to work?
The describe from psych can take a data.frame and returns the descriptive statistics for each column
# vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
#id 1 4 2.5 1.29 2.5 2.5 1.48 1 4 3 0 -2.08 0.65
#var1 2 4 1.5 0.58 1.5 1.5 0.74 1 2 1 0 -2.44 0.29
#var2 3 4 3.5 0.58 3.5 3.5 0.74 3 4 1 0 -2.44 0.29
If it is subset of columns, specify either column index or column name to select and subset the dataset
Another option is descr from collapse
descr(slt(df1, 2:3))
Or to select numeric columns
Or for factors

Stacking two data frame columns into a single separate data frame column in R

I will present my question in two ways. First, requesting a solution for a task; and second, as a description of my overall objective (in case I am overthinking this and there is an easier solution).
1) Task Solution
Data context: each row contains four price variables (columns) representing (a) the price at which the respondent feels the product is too cheap; (b) the price that is perceived as a bargain; (c) the price that is perceived as expensive; (d) the price that is too expensive to purchase.
## mock data set
## result
# a b c d
#1 1 6 7 8
#2 5 6 8 10
#3 3 5 8 9
#4 4 6 10 11
#5 5 8 9 12
Task Objective: The goal is to create a single column in a new data frame that lists all of the unique values contained in a, b, c, and d.
#1 1
#2 3
#3 4
#4 5
#5 6
#12 12
My initial thought was to use rbind() and unique()...
...expecting that a, b, c and d would stack vertically.
[Pseudo illustration]
Instead, the "columns" are treated as rows and stacked horizontally.
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
1 1 5 3 4 5
2 6 6 5 6 8
3 7 8 8 10 9
4 8 10 9 11 12
How may I stack a, b, c and d such that price consists of only one column ("V1") that contains all twenty responses? (The unique part I can handle separately afterwards).
2) Overall Objective: The Bigger Picture
Ultimately, I want to create a cumulative share of population for each price (too cheap, bargain, expensive, too expensive) at each price point (defined by the unique values described above). For example, what percentage of respondents felt $1 was too cheap, what percentage felt $3 or less was too cheap, etc.
The cumulative shares for bargain and expensive are later inverted to become not.bargain and not.expensive and the four vectors reside in a data frame like this:
buckets too.cheap not.bargain not.expensive too.expensive
1 0.01 to 0.50 0.000000000 1 1 0
2 0.51 to 1.00 0.000000000 1 1 0
3 1.01 to 1.50 0.000000000 1 1 0
4 1.51 to 2.00 0.000000000 1 1 0
5 2.01 to 2.50 0.001041667 1 1 0
6 2.51 to 3.00 0.001041667 1 1 0
from which I may plot something that looks like this:
Above, I accomplished my plotting objective using defined price buckets ($0.50 ranges) and the hist() function.
However, the intersections of these lines have meanings and I want to calculate the exact price at which any of the lines cross. This is difficult when the x-axis is defined by price range buckets instead of a specific value; hence the desire to switch to exact values and the need to generate the unique price variable.
[Postscript: This analysis is based on Peter Van Westendorp's Price Sensitivity Meter (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Westendorp%27s_Price_Sensitivity_Meter) which has known practical limitations but is relevant in the context of my research which will explore consumer perceptions of value under different treatments rather than defining an actual real-world price. I mention this for two reasons 1) to provide greater insight into my objective in case another approach comes to mind, and 2) to keep the thread focused on the mechanics rather than whether or not the Price Sensitivity Meter should be used.]
We can unlist the data.frame to a vector and get the sorted unique elements
When we do an rbind, it creates a matrix and unique of matrix calls the unique.matrix
#[1] unique.array unique.bibentry* unique.data.frame unique.data.table* unique.default unique.IDate* unique.ITime*
#[8] unique.matrix unique.numeric_version unique.POSIXlt unique.warnings
which loops through the rows as the default MARGIN is 1 and then looks for unique elements. Instead, if we use the 'price', either as.vector or c(price) converts into vector
#[1] 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
If we use unique.default
#[1] 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Countifs in SAS

