How to store encrypted password into LDAP attribute? - encryption

attributetype ( NAME 'Password'
DESC 'user password'
SUP name
I wrote a ldap schema to define an objectClass,before I added an encrypted password to this objectClass with above attribute,it ran without any problem.However,when encrypted password was added in this attribute,something wrong accured:ldap add failed:Invalid syntax
Is SYNTAX do not support encrypted password? How to solve this problem?

I don't know exactly what your understanding of an "encrypted" password is, but if it means that you're trying to add binary data to this attribute, then the SYNTAX definition is not compatible. is a Directory String according to RFC 2252:
A string in this syntax is encoded in the UTF-8 form of ISO 10646 (a
superset of Unicode). Servers and clients MUST be prepared to
receive encodings of arbitrary Unicode characters, including
characters not presently assigned to any character set.
This does not support arbitrary binary data.


How to handle non-ascii characters in HTTP request header?

In our application, we are sending passwords as part of the header for authentication to our auth service. However, we're running into a situation where users are using non-ascii characters as part of their password, and I found out that non-ascii characters are not supported in HTTP.
What are some approaches to handling this?
You need to encode it in an ASCII compatible format.
Base 64 is such an encoding.
Here is an exemple of how they did it for the HTTP Basic Authentication using Base 64 encoding.
The Authorization field is constructed as follows:
The username and password are combined with a single colon (:). This means that the username itself cannot contain a colon.
The resulting string is encoded into an octet sequence. The character set to use for this encoding is by default unspecified, as long as it is compatible with US-ASCII, but the server may suggest use of UTF-8 by sending the charset parameter.
The resulting string is encoded using a variant of Base64.
The authorization method and a space (e.g. "Basic ") is then prepended to the encoded string.
For example, if the browser uses Aladdin as the username and OpenSesame as the password, then the field's value is the base64-encoding of Aladdin:OpenSesame, or QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l. Then the Authorization header will appear as:
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l
So let's say your password is ǁǂǃDŽDždžLJLjljNJNjnjǍǎǏǐǑǒǓǔǕǖǗǘǙǚǛǜǝǞǟ, which cannot be represented using the ASCII charset.
Here is some pseudo code showing you how to do it
var password = 'ǁǂǃDŽDždžLJLjljNJNjnjǍǎǏǐǑǒǓǔǕǖǗǘǙǚǛǜǝǞǟ'
var base64EncodedPassword = base64Encode(password)
var httpHeader = new HttpHeader('Password', base64EncodedPassword)
And it would results in the following header. Represented using only ASCII char
Password: x4HHgseDx4THhceGx4fHiMeJx4rHi8eMx43HjsePx5DHkceSx5PHlMeVx5bHl8eYx5nHmsebx5zHnceex58=

Basic Access Authentication: Encoding of ':' and non-ASCII code points

For the base64-user-pass value in the Authorization header, is there a standard/de facto way to base64-encode usernames and passwords which contain code points which don't fit into an OCTET, or usernames which contain a colon (which is explicitly prohibited by RFC 2617)?
1) Yes, but only proposed and not implemented (AFAIK):
2) No.

User info in URI without password

I know that URI supports the following syntax:
When there is no password or if the password is empty, is there a colon?
In other words, should I accept this:
Or this:
Or are they both valid?
The current URI standard (STD 66) is RFC 3986, and the relevant section is 3.2.1. User Information.
There it’s defined that the userinfo subcomponent (which gets followed by #) can contain any combination of
the character :,
percent-encoded characters, and
characters from the sets unreserved and sub-delims.
So this means that both of your examples are valid.
However, note that the format user:password is deprecated. Anyway, they give recommendations how applications should handle such URIs, i.e., everything after the first : character should not be displayed by applications, unless
the data after the colon is the empty string (indicating no password).
So according to this recommendation, the userinfo subcomponent user: indicates that there is the username "user" and no password.
This is more like convenience and both are valid. I would go with http://[user]#[domain.tld] (and prompt for a password.) because it's simple and not ambiguous. It does not give any chance for user to think if he has to add anything after :

Parsing a HTTP Basic authentication with an email containing a colon character ( ':' )

