Calculating yearly growth-rates from quarterly, long form data in r - r

My data takes the following form:
df <- data.frame(Sector=c(rep("A",8),rep("B",8)), Country = c(rep("USA", 16)),
df2 <- data.frame(Sector=c(rep("A",8),rep("B",8)), Country = c(rep("UK", 16)),
df <- rbind(df, df2)
What I want to do is to calculate the growth rate from the first quarter each year to the first quarter the second year, within country and sector. In the example above it would be the growth rate from quarter 1 to quarter 5. So for Sector A, in the USA, it would be (24/20)-1=0.2
I then want to append this data to the dataframe as a new column.
I looked at the solutions in:
How calculate growth rate in long format data frame?
But didn't have the r-skills to get it to work if the lag is more then one time-unit. Any suggestions?
So what i want is the growth-rate, that is (24/20)-1=0.2 in the example below. Not 1-(24/20), which I first wrote. The desired output should look something like this:
Sector Country Quarter Income growth
(fctr) (fctr) (int) (int) (dbl)
1 A USA 1 20 NA
2 A USA 2 21 NA
3 A USA 3 22 NA
4 A USA 4 23 NA
5 A USA 5 24 0.2
6 A USA 6 25 0.1904
7 A USA 7 26 0.1818

I think you need something like this:
df %>%
#group by sector and country
group_by(Sector, Country) %>%
#calculate growth as (quarter / 5-period-lagged quarter) - 1
mutate(growth = Income / lag(Income, 4) - 1)
Source: local data frame [32 x 5]
Groups: Sector, Country [4]
Sector Country Quarter Income growth
(fctr) (fctr) (int) (int) (dbl)
1 A USA 1 20 NA
2 A USA 2 21 NA
3 A USA 3 22 NA
4 A USA 4 23 NA
5 A USA 5 24 0.2000000
6 A USA 6 25 0.1904762
7 A USA 7 26 0.1818182
8 A USA 8 27 0.1739130
9 B USA 1 28 NA
10 B USA 2 29 NA
.. ... ... ... ... ...

df3 = copy(df)
df3$Quarter = df3$Quarter - 4
df = merge(df,df3,c('Sector','Country','Quarter'), suffixes = c('','_prev'), all.x = T)
df$growth = 1 - (df$Income_prev/df$Income
> df
Sector Country Quarter Income Income_prev growth
1 A USA 1 20 24 -4
2 A USA 2 21 25 -4
3 A USA 3 22 26 -4
4 A USA 4 23 27 -4
5 A USA 5 24 NA NA
6 A USA 6 25 NA NA
7 A USA 7 26 NA NA
8 A USA 8 27 NA NA
9 A UK 1 32 36 -4
10 A UK 2 33 37 -4
11 A UK 3 34 38 -4
12 A UK 4 35 39 -4
13 A UK 5 36 NA NA
14 A UK 6 37 NA NA
15 A UK 7 38 NA NA
16 A UK 8 39 NA NA
17 B USA 1 28 32 -4
18 B USA 2 29 33 -4
19 B USA 3 30 34 -4
20 B USA 4 31 35 -4
21 B USA 5 32 NA NA
22 B USA 6 33 NA NA
23 B USA 7 34 NA NA
24 B USA 8 35 NA NA
25 B UK 1 40 44 -4
26 B UK 2 41 45 -4
27 B UK 3 42 46 -4
28 B UK 4 43 47 -4
29 B UK 5 44 NA NA
30 B UK 6 45 NA NA
31 B UK 7 46 NA NA
32 B UK 8 47 NA NA


Dividing a column cell with a different number based on number of observations in a panel long format