I have a SAS dataset with 3 columns. A FirmIndex, a ProducIndex and a third column called PrChange. Within each FirmIndex & ProductIndex group I want to count how many PrChange are different from . and from 0, and add that to a column called Number. Then I want to divide that column Number by the number of observations within each group which are not ..
Below an example of the dataset and desired output.
data prod;
input firmindex productindex PrChange Number Fract;
1 1 . 1 0.250
1 1 0.00 1 0.250
1 1 0.00 1 0.250
1 1 -0.40 1 0.250
1 1 0.00 1 0.250
1 2 . 2 1.000
1 2 1.00 2 1.000
1 2 0.30 2 1.000
1 3 . 4 0.800
1 3 0.70 4 0.800
1 3 1.00 4 0.800
1 3 0.70 4 0.800
1 3 0.00 4 0.800
1 3 -0.30 4 0.800
1 4 . 5 1.000
1 4 0.20 5 1.000
1 4 -1.00 5 1.000
1 4 -0.90 5 1.000
1 4 -0.50 5 1.000
1 4 1.00 5 1.000
2 1 . 2 1.000
2 1 0.30 2 1.000
2 1 -0.50 2 1.000
2 2 . 5 0.714
2 2 0.30 5 0.714
2 2 0.10 5 0.714
2 2 0.00 5 0.714
2 2 0.00 5 0.714
2 2 0.80 5 0.714
2 2 -0.20 5 0.714
2 2 0.40 5 0.714
2 3 . 1 1.000
2 3 0.60 1 1.000
2 4 . 5 0.714
2 4 -1.00 5 0.714
2 4 0.80 5 0.714
2 4 -0.20 5 0.714
2 4 0.00 5 0.714
2 4 0.00 5 0.714
2 4 -0.70 5 0.714
2 4 0.90 5 0.714
2 5 . 3 1.000
2 5 0.90 3 1.000
2 5 -0.70 3 1.000
2 5 -0.50 3 1.000
Here is what I tried to generate the column number, but it is not working:
data work.prod;
set work.prod;
by firmindex productindex;
if first.productindex or first.firmindex then sum = 0;
else if PrChange ne 0 and PrChange ne .;
sum = sum + 1;
Your problem here is that you need the number to divide by prior to running the rows of data. This is where SAS is different from Excel; SAS is row-based, meaning it takes your code and runs it against each row of data (more or less) one at a time, rather than dynamically looking at every cell from every other cell (like Excel). Much faster and more efficient but less flexible for stuff like this.
Your particular question begs for a DoW loop. This takes over the normal data step loop and performs its own loop - twice. Once to calculate the number/fract values, then once to copy those to the BY group. Note I only check for last.productIndex; last/first transitions are always set on a second by variable when they're true for the first by variable.
Here we do the first loop once for the first set of values( the first 5 records) then we re-loop through the same 5 records. Then for the next 3. Etc. Each time the two loops take the same number of rows so they always stay in sync.
data want;
do _n_ = 1 by 1 until (last.productIndex);
set have;
by firmindex productindex;
number_denom = sum(number_Denom,not missing(PrChange));
number = sum(number, not (PrChange in (.,0)));
fract = number/number_denom;
do _n_ = 1 by 1 until (last.productIndex);
set have;
by firmindex productindex;
I'm going to give the IML answer that I'm able to give. Rick or someone else more IML-savvy probably can do better than this. In R or other matrix language I think this would be much easier, but I don't have the IML chops to do this without looping; maybe it's possible.
proc iml;
use have;
read all var _all_ into h;
u = h[uniqueby(h,1:2), 1:2]; *generate the "unique" categories for the first two columns;
v = j(nrow(h),5); *generate a matrix to save this into;
v[,1:3] = h; *start it out with the first three columns of the dataset;
do i = 1 to nrow(u); *iterate over the unique category matrix;
number = ncol(loc(h[loc((h[,1:2] = u[i,1:2])[,#]),3]));
*the inner LOC produces a two column 1/0 matrix with match 1 / nomatch 0 for each col
then reduce to 1 column via subscript reduction product, to get correct 1/0 match vector
the outer LOC takes the rows of h from that (so rows of h matching u), then returns nonzero/nonmissing
which then ncol summarizes into a count;
fract_denom = ncol(loc(h[loc((h[,1:2] = u[i,1:2])[,#]),3] ^= .));
*similar, but here we have to verify they are not missing explicitly, considering 0 valid;
v[loc((v[,1:2] = u[i,1:2])[,#]),4] = number; *assign to col4 of V;
v[loc((v[,1:2] = u[i,1:2])[,#]),5] = number/fract_denom; *assign to col5 of V;
print v;
This uses the unique-loc method, more or less, with some modifications; probably is an easier way to get the matches.
A SQL in SAS solution - Parfait's is probably the better one overall, but SAS's willingness to remerge makes the SASsy solution a bit simpler.
proc sql;
create table want as
select firmindex, productindex, prchange,
sum (not (prchange in (0,.))) as number,
calculated number / (sum ( not missing(prchange))) as fract
from have
group by firmindex, productindex;
SAS will do the grouping/counting/etc. and then merge back to the original dataset with no problem, skipping the need for correlated subqueries. NOT standard SQL, but quite common in SAS nonetheless.
Consider proc sql using conditional CASE WHEN correlated subqueries:
proc sql;
create table ProdChangeCount as
SELECT p.firmindex, p.productindex,
(SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN sub.PrChange ^= . AND sub.PrChange ^= 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
FROM Prod sub
WHERE sub.firmindex = p.firmindex
AND sub.productindex = p.productindex) AS Number,
(SELECT Count(*)
FROM Prod sub
WHERE sub.PrChange ^= .
AND sub.firmindex = p.firmindex
AND sub.productindex = p.productindex) AS Frac
FROM Prod p;

