Pega: How do I use Connect-File method? - pega

I want to create a text file on Pega local system and write some content in it. For that i am using Connect-File method. I have a parameter to specify there, "destination path". I don't know what destination path to give because the environment that I am using i don't know in which server it is hosted. When i give, "/tmp", it says it is not an absolute path. Any clue ?

Do you know which OS is running on the server Pega is running on? It it is Unix / Linux a path like
is an absolute path. According to the PDN article on a windows system the path should be like
Do you get an error when saving the rule or later when executing the Connect-File? If the error occurs while executing, maybe you forgot to provide a filename as parameter.


Unable to use correct file paths in R/RStudio

Disclaimer: I am very new here.
I am trying to learn R via RStudio through a tutorial and very early have encountered an extremely frustrating issue: when I am trying to use the read.table function, the program consistently reads my files (written as "~/Desktop/R/FILENAME") as going through the path "C:/Users/Chris/Documents/Desktop/R/FILENAME". Note that the program is considering my Desktop folder to be through my documents folder, which is preventing me from reading any files. I have already set and re-set my working directory multiple times and even re-downloaded R and RStudio and I still encounter this error.
When I enter the entire file path instead of using the "~" shortcut, the program is successfully able to access the files, but I don't want to have to type out the full file path every single time I need to access a file.
Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Is there any further internal issue with how my computer is viewing the desktop in relation to my other files?
I've attached a pic.
Chris L.
The ~ will tell R to look in your default directory, which in Windows is your Documents folder, this is why you are getting this error. You can change the default directory in the RStudio settings or your R profile. It just depends on how you want to set up your project. For example:
Put all the files in the working directory (getwd() will tell you the working directory for the project). Then you can just call the files with the filename, and you will get tab completion (awesome!). You can change the working directory with setwd(), but remember to use the full path not just ~/XX. This might be the easiest for you if you want to minimise typing.
If you use a lot of scripts, or work on multiple computers or cross-platform, the above solution isn't quite as good. In this situation, you can keep all your files in a base directory, and then in your script use the file.path function to construct the paths:
base_dir <- 'C:/Desktop/R/'
read.table(file.path(base_dir, "FILENAME"))
I actually keep the base_dir assignemnt as a code snippet in RStudio, so I can easily insert it into scripts and know explicitly what is going on, as opposed to configuring it in RStudio or R profile. There is a conditional in the code snippet which detects the platform and assigns the directory correctly.
When R reports "cannot open the connection" it means either of two things:
The file does not exist at that location - you can verify whether the file is there by pasting the full path echoed back in the error message into windows file manager. Sometimes the error is as simple as an extra subdirectory. (This seems to be the problem with your current code - Windows Desktop is never nested in Documents).
If the file exists at the location, then R does not have permission to access the folder. This requires changing Windows folder permissions to grant R read and write permission to the folder.
In windows, if you launch RStudio from the folder you consider the "project workspace home", then all path references can use the dot as "relative to workspace home", e.g. "./data/inputfile.csv"

Error 80004005: how to troubleshoot this?

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '\\att2008\att2000.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.
/functions.asp, line 36
There is still a lot of detail missing to tell you definitively what the issue is, but try this anyway:
the single backslash at the start of your UNC path is wrong, it needs to be a double backslash: \\
ensure that the next part of the path att2008 is a valid share, not just a regular file system folder
ensure that the credentials/identity that the ASP.NET process is running under has permissions to modify the mdb file
use a tool like ProcessMon to determine if another process is holding a lock on the mdb file

CFileFind::FindFile and network paths

I have a dll that opens a file for processing. It attempts to find the file with FindFile() function. I also have a service that calls the dll and here is the problem - when the path to the file is a network path, FindFile() fails to find it but only when called from the service, if I call it directly from my application it finds the file. I'm sure the FindFile() function gets the same parameters in both cases as I write a log file with it. Parameter looks like this:
I know this is 6 months after the question, but I figured I'd answer it anyway ... Usually, it is a permissions thing. If the service does not have access to the network folder, then it won't find anything. Many services run as a local system account by default, and that account doesn't have built-in access to network files. So try making sure the service is running as an account that has access to the network folder in question. writing server side file

Needed to write a server text file as the output of a business process initiated by app.
The text file writing code is in a library file using standard stream code
All worked OK in IDE.
Publish and it falls over trying to write file. IIS is reluctant to write to the file system.
Much rummaging around and hair pulling finally led to a solution. It is not pretty and only applicable in a situation where you have control over the Webserver.
Just saw your answer.
It doesn't need to be inside your inetpub or wwwroot directory for that matter, it could be anywhere, as long as security permissions are set correctly for the user under which the application is running as.
But this is actually desired. If not just imagine the consequences of allowing write access anywhere.
Also, there's no need for the virtual directory. You could create a directory like C:\ProcessOutput, and grant permissions accordingly and it should work just fine.
Another option, would be to have a service account created, and impersonate as that user within your application only for when you need to write that output file.
Solution was:
Create a physical directory on the webserver with the physical path of:
Make a virtual directory that points at the directory.
Using windows explorer give write permission to the physical directory to IIS_IUSRS.
Use a physical path of c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mywebapp\myOutputFileDirectory in your Streamwriter code
Maybe the virtual path could point to somewhere more sensible across the LAN if you get the security sorted but I am sufficiently battered to accept this small crumb with gratitude.

ASP.NET File IO Issue - System.UnauthorizedAccessException - stranger than you think

I am getting a strange issue where I seem to have read access, because I can
1. Get a list of files from a directory (Directory.GetFiles())
2. Load an XML document using XmlDocument instance's Load() method
But I can't use File.ReadAllText() to load a text file into memory. Gives me an System.UnauthorizedAccessException. I am not even trying to read from a network directory, just a local one. I've also used System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name to check the working user which is [CompanyDomain]/[MyUserName] and this user has full access to the directory I am using. I've also checked that the directory actually exists.
My environment
1. Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
2. Visual Studio 2008
3. Just using the built in web server that launches every time i run the project.
Note: I couldn't find the IUSR_MACHINENAME user on this machine.
Any idea what steps I should take next?
One thing to assert:
the file that can be Xml Load()-ed is the very same file that cannot be ReadAlText()-ed ?
When things get odd like this, I found that turning auditing on, at the level of the directory or even of the file, often ends up pointing me towards a proper diagnostic and hence resolving the issue.
Also: In looking online reference for ReadAllText() I noted that (oddly, I think), this exception can be caused by:
path specified a file that is read-only.
Not sure why write access should be sought by this apparent read-only operation, but, maybe just try to make the file r/w-able.
<identity impersonate="true" />
