Microsoft Azure wordpress install is not appearing - wordpress

I have set up a second wordpress web app in Microsoft Azure however when i go to the url no wordpress install wizard is appearing. Not sure if this is because i am on a free account that can be used by students or if i have done something wrong? My first web app is still working. Thanks for any help.

It shouldn't have to do with anything about being a student. There is a free tier, and you can make multiple free tiered sites.
You didn't say what appears when you go to the URL though, so it could be any number of errors. Here is a checklist of what I'd go through:
Make sure you are going to the correct new URL
Can you FTP into the new web app, and verify there is WordPress code there? If not, something weird happened in the set up process! Delete the web app and try again, or simply upload WordPress yourself! Can get the files from and upload yourself using FTP
If WordPress code is there... What appears when you go to the URL? If it's an error message, something might have messed up in the install. You can always delete it and remake it to start again. Without knowing the error message, I can't really give more specific advice.
As a side note, did you create a new ClearDB MySQL database? Can you confirm there is a second database on your ClearDB account? If not, that could easily be the problem.
Sorry to give vague answers, but without more specifics to go on not many more details I can give. Except confirm that yes, you should be able to make multiple WordPress sites, so either something has gone wrong or you did something wrong.


When i visit first time on wordpress website, its open another website automatically on first click

When I visit first time on WordPress website, its open another website automatically on first click anywhere, I don't know why its showing this strong text
Of course, it is better to have more details. But if this happened without any actions from your side, I would agree with Michela - it could be some malware on your website.
If you don't know what's going on under the hood, it is hard to cleanup the website completely.
As a first action, I can recommend you to check if your hosting provider have any backups for the website. It is possible that you will be able to restore to the point when the website was clean.
To clean the website by yourself, you can use various Malware Scanner plugins, like Wordfence or other specific. They can check for changes inside Wordpress core or standard repositories + they can check for strange, vulnerable and malicious parts of code. But be careful - if you have some custom code, it is better to check it with the code author.
If you'll be able to cleanup the website, I will highly recommend to go harden the website security. Some classic recommendations may be found in the official documentation -

How to version control with WordPress

I want to set up a system where a developer can work on a separate server on a wordpress website.
My question is: If in the meantime changes are made to the live site (like plugin updates, new plugins, new posts, new comments, etc), how is one able to import a new feature (e.g. a new page) from the development server on the live site while making sure that previous changes on the live site don't get deleted?
I am looking to understand how this all works. In a sense, I would like to have some kind of version control system.
Thanks in advance :)
You can version control your own code using git. Basically we would init a new git repo and commit changes onto this repository. This can lie separately outside of the core files. i.e you only need to include the wp-content directory and ignore all the other core wordpress files.
Here is a good article on how to do a really good versioning system for a website.
The posts and pages (basically content) in a wordpress site however lies in the database.Any changes made there will be permanent.
The only option is to keep taking regular backups of the content. You can do this by using an automated backup tool.
If you really want to version control your database, here is an article that helps:
This one is a tricky one. You cant host a single website on two servers. Just imagine a website having 2 hosted urls..!! No way.. You can never do that.
You better create a new user and give access to him. Look carefully in the settings and be a admin. You will have a chance to approve or reject what the second user changes.
Hope this helps.

Wordpress not reflecting phpMyAdmin database changes unless I log in

this is I think a really unusual case. A little backstory, I outsourced a PSD to WP project a few months ago, but not currently working with the developer anymore as he stopped replying to my support questions. I'm trying to solve this on my own before I give this to the client, as I have no more budget to hire another developer.
I have two problems, first is I couldn't access the WP dashboard even though my login is an admin account. Been trying to solve this through numerous google searches and blog posts but to no avail, I couldn't fix it.
Here goes my main problem: So I finally found a way how to update the content on the site using the phpMyAdmin backend database. (good thing I know HTML CSS)
I managed to update the content, but when I tested the site using incognito window and other profiles / browsers, the changes from phpMyAdmin does not reflect on the site. I tried logging in, and weirdly, the changes are there. I log out, changes are there.
I just find it really weird and a hassle that I have to log in to see those changes. It's a client facing site, and the changes are really important so I hope someone has experienced this before and can help me out. Thanks in advance.

DNN Wrong Password Reset link

I have problems when I force reset passwords for my website users.
When I use this option, the next time the user logs in it will be prompted to change the password. My website link is something like this: Server/MyPortal.
When users login instead of taking them to:
They are redirected to:
Which obviously takes them to a 404 not found page because it is missing MyPortal.
Can anyone please shed some light on me and help me to fix this? Thank you very much!
What version of DNN are you on?
I would look at
Are you on the latest version
Are your Portal Aliases configured properly. To tell this, login as a Super User, go to the Admin/Site Settings page for the portal in question, find the Portal Aliases section, I believe that is under the Advanced tab. See if you have a misconfigured alias in there.
Another thing you might check, would be to check the Language files (admin/languages) to see if the password reset email could be modified there to include the proper portal URL. When editing language files in DNN you can edit System, Host, or Site.
You likely want to edit the SITE level if you have other websites running as well. Site level edits will only apply to that individual portal.

can't update concrete5 add ons with this error: Unable to locate this add-on on"

I can't update all the add ons that I have installed, everytime I click that "update plugins" button, I got this error message: "Unable to locate this add-on on" on every plugins that i want to update
At first, I developed the website on my localhost. I connect it to the marketplace from there, so the URL of the project is something like this: locahost/myConcrete5Web,... in the middle of the development, I moved it to a development server. I'm not so sure if the problem appear on this server or not, cause I don't test the update functionality in here. By the way, when googling for the solution of my problem, I found the similarity of the case on this thread ( with the one I have right now. So, just FYI, I do update the concrete5 version on this development server. From 5.5 to 5.6
My client start found the problem on the staging server. He tried to update the plugins and got that error message that I mentioned earlier. He told me and I started to google out for the solution. I found several clue from these pages:
So, I tried to disconnect my website on the staging server by removing the value of MARKETPLACE_SITE_TOKEN & MARKETPLACE_SITE_URL_TOKEN on the database. Nothing changed. Next, I tried to delete the project listed on my concrete5 marketplace account. Turns out the problem getting worse. My concrete5 installatation still says that it is connected to the marketplace. They still show the project URL of the one that I have deleted before.
Now, I have no project listed on my account, when I tried to reconnect to the marketplace, it's show that i have successfully connect my web to concrete5 marketplace with the same project URL that I have deleted before. yet there's still no project listed on my account. Now, regarding the paid add ons, I'm kinda confused right now, where does my paid add on license go with this condition?? Do I still have it?
Anybody know how to resolve this problem?
Please feel free to ask for more clarification, my english is bad and I don't think my message could be understood well enough
Not really sure if this is the correct place to post question like this. I've posted this on concrete5's forum with no response at all. I think this is the kind of issue that should be complained to the concrete5 team. The fault seems to be on how their marketplace work. But unfortunately, AFAIK, they don't give such technical support/bug report for this. So, I hope stackoverflow could help me out.