R - conditional cumsum using multiple columns

I'm new to stackoverflow So I hope I post my question in the right format. I have a test dataset with three columns where rank is the ranking of a cell, Esvalue is the value of a cell and zoneID is an area identifier(Note! in the real dataset I have up to 40.000 zoneIDs)
rank Esvalue zoneID
0.1 10 1
0.2 9 2
0.3 8 1
0.4 7 2
0.5 6 1
0.6 5 2
0.7 4 1
0.8 3 2
0.9 2 1
1.0 1 2
I want to calculate the following:
% ES value <- For each rank, including all lower ranks, the cumulative % share of the total ES value relative to the ES value of all zones
% ES value zone <- For each rank, including all lower ranks, the cumulative % share of the total Esvalue relative to the ESvalue of a zoneID for each zone. I tried this now using mutate and using dplyr. Both so far only give me the cumulative sum, not the share. In the end this will generate a variable for each zoneID
df %>%
mutate(cA=cumsum(ifelse(!is.na(zoneID) & zoneID==1,Esvalue,0))) %>%
mutate(cB=cumsum(ifelse(!is.na(zoneID) & zoneID==2,Esvalue,0)))
These two variables I want to combine by
1) calculating the abs difference between the two for all the zoneIDs
2) for each rank calculate the mean of the absolute difference over all zoneIDs
In the end the final output should look like:
rank Esvalue zoneID mean_abs_diff
0.1 10 1 0.16666667
0.2 9 2 0.01333333
0.3 8 1 0.12000000
0.4 7 2 0.02000000
0.5 6 1 0.08000000
0.6 5 2 0.02000000
0.7 4 1 0.04666667
0.8 3 2 0.01333333
0.9 2 1 0.02000000
1.0 1 2 0.00000000
Now I created the last using some intermediate steps in Excel but my final dataset will be way too big to be handled by Excel. Any advice on how to proceed would be appreciated