I have the following data which is of a panel structure. I need to normalize each cell so that the observation for a country is divided by total number of observations for that country divided by total number of observations in the panel structure (here 10 - in my data 1100). Also I have showcased three countries (AL, UK, FR) but I have 92 in total so I need some general formula (mutate: by = country?).
This is my data
df1 <- data_frame(Country =
Obs = c(NA,NA,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,NA,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,4,NA))
Country Obs
<chr> <dbl>
3 AL 2
4 AL 3
5 AL 2
6 AL 3
7 AL 2
8 AL 3
9 AL 2
10 AL NA
11 UK 1
12 UK 2
13 UK 1
14 UK 2
15 UK 1
16 UK 2
17 UK 1
18 UK 2
19 UK 1
20 UK 2
21 FR NA
22 FR NA
23 FR NA
24 FR NA
25 FR NA
26 FR NA
27 FR NA
28 FR NA
29 FR 4
30 FR NA
Now, what I want is to divide each cell with number of observations available for each country / total obs like so,
df2 <- data_frame(Country =
Obs = c(NA,NA,2*7/10,3*7/10,2*7/10,3*7/10,2*7/10,3*7/10,2*7/10,
Country Obs
<chr> <dbl>
3 AL 1.4
4 AL 3.7
5 AL 2.7
6 AL 3.7
7 AL 2.7
8 AL 3.7
9 AL 2.7
10 AL NA
11 UK 1
12 UK 2
13 UK 1
14 UK 2
15 UK 1
16 UK 2
17 UK 1
18 UK 2
19 UK 1
20 UK 2
21 FR NA
22 FR NA
23 FR NA
24 FR NA
25 FR NA
26 FR NA
27 FR NA
28 FR NA
29 FR 0.4
30 FR NA
I am interested in solving the problem obviously BUT I would really really appreciate it if you could show me how to do this for multiple columns as my original data needs this same operation done for many columns where the country tickers (AL, UK, FR in example) remains the same.
You can do :
df1 %>%
group_by(Country) %>%
mutate(Obs = Obs * sum(! %>%
# Country Obs
# <chr> <dbl>
# 1 AL NA
# 2 AL NA
# 3 AL 1.4
# 4 AL 2.1
# 5 AL 1.4
# 6 AL 2.1
# 7 AL 1.4
# 8 AL 2.1
# 9 AL 1.4
#10 AL NA
# … with 20 more rows
sum(! counts number of non-NA values in the Country whereas n() gives the number of rows for the Country.
For multiple columns -
df1 %>%
group_by(Country) %>%
mutate(across(col1:col4, ~. * sum(! %>%
This will be applied to col1 to col4 in your dataframe.
Using data.table
setDT(df1)[, Obs := Obs * mean(!, County]
Or using dplyr
df1 %>%
group_by(Country) %>%
mutate(Obs = Obs * mean(!