I'm using the Authorization header with the Basic type for authentication.
I'm following the HTTP Basic authentication specifications which states that the credentials should follow this form -> userIdentifier:password encoded in base64
We are using an email as the user identifier and according to the email format specification, the colon(':') character is permitted.
The colon(':') is also a valid character in the password.
Knowing this, I'm looking for a creative way to parse the credentials part of the header that uses a colon(':') as the separator between userID and password.
In this case it's simple ->
This is where it gets complicated -> is a valid email according to the email format specification even though this is not used very often. So where do I know where to split ?
We have made the decision not to accept an email containing a ':'. But we want to notify the user that his email is not valid, how can we ensure that we are splitting the string at the right place ?
Hope I asked my question in a clear manner, don't hesitate to ask for more details
Thank you
Don’t notify the user that the email is invalid. Split according to the RFC 2617 rules (everything after the first colon is the password), then try to authenticate, fail, and return a generic “authentication failure” message.
A situation where has password secret and has password 80:secret at the same time, seems unrealistic.
If you require your users to register, you probably do it with some other mechanism (forms?) where you can easily separate the username and tell that it is invalid.

.Net Uri Encoding RFC 2396 vs RFC 3986

First, some quick background... As part of an integration with a third party vendor, I have a C# .Net web application that receives a URL with a bunch of information in the query string. That URL is signed with an MD5 hash and a shared secret key. Basically, I pull in the query string, remove their hash, perform my own hash on the remaining query string, and make sure mine matches the one that was supplied.
I'm retrieving the Uri in the following way...
Uri uriFromVendor = new Uri(Request.Url.ToString());
string queryFromVendor = uriFromVendor.Query.Substring(1); //Substring to remove question mark
My issue is stemming from query strings that contain special characters like an umlaut (ü). The vendor is calculating their hash based on the RFC 2396 representation which is %FC. My C# .Net app is calculating it's hash based on the RFC 3986 representation which is %C3%BC. Needless to say, our hashes don't match, and I throw my errors.
Strangely, the documentation for the Uri class in .Net says that it should follow RFC 2396 unless otherwise set to RFC 3986, but I don't have the entry in my web.config file that they say is required for this behavior.
How can I force the Uri constructor to use the RFC 2396 convention?
Failing that, is there an easy way to convert the RFC 3986 octet pairs to RFC 2396 octets?
Nothing to do with your question, but why are you creating a new Uri here? You can just do string queryFromVendor = Request.Url.Query.Substring(1); – atticae
+1 for atticae! I went back to try removing the extraneous Uri I was creating and suddenly, the string had the umlaut encoded as UTF-8 instead of UTF-16.
At first, I didn't think this would work. Somewhere along the line, I had tried retrieving the url using Request.QueryString, but this was causing the umlaut to come through as %ufffd which is the � character. In the interest of taking a fresh perspective, I tried atticae's suggestion and it worked.
I'm pretty sure the answer has to do with something I read here.
C# uses UTF-16 in all its strings, with tools to encode when it comes to dealing with streams and files that bring us onto...
ASP.NET uses UTF-8 by default, and it's hard to think of a time when it isn't a good choice...
My problems stemmed from here...
Uri uriFromVendor = new Uri(Request.Url.ToString());
By taking the Request.Url uri and creating another uri, it was encoding as the C# standard UTF-16. By using the original uri, it remained in the .Net standard UTF-8.
Thanks to all for your help.
I'm wondering if this is a bit of a red herring:
I say this because FC is the UTF16 representation of the u with umlaut; C2BC is the UTF8 representation.
I wonder if one of the System.Text.Encoding methods to convert the source data into a normal .Net string might help.
This question might be of interest too: Encode and Decode rfc2396 URLs
I don't know about the standard encoding for Uri constructors, but if everything else fails you could always decode the URL yourself and encode it in whatever encoding you like.
The HttpUtility-Class has an UrlDecode() and UrlEncode() method, which lets you specify the System.Text.Encoding as second parameter.
For example:
string decodedQueryString = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Url.Query.Substring(1));
string encodedQueryString = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(decodedQueryString, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-16"));
// calc hash here