Count number of instances above a varying threshold

I have the 0.95 percentile threshold for temperature for each country. In the example below a week is 4 days. I want to count in a new vector/single-column-dataframe how many days each individual country's temperature is over that country's threshold on a weekly basis.
The country 95% percentile temperatures are:
q95 <- c(26,21,22,20,23)
DailyTempCountry <- data.frame(Date = c("W1D1","W1D2","W1D3","W1D4","W2D1","W2D2","W2D3","W2D4",
Country = c("AL","AL", "AL", "AL","AL","AL", "AL", "AL",
"BE","BE", "BE", "BE", "BE","BE", "BE", "BE",
"CA","CA", "CA", "CA","CA","CA", "CA", "CA",
"DE","DE", "DE", "DE","DE","DE", "DE", "DE",
"UK","UK", "UK", "UK","UK","UK", "UK", "UK"),
DailyTemp = c(27,25,20,22,20,20,27,27,
Date Country DailyTemp
1 W1D1 AL 27
2 W1D2 AL 25
3 W1D3 AL 20
4 W1D4 AL 22
5 W2D1 AL 20
6 W2D2 AL 20
7 W2D3 AL 27
8 W2D4 AL 27
9 W1D1 BE 24
10 W1D2 BE 22
11 W1D3 BE 23
12 W1D4 BE 18
13 W2D1 BE 17
14 W2D2 BE 19
15 W2D3 BE 20
16 W2D4 BE 16
17 W1D1 CA 23
18 W1D2 CA 23
19 W1D3 CA 23
20 W1D4 CA 23
21 W2D1 CA 27
22 W2D2 CA 26
23 W2D3 CA 20
24 W2D4 CA 26
25 W1D1 DE 19
26 W1D2 DE 18
27 W1D3 DE 17
28 W1D4 DE 19
29 W2D1 DE 16
30 W2D2 DE 15
31 W2D3 DE 19
32 W2D4 DE 18
33 W1D1 UK 20
34 W1D2 UK 24
35 W1D3 UK 24
36 W1D4 UK 20
37 W2D1 UK 19
38 W2D2 UK 25
39 W2D3 UK 19
40 W2D4 UK 25
What I want is a vector/column that counts the number of days in that week above the country's threshold like this:
DaysInWeekAboveQ95 <- c(1,2,3,0,4,3,0,0,2,2)
df_right <- data.frame(Week = c("W1","W2","W1","W2","W1","W2","W1","W2","W1","W2"),
DaysInWeekAboveQ95 = c(1,2,3,0,4,3,0,0,2,2))
Week DaysInWeekAboveQ95
1 W1 1
2 W2 2
3 W1 3
4 W2 0
5 W1 4
6 W2 3
7 W1 0
8 W2 0
9 W1 2
10 W2 2
The q95% vector was
q95 <- c(26,21,22,20,23)
so in the first week AL have 1 instance above its threshold value 26. UK have 2 instances above 23 (UK's threshold) in the second week. And so for every country and every week.
I handled a similar problem but where the threshold did not vary by country but was just a constant 30 degrees (where I divide by 7 because seven days in week)
DaysAbove30perWeek <-$value > 30,
Maybe a solution is to loop over countries? However, I can't figure out how to incorporate the specific loop. Other solutions are welcome.
In revised scenario you also need calculating a new column for week too
q95 <- c(26,21,22,20,23)
c_q95 <- data.frame(Country = unique(DailyTempCountry$Country),
threshold = q95)
DailyTempCountry %>% left_join(c_q95, by = 'Country') %>%
group_by(Country, Week = substr(Date, 1, 2)) %>%
summarise(days = sum(DailyTemp > threshold), .groups = 'drop')
# A tibble: 10 x 3
Country Week days
<chr> <chr> <int>
1 AL W1 1
2 AL W2 2
3 BE W1 3
4 BE W2 0
5 CA W1 4
6 CA W2 3
7 DE W1 0
8 DE W2 0
9 UK W1 2
10 UK W2 2
Created on 2021-05-05 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)
OP has asked that date variable is in some different format than given in sample data
time <- as.character(20000101:20000130)
> time
[1] "20000101" "20000102" "20000103" "20000104" "20000105" "20000106" "20000107" "20000108" "20000109" "20000110"
[11] "20000111" "20000112" "20000113" "20000114" "20000115" "20000116" "20000117" "20000118" "20000119" "20000120"
[21] "20000121" "20000122" "20000123" "20000124" "20000125" "20000126" "20000127" "20000128" "20000129" "20000130"
time <- ymd(time)
# Either ISO week
# or week
> isoweek(time)
[1] 52 52 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
> # or week
> week(time)
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5
time <- ymd(time)

apply hpfilter to grouped variables with NAs using dplyr

I am trying to apply the hpfilter to one of the variables in my dataset that has a panel structure (id + year) and then add the filtered series to my dataset. It works perfectly fine as long as I do not have any NAs in one of the variables, but it yields an error if one of the ids has missing values. The reason for this is that the hpfilter function does not work with NAs (it yields only NAs).
Here's a reproducible example:
df1 <- read.table(text="country year X1 X2 W
A 1990 10 20 40
A 1991 12 15 NA
A 1992 14 17 41
A 1993 17 NA 44
B 1990 20 NA 45
B 1991 NA 13 61
B 1992 12 12 67
B 1993 14 10 68
C 1990 10 20 70
C 1991 11 14 50
C 1992 12 15 NA
C 1993 14 16 NA
D 1990 20 17 80
D 1991 16 20 91
D 1992 15 21 70
D 1993 14 22 69
", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
My approach was to use the dplyr group_by function to apply the hpfilter by country to variable X1:
# Organizing the Data as a Panel
df1 <- pdata.frame(df1, index = c("country","year"))
# Apply hpfilter to X1 and add trend to the sample
df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(country) %>% mutate(X1_trend = mFilter::hpfilter(na.exclude(X1), type = "lambda", freq = 6.25)$trend)
However, this yields the following error:
Error in `[[<`(`*tmp*`, col, value = c(11.1695436493374, 12.7688604220353, :
replacement has 15 rows, data has 16
The error occurs because the filtered series is shortened after applying the hp filter (by the NAs).
Since I have a large dataset with many countries it would be really great if there was a workaround, to maybe ignore the NAs when passing the series to the hpfilter, but not removing them. Thank you!
Here is a way to drop NA and calculate trend:
df2 <- df1 %>% group_by(country) %>%
filter(! %>%
pdata.frame(., index = c("country","year")) %>%
mutate(X1_trend = mFilter::hpfilter(X1, type = "lambda", freq = 6.25)$trend)
> df2
country year X1 X2 W X1_trend
1 A 1990 10 20 40 11.16954
2 A 1991 12 15 NA 12.76886
3 A 1992 14 17 41 14.18105
4 A 1993 17 NA 44 15.09597
5 B 1990 20 NA 45 15.17450
6 B 1992 12 12 67 14.38218
7 B 1993 14 10 68 13.45663
8 C 1990 10 20 70 12.75429
9 C 1991 11 14 50 12.71858
10 C 1992 12 15 NA 13.35221
11 C 1993 14 16 NA 14.38293
12 D 1990 20 17 80 15.32211
13 D 1991 16 20 91 15.61990
14 D 1992 15 21 70 15.47486
15 D 1993 14 22 69 15.14639
EDIT: To keep missing values in the final output, we do one more operation:
df3 <- merge(df1,df2, by = colnames(df1),all.x = T)
> df3
country year X1 X2 W X1_trend
1 A 1990 10 20 40 11.16954
2 A 1991 12 15 NA 12.76886
3 A 1992 14 17 41 14.18105
4 A 1993 17 NA 44 15.09597
5 B 1990 20 NA 45 15.17450
6 B 1991 NA 13 61 NA
7 B 1992 12 12 67 14.38218
8 B 1993 14 10 68 13.45663
9 C 1990 10 20 70 12.75429
10 C 1991 11 14 50 12.71858
11 C 1992 12 15 NA 13.35221
12 C 1993 14 16 NA 14.38293
13 D 1990 20 17 80 15.32211
14 D 1991 16 20 91 15.61990
15 D 1992 15 21 70 15.47486
16 D 1993 14 22 69 15.14639

unlist and merge into a single dataframe in r

I have a list of dataframes that I need to be combined into a single one.
I now want to unlist this dataframe and get
> head(df)
year v1 v2
1 1990 1 20
2 1991 2 21
3 1992 3 22
4 1993 4 23
Note that my question is different from the solution provided in a similar question, where the solution to that question was: `df <- ldply(ldf, data.frame)
Because what I am essentially looking for, is a more automatic way of doing this: df<-merge(df1,df2, by="year")
With more number of list elements, a convenient option is reduce with one of the join functions
ldf %>%
reduce(inner_join, by = "year")
# year v1 v2
#1 1990 1 20
#2 1991 2 21
#3 1992 3 22
#4 1993 4 23
#5 1994 5 24
#6 1995 6 25
#7 1996 7 26
#8 1997 8 27
#9 1998 9 28
#10 1999 10 29
#11 2000 11 30
Is there anything wrong with:
df <- merge(ldf[[1]], ldf[[2]], by="year")
Or for a long list:
df1 <- ldf[[1]]
for (x in 2:length(ldf)) {
df1 <- merge(df1, ldf[[x]])
# year v1 v2
# 1 1990 1 20
# 2 1991 2 21
# 3 1992 3 22
# 4 1993 4 23
# 5 1994 5 24
# 6 1995 6 25
# 7 1996 7 26
# 8 1997 8 27
# 9 1998 9 28
# 10 1999 10 29
# 11 2000 11 30

How can I drop observations within a group following the occurrence of NA?

I am trying to clean my data. One of the criteria is that I need an uninterrupted sequence of a variable "assets", but I have some NAs. However, I cannot simply delete the NA observations, but need to delete all subsequent observations following the NA event.
Here an example:
# productreference Year assets
# 1 1 2000 2
# 2 1 2001 3
# 3 1 2002 NA
# 4 1 2003 2
# 5 2 1999 34
# 6 2 2000 NA
# 7 2 2001 45
# 8 3 2005 1
# 9 3 2006 23
# 10 3 2007 34
# 11 3 2008 56
# 12 4 1998 56
# 13 4 1999 67
# 14 4 2000 23
# 15 5 2000 23
# 16 5 2001 NA
# 17 5 2002 14
# 18 5 2003 NA
I have already seen that there is a way to carry out functions by group using plyr and I have also been able to create a column with 0-1, where 0 indicates that assets has a valid entry and 1 highlights missing values of NA.
mydf[c("missing")][[c("missing")])] <- 1
I have a very large data set so cannot manually delete the rows and would greatly appreciate your help!
I believe this is what you want:
group_by(mydf, productreference) %>%
filter(cumsum( == 0)
# Source: local data frame [11 x 3]
# Groups: productreference [5]
# productreference Year assets
# (dbl) (dbl) (dbl)
# 1 1 2000 2
# 2 1 2001 3
# 3 2 1999 34
# 4 3 2005 1
# 5 3 2006 23
# 6 3 2007 34
# 7 3 2008 56
# 8 4 1998 56
# 9 4 1999 67
# 10 4 2000 23
# 11 5 2000 23
Here is the same approach using data.table:
dt <-
dt[,nas:= cumsum(,by="productreference"][nas==0]
# productreference Year assets nas
# 1: 1 2000 2 0
# 2: 1 2001 3 0
# 3: 2 1999 34 0
# 4: 3 2005 1 0
# 5: 3 2006 23 0
# 6: 3 2007 34 0
# 7: 3 2008 56 0
# 8: 4 1998 56 0
# 9: 4 1999 67 0
#10: 4 2000 23 0
#11: 5 2000 23 0
Here is a base R option
mydf[unsplit(lapply(split(mydf, mydf$productreference),
function(x) cumsum($assets))==0), mydf$productreference),]
# productreference Year assets
#1 1 2000 2
#2 1 2001 3
#5 2 1999 34
#8 3 2005 1
#9 3 2006 23
#10 3 2007 34
#11 3 2008 56
#12 4 1998 56
#13 4 1999 67
#14 4 2000 23
#15 5 2000 23
Or an option with data.table
setDT(mydf)[, if(any( .SD[seq(which([1]-1)]
else .SD, by = productreference]
You can do it using base R and a for loop. This code is a bit longer than some of the code in the other answers. In the loop we subset mydf by productreference and for every subset we look for the first occurrence of assets==NA, and exclude that row and all following rows.
mydf2 <- NULL
for (i in 1:max(mydf$productreference)){
s1 <- mydf[mydf$productreference==i,]
s2 <- s1[1:ifelse(all(!$assets)), NROW(s1), min(which($assets)==T))-1),]
mydf2 <- rbind(mydf2, s2)
mydf2 <- mydf2[!$assets),]
